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  • Wales360 Event Cancelled
  • finbar
    Free Member


    Free Member

    You can buy a nearly new rear one off me (160mm)?

    Free Member

    Anything by Carlos Castaneda. Also The Silmarillion by Tolkien.

    Free Member

    I love it too, though i would never buy it. It is quintessentially Japanese.

    Free Member

    Brave new World is a great book. I thought of another: “The Long Walk”, by Slavomir Rawicz. It’s the story of a Polish army officer who was captured and sent to a work camp in Siberia. He, along with a group of other prisoners, escaped and walked (!) to India.

    It’s allegedly autobiographical, though there are some records that suggest it can’t have been entirely true. Either way, i can’t recommend it enough. Incidentally my grandfather was a Pole and was also captured and sent to Siberia, and – like the author – eventally moved to Nottingham after the war.

    Free Member

    Bit of a cliche but War and Peace is geniunely amazing. It’s such an epic, and you spend so long (entire lifetimes almost) with the characters, it’s like a part of my was missing when i finished reading it.

    Free Member

    My dad gave me a Jimi Hendrix t shirt he got from the Isle of Wight festival.

    Free Member

    All aboard to Wood Green.

    Free Member


    Here’s a dick:


    Go eat it.



    Free Member

    I’m the lowest scorer here (can’t speel for toffee) but it was definitely a hyphen. An exclamation mark would be optional, but it had to be ‘long-lost’.

    Free Member

    16. Feeling uber retarded now.

    Free Member

    Thanks, i thought basically going for ‘small’ would be right. Just not sure about how big the difference would be between, say, a 15″ and a 16″ (or a 21.5″ and a 22″ tt)?

    I know trying for size would be best but i will probably order mailorder and i don’t want to dick a bikeshop around by using it like a fitting service only.

    Free Member

    Gone from interested to irritated. Tomorrow!?

    Free Member

    HA HA at the reflector. Bet there’s a pie plate on the rear wheel too.

    Free Member


    I think alot sports can be expensive. €150.00 for a pair of running shoes. FFS!

    Ain’t no running shoes cost that much, apart from Asics Kinsei. And they’re for fatties anyway.

    Free Member

    I remember ’91. Snow drifts that had completely filled in footpaths edged by two dry stone walls, so we dug tunnels through the middle.

    Free Member

    Who or what the blinking flip is Robert Dias/Dyas?

    edit: just read the thread properly, ignore me.

    Free Member

    Could you go and spend a sh1t ton of cash and then blame it on the scammer? That’s what i’d do.

    Free Member

    zOMG! It’ll be just like Klein and Trek all over again. Only without the nice paint.

    Free Member

    Ugliest new car that really has no right to be ugly.

    The Fiat Multipla literally makes me “lol” though, what a retarded looking machine that is.

    Free Member

    I like ‘aggressive’. Not sure of a better term to describe those times when you’re really attacking a trail, using lots of body english, railing the corners and generally pumping every ounce of speed out of it. Maybe while riding your xc race weapon, which just plain looks fast. Man, i’m stoked even thinking about it.

    Free Member

    Is actimel the one with the unbelievably irritating advert? Some brassy northern bint that can’t pronounce bloated properly? “Bhlouuuuuted.” Cow.

    Free Member

    Remember being gutted when our metalwork teacher wouldn’t let us make stunt pegs on the lathe.

    (did it anyway, mind)

    Free Member

    tried. failed.

    Free Member

    Geniunely surprised at the number of people who’ve said Nescafe.


    Free Member

    Weezer. Well, kind of. Their debut album every track could have been a single, the follow up was equally fantastic in a different sort of way, and then they made three godawful records.

    The new one is a step back up though.

    Free Member

    Damn good.

    Any love for Weezer too?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the headsup pancake, i might give one of those a go.

    Free Member

    Frame is for sale if anyone’s interested. It’s great, but i want something i can put a disc on the back of.

    Free Member

    I do that too. It can be problematic on the bike at low speeds.

    Free Member

    You’ve probably tried it already, but foam roller-type itb stretches? Google those words and a load of sites’ll come up explaining it better than i can.

    Free Member

    Fausto Coppi explained it rather well:

    “Ride a bike, ride a bike, ride a bike.”

    Free Member

    Okay, i think i can provide an explanation that might help those who are still confused.

    A plane on a conveyor belt/treadmill is not like a human on a conveyor belt/treadmill. The human has to move their legs to stay still, and if the speed was increased enough they wouldn’t even be able to do that, and would fly off the back.

    HOWEVER the plane doesn’t have legs. It has wheels. And (providing these have frictionless bearings) it can stay still on the conveyor belt/treadmill WHILE USING NO POWER – its wheels will just spin round underneath it. If it turns its engines on, it will move forward, and its wheels will spin even faster.

    The idea of the plane on a treadmill of short length just doesn’t work. It wouldn’t take off, but it would hit the front of the treadmill straight away.

    Free Member

    2h40m… crikey.

    Funny that two marathon runners on the thread are injured. Make of that what you will :-)

    Free Member

    Surfer – yeah, they’re the only two i’ve done. I was going to do London again this year but i haven’t trained over winter due to injury, so i will be pulling out. What time are you aiming for in April?

    Free Member

    Dunno, just for sh1ts and giggles in my case.

    I did one a couple of years ago and my training consisted of about 12 miles a week plus one (one total) long run of about 15 miles. Crawled round in just under 4 hours, with two 16-minute miles at the end.

    Was infinitely more painful than doing 2h54m at London last year, but i was still glad i did it.

    Free Member

    Go for it. Running a marathon isn’t really that hard, and it’s quite cool. It’s going to hurt if you don’t do much training, but nothing you can’t handle.

    If you do one you’ll soon want to do another faster one though. It’s a slippery slope.

    Free Member

    sarcin make good bieks.

    Free Member

    S’not Burberry, it’s a houndstooth check.

    Free Member

    I have been known to eat wasabi on toast.

    Now that is a breakfast.

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