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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • fin25
    Free Member

    Have recently found that my bars on my fat bike were a little too low, which seriously hampered my view whilst bimbling.

    Have remedied the situation with some bars off of a giant’s BMX.

    Not sure the 17 degree backsweep is bimblecore enough.

    Free Member

    Yeah…Really don’t watch Gaspar Noe films with the family.
    Do watch Enter the Void though, brilliant film. But not with your family.


    Free Member

    This is something that has always interested me. Marx pretty much hit the nail on the head in volume 3 of Capital (chapter 13, comrades) when he wrote about the “Tendency of the rate of profit to fall”.
    He understood that it was the increased efficiency at the heart of technologically advanced means of production that would be the undoing of production based capitalism. For me, this is evidenced by the great rise in financial capital, and the flight of the richest within the most developed economies away from production based capital towards financial capital.
    The problem comes when no more people can access financial capital through traditional exchanges of labour or production.
    This will be the final crisis of capitalism, when access to capital is sealed off completely from those who have only their labour to offer.
    However, current robotics and AI technology can only do so much, so can only replace so many.
    And yes, other things will be found for us to do, for the time being…
    When machines can care for our elderly, teach our children, diagnose our illnesses and tend our flocks (both bovine and spiritual), then we will see the final crisis of Capitalism. That’s not to say the end of humanity, just the socioeconomic conditions that have dictated our collective existence for the past few centuries.
    I doubt any of us will be around to see it, but we are all seeing it happen, it’s always been happening. It appears that it might well be inevitable after all.
    I’m not a Marxist, but I’m pretty sure Marx was right about this.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Got a pf bb on my fatbike. No probs in six months, and that’s about as long as most of my bb’s last before they need attention.

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member

    Rule one – Don’t be a dick.
    Rule two – Be excellent to each other.
    Rule three – Party on, dudes!

    Free Member

    I won’t bore you with the details, but BT are the worst and I hate them.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    At my local supermarket there are dozens of disabled bays that usually only have a few cars in.

    Have you been in when all the old people have drawn out their pensions?


    Free Member

    A blue badge does not give you the right to park irresponsibility or dangerously. Most allocating authorities no longer allow parking on double yellows, largely due to some of the issues you have raised above.

    Free Member

    Disabled people are twice as likely to be on a low income. I did link to the stats on page one, but as some of you once saw a rich guy in a wheelchair, then yes, they’re all ripping us off.

    We are nowhere near treating disabled people “like everybody else”. Other than parking, give me one other example of an advantage disabled people have in our society.

    Free Member

    Imagine living in a world where train stations, pubs, shops, houses and even hospitals can be difficult, sometimes impossible to access.

    When all things are equal, then lets debate the merits of charging for disabled parking. Until then, maybe lets put a bit more pressure on people to make society a little more equal eh?

    Free Member

    You didn’t. Trust me. It’s purely ironic.

    Like Alanis Morisette?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’ll say it a third time…

    An increasing number of Local Authorities no longer allow parking on double yellows, those who do, do so with a number of restrictions. Also, disabled people increasingly pay for parking, this is also something which is decided either by the Local Authority or whoever owns the car park.
    Some disabled people don’t use wheelchairs, doesn’t make them less deserving of support.

    Seriously, use google, all the facts are there, or do you just want to moan about things that annoy you, whether those things are real or just in your own imagination?

    Free Member

    unfitgeezer’s hot topic tomobala

    I preferred their early stuff.

    Free Member

    I see a lot of use by (what appear to be) perfectly able bodied people in London.

    If one of the Autistic people I support in the community were to have a meltdown, being able to get back to the car quickly can be the difference between a minor incident and a trip to A+E.

    But yeah, it is very rude of them to have a disability that you can’t see. :roll:

    Free Member

    As I’ve said before, a lot of authorities place heavy restrictions on disabled parking on double yellows, for exactly the reasons you’ve highlighted, stoner.

    Now if only they could stop taxis doing it…

    Free Member

    Can you imagine the uproar if your EU citizen partners were deported? After all, it would include Farage’s wife too…
    Australia was forced to repeal the White Australia Policy in the 1970’s when a few hundred soldiers couldn’t bring their new wives home from Vietnam.
    Uncertainty is shit, but can you really forsee mass deportations of EU citizens?
    If there are a few million EU citizens in the UK, then they have a few million friends and family here in the UK, who will mostly be able to vote.
    I’m not sure this government’s willing to make itself unelectable just to prove a point to Brussels.

    Free Member

    OP, is this you?

    Free Member

    Don’t know why I’m bothering, you could have googled this yourself.

    some stats

    It’s OK though, I’m sure the Tories will notice soon and take it off them.
    To be fair, it also varies greatly from place to place and depends greatly on the local authority as to what benefit a blue badge gives you. For example, some authorities will let you park on double yellows, whilst others will not. My local country park charges disabled just as much as everyone else, but then you can park on double yellows outside the park if you like…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    My wife, also not from the UK, has not worked for 12 years, as our son is special needs. She volunteers at the CAB as an advisor and we have been told that as she has not contributed National Insurance then she is not eligible for citizenship.

    Whoever told you this is full of shit.
    You don’t need to have contributed a penny in NI to be eligible for UK Citizenship. As long as there is no question of fraudulent or dishonest behaviour, then there should be little problem there. Your wife has been caring for her son, that will be reason enough for the lack of contributions.

    The horrible thing about the system is that you will be told a lot of bullshit by a lot of civil servants, mostly in the hope that you will go away and leave them alone. And also that the system is so complex even those employed to administer it don’t really understand it.
    I know that some of you are facing some uncertainty about your futures and hearing things like that must be terrifying, but don’t let it put you off, keep banging away at them and they will eventually give in.

