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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • fin25
    Free Member

    look at eddie hitler’s little face!

    Free Member

    farron safe

    Free Member

    wow, worst speech ever

    Free Member

    Ben Gummer’s out!!!!!

    Free Member

    Eric Pickles just said Theresa May always acts in the National interest… :lol:

    Free Member

    Cable back in

    Free Member

    Clegg out

    Free Member

    One word – schadenfreude.

    Free Member

    Does anybody understand the swingometer?


    Free Member

    So the first 30 minutes brought us 3 separate “don’t **** my wife” jokes, because, like, all the crew are married, innit?

    Then we get about 25 references to the bad captains “faith” (I was singing George Michael in my head for about half the film).

    “This is definitely corn…and I know corn.” :lol:

    The third act takes place almost entirely in the dark which I assume was intended to make it feel all claustrophobic but just made it hard to see.

    If you’re on a mission that takes several years just to get there, what on Earth would possess you to attempt to terraform a planet which has Plasma storms (whatever they are they sound awful).

    What’s a “Communication Buffer” and how does it make a guy in a spacesuit more likely to receive transmissions in space than a whacking great ship full of scanners?

    Did (just miniature adult alien) baby alien wave at Fassbender?

    I didn’t like Prometheus, but this somehow shat on the memory of that.

    Free Member

    The coppers should have arrested him as soon as he became uncooperative. There was nothing about his behaviour that suggested a Taser should be either drawn, pointed at him or used to subdue him.

    If you think giving coppers your details in relation to crimes has no effect you are an idiot.
    As soon as your name goes on that system attached to a crime, every lazy copper in the area will be knocking your door down whenever they’re short on suspects.
    When I was a bit younger, I walked past the village primary school with my mate. The alarm had been going off for a while and the caretaker came out and said there had been a break in about an hour previously. He obviously gave the old bill our names and told them he spoke to us. For six months, every time there was a burglary in the area, I had coppers at the door, despite never having been anywhere near a burglary. My name was on the big file marked “burglaries” though.

    Never underestimate the damage that can be wrought by an idiot armed with a bit of authority and too much information.

    Free Member

    If you all do as you’re told you won’t get tasered in the face…

    What happened to the idea of policing by consent?

    Free Member

    I’ve had a lot of dealings with the old bill*, both as a professional and a civilian.
    I’ve learned the hard way not to say bugger all to them unless in the company of a lawyer or people I can rely on as witnesses.
    Everything about the behaviour of those coppers suggests a lack of skills and knowledge.
    If you are unsure of the identity of someone, either arrest first, ask questions later and face the consequences or play nice.
    If you’re the copper who’s relying on a Taser to persuade someone to comply, you’re a shit copper. As far as I was aware, Tasers are only supposed to be used to prevent dangerous situations escalating. It looked to me like the taser was being used in such a manner as to escalate danger to all parties.
    I once told a copper my name was Gary Lineker, got half way through the 1990 England World Cup squad before he gave up and stopped bothering me.
    Some of them are like a dog with a bone.

    *Before I go off on one, I must add that some of those dealings have been with dedicated, highly skilled professionals who deserve great admiration for their public service.

    Free Member

    Yeah, much better to go on a mountain biking forum and moan about it…

    Free Member

    Why exactly does removing this make you better?

    Free Member

    A8 was Mark and Chris from Stafford? Which half was Josh?

    He’s talking about Josh Doherty (off of Posthuman), who does the Altern8 live shows with Mark these days.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    My wife is soft as shit, so one sleeps under the covers in between us and the other at our feet.
    It is not my favorite part of having dogs.

    Free Member

    I went to a shit school with a lot of shit teachers, with a shit head ( :lol: ). There were a couple of decent teachers, but we were mostly taught to pass exams and tick boxes.
    By today’s standards it would have been deemed inadequate.
    I did alright, as did a good number of my classmates.
    I would say that school probably provided about 30% of my education. The rest came from the library, late night BBC Two, friends and family and a few experiments involving fireworks ( :oops: ).

    Systems will always fail you. Those who rely on them fail with them.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Try not to think about it all. It’s all bollocks.
    If your kid’s smart then they’ll be fine anyway. If your kid’s not so smart they’d be **** in just about any school, failing or not.

    Free Member

    The Arkose single speed is stupidly expensive for what it is.

