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  • fin25
    Free Member

    I’m slow on a geared bike, I’m slow on a singlespeed. Prefer singlespeed. So much so I’m about to take the gears off my fat bike.
    I do have a beard though.

    Free Member

    Using Guardian links for ‘facts’

    For once, we agree.

    Free Member

    MK1 Genesis Longitude, singlespeed with Jones loop bars. Because 29 plus just ain’t niche enough.

    Free Member

    It will be a wonderful life for you. You might even say privileged

    Don’t I know it.

    Free Member

    …but fin25, you’re at the beginning of this process. At the moment she’s telling you she’s going back to work full time. Then she’ll decide part time is better, or that she’d quite like to do part time kitchen design or photography. Or maybe you’ll be one of the lucky ones and she’ll stay in full time work and you can kick back a bit, but the odds aren’t good. The odds are you’ve been duped.

    The odds are you don’t know shit about my life or my marriage. Just because you’ve made poor life choices it doesn’t mean others have made the same mistakes. If my wife doesn’t go back to work we will be unable to pay our mortgage after about a year, once our savings have gone as my wages from my part time job wont be enough.
    She doesn’t even have a hobby, despite my constant attempts to get her into stuff. Unlike all of us, on a mountain biking forum…
    Just because you’re older, doesn’t mean you’re wiser, patronising ****.

    Free Member

    However, me and my entire peer group work ourselves into an early grave while wives do hobby jobs/part time jobs/no jobs.

    Your lives sound shit, if only we lived in a society that made it easier for women to maintain careers while raising a family…

    Free Member

    Marxism now, we’re a Godwin away from a full house here.

    Free Member

    You know we’re getting close to equality when men know what an unhappy marriage feels like. :wink:

    Free Member

    My wife was happy for me to quit my job and take last summer off.

    Just saying.

    Free Member

    Even funnier when a cuck an ‘enlightened’ bloke uses the term.

    You’ve not even got a reasonable argument, just veiled insults. How is calling someone who respects women a cuck any different from being called a (sorry mods) “n***er lover” back in less “enlightened” times?

    Free Member

    My wife has a very successful “high flying” job. She’s bloody good at it too. She’s due to have our first child in 4 months, then she’ll have a year off before I quit or massively reduce my less well paid, less important jobs and take over the child rearing while she goes back to her career. Neither of us expect to retire before 70 and neither of us expect, nor have we knowingly received, special treatment.
    The entitled attitude on some of you is ridiculous. 99% of women aren’t asking for special treatment, they’re just asking for a fair go. Now, occasionally, women may have to be given “special treatment” temporarily in certain situations in order for them to have a fair go. If you can’t understand that then you are part of the problem, not the solution.
    As for straight white males being victims of discrimination…

    **** idiots.

    Free Member

    because men tend to score lower on agreeableness than women and therefore have an easier time being, well to put it blunty, ‘****’

    And why do you think men tend to score lower on agreeableness? Genetics? Or a society that nurtures these traits in males from birth while telling females to be “nice” and “agreeable”?
    The same society that allowed men to go on abusing and harassing women because “that’s what men do” while effectively expecting women to just put up with it so as not to seem disagreeable. Because women can’t be disagreeable, can they…
    perhaps that society is starting to really change. Maybe during this change there’s going to be some problems for men to confront about ourselves. Maybe that’s going to involve putting ourselves in the shoes of women, who may see the things we do in a very different light to the way we intend them. Hopefully we can find a way of getting on that everyone feels comfortable with, possibly some of us will be left feeling a bit put out. Tough shit.

    Free Member

    The mistake you’re making here, Geetee, is that, whilst some sociopaths tend to do well in business, most people who are successful in business are no more a sociopath than anybody else. I think it’s more of a structural problem. The higher up a system a person climbs, the more impactful their decisions tend to be on the people below them, while their exposure to those people lessens. This naturally leads to the person in the position of power behaving in a less empathetic way towards those below them, it’s the only way a lot of people can deal with the decisions they have to make.

    Let me put it another way. Autistic people tend to be good at IT, but you don’t have to be Autistic to have a successful career in IT. You do probably have to be a man, though…

    Free Member

    This all depends on how one defines ‘success’

    Even on the very narrow parameters that I think we’re talking about here, it’s still bollocks.

    Free Member

    What’s your qualification in this field that makes you so sure?

    What’s yours?

    I’m still waiting for ALL the data you have on the subject.

    Free Member

    Yep, all of that. It’s all bollocks.

    Free Member

    Sorry buddy what exactly are you disputing?

    The bit that I quoted.

    Free Member

    the moves to get away from the hardline conservative state that they are in towards a more modern islamic place.

    At least that’s how this particular power grab is being reported to us.

    Free Member

    At the very least, we can start to redefine how we ascribe power and success in society because ALL the data shows us that in order to be successful, you have to fit a fairly narrow profile of personality type. More men than women fit that profile, which is why more men than women occupy positions of power, but it’s not exclusively so. Thatcher is your archetypal example; a woman who behaved ‘more like a man’, or at least more like a high alpha male.


    What data? (references please)
    How is “successful” defined?
    What is this profile of personality type?

    Free Member

    Scuds – Because we don’t sell ’em, whoever we don’t like today definitely sold ’em. Probably.

    Free Member

    I bet Adam Sandler’s getting paid a shitload.

    Free Member

    “I’m so honest that I funnel all my money through 18 shell companies in the Caymans, then distribute that between 17 trusts that are bonded to offshore investments that payout in tax neutral dividends to my office in Luxembourg, where I’ve never been.”

