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  • fin25
    Free Member

    Peddlers of hate (a club which Wiley can certainly count himself a member now) have little right to victimhood.
    He was very anti-Semitic on various platforms, some of whom responded fairly slowly, given the nature of said posts. Who gives a hoot what colour his skin is, he’s a nasty racist, he was banned for it. Case closed.
    It’s easy to see racism everywhere, but in this case the racism all belongs to Wiley.

    Free Member

    Mr muscle window cleaning spray always worked for me.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’ll tell you how this goes.
    The Police will most likely want him up in court, where he’ll probably be referred to the Youth offending Service for rehabilitation and restorative intervention on a court order. That support is totally dependent on the area he lives in, but is usually up and running relatively quickly (by quickly, I’m talking weeks, not months).
    The police will almost certainly refer the family to Social Services, who will immediately bat it off to Early Help services, who will send a family support worker/intervention worker (they have many names) to do an assessment.
    If, as a result of their assessment, they feel that a Social Worker is needed, they will attempt to “step-up” the case back to social services, who will do their best to resist it. This argument can go on for months, but unless there are significant safeguarding concerns, Social Services will usually win and Early Help will be left to deal with the family.
    This help can take many forms. They might just leave it to Youth Offending to sort it out. They might put the kid and/or parents in a couple of groups for anger management/parenting classes.
    They might allocate a youth worker to work one to one with the kid. They might allocate a family support worker with the family for a short or long term piece of work. They might do a mixture of any or all of the above.
    Most of this work has a pretty significant waiting list. I’ve known kids that have done worse wait over a year for Early Help intervention.
    The one thing that’s pretty certain is that he’s in for a lot more than the old bill putting the wind up him.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I got diagnosed with RA about 12 years ago (in my mid 20’s) and it started exactly the way you describe for your wife. For the first six months I was terrified and, despite my symptoms being much less severe than they have been since, I was crippled by the fear of what might happen.
    Tell her not to make any decisions about her job or anything until she’s got her head around the diagnosis and what it means for her.
    RA is a broad church and different for everyone. I’ve been fairly lucky. Every day hurts like sweet buggery but I’m still mobile and can still ride a bike a bit (but don’t ask me to do anything for the first hour of the day). They tried methotrexate on me but it just made me sick, other people I know swear by it though. The things that work best for me are carrying on doing the things I love, otherwise you’ll just spend your life sitting around thinking about pain, which is depressing.

    Free Member

    It’s all marketing bullshit that’s been set on us by those in control.
    Saying that all people born in a certain era are the same is like saying all black people are the same. It’s nonsense.
    It’s not the fault of people born in the 1950’s that the kids now are getting screwed. Even the ones with nice big houses and decent pensions (there’s plenty of poor people around who were born in the 50’s too). If you’re young and angry at “boomers” you’re essentially angry at older People who’ve done quite well for themselves. By the same token, I’ve come across plenty of young people who work really hard, aren’t particularly sensitive and never talk about avocados.
    Anyone blaming an abstract group of fellow citizens for their problems has fallen into the trap. Look at who holds the power and why it might suit them for us all to be at each others’ throats instead of looking at what they’re doing.
    Yes, climate change is a real problem, but shouting at each other about who’s the biggest hypocrite isn’t going to solve it. Working together, across the generational and social divides is what will fix it.
    It really is obvious if you actually engage your brain and think for a minute.

    Free Member

    Autechre – NTS sessions 1-4
    Merzbow – pulse demon
    Swans – the Seer
    Tool – Lateralus
    Death – Leprosy
    Aphex Twin – SAW II
    DJ Shadow – Endtroducing
    Jon Hopkins – Immunity
    Melvins – Houdini

    Free Member

    I’m 37 and I’ve had Rheumatoid Arthritis since my mid-20’s. I got diagnosed after suffering with carpal tunnel syndrome and a lot of numbness in my hands and arms. Other than the occasional flare-up I managed to get to my early 30’s in pretty good nick but these last couple of years it’s getting pretty bad. Takes me about 30 mins from waking up to actually be able to get out of bed and walk downstairs. I used to walk everywhere, now I struggle to walk much more than a mile without having to stop and I can’t ride my bike for more than about an hour before my knee seizes up. Hence I’ve gone from riding this

    To riding this

    Having a baby has really not helped, all the lifting, carrying and chasing about, not to mention the lack of sleep has ruined me.
    When it’s just pain it’s not so bad, you can rationalize it and get on with stuff, but when your knee just stops bending it really starts to make life difficult.
    Still, there’s plenty worse things to suffer with and my job’s a piece of piss, just have to appreciate my lot and get on with it.
    OP, worth getting yourself looked at cos some of them symptoms are a bit similar to mine and the sooner they find a problem (if there is one) the more that can be done about it.

