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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • fizik
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    Edit: Addisons really isnt something you want missed – can you not go to a&e? I have got Addisons, had it since I was 21 and I am now 36. It took nearly a year from symptoms starting to actually getting diagnose (despite many trips to the GP’s) – luckily a locum docter eventually sent me to a&e and it ended up being a very close call! I had lost around 20kg and couldnt walk by this point I was immediately pumped full of hydrocortisone via iv for a few days and then transitioned over to oral meds (fludrocortisone and hydrocortisone) they did swap me to predisnolone for a while (which gave me alot of stretch marks) but swapped back to hydrocortisone as it was “less synthetic” and more like a natural replacement to what my body could no longer produce. Once I was diagnosed it took the doctors a while for me to get the right dosage of hydrocortisone but now sorted I pretty much live a normal life and have been able to do a fair bit of cycling and maintained fitness, I dont think addisons has held me back sports wise. Carrying extra pills and the injection kit is a pain but I have never had to inject luckily. I don’t take many supplements other than vit d and calcium, my bones seem to be fine when checked and I am on quite a high dose (double the average).. you will get cramp more easily as I can’t store salt but its easy to keep ontop of with salty snacks or adding a bit of salt, sugar and squash to your bottle when cycling. Also you need to be aware of sickness and stomach bugs, I have been to hospital a couple of times when unable to keep meds in, but only a handful of times. Hope you get sorted out soon

    Free Member

    If you haven’t already purchased a headset, this frame rides fantastic with a -2 degree angleset. I should of really picked one of these frames up at that price as a spare – it will be a sad day if I ever break mine.

    Free Member

    My vitus road bike did this for a while when new (105 brakes and rotors) it was quite scary! I realigned the calipers and it stopped.

    Free Member

    Or just buy a circular saw that is compatible with a guide rail, then you can use either as a standalone saw, or as a tracksaw. I’ve got a bosch 18v saw with their guide rail, it’s spot on.

    Free Member

    I think your roofer will be able to advise how many vents and as above also fitting them closer to the ridge line will improve further particularly if lap vents aren’t an option. I’ve put vents on the front and back elevation of a modest size 3 bed bungalow, none at the ridge line but I haven’t got any noticeable condensation now and the pic system has stopped blowing moist/mouldy air into the house!

    Free Member

    First you need to get a cross flow of air in the loft space – install a couple of those vent tiles onto each elevation as low down as possible and then some lap vents in the membrane (I got a pack of 50 lap vents which were very easy to fit). After I did this my condensation went to zero. If you have a properly ventilated loft, and can minimise the air leakage back into the loft from below a piv system will then reduce moisture levels in the living spaces and improve air quality. We have a purair one and now that I have properly ventilated the roof it’s made a big difference – just feels a bit cold when stood underneath it!

    Free Member

    With your budget I’d be looking at trying to find a well looked after older shape sprinter. Not all are rust buckets, they drive really well and will do mega miles.

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    I’ve switched to absolute radio, if you sign up adverts are minimised and less bollocks talked. Plus they have multiple stations covering each decade since the 60s.

    Free Member

    I fitted a 1 Deg works headset into my 2016 high latitude. It has an ec 34/44 tapered head tube. Front end is very similar to the tarn (seemingly identical geometry) the tarn is ec34/ec45 is this just a typo? If so if may be possible to run a 1 degree Angleset like me. Ran mine with 130mm forks which left the head angle at 66.5 unsagged. The bike rode much better for it.

    Free Member

    Science does not require belief, quite the opposite.

    Maybe I should have been clearer unless you can prove that a God doesn’t exist then you are choosing to believe that they don’t exist. You may say you know that God doesn’t exist but given how little we know about the universe you can’t categorically rule out the possibility of the existence of a God, (although you can choose to believe based on what you understand that he doesn’t exist) You could legitimately counter this argument by saying you also can’t prove God exists hence you have to accept the possibility that he doesn’t exist, but this is where in faith a relationship with God comes in, which again you could argue is made up or nonsense (sometimes it is, we have all seen how some extremists/nut jobs commit atrocities in the name of their “religion”)

    There are no atheists appointed to the House of Lords purely because of their atheism.
    There are no atheists pushing atheist agendas in law making because of what they don’t believe.
    There are no atheists knocking on people’s doors to talk to people about their lack of belief.
    There are no atheists standing around with megaphones in city high streets polluting the air with how they don’t believe in Allah, Jehova or any other deity.