    Free Member

    It’s Lebanon that’s the big problem. Lebanon is like a fulcrum for Middle East stability right now. There’s a couple of million refugees that might suddenly be on the move again. That could have a huge destabilising effect on Jordan, Iran and of course Europe, as more and more look to escape.
    Saudi Arabia have so much to answer for, but while our economies are so entangled, no solution will be sought, let alone reached.
    The Saudis have very cleverly and very successfully put themselves in such a strong position in the world, forcing us to treat Iran as the enemy and forcing them to pursue an ever more dangerous foreign policy to try to defend their interests.
    As for the Yemenis, they’re using largely the same weapons they had when they invaded Oman in the 70’s. It’s a bit rich for us in the west to sit and talk about who’s arming the Yemenis when it’s the Saudis killing them by the thousand with weapons we sold them.

    Free Member

    not a troll with the co0mment about distance from the kerb. This is why I am always at least 3 ft from the kerb and often more – it does two things – it stops cars passing you without going into the other lane ( so the second vehicle could not have come past the first)and it gives you somewhere to go if a close pass is attempted

    Yeah, riding along less than 3ft from the kerb…basically asking for it really. :roll:

    Free Member

    I blame Adam Sandler.

    Free Member

    I blame Adam Sandler.

    Free Member

    It’s only been out a few days but Plunge by Fever Ray is already up there for my album of the year.

    Free Member

    Now, I’m playing devils advocate a bit here, but when Geetee did his thing in the #metoo thread he was (rightly) ripped to shreds.
    Now we’re all here on a thread about a predatory male actor (allegedly) assaulting teenage boys debating the misogyny of Adam Sandler’s touchy fingers.
    How is this not the same?

    Or am I just a mysoginist too?

    Free Member

    **** me are you **** still arguing?

    Free Member

    We need more women in this thread, if only to share our tales of sexual predators, inappropriate behaviour, misogyny etc etc.

    This thread about a man preying on boys?

    Free Member

    Look, touching anyone in an overly familiar way is not on. Obviously, years of patriarchy have added an extra dynamic when it’s a man touching a woman in an overly familiar way. Does this make Adam Sandler a creep and pervert, probably not, definitely a bit insensitive and touchy, but hardly a pervert.
    Quite why we’re discussing this on a thread about a man allegedly sexually assaulting teenage boys is beyond me, because the two things could not possibly be equated.

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure spacey was getting racey with an underage boy.

    I know, that’s kinda my point, that this thread about something potentially quite disturbing got derailed by two men talking about touching women’s knees.

    Also, lovely bit of prose.

    Free Member

    Only one female posted in this thread?

    Now now, dear, the men are arguing about how we should treat women. No need for a female perspective, move along.

    Free Member

    It’s definitely worse when you’re vegan, but I do find that people can take an intrusive level of interest in my dietary choices even as a veggie.

    I find telling them to keep their **** nose out of my business works pretty well, but then I’m lucky, I don’t particularly like people anyway.

    Free Member

    As usual with **** humanity, an issue gets raised, some bad things get discovered and an opportunity for debate and social progress arises. Then a week later we’re debating whether Adam Sandler’s tactility is a problem or not… :roll:


    Some people are very tactile, some people are not necessarily happy with being touched. I am one of the latter people and I remember every shoulder squeeze, back rub and knee brush like a polaroid. Do I consider those touching me to be doing so out of a sexual or power-dynamic motivation? **** no, some people just like touching people.
    I’d be mighty pissed off if I woke up with Kevin spacey (allegedly) spooning me though.

    Free Member

    My sister was veggie for nearly 20 years. She had to work in Paris for about a month. After the first week eating nothing but omelettes or salad and being looked at with disdain in restaurants, she decided to have a week off.

    By the end of that week she was no longer a vegetarian

    After Iceland, we went to Amsterdam, which caters for veggies much better, so I went straight beck to being veggie. It’s easy as long as you remember why you’re veggie or vegan, no big deal.

    I had forgotten how good ribs are though, bloody delicious they were. When people ask me what the best bit of my holiday was, I say “Ribs”.

    Free Member

    Was vegan for about a year, couldn’t live without butter and cheese. I’m still veggie and about 80% of what I cook at home is vegan, more by accident than design, I eat a lot of Asian and Middle Eastern food, which tends to be pretty vegan friendly anyway.
    I’m not super strict about it and don’t really go on about it too much. I went to Iceland last month and managed to stay veggie for a whole 2 hours whilst there. We ate out nearly every meal and veggie options were a bit limited, so I had a week off, which probably makes me a hypocrite.

    I think I had been vegan for about 6 months when a colleague at work found out. He cracked the whole “how can you tell if someone’s vegan? They’ll tell you about it” joke, despite the first thing I said being, “yeah, I’ve been vegan about 6 months, not something I make a big deal out of, really”.

    I also do not “look like a vegetarian”.

    Free Member

    I recently left a job in social care after 10 years of hating the system I was working in.
    I started an office job (my first ever office job) at a university a couple of weeks ago. With it being the start of the academic year, everyone kept telling me how crazy busy it was. I looked around and everyone seemed pretty relaxed, no phones ringing off the hook, office empty by 3:30, plenty of emails planning staff dinners for Xmas and lots of nice long lunch breaks for everyone. I can’t help but feel I’ve wasted 15 years not working in an office.

    Free Member

    Can you put it next to another, not fake Eames chair and take a photo so we can compare it?

    Free Member

    You talking about Kuso, DezB, if so, I have seen it, it’s on shudder. And yes, it is a bit messed up, but not as messed up as I think it thinks it is, I think.

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