    Free Member

    IMG_20160504_164120 by Adam Lewis[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Hi wookie,

    Great news about the PIP.
    You mentioned that your daughter is going to uni, just making you aware (assuming you’re not already) that she would be eligible for Disabled Student Allowance.
    It’s nowhere near as traumatic as PIP to claim, just a few forms and a needs assessment (from a third party). It will pay for things like Brain in hand and other assistive technology as well as study support and mentoring. It can even help with things like extra time in exams and extensions for coursework.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I grew up working class. Managed to go to university and got a fairly well paid job working for the local authority. I considered myself to have become middle class. I recently started working in my first office job in a local university. It has become very clear to me that I will never be middle class.
    Social mobility is bollocks. It’s just a way to keep us buying shit in an effort to get up the ladder/get ahead/be happy. This country’s class system is as entrenched as it ever was and they don’t want us in their club.
    The very fact that we talk about social mobility proves that we are happy to leave a significant section of society behind.
    **** social mobility, when are we going to start talking about social equality?

    Free Member

    Opioids don’t work for me. Had one tramadol after surgery and it gave me scary hallucinations!

    You got any left? Sound like my kinda tablets.

    the result was that I gave up the fight for finding a treatment and the frustration went with it.


    This is what meditation and mindfulness has helped me to do.

    Free Member

    I’ve got one. I like it. It’s about as boil in the bag as any other jacket in that price range, but the pit zips are pretty big, so you can control that to some degree.
    It’s toasty warm, just did a week in Iceland wearing one with a hoody and t shirt under it and was never cold.
    I’ve been in three big rain storms in it, two on the bike and got a bit wet round the zips but mostly warm and dry inside.
    The fit is loose, but I’m massive, so not about to complain. Haven’t used the hood while riding, so can’t comment on that.
    I like mine and would pay £60 quid for it again.

    Free Member

    I get a fair bit of pain from my arthritis, especially this time of year. I find practising mindfulness and meditation can help. It’s about learning to see the pain as just something that is happening, not obsessing about making it go away. More managing the anxiety related to the pain, which makes the pain itself easier to deal with.
    Sounds a bit pretentious written down and obviously this isn’t a recommendation of mediation as an alternative to medicines and “conventional” treatments, more as a complementary method of “filling the gaps” that painkillers and exercises might not deal with completely.

    Free Member

    This debate is **** weird, even by STW standards.

    Free Member

    I thought he asked who it was aimed at since neither he or his daughters or his wife were remotely interested.

    Massive cross section, there. I mean, if four or five people aren’t interested it stands to reason that literally no-one could possibly give a shit.

    Free Member

    Because they have a decided to ignore what is newsworthy and have a go at social engineering instead to satisfy their own charter

    Though I agree that the media can be an agent of social engineering, I really don’t see that here. I think maybe they just want to promote one of the few sports they still have the rights to broadcast, or maybe one of the producers is well into it, who gives a shit?
    Seriously, the amount some of you care about this is a bit odd. Which might be why your imaginations are running away a bit.

    Free Member

    How do we approach this?

    I’m just going to carry on with my life, as any stupid laws they pass will be unpoliceable. It’s annoying that people are idiots, but there’s little I can do to reduce their number, there’s **** millions of them.

    Free Member

    Hodgynd, you literally just said that people who don’t wear helmets deserve a head injury.
    Whatever your side of the helmet debate, that’s a bit much.
    I don’t wear a helmet on short commutes, do you wish me to get a head injury?

    Free Member

    There are a lot of white males with nothing who will bite you in the ass if you you drive them into a corner. Witness Brexit, LePenn Trump etc.

    So that’s all white males’s fault as well? :wink:

    Free Member

    Maxxis tyres – what are they made of?

    Women’s tears

    Free Member

    It’s better than it was, but still limited by lack of gradient. still a lot of puddles when it rains, but they’ve worked hard at the weatherproofing and it’s definitely less sloppy than it used to be.

    Free Member

    If you think I’m deliberately spouting shit on the internet to be controversial then you have got me wrong.

    Apologies, just me then… :oops:

    Free Member

    I know that quite a few feminists have been physically attacked and had their personal lives affected for speaking out about their concerns around trans rights.