    Fair enough I will accept that in a general sense as you have described but not everyone believes everything that current scienctific thinking tells us, which is pushed as fact through schools and the media when much of what we supposedly “know” is based on fairly large assumptions being correct, radio carbon dating is a good example of this, which if wrong totally changes the timeline of “evolution” and the coming about of the planet we live on. I am all for well balanced debate and critical thinking that allows people to make up their own minds and agree that one group shouldn’t seek have its views forced on everyone, but getting back to my point I stand by my statement that ultimately everyone has a faith whether that be for or against God.

    Free Member

    Everyone has a belief whether that be science or in a God. No one should force their views on others, and everyone is entitled to their beliefs whatever they may be. You don’t have to agree with someone but you should at least give others the respect for their beliefs that you would expect yourself. Unfortunately the atheists who bang on about having religion forced down their throats don’t seem to realise this works both ways. Live and let live, stop judging everyone by the actions of a few.

    Free Member

    Take the Hippocratic Oath as a guide – First Do No Harm, I don’t see Christianity of delivering on this, at each judgemental step they harm people they judge people against rules that are so far from modern life it’s laughable.
    I’ve known Christians unable to marry in their local church , people shunned for they way they are,people pushed away for not conforming all due to the reading of a badly translated bit of fiction. Call me what you want but I welcome all and respect your right to exist and believe right up until the point it infringes on others(withing legal and actual moral lines) I don’t see the major christian religions abiding by this in the slightest, there is a huge body of evidence showing how they are discriminating, ignoring their own rules and covering shit up as it suits them. The catholic church is one of the worst multinationals out there. Ruthless to obtain a profit and customer base

    So you have met some bad immoral people who identify as Christians, wow that’s a surprise – it’s a good job there arent immoral atheists then! You can’t tar everyone with the same brush, who is being judgemental here? Have you been to every church on the planet? have you seen how some churches actually are very accepting (mine has a good mix of ex cons, addicts etc and there is no judgement on people’s past lives because after all none of us are perfect!) Many are focussed on purely helping people (love Thy neighbour is the greatest commandment) You perhaps need to investigate a little further, you probably wouldn’t need to look too far to find some of these religious organisations are actually doing some good.

    And evolution is just a theory. Show me proof or evidence that slime turned into humans. You could show me evidence that species have adapted to their environment and I will accept that, but that is a long way off evolving entirely new features and a fish becoming a walking warm blooded mammal for example. Yes we have fossils of lots of different species/organisms, none of those prove the transition that would be required so it could be assumed these have always been separate species in their own right (i.e. evolution isn’t true) since there is no actual hard evidence to prove otherwise… Just in the same way you assume evolution is true because again there is no hard evidence to prove otherwise. I don’t have any evidence to suggest that aliens don’t exist but doesn’t mean that they do.

    Free Member

    To be fair evolution is just a theory. There is good documented evidence for adaptation of species, but not evolution which is where a species grows or develops an entirely new characteristic which makes it become a totally different species. Added to the fact that science has only determined
    what around 4 percent of the universe is made of would mean 96 percent is still unknown.. so on that basis it is impossible to rule out whether God exists (unless you can prove what the other 96 percent is made from?). And the argument that ‘well if God exists then who created God?’ (i.e he can’t exist as no one could create him) holds no water since scientist would have us believe that the universe created itself randomly out of nothing, a question Dawkins failed to answer in debate. My point is that God or evolution both involve a degree of faith so we shouldn’t denounce people for believing what they want to believe, whatever it is that they choose to believe. There are many “religious” people who could and do give “religion” a bad name but to the same or greater extent there are many scientists, atheists and evolutionists who would do the same, pol pot, Hitler etc with their views on the master race – I don’t judge every evolutionist based on their atrocities so why then judge every religious person based on the actions of a very small minority? The real issue is intolerance to other people’s views and beliefs and unfortunately for the unbelieving non religious this works both ways, you expect your views to be respected but then don’t show the same respect to anyone who has a different view or opinion- as I have said, everyone ultimately has a faith, whether it be science or religion and everyone is entitled to their faith without having someone else telling them they are wrong and trying to force another faith down their necks.