    I’ve copied this from the citizen’s advice website, sorry if it’s stuff you already know.

    Credits for parents and carers

    Credits for parents and carers helps parents and carers to satisfy the conditions for long-term benefits, for example, State Pension. This helps you if you are not working because you are bringing up a child or caring for someone.

    Credits for parents and carers replaces home responsibilities protection. If you reach state pension age on or after 6 April 2010, any home responsibilities protection you have already received will be changed into credits for parents and carers.

    You get credits for parents and carers automatically if you are receiving Child Benefit for a child under 12 or you are getting Carer’s Allowance.

    However, if you care for one or more people for 20 hours or more a week but are not getting Carer’s Allowance, you will need to make a claim for the credits.

    Sometimes, you may be able to get credits for parents and carers if your partner gets Child Benefit instead of you. In this case, you would need to claim credits for parents and carers, it would not be recorded automatically.

    For more information about Carer’s Allowance, see Benefits for people who are sick or disabled.

    Free Member

    Will there be free sneakers?

    Free Member

    What is more likely is that someone who has not been here so long, does not have a secure job, will face a lot of difficulties in keeping a normal stable family life than they experienced before, all for nothing.

    I’m afraid you might be right there.

    Free Member

    I’ve spent a lot of time studying immigration systems, both at home and abroad. I work with a lot of immigrants, both from the EU and further afield.
    In my spare time I help out refugees, both in a practical and advisory capacity.
    I’ve had first hand experience of helping people negotiate our ridiculous visa system. Yes, it’s a worrying time to be an EU citizen in the UK right now, but we’re talking about a system which couldn’t deport an extremist cleric for years. I sincerely doubt that a woman with her whole family resident here is in any danger. After all, were leaving the EU, not repealing the HRA. At least not yet…

    Free Member

    You don’t know about them because you haven’t been exposed to that situation.

    How do you know?

    Free Member

    I stand corrected, mogrim, never really been a big reader of newspapers.
    I think my point kinda still stands. I really don’t foresee a situation where a Dutch woman, married to an English man, with English children, who has lived in England for decades will ever face deportation. Yes, it’s shit for her having to fill out a few forms and make several appeals, but that’s all part of being British, I mean, has she ever had to ring BT customer services? :wink:

    Free Member

    I’m friends with a Kuwaiti refugee currently living in Scotland with his brother. My friend is in the process of having his asylum claim denied, even though his brother, who came with him, has had his claim accepted. My friend receives a letter every week telling him he is going to be deported, either to France (who will send him back to Kuwait) or to Germany (who will send him back to Kuwait).
    If he is sent back to Kuwait, he will likely be arrested, tortured and probably killed. His crime? Being born a Bidoun.
    Being well versed in the Kafkaesque mess that is UK asylum rules, I have assured my friend that there is little likelihood of him actually being deported and that this is the Home Office’s way of trying to make people leave without taking responsibility for them.
    Needless to say, my friend is very depressed, as would anyone be receiving weekly threats to be sent to their death. He is one of thousands of people in the UK right now who are faced with such terrors, where are their Grauniad headlines?
    Or does it only matter when white people’s lives are affected?

    Honestly, our immigration system is a beaurocratic nightmare. A couple of administrative cock ups happening to a Dutch lady pale into insignificance compared to the deliberate abuse of that beurocracy to harrass and intimidate the weakest, most vulnerable people in our country.

    Free Member

    Mostly this…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Good consumers are fat consumers.

    Free Member

    How can the quiz assess my health when it forces me to make choices that I don’t make in reality?
    Also, the biggest strain on my physical and mental health, my job, was not even mentioned, I assume because we’re all fat **** who work 9-5 in offices. :roll:

    The whole thing is about lumping people into demographics that don’t really exist, presumably so someone somewhere can make money by “targeting service delivery” or some other bollocks.

    Free Member

    We are cattle.
    It doesn’t matter how fat we are, as long as we keep consuming.

    Free Member

    I have discraced myself, my family and my species.

    Our bedroom smells like someone’s been frying dog shit in it, my wife’s stopped talking (not just to me, she’s just sitting in silence) and my dogs are scared.

    First vegan Christmas has gone well…

    Free Member

    I shouldn’t eat stuffing anymore, it makes my farts and shit smell exactly like sage and onion, which then makes the real smell of sage and onion somewhat less appetising. A bit like how sugar puffs make your piss smell like sugar puffs. Only much, much worse.

    I’ve had a lot of stuffing.
    And beans.
    And a big vegan shepherd’s pie with lentils.
    And sprouts.
    And falafel with loads of chilli sauce.
    And beer.
    And Christmas pudding.

    And that’s just the last 24 hours…

    My wife’s about to learn the true horror of the Dutch Oven at Christmas, assuming she doesn’t get me first…

    Free Member

    I agree with everything yunki said.

    Free Member

    I’ve had to check my gusset for mahogany twice today already.


    Free Member

    Surely university is a place where mistakes can be made in relative safety with good support available.
    I was a bloody nightmare at uni (drink, drugs, recklessness, mental health problems) but managed to come out of it with a degree and my future wife. I made a lot of mistakes and my life could have gone a very different way, except for my family and friends who supported me (which included the occasional slap) and helped me learn from those mistakes.

    He’s 20, you can’t stop him making mistakes, but you can be there to support him when the time comes. As for the financial stuff, that’s entirely up to you and your wife. I get that you probably don’t want your money spent on drugs.

    Free Member

    Mine are so bad even my dogs have stopped enjoying them.

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