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  • Mental Mondays #9 The yes, we know it’s Tuesday, edition
  • fin25
    Free Member

    I know loads of Muslims. Apart from not having a beer when they go to the pub and fasting all summer they are no different to the non-muslims I know.
    Think about it, the parents of the kids that have gone to Syria are hardly gonna sit there and say it’s all their fault.
    I don’t think you can judge an entire culture based on the comments of a handful of members of that community.

    Free Member

    I started out with just the tapered airlok. It is possible to use it on its own as a saddle bag, but I found that it wobbled about a bit more than I was comfortable with.
    The koala has the straps laid out so that it is really easy to get everything nice and tight, so it wobbles a lot less.
    If you are determined to use the airlok alone, bungee cord is your friend.

    Free Member

    OK, all of you spouting the genetics crap (pushing me so close to a Godwin’s law moment). Say I have a daughter, say she wants to do something SOCIETY (sexist, remember) says is for men. When exactly do you imagine I’ll have the conversation with her that she can’t possibly do said activity as, being a girl, she is genetically disadvantaged in that regard.

    Now switch it round, say I have a son, and he wants to do something SOCIETY says is for girls. Will genetics come in to it? No…

    The whole genetic argument comes to the conclusion that women are WEAKER than men, never the other way round…

    Free Member

    *drops mic and walks away…*

    Free Member

    I’ll say it again, SOCIETY is sexist. This sexism expresses itself in many different ways, from under-representation in boardrooms/public office to more “trivial” comments about “women drivers” and such.
    Sponsors employ women in bikinis at sporting events because that is what they believe will help them shift units, because they understand that society is sexist, so pander to sexist views of women. It is not the job of sponsors to challenge sexism, it is their job to sell things to society. So, if society is sexist, sexism sells…

    If you are lucky enough not to be negatively affected by sexism, or unaware of how sexism may negatively affect you, you may not see sexism as a problem. You may well even argue that sexism does not exist, as, in your own experience/awareness, it does not.


    The fact that you are far more likely to see women standing around in bikinis at many sporting events rather than competing in said sport is an expression of a SEXIST society. The very fact that women in bikinis at a WOMEN’S sporting event has caused such a stir is confirmation of this.
    It is not the women in bikinis that is an unusual sight, it is the women ON THE PODIUM. The image of the women on the podium causes us to really see the women in bikinis for what they are, an expression of SEXISM. Whether or not we choose to recognise what we see for what it is and begin to properly challenge sexism in sport is an individual choice and is usually dependent upon whether or not we benefit from the status quo.

    It is very important that we see the sexism in society, whether it affects us or not. The only way to make society more equal is for those who benefit from inequality to stop shrugging their shoulders and take responsibility. Recognise that you are benefiting from an unequal society, then make the choice whether you want to challenge that inequality and fight for equality or support sexism by continuing to benefit from it.

    If you chose the latter, fine, but understand that your need to defend sexism is most likely a result of your benefiting from it, whether you realise it or not.

    Sorry for the rant, I’ve had a couple of ciders, they’ve always made me quite philosophical.

    Free Member

    The line is simple.
    This sort of thing is an expression of a sexist society.
    If you benefit from this sexism, it is up to you whether to challenge it or ignore it.
    Whatever your choice, models in bikinis at sporting events is still sexist.

    Free Member

    It’s one of many expressions of sexism holding back women in sport, and general society.

    Free Member

    I’m not saying we should ban it, or that the models involved dont love it or benefit from it. I’m saying that it is sexist, because it objectifies women. I think any argument to the contrary is missing the point.
    Things change gradually. Look at what was acceptable in the 70’s and 80’s on TV. I hope we are heading towards a world where this sort of thing is rejected.

    Free Member


    If you could all stop and look beyond your own noses please…
    We have grown up bombarded by images of men winning and women stood next to them half naked as if they’re some sort of prize, something to be won and owned…like an OBJECT.
    This is what people mean when they talk about OBJECTIFYING women.
    We see this as kids, watching Nigel Mansell or Miguel Indurain WINNING and then looking at the beautiful, semi-naked women they get when they win.
    If I was a young girl, not confident in myself or how I look, the lesson I would take from this is that sport is not going to be for me, as I am neither a man, nor pretty in a bikini…


    So, if you don’t find this sort of thing a problem, you are part of the problem, whether you realise it or not.

    Rant over…

    Beat that JHJ

    Free Member

    Just to stop this turning into a Surly-fest, a picture of my longitude, which I love.

    Which is not to say that a Surly-fest is a bad thing…

    Free Member

    I used to be one of the fatties wobbling and struggling all over the place. Now I’m a fatty who doesn’t wobble or struggle and goes out in winter. I’m so awesome.

