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  • fin25
    Free Member

    I’ve learned so much about lobster and crab preparation it makes me wish I wasn’t a self righteous, vegetarian, lefty, Muslim loving, fieldmouse murdering, free speech hating follower of dietary fashions.

    Free Member

    Took 5 pages this time… :roll:

    Free Member

    The point is that large sections of the meat industry are despicable and treat animals horrifically from birth to death, yet a good number of people seem to look the other way and ignore countless acts of barbarism involved in putting meat on their table.

    Many of those people busy looking the other way then start getting a bit uppity and worried about animal welfare as soon as they realize that some of them there Muslims and Jews are joining in with the animal cruelty, only they’re clearly labelling it, so it can be hated without having to actually look at the wider problems with mass meat consumption or thinking about how the animal you’re eating lived and died.

    Free Member

    Sorry, Mrmonkfinger, quite right, I offer myself up at the altar of semantics.

    Just my (much more detailed) opinion, like.

    Free Member

    Just my opinion, like.

    Free Member

    Deviant, it wasn’t a quaint story, it was used to illustrate my point (too subtly, obviously) that halal isn’t the problem, mass slaughter is the problem, whether halal or not.

    Halal meat is now big business and with that has come the ways of conventional slaughterhouses…queues of animals, belt fed animals, hanging animals etc..

    Your response suggests you agree with me…

    Free Member

    A video of some pretty piss poor slaughtering is not an argument for banning all halal slaughter. It is an argument for banning piss poor animal slaughter, or animal slaughter full stop.

    Do you want me to find and then post on here some videos of piss poor non-halal slaughter?

    Free Member

    Let me get this straight in my head, OP. You eat dead animals and are quite happy for someone else to rear, kill and butcher them for you, but you’re really concerned about their welfare, but only when there’s a religious aspect that you don’t fully understand?
    What other aspects of the meat industry do you find uncomfortable?

    Free Member

    Any of you actually been in an abattoir?
    Anyone seen the queues of animals waiting to die, knowing that they’re going to die?
    I have, it’s horrible.
    Whether the animal is killed by a bolt in the head, electric shock or having its throat slit, the end result is the same, dead animal, an animal that most likely lived a pretty shitty existence, funny how that’s not such a big deal. People get all up in arms about how animals are killed, but pay absolutely no mind to how those animals live.

    You could go to any abattoir and get images and videos of any of the processes in there and make a compelling argument for banning it. The problem is not the method of execution, it’s the professional standards by which much of the industry runs and the piss poor regulation of many abattoirs.

    I was in Africa once, during Eid, the guesthouse we were staying at had a goat that they had reared specially for that years celebrations. I witnessed the slaughter, done to strict halal standards. It was the quickest, cleanest death i’d seen, the goat never saw it coming and died almost instantly.

    But yeah, I’m just a virtue signalling snowflake vegan ****, what the **** do I know.

    Free Member

    Cannot recommend my Ice Cream Truck enough, can’t believe roverpig wants to sell his.

    Free Member

    Didn’t you get the memo?
    Everyone who doesn’t read the Daily Mail and doesn’t want to marry Katie Hopkins is a frothing at the mouth, rabid Commie.
    Especially that commercial business selling road bikes to IT consultants. Yep, Communism that. :wink:

    Free Member

    Is that where he’s from?

    No, he had a big house in the village next to mine between Wellingborough and Kettering.

    Free Member

    Anyone remember Omar?
    He was one of the early trailblazers of “amateur” videos about 20 years ago.
    He was from my hometown, used to see him all the time round town picking up girls for his videos.


    In fact, my hometown has a bit of a history with amateur porn. There was a VHS that did the rounds when I was at school of two dirty buggers shagging next to all the various landmarks, in the middle of the day, people wandering past looking bewildered and everything.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    But you have now contributed to its view count and pushed it up the YouTube rankings. Which seems to be the point of these trolling videos.

    Oh my god…youtube rankings…What have I done???

    Free Member

    Watched the video…is bollocks.

    Free Member

    Bryn and Nessa, both rescues and both total shitbags.

    Free Member

    Er, don’t conflate the sub-prime asset crash with the credit crunch (the latter is what caused the collapse of the likes of Northern Rock et al.)

    Northern Rock, collapsed because of bad mortgages.
    Global crash, caused by bad mortgages.

