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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • fin25
    Free Member

    OK, just for ninfan, I’m gonna put out a slightly revised final draft…

    Anyone who belongs to a group whose stated primary aim is to murder large groups of people or has historically done so deserves a punch in the face.

    Free Member

    I’ve read most of that too, and the Koran, and the communist manifesto

    What, just the Communist Manifesto? That’s barely a pamphlet!
    Come back to me when you’ve read all three volumes of Capital, then we can have a real debate about Marx’s theories (his ideas around the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, for example) rather than just the tired old undergrad bollocks about permanent revolution.

    Don’t see what all this willy waving has to do with a Nazi murdering someone with a car, though…

    Free Member

    Have you read Mein Kampf?

    Is this like when a Jehovah’s Witness knocks the door and asks you if you’ve read the bible?

    Free Member

    Totally not like a religion then

    I get your point, and I am no great fan of organised religion. But there are those within organised religion who promote peace and tolerance.
    There are literally no Nazis doing that.

    Free Member

    OK, I’m going to simplify it.

    Anyone who belongs to a group whose stated primary aim is to murder large groups of people deserves a punch in the face.

    Free Member

    aracer, Nazis are neither a race or religion, they are an ideology based on mass murder, therefore the comparison doesn’t really stand up. Most Muslims don’t wish anyone dead and neither do most white men. Nazis, on the other hand, definitely want a lot of people to die.

    Free Member

    If he was a Muslim you’d be saying that he had been provoked by Donald Trumps ban on immigration

    No I wouldn’t, how ridiculous…

    Free Member

    Also, I totally understand that it works both ways, I fully understand that Nazis wish me and many millions like me dead and would, given the right set of circumstances, have me killed. so, yes, I tend towards supporting violence against them.

    Because they’re **** NAZIS!!!

    Free Member

    Ninfan ,you can’t just dismiss me by calling me a lefty. I’m not a lefty. Murder is exactly the sort of behaviour I expect from Nazis, that’s kind of their thing, which is why I wholeheartedly condone violence towards them wherever necessary and that their filth be resisted as loudly as possible whenever spouted in public.
    You are still talking as if he ran people over in response to violence against him, of which there is no proof at all, unless you have some. If you have proof of this threat he was so desperate to drive through a crowd to escape, maybe you should be giving the Virginia DA a call, rather than moaning on an internet forum, then your mate can go free…

    Free Member

    Nah there’s a pattern there. He generally disappears when a good point is made and comes back later when he doesn’t need to answer it.

    It’s almost as if he lacks conviction in his “opinions”…

    Free Member

    People in general are idiots, and cant reason the difference between freedom of speech and mouthing off like a total bellend.

    Winner, /thread.

    Free Member

    I really like how ninfan disappears for a bit while the random lefty-hating troll generator warms up its next post after the last one failed to stick.

    Free Member

    People should be free to say what they like, but if they want to spout hate and incite violence, they should not be protected from the potential consequences of such behaviour.

    Free Member

    Can’t disagree with that at all ninfan.
    Because we’re not all Corbyn fans you know…

    Free Member

    I’m not saying that Nazis strongly influenced the election, but Trump is definitely their guy, there’s plenty of evidence of that, from direct quotes to statements on their own filthy websites. Also note Trump’s difficulties saying that Nazis are bad, which went down a storm with, you guessed it, Nazis.

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member
    Oh no Ive always said that it was Putin that got their man in the whitehouse

    There’s more truth in that statement imo.

    There’s no substance to it. Unless you can tell me percentages then I feel like it’s just another way to say Trump is a nazi Russian Patsy

    See what I did there?

    Free Member

    what’s throwaway about my statement, jimjam?

    Free Member

    Most Trump voters are not Nazis, but most Nazis are Trump voters.

    Clear enough?

    Free Member

    If it makes you feel better, I’ll pledge to also punch Islamist extremists in the face too, in the interests of balance.

    Free Member

    By Islamism, are you referring to the dangerous group of terrorists misrepresenting the teachings of a legitimate, mostly peaceful religion for their own violent ends?
    Because I’ll agree that they are as Fascist as any Nazi, I mean, they use the same tactics and seem to want pretty much the same thing (the extermination of all “others”).

    Free Member

    when its generally accepted that you can ‘punch a nazi’ I would feel a bit uneasy about the direction that society is heading.