    Free Member

    I have a longitude, bloody brilliant. Good luck getting one though, they’ve sold out I think and word is next years will be 650b+. If I had the money right now I’d probably get a krampus.
    Although the pugsley can take 29 wheels… 8)

    Free Member

    I have the spykes on my longitude, which are essentially the same. The stock pads are crap. Other than that I find them OK for cable discs.

    Free Member

    Worked with a few young offenders over the last few years, all the ones who nicked bikes took them there.

    Free Member

    The pawn shop in Beaumont Leys is notorious for nicked bikes, but then again, so are most of them… :evil:

    Free Member

    Got quite a long commute round Leicester, will keep an eye out.

    Free Member

    I’ve got super motos on my rigid 29er for commuting, they are essentially lighter (more puncture prone) versions of the big apples.

    I bloody love them, have done about 500 miles on them and only suffered one puncture, and that was on hedge cutting day.

    I got the 29 x 2.35 ones and the volume of air in them on a 29er makes them a huge amount of fun.

    Free Member

    Oh yeah, I also really hate the chilli peppers, they are the worst band.

    Free Member

    EDM I think they call it.
    David Guetta and all that lot.
    Proper rubbish.
    And anything involving that little willy fella off of the voice what my wife watches, he likes his ableton live presets a bit too much…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Went out for a 20 miler this afternoon in full winter/waterproof gear. Got soaked, muddy and nearly got blown off my bike about a dozen times. I hate wind. Mud and rain less so.

    Free Member

    Well…it’s not boring anymore… 8O

    Free Member

    she was only sad because she knows that the bike coming out means I’m going out, she does that face to try to convince me to take her out with me…

    Free Member

    As an aside, don’t bother trying to de-sticker the stock rims, they are really difficult to get off…

    Free Member

    Great band, one of the few bands Leicester has to be proud of…

    Free Member

    Koala back in stock on the alpkit website

    Free Member

    I have arthritis in both hands, mainly affecting my knuckles. I tried a lot of different grips, including the ergons. I’ve found that ESI Chunky grips cause the least pain. I’m with frosty, carbon bars may make more of a difference, or get bar ends, loop bars or something that allows you to change hand position.
    I’m afraid you’re in for quite a lot of trial and error…

    Still, on the plus side, the constant hand pain will hopefully increase your overall pain threshold… :wink:

    Free Member

    Bloody marvellous…

    Free Member

    Get it, you will not regret it.
    I’ve had a 93 Eunos for 3 years, can’t fault it.

    Free Member

    Drive through the low emission zone in a T4… 8O
    (£500 of penalty charge notices for driving in and out of London)

    Free Member

    Before there can be any great movement left, the vested interest and almost blanket right wing bias of the media needs to be dealt with. The first thing I would nationalise would be the print media.
    But then I am quite a fan of Stalin.

    Free Member

    Got it from wiggle, as no-one stocks 30’s anymore. Can’t say too much about the post dropping, only been for a quick blast, but managed to get home without shrinkage…

    Free Member

    Well, up to now, my significant heft has made droppers out of many a seat clamp…

    Free Member

    Can anyone using the “common sense” argument please give examples of when the HRA has been misinterpreted?

    Just because you don’t understand why a court has reached the decision it has doesn’t mean that their decision is wrong.

    Just because the HRA is cited when decisions you don’t understand are reported to you by journalists who also do not understand them, it doesn’t make the HRA wrong, or out of date or liberal hogwash or whatever.

    What is common sense, anyway?

    Free Member

    Simple demographics, political parties and the media split us all down into groups, then sell us things based on what group they think we fit into. Most manifestos now seem built around the idea that people vote based on self-interest, which is then reinforced by media, who constantly focus on what it all means for YOU.
    It would appear that our rulers are big believers in game theory.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    No advice for the OP beyond expressing my sympathy. We had a handyman in the local authority children’s homes I work in who got an essential car user supplement in his wages as he used his car to store his tools/move between homes. Last year they took his essential user allowance off him, so he got a bike on C2W and told them he would use his bike to travel between sites. They told him that he could not do that, as it would take too long to get between sites and he would have nowhere to carry his tools etc. They told him he had to use his car, but that the use of it was not essential, just necessary.

    Free Member

    Thank you very much for your donation of £30.00 to the British Red Cross – Nepal Earthquake Appeal Your payment reference is: 1CK14080K5238612D

    Thanks for kicking me up the backside.

    Free Member

    My oldest brother’s mate had a mk1 Fiat Uno turbo when I was a kid. To this day, I have not come close to the fear associated with being a passenger in that loonbucket…

    Free Member

    Unfortunately adult mental health care services can be a bit of a mixed bag, go on the mind website and get him an advocate. I’m not trying to undermine health and social services, they have a bloody tough job, but you’ll find an advocate very useful when it comes to understanding why decisions are made and finding better care options for him.

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