    Yeah, totally different.

    Free Member

    The problem is not poor people, it’s not disabled people, it’s not migration. The problem is debt. Not government debt. The same debt that caused the 2008 crisis. A threat that has not been eliminated, despite the UK government spending hundreds of billions propping up the system (the reason the deficit got so high in the first place so as to require “austerity”).
    We need to get the deficit down quickly so that we can be there for the banks when the next bunch of dodgy mortgage investment packages collapse the global economy.
    Austerity works brilliantly for the protection of the markets, that’s what it’s for.
    Sorry, did anyone think they were doing it for us?

    Free Member

    and no, we didn’t really experience austerity, did we?

    Depends if you’re disabled…

    Free Member

    ninfan, I already backed down from the whole mass murder/stated aim thing, I amended my post accordingly.
    The fact that you keep going on about it makes you look a bit silly, or a bit Nazi…

    Free Member

    If it walks like a duck…

    Let’s follow your logic, ninfan.
    You’re calling me a lefty for being anti-Nazi.
    Does that make you a Nazi for defending them?

    Free Member

    Quack, quack


    Free Member

    And you all wonder why the left gets accused of #fakenews?

    I’m going to say it one more time, ninfan…

    I’m not left wing!!![/i][/u]

    Free Member

    So, you admit you were wrong first time, yeah?

    Yes, obviously, that’s why, with your help, I updated it. I’m not afraid of being wrong, you know; Making mistakes is how we learn and improve as human beings.

    But I still wholeheartedly support punching Nazis.

    Free Member

    Here it is, do you think it needs another redrafting?

    Anyone who belongs to a group whose stated primary aim is to murder large groups of people or has historically done so deserves a punch in the face.

    All input will be gratefully received.

    Free Member

    No ninfan, I updated it, just for you, remember. Go back and have another look…

    Free Member

    CTRL ALT DELETE ninfan.

    Free Member

    I think ninfan’s broken…

    Free Member

    Right, so now you’ll punch the nazis that you agree with too will you?


    Free Member

    You’re a rubbish troll, ninfan.

    There’s a big difference between giving a Nazi a slap (because they deserve a slap for being a Nazi) and mass murder. Get off the moral equivalence bus.

    Also, I outlined the very specific set of circumstances required for a punch in the face a few pages back (in bold and everything), disagreeing with someone’s point of view was not part of the criteria.

    Now come on, have a bit of a think and come up with something which might actually challenge us, you are capable of it, I’ve seen you do it…

    Free Member

    You only have to look at the attitude of the Nazis from Charlottesville, the guy at the end of the vice video saying “the fact that none of our people killed anyone unjustly” was a positive (that’s a direct quote). The daily stormer calling a woman one of their own had murdered some truly despicable things. Why?

    Because Nazis murder their enemies

    They think killing people for no other reason than they disagree with you is OK, and given that billions of people disagree with them, I’d suggest the logical conclusion of their argument is more than a bit mass-murdery, wouldn’t you, ninfan?

    Free Member

    Same as Communists (who have killed way more people than Nazis) aren’t all genocidal mass murderers

    I don’t think anyone is disputing this.

    Free Member

    the lefties still think it’s admirable to worship communist idols and march around with flags telling us that it’s the future

    What lefties?
    And what does that have to do with anything?

    Free Member


    ninfan’s back!!!

    Free Member

    Interesting crop on the lead photo, doesn’t show that the bearded chap with the goggles and stick (Totally peaceful stick, obviously) has both arms in metal lined casts as body armour (Totally peaceful, obviously).

    The Antifa movement and the white supremacist movement are like the two slices of bread on a sandwich full of shit. Vile.

    If this weekend has proven anything, it is that, in order to challenge Nazis, a certain level of protection is required. If you ride mountain bikes down big hills, you wear protective clothing. If your hobby is fighting nazis, a bit of armour and a big stick seem sensible precautions.

    Even Luke Skywalker needed a **** lightsaber!

    Free Member

    As an aside. In 6 months time The Donald won’t be president. Calling it now.

    I said this six months ago…

    Free Member

    The PM said: “I see no equivalence between those who propound fascist views and those who oppose them.”

    If Maybot can say it, I think that says it all.

    Free Member

    I am surprised the mods have not closed this down yet.

    Freedom of speech, innit.

    Free Member

    Also, great picture Drac.

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