    Did they go to the police?
    This is not a freedom of speech issue, it’s a crime issue.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Don’t worry your pretty little head about unimportant things like free speech and being able to question things you might not agree with. Someone else will let you know what to think.

    I’m assuming it wasn’t the state making those death threats?
    I’m also assuming you reported them to the police, as such things are a crime, you know, to protect free speech…

    I’m a pretty independent thinker, actually, and have my fair share of unpopular opinions, for which I have often been threatened by others, including organs of the state. I don’t go around crying about it though, it’s not dignified. I often make myself feel better by reminding myself that some people have to suffer such threats to their life and safety based entirely on who they are (or appear to be) rather than some deliberately controversial shit they spouted on the internet.

    Lucky us, right?

    Free Member

    Ah! That old chestnut.

    Well what do you want me to do, hold a vigil for you?

    Free Member

    Think about yes, but discuss? Not so much these days without being accused of something, threats made to your career, even life.

    It’s so hard when you’re the victim.

    Free Member

    Well I like thinking about things, what the consequences are and asking questions around them. I like to be able to do that freely.

    And you can.

    It’s not like autrhorities ever make big mistakes in policy is it?

    Doesn’t keep me awake at night, as it’s not something I can influence either way.

    Free Member

    You don’t think that as society and attitudes change, treatment becomes more widely available, legislation is brought in and sporting rules changed will show an increase in trans people playing sports?

    Probably, it’s not something I really think about that much. But I’m sure the relevant sporting authorities are thinking about it, so I don’t have to.

    Free Member

    Do you have a number for the amount of trans people participating in sport as women?

    And what about the number of trans people participating as men?

    Free Member

    Sure they are a small percentage now, but year on year that will increase. At which point does it become an issue? 10%, 20%?

    Surely the amount of people who feel trapped in the wrong body is roughly the same as it always has been, it’s just that you’re aware of them now. I’d be happy to sacrifice a bit of sporting glory if it brings down the frankly shocking suicide rates currently seen in the trans community. Or is the integrity of sporting gender rules more important than people’s actual lives?

    Free Member

    Who’s that then?

    Anyone with time to debate pointless bollocks like this is the very definition of privileged.

    I’d say go and ride your bikes or something but you might see a woman riding a bike and have a **** aneurysm.

    Free Member

    Whitehouse – Mindpahser

    Throbbing Gristle – Don’t Do As You’re Told

    Nurse With Wound – Mourning smile

    Einsturzende Neubaten – Energie

    Suicide – Dream baby Dream (1979, i know, but **** it, it’s awesome)

    Phuture – Acid Trax

    Free Member

    If he’s been diagnosed with a condition like ADHD then he should be subject to an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan. His parents should ask for this if it is not being done. In theory, an EHC plan should assess his needs and plan provision based on those needs (teaching assistants, planned extra breaks, extra time for assessments).
    In practice, schools (especially primary schools) do not have the resources or manpower to make the necessary adjustments and kids with ADHD can find themselves increasingly alienated from their education.
    The best thing other kids can do is to accept that he might need to be “let off” from time to time when he pushes past behavioural norms.

    Free Member

    Anyone that thinks what they see on the news is real is naive. Pretty much every news report you see or read is bollocks.
    I don’t see how someone pointing this out is evidence of a conspiracy.
    Anyone that thinks this level of fabrication is the preserve of either the liberal or conservative (delete as appropriate) elite is an even bigger idiot.

    If you want to know what’s going on in Syria, ask some Syrians, there’s plenty about the place these days and some of the stories they tell are far more terrifying than anything on Panorama. Or go on YouTube and find some videos that confirm your world view, but they’re probably bollocks…

    Free Member

    SS or not, I don’t think I’d get up a 17% without something prolapsing, I’m 18 bloody stone and my bikes aren’t much lighter.

    To be fair though, I did convert to SS precisely because I was that guy who just kept picking a lower gear on big hills.

    I find a 40/16 works on my commuting bike (rigid inbred 29er) and 32/18 on my MTB will get me up pretty much anything I’d get up with gears.

    But that’s just me, molgrips, you can use gears if you like, I’m not saying gears aren’t quicker, just that I’m shit at using them, I always seemed to be picking the wrong ones. Figured I might as well be in the wrong one all the time. :wink:

    And I’m a smug ****.

    Free Member

    I feel left out. What are the 10 ways to be a dick in a local bike shop?

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