    Hasn’t it always been pretty much acceptable to punch Nazis? For me, the worrying trend is that it seems to be getting less acceptable to punch them, which makes me worry about the direction that society is heading.

    Free Member

    Dirt wizard

    Free Member

    New Hall Farm, near Southwell in Notts. It has showers, is a pretty decent site, has a few good walks around and the local pub is about 20 minutes walk away. Couple of decent pubs in Southwell, which is about 3 miles from the site.

    Free Member

    Mk.1 Genesis Longitude, set up singlespeed with Jones Loop bars. It fits me like a glove and really helped me go from total novice to full on bimbler. Plus I think it looks the absolute shit, I mean, just look at that headtube…

    Free Member

    I don’t understand why ninfan isn’t banned

    Freedom of speech, innit.

    Free Member

    I don’t think the state should censor anything or anybody. Freedom of speech should be a given, for everyone. However, I see nothing wrong with vigorously challenging extremism, be it on the streets or Twitter. Amy public assembly of Nazis should be met with an army to show them what we think of their views.

    And I definitely don’t think it should be a crime to punch a Nazi in the face.

    In my world, you are free to be a Nazi, if that’s what you want to be, but I am free to call you a **** and punch you in the face, because that is the consequence of being a Nazi.

    Free Member

    Seriously, what’s wrong with punching Nazis in the face?

    They’re **** Nazis!

    They want to exterminate everyone that isn’t a Nazi!

    And some of you think that punching them in the face is a bit over the top?

    I think it’s the least you should do.

    Free Member

    Ninfan, I can think of only one thing to call a bunch of guys carrying swastika flags and giving Nazi salutes. Nazis. I think you might guess what I call people who sympathise with them?
    I applaud anyone who fights Nazis, as they are a group who lost their right to freedom of speech and association by their historic actions (though as previously discussed, other violent groups on the left deserve the same treatment).
    You have as much right as anyone to talk shit on an internet forum, and some of it is pretty despicable, so don’t cry when people point out that you’re defending some pretty reprehensible shit. Perhaps you might think a little deeper about some of the reactions to your posts, as most are not borne of a desire to censor you by lefty snowflakes, they are mostly pretty human reactions to some quite disturbing opinions and statements.
    My aim is not to offend or censor you, or even to try to convince you that my worldview is better, but you don’t seriously think that some of the shit you come out with should go unchallenged, just as the public assembly of those actual real life Nazis you’re defending must always be challenged, for fear of letting our grandparents down if nothing else.

    *I am not left wing, I’m an Environmentalist, Libertarian, Anarchist, Optimistic Nihilist. :wink:

    Free Member

    So is everyone except you left wing, ninfan?

    Free Member

    Person who doesn’t ‘get’ the concept of nuance and debate in failure to understand or apply nuance or debate shocker…

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Now you’re just trolling yourself.

    Free Member

    Really piss poor trolling, this is.
    Just bad.

    Free Member

    You been waiting long to pop that Bernard Manning quote out, ninfan?

    Free Member

    can we call the apologists shitheads too ?

    I think they’re traditionally called collaborators…

    Free Member

    Yes, Stalinists and Maoists can **** off too.

    Free Member

    No, I really do, but Nazis lost their right to it when their old boss tried to murder half of Europe.

    Free Member

    I think that, if the 20th Century taught us anything, it’s that Nazis should always be resisted and protested against, violently if necessary. A Nazi on the march has nothing to do with democracy, so cannot be reasoned with using the tools of democracy, they must be conversed with in the only language they understand, hate.
    If the only thing you know about a group of people is that they have assembled together out of a mutual dislike of Nazis assembling in public,surely you must feel nothing but admiration for their motivations?
    Unless you like the idea of Nazis assembling in public?
    Hands up who likes Nazis…

    Free Member

    Chic and Nile Rodgers are killing this!
    A lesson for Dave Grohl in how to interact with a crowd.
    It’s the only set I’ve watched all weekend where I wish I could be there.

    Free Member

    So Labour win in Kensington but fall 64 seats short of a majority?

    The world’s gone bloody mad.

    Free Member

    Any general election where the DUP are the happiest party is a weird election indeed.
    Dimbelby’s already negotiating brexit with them…

    Free Member

    I suspect May will fall on her sword.

    Do you think she’ll let me hold it?

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