    You’re right there, just checked the website, £850 is silly money for that. Think I saw a 2016 at my local Evans the other week on sale, it definitely wasn’t £850!

    Free Member

    Do genesis still do a singlespeed Day One?
    Cotic still have a few of the original Escapade frames with the horizontal dropouts. Also, the Roadrat is good for ss.
    Pinnacle Arkose ss?

    Free Member

    Took delivery of a spanking new TB-03 today. Never owned a 303, but have spent the best part of my adult life listening to them. The TB-03 doesn’t have quite the warmth of an analogue synth, but it’s definitely good enough for me!

    There’s acid all over my studio!

    Free Member

    I own 4 bikes, all steel.

    I can confirm that they are all real.

    Free Member

    It’s been made clear to her twice that most of the people where she lives disagree with her and will carry on doing the things she disagrees with, no matter how much she shouts about it.

    She should probably heed their advice and go and live somewhere else, although she appears to be the sort of person that would find something to campaign complain about wherever she lives.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Just bought one of these, mainly because of this thread. :oops:

    Free Member

    I’m gonna be so happy at work all week listening to all this.

    Free Member

    Wicked list, aphex.

    Roy of the ravers!
    Love this shit.

    Free Member

    Acid’s no historical thing.
    Acid is still strong.

    Free Member

    She’s an arseclown.
    She took over from an arseclown, who used to be in coalition with an arseclown to prevent that other arseclown getting back in.
    If you support her, you’re an areseclown.
    If you think Jeremy Corbyn is a viable alternative to this areseclown, then yes, you are an arseclown.

    How many arseclowns is it going to take for people to realise we’d probably be better off without any of them?


    Free Member

    The NHS is failing because it’s not allowed to operate on a level playing field. People are sold shit to eat and drink all day, they take little or no responsibility for their health, then they get ill, so the NHS has to pick up the mess.
    Big drug companies are able to massively over inflate and fix drug prices, forcing the NHS to fork out huge sums of money.
    Many NHS hospitals were coerced into ridiculous PFI contracts to try to modernise which they can no longer afford.
    When an NHS trust does fail, it is replaced with Virgin Care, who other trusts now have to compete with to provide a lot of NHS services.

    The NHS and late stage Capitalism are not compatible. People need to choose between one or the other. Or we could just do what we always do, wait for the decision to be made for us, then moan about it after the fact.

    Free Member

    The NHS is sinking
    And Social Care’s a mess.
    But HS2’s essential
    And Trident is the best.

    “Brexit means Brexit.”
    You say it with such pride.
    If you never tell us anything
    You’ll say “at least I never lied”.

    You don’t like legal process,
    You don’t like refugees.
    You don’t like Nicky Morgan.*
    But you do like G4S?

    You had a go at Gordon,
    when he stepped into the breach.
    “Running scared of the people’s verdict.”
    Irony means irony.

    So we’ll wait for 2020.
    We’ll let it go full term.
    Enjoy your reign, Theresa.
    Just switch the lights off on your way out.

    * To be fair, a lot of people don’t like Nicky Morgan, It’s just that we don’t like her for better reasons than how she feels about our trousers. Because you have time to argue with each other about trousers and handbags. Maybe if you’d spent that time better, you’d have come up with something better than “Red, white and blue Brexit”.
    Or maybe not, maybe that’s the best you’ve got and you really are that **** stupid.

    Free Member

    We have two dogs. The first was never much of a fan of other dogs. When we decided to get another dog, she always made it pretty obvious pretty quickly if there were “compatibility issues”. The dog she didn’t instantly hate was the dog we picked. Although she’s a bit of a bully to him sometimes and always steals his toys, they clearly love each other and having another dog around the home has been great for her.

    If dogs don’t like each other it’s usually quite obvious, in a visceral kind of a way.

    Free Member

    Jesus, I’m half an hour in and it’s all come a rushing back!
    Very pleasantly surprised that Radio 1 still puts a few good shows out.

    Free Member

    They have a youtube channel with a lot of their stuff on it. I watch it on freesat.

    Free Member

    It doesn’t really matter what my bike looks like, it has me sitting on it, all red and sweaty.
    It almost seems a shame to do that to a nice looking bike.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    That’s my patented ESI chunky removal tool.

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