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  • fin25
    Free Member

    People who choose to be vegan, then go about pissing everyone off and evangelising in peoples faces and generally being unpleasant do not represent me. I am vegan because I choose to be, based upon my own ethics and principles. Most people are not vegan, because they like meat or cheese or whatever.
    When you come on a thread and start pointing to the most extreme examples of vegan fascism it does appear that you are trying to bait people.
    I could give you a list of pretty disgusting people who kill and eat animals, but that’s not really the point now, is it?

    slowoldman – Member
    Liver’s horrible, can’t understand why all you meat eaters eat liver, it’s rank!

    No it isn’t and it goes well with bacon.
    Slowoldman, that was kind of the point I was making, hence the wink at the end of it.

    Eat what you like, I don’t give a shit, but I DO give a shit about what I eat. Anyone who struggles with that concept is a bit weird really, on either side of the fence.

    Free Member

    I have some leather shoes that I bought before I became vegan, I still wear them as it would be wasteful to throw them out. I won’t buy leather shoes again though.

    Free Member

    Liver’s horrible, can’t understand why all you meat eaters eat liver, it’s rank! 😉

    Free Member

    It mostly isn’t.
    It is rank though.
    And not all veggies/vegans eat quorn.

    Free Member

    I love that video, sums up a lot of people. The main problem with being vegan is that all the intolerance hunting glutenphobes suddenly want to be your friend, because they think I’m one of them, which I’m not, but some vegans are.

    I’m drunk.

    Free Member

    I’m generally vegan at home, but if I go to someone’s house for dinner or to a wedding or whatever, I’ll eat what I’m offered because I’m not an arsehole.
    The occasional domino’s margherita never killed anyone either…
    I did once get accused of being in Monsanto’s pocket by one of my very trendy liberal friends, which was strange.

    Bread is vegan
    Skittles are vegan
    Hobnobs are vegan
    Apple strudel is vegan
    Oreos are vegan
    Pretzels are vegan
    Some donuts are vegan
    A surprising variety of biscuits are vegan
    I make bloody awesome vegan pancakes
    Beer and wine is increasingly vegan as are most spirits.

    Basically, you don’t have to starve yourself or live off hippy lentil crap to be a successful vegan (which I do not consider myself). You also don’t have to be that **** who forces it on everyone around them at every available opportunity.

    Free Member

    Sounds like she wasn’t a vegan.
    It does sound like she is a **** though.

    Free Member

    Merzbow/Balazs Pandi/Keiji Haino – An Untroublesome Defencelessness.

    Sunn 0))) – Kannon

    Anohni – Hopelessness

    Phurpa – Teachings of Eastern Traditions

    Napalm Death – Apex Predator (Easy Meat)

    Autechre – Elseq 1-5

    Free Member

    It may well be that parliament fails to agree a workable strategy, but does that mean it can simply be bypassed?
    Can we set a precedent whereby a government’s self imposed problems can be solved simply through bypassing the democratic process?
    Parliament manages to make many difficult decisions through debate and compromise. If there is no debate, there will only be what the current government want, and that will not be representative of what the 52% wanted.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure that “common sense” is a good guide for lawmakers, what with it being a largely subjective term used by people to legitimise whatever their opinion might be about a given issue.

    How about words like jurisprudence, sovereignty, constitution, democracy, convention?


    Cos’ that might elevate this debate a bit above its current level.

    Free Member

    Go and look at the total welfare budget.
    Then look at the proportion of that that is for benefits.
    Then look at how much of that benefit budget is for people “in work”.
    Then go and look at how many people in the UK are unemployed.
    Then go and look at how many job vacancies there are in the UK.

    Those who are so quick to see the unemployed as such a big drain on society either aren’t very good at maths or simply haven’t bothered to do the maths because it doesn’t fit their world view.

    The Government is not targeting the poor because they have to, they are targeting them because we allow them to.

    Free Member

    I’ve said it before Jamba, and I’ll say it again…




    Free Member

    Any 90 page economic report full of formulas you know it’s bollix




    You’re not even being ironic, are you?

    Free Member

    Actually can’t believe Carney hasn’t quit today, seeing it through til the end of brexit just seems masochistic, given the stick he’s been getting off the brexit boys.

    Free Member

    No camels.
    Bit too Arabic for the brexit crowd.

    Free Member

    it’ll all be for shit when your chain stretches though.

    Free Member

    good job i’m vegan, don’t need no cows…

    Free Member

    So some people did some sums and said that, without brexit, there will be 20 extra cows in the field by 2030. They then did sums and said that with brexit, there might only be 19 more cows in the field.

    Sorry THM, we’re really **** this up.

    Free Member

    hang on, someone will be on in a minute to tell you how having lights makes busses hit you or something.

    Free Member

    What thm said.

    Eloquent bastard. 8)

    Free Member

    I already look like the bastard son of Gandalf and Dick Strawbridge all year round.