    Free Member

    +1 for megavanmats. Warmer weather is better for the gluing though.

    Free Member

    Trenchers doesn’t have the same menu choice as the magpie but is perhaps better for a big family meal.

    Free Member

    Sprinter/ vw crafter/vw lt, some have rust issues but you can get lucky if you find a well looked after one. Bombproof mechanically and ok to drive too. Mwb high roof is optimum size for parking in a standard(ISH) parking space whilst also having room to store bikes inside with a camper conversion.

    Free Member

    Sorry Ta11paul I think we will have to agree to disagree, your statement that it isn’t worth the parts of a 3k bike is a bit baffling. 3k isn’t that much on the scheme of things now (unfortunately) so the fact you can get all that kit for the money is pretty good.. and when the frame rides so well (surely the most important aspect of a bike) it certainly makes it an attractive option. Additionaly you say that they use the same frame throughout the range .. which consists of two bikes, this is pretty normal and the vrx gets a better shock. I would say the frame on a whole is similar quality in to my nukeproof mega, another “cheaper” frame but still a very much worthy of its parts, paint chips but that doesn’t change the way it rides.

    Free Member

    Maybe you need to try the 29 version before passing comment ta11paul The 29 version got MBR trail bike of the year, was in the dirt dirty dozen and the suspension was described as an “engineering triumph” by enduro magazine, it sounds like you are talking about a different bike as not one of those reviews would agree with you and neither would I. Mine rides really nicely, climbs and pedals very well whips along on the flat and descends like a steam train. It isnt the lightest frame but then not many big Al enduro/trail frames are

    Free Member

    Depends where you ride, Not the same bike but my Vitus escarpe 29 has long stays (450mm) and a 2 degree slackset fitted (63.8 Deg measured ha). She feels great on everything that I ride (lakes), granted it is a touch less reachy than a rocketmaxx but still fairly long. Not noticing any adverse effects on any type of trails even the really tight singletrack since i have got used to it – took a while to master flat corners again though!

    Free Member

    I had similar issues although no pop. 2015 pikes. Suspected seal head but found to be a crack in the bottom of the charger damper body. Luckily was replaced under warranty

    Free Member

    Built a 2018 escarpe 29 up coming from a codeine. Better in every way. Nice neat cable routing, very quiet. Rides really well, active under braking pedals well, rear ward axle path means it really picks up speed in the rough and long chainstays keep it nice and planted on technical climbs. Lower shock bolt worked a bit loose but no problems otherwise, 2k18 mech hangars were easy to get hold of too. Frame also doesn’t have an integrated headset which is good as makes adding an angleset easy to keep it up to date. I went -2 degrees straight out of the box it’s a weapon . Usual trails are lakes based but feels fine in the tight twisty stuff too.

    Free Member

    Spank oozy trail 295 , 490g iirc. Stiff (some reviews say a bit like carbon) and very strong. Nice colours too. 25mm internal width

    Free Member

    I’ve had two hauweis and neither has worked properly with GPS apps like Strava…lots of straight lines at 2000mph. To be fair my last one was a p8 but friends with newer versions have all complained about the GPS being crap. Seems to be a common problem with them according to Google.

    Free Member

    The bearings in my superstar angleset are alot better than the ones in my works components one. As above go 2 degrees.

    Free Member

    Out of interest why not upgrade the parts on the Vitus? Guessing the spec on the vR model whilst perfectly fine is ripe for upgrading. I’ve got a 2018 29er version that I built up a bit lighter than the complete bikes from frame only with a -2 degree angle set and it’s a weapon.

    Free Member

    I had the last model genesis high latitude 29er with 490mm reach, I’m 6’2. I felt after coming from a codeine with 420mm reach it was more confident in the steep enduro type stuff as I had loads more room to shift my weight around. Ran it with a 1 degree angle set and forks at 130mm -it was alot of fun.

    Free Member

    I had a 2002 V70 d5, had spent alot on it, usual bushes , new clutch and then the airbag light came on, which I knew would be an MOT fail. Volvo were quoting big prices to fix and when the fuel pump started playing up I decided to sell for spares or repairs on eBay. My phone was ringing off the hook and it sold very quick for far higher than scrap prices… which shows that is was worth fixing for alot of people.  Looking on the mot history check it seems that it is still going strong somewhere. I really regret selling it, comfiest most practical estate I have ever had. The d5 engine is very refined compared to many modern 4 bangers too.  I thought the wooshing noise mine made (and the C30 d5 that replaced it) was normal .  If it in good condition otherwise I’d fix, they don’t make them the same anymore.

