Right first up it’s my brief’s idea I go myself otherwise it will add a king’s ransom onto the thousands I have alreadt racked up.
I see kids every other weekend, pick up from home (or some beer garden) Friday afternoon take back Sunday 7:30pm. Never late always go where she wants to have them picked up from. I have tried several proposals for midweek access, all rejected. Mainly on the grounds they’re too tired when they’ve been with you or it’s not worth you having them for a few hours of an evening. Ideally I would like to have them over Mon & Thurs nights on the week I don’t see them and take back at 7am in morning. My job starts at 7:30am can’t change it.
I think she can’t be arsed to get up early and am sure she knows it will affect the maintainance.
I’m in court next month, just wanted a few experiences that’s all.
When I get into court will I have chance to put m proposals across or will the beak just say this is how it works Blah Blah?