    Free Member

    Well this is where the fun will start, molgrips. When the section of the UK who voted for Brexit on an anti-immigration basis find out that, post-brexit, we will still have pretty sizeable amounts of immigrants coming in, we will see the full consequences of the forces unleashed over the past 12 months.

    Long term, the only people who will be happy with brexit will be the ones who make the most money from it.

    All 3 of them…

    And Jamba.

    Free Member

    The report TJ talks about refers to a drop in GDP per capita of 4.5% by 2030, based on a hypothetical, post brexit scenario. That does not mean that growth will shrink to -4.5% in a recession, it simply means that our GDP per capita will be lower in 14 years.
    I’m not suggesting this is a good thing, and i don’t think thm is either, it’s just that this is only one report of many and is not suggesting a contraction of our economy of 4.5%, just that one measure of growth/productivity might be down by around this amount at some point in the future.
    I certainly don’t see this report as a reason to panic, though it does warn of potential issues that must be addressed, especially regarding productivity, which has been a problem for our economy long before brexit popped up.

    Free Member

    As a decidedly misanthropic anarchist, I’m really looking forward to brexit.
    Unlike Jamba and his mates, I don’t think it will be a particularly wise move regarding the advancement of a prosperous capitalist society.
    In fact, if Trump gets in as well, I might just be lucky enough to bear witness to the final crisis of capitalism and the great revolution which will inevitably follow.
    So keep it up boys, you keep shitting in your own soup and calling it caviar.

    Eat up.

    Free Member

    The doom and gloomers here want to see bad news everywhere. However reality is simply not willing to play ball.

    You’re doing exactly the same thing, just from the other side of the argument.

    The actual reality is that we just don’t know what is going to happen, so by all means debate what might or might not happen, but this entrenchment achieves nothing and smacks of a lack of confidence in one’s argument.
    Also, that comment’s a bit rich coming from someone who managed to convince themselves that Arlene Foster campaigned to remain just to fit their own entrenched point of view.
    I’ll say it again…
    Say it with me if you like.

    She did not.

    Free Member

    Also, Jamba…

    No, she did not…

    Free Member

    No, she didn’t.

    Free Member

    As new DUP head says Brexit will not derail the peace process and it will work for NI. All this and she campaigned for Remain

    No she didn’t.

    Free Member

    So brexit means we’ll all have to drive Nissan Qashqais?

    Free Member

    They say you get the politicians you deserve. How the **** did we end up with this bunch of self-serving shysters?

    I think you’ve answered your own question.

    Free Member

    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 @boardinbob

    Free Member


    Now we get 100 pages of each side explaining why 0.5% growth proves that they are right…

    Can’t wait.

    Free Member

    As I sit here, entranced by Naga Munchetty
    Charlie and Tom from Keane have a tiny face-off.
    Steph thinks the economy will be fine
    And Carol says the weather will be too.

    But then the bonhomie is shattered
    As we pause for the local news.
    Its not even in HD?!?!!
    Local murders in 480p.

    I switch over to sky news.
    That was a mistake…
    **** you Rupert,
    **** you.

    Free Member

    I used to be the master of the soupy cough. For about 5 years the tactical was an essential part of any night out.

    Then I realised I was probably an alcoholic…

    Free Member

    Sometimes simple is best.

    Free Member

    Still waiting…

    Free Member

    I’m still to get an explanation of what he said that deserves being attacked though…
    Ninfan, I do get your point about the shared hypocrisy on both sides, however clumsily you made it.

    At this point it seems appropriate to leave you with the words of Sage Francis.

    “I’m not left wing, or right wing, I’m the middle finger.”


    Free Member

    Ninfan, I think somewhere in all of this we kind of agree. This need to constantly condemn public figures for speaking up is having a damaging and increasingly polarising effect. However, I can’t help but appreciate the irony of all the people who have been loudly banging on about this kind of public hounding doing exactly what they supposedly stand against. Either they are pro free speech, in which case Lineker is free to say what he likes without harrassment, or they are pro censorship and should grow up and admit it. They can’t have their cake and eat it.

    Free Member

    Ah, so you don’t really believe in people not being hounded for saying innocuous things then?

    Own your language, that’s all I ask. I’m not hounding you, just offering you the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the words you choose.

    Free Member


    I asked for a reason why anything he said should result in his job being threatened.
    You then went on to assume I’m some sort of hand wringing liberal grauniad reader, which I’m not.
    I don’t care what Lineker said (though in this case I do agree with him), I want to know why so many people found it so offensive.
    I dislike this sort of hounding whichever side does it, so many people in the public eye are having careers messed up from saying relatively innocuous things.
    However, fascists cannot continue to play the underdog or victim of PC when their own lot are doing exactly the same thing they moan about happening to them.

    Also, I work with disabled children who have to deal every day with arseholes like you calling them retards. If you like, you can come and meet them and explain why you think your use of that word makes you so cool.

    Either answer my question when you choose to quote me or don’t quote me. Don’t use my quotes to paint me as something I’m not, because you don’t know me.

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