    Free Member

    Spank rims have been some of the stiffest strongest rims I have had. I have the oozy 295s in 29er guise…100kg rider weight in the lakes on both hardtail and full sus. Got a few mates running them too. Seem much less susceptible to dents too

    Free Member

    Why not keep the high tower and get something a bit more trail friendly as a hardtail to sit alongside. Love my steel genesis 29er and the fact it can handle everything in the lakes (even better since I fitted a slack set) but i came from full sus and whilst I love how snappy and quick the hardtail is there are times I wish I had full sus (living in lakes) .. keep it I say , once it’s gone it’s gone! Speaking from experience here.

    Free Member

    You will be ok if fit. Seen alot of others do it single speed. Stage 1 is very easy to puncture on, see some YouTube videos…Remember it’s got timed stages within it so your overall time is only part of the equation.. if you can smash the timed climbs (stage 2 and 3?) then you will be alright  As for hardtail it does get a bit lumpy but it’s perfectly doable. One of the big climbs (I think stage 3)  is a hikeabike (if the river crossing is open) so gears wouldn’t help you there.

    It’s a great race see you there (doing it on a hardtail but with gears!)

    Free Member

    I am a similar weight and ride in the lakes and found my spank oozy 295’s to be solid even on the hardtail, they feel very stiff round corners

    Free Member

    Sounds like it could be a fuel related problem, perhaps injectors, common on common rail diesels .. I’d walk away.

    Free Member

    Ok is it above 5kw you need it?

    Free Member

    Don’t forget depending on the size (I think 5kw and above correct me if wrong) you need to install ventilation into the room for building regs

    Free Member

    My codeine cracked on the top tube it was one of the original ones before they added a gusset/extra weld between the top and down tube, they replaced it for me no quibbles with the updated version.

    Free Member

    Mwb sprinter/crafter. Not too bad to park (park mine on street as a daily driver) good turning circle – rwd really helps with this as does a rear view camera. I have a 1 metre high by 1 metre deep bike garage full width with bed over the top and plenty of space still to carry sofas etc over the top. Can’t see a transporter being very nice to sit and cook in with 2 people and 2 bikes, if it’s just a tent on wheels then fair enough but going a slight bit bigger does make a big difference and open up more possibilities, I don’t think my van is any less convenient to use than my old transporter now I am used to it and it’s cheaper and less cliche than the transporter too.

    Free Member

    You can take a van to the tip if it has permanent camping fixtures inside, doesn’t need to be re registered as a camper though. At least that is the case in cumbria.

    Free Member

    In all fairness barrow isn’t that bad for crime so I wouldn’t worry about your vans overnight. Park in a residential area off abbey road such as hawcoat etc if you want to be sure.

    Free Member

    spank oozy 295, very tough and pretty light. Have hammered mine on a hardtail in the lakes (100kg) and they have been holding up fine. I got rims only and the built onto the hubs (32h version)

    Free Member

    Proper vans can be pretty quick on back roads seeing over hedges and all that. A big van with anything over 150bhp is going to be fairly quick in real world terms. My t4 2.5tdi was a bit slow and used to get frustrated by its lack of overtaking ability but my 190k LT35 158bhp has no such problems. The extra height of a big van over a transporter or vito also makes them alot more useful (in my opinion). I can stand up in my cab and the extra height for getting changed and having a bed (with decent headroom) on top of a bike garage is what really makes it.

    I dont have any windows in the back of mine so it looks like a builders van til you see the curtains behind the front seats, but have a fixed bed, bike garage and sink, hob, porta potty etc in the back which is all nicely lined out. Its great to be able to rock up anywhere and climb into bed for bit of stealth camping. Making a cup of tea or a bit of food anywhere you like is also pretty priceless… opens up so many more opportunities for days out/adventures that a car wouldnt really give you. Dont think my van is any cheaper than a sports car to run though ~ 28mpg at around 75-80 on motorway but I run mine as a daily, go rwd and the turning circle is much better, easy parking with a camera.

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