I understand 7 weeks is a long time. But the seller was contacted after about 4 weeks, only really 28 days, which isnt that long.
Loddrik, i see you point but they were bought as being in "VGC". They seemed fine when i looked them over, except as i said for some scuffs and worn pads. I didnt have the parts for the rest of the build as it wasnt going to be many weeks until i could walk properly, let alone build a bike. I didnt expect to have to check all the bolts etc considering the apparent vgc.
Trail_rat it has been sometime since buying, but not since first attempt to contact seller. Plus they have not been used. Not excuses, fact.
Stormwind, i see your point for ebay, but ive used stw classifieds for years and never had a bother. I not one for complaining,but i dont feel this is right.
Im not going to name and shame as i dont feel it is necessary at this time, im waiting for a reply….