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  • International Women’s Day is Every Day at SingletrackWorld
  • fin25
    Free Member

    I do massive home made falafels. They look exactly like scotch eggs, so fellow bimblers will be none the wiser. Also do my own vegetable pasties.
    Packet of ginger nuts or oreos and some skittles for pudding.
    Ultimate vegan bimbling!!

    Free Member

    Not been out bimbling for a while, a mixture of Arthritis and painting wooden floors has done for me for a week or two. 🙁

    The good news is that I can indulge my other great hobby of pottering. 🙂

    Free Member

    I remember watching a show he did years ago where he was doing up a canal boat and exploring loads of Victorian engineering. Made a tin of beans to a Victorian set of standards and processes. The whole show was basically a total waste of time, but his enthusiasm and curiosity made it great to watch.
    I don’t think he’s being exploited, I think he’s very good at projecting his enthusiasm and curiosity, and channel 4 have given him a vehicle to share it. Yeah, not everything he does is great and the narrations are getting a bit OTT but I’d rather watch him try and fail to cycle a balloon over the channel than most of the shite on TV.
    Definitely more Dibnah than Gump, and long may he continue.

    Free Member

    BT are clever little ****. I live in a village with 3 very visible cabinets around it with the big “Fibre is here” stickers on them. Signed up for BT Infinity, was given a guaranteed minimum of 29mbps. Turns out the fibre is from a cabinet over a mile away in another village. Never had a connection over 16mbps since living here, the engineer we called out said we were lucky to be getting that.

    No-one else can offer an equivalent fibre service better or cheaper, as BT have the usual rural monopoly. If I go back to ADSL I’m looking at 1.5mbps, if I go through another provider, BT have admitted to me that they’ll throttle the connection and I’ll be lucky to get over 9mbps. All the guaranteed minimum means is that I can cancel my contract if it isn’t met, but any other deal is worse, either on price or connection speed. The fact that this company is given billions of taxpayers money to put stickers on cabinets then goes about its business in such a ridiculous manner amazes me.

    Free Member

    Come to think of it, I’ve never seen Laverne and Keaveny in the same room…

    Makes you think…

    Free Member

    Whatever man.

    Free Member

    Riding across a desert on a pub bike (albeit a lovely Rourke frame) eating snickers for fuel and wearing someone else’s trousers. **** hero.

    Free Member

    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    Free Member

    provided the animals themselves are looked after correctly, treated respectfully, and slaughtered properly.

    Where is this utopia you speak of?

    Free Member

    Mattsccm, I am all of the things on your list and I’m lucky enough to have never been knowingly discriminated against in my life. I’d think if I was a member of the most discriminated against group in society, I might have noticed by now.
    I’m sorry that you feel the way you do, it can’t be easy when you’re white, male, married, no kids, straight, working, healthy, middle aged and educated and still being discriminated against.

    Free Member

    Forgive me if I call bullshit on this. The prisons are full, with very little in the way of extra capacity on the horizon and the government are talking about increasing sentences when there’s already record numbers being released early.
    They’ve clearly no intention of properly enforcing this and Judges will be under no pressure to significantly increase sentences. It’s just lip service and further proof that no improvements are on the horizon in terms of policing and enforcement.

    Free Member

    Just got back from seeing arrival, very good indeed.

    Primer is excellent
    Predestination is an odd little film
    Snowpiercer (made by Joon-ho Bong, who directed the amazing Korean monster movie “the host”)
    Beyond the black rainbow
    The survivalist

    Not all strictly sci-fi and not all epics, but all interesting in their own way.

    Free Member

    At the end of the day, for a lot of us if the question is “what’s best” then the answer isn’t 4.8 or 4 or 3.8, its 2.3. But the reason I have a fatbike is because it’s not best.

    Spoken like a true fattist.

    Free Member

    Be aware that the older, blue ICT comes with 100mm rims and 4.8 tyres, while the old ops has 80mm rims and 3.8 tyres. I’m not sure if there’s many of either left and the new yellow one prob. Won’t be showing up any time soon (I think that has 4.8 tyres on 80mm rims). Whichever one you go with, it will be awesome.

    Free Member

    It’s the one thing I like about Trump. Who are China to tell a (future) head of state who he can and can’t talk to. So much international diplomacy is ridiculous and childish, it’s OK to trade with Taiwan, just don’t talk to them, nonsense!
    I quite like that he’s not bothered about appearances, though I’m not sure he’s smart enough to back it up. Time will tell.

    Free Member

    I have an ICT, it’s awesome.

    Free Member

    Cinnamon girl, you’re right, I don’t think that podium girls are necessarily being exploited, but their existence in sport is seen by many women as a bit of an insult, given the amount of barriers they may have faced. Things are rapidly improving though and huge progress is being made in women’s sport, so much so that podium girls are starting to look a bit silly to a lot of people.
    Totally agree with you on body image, but surely inequality plays a part in that too?

    Free Member

    This is getting silly now.
    Who here thinks women have equality?
    In an equal world, podium girls are no problem at all. But of course, for a lot of you guys, the world does look pretty equal, because you may never have faced real discrimination, therefore podium girls are just fun.
    In an unequal world, where women can not even dream of achieving the same success or recognition as their male counterparts, podium girls are a personification and perpetuation of that inequality.

    Free Member

    DrJ – Member
    STW earlier today…


    Free Member
    Free Member

    If you’re just riding the same trails you would on any other mtb, then 3.8 will suffice. I’d look at 150mm front hub spacing to keep it bluto compatible though, just to keep your options open.

    Free Member

    This I don’t get. You understand the issue and the cause, but won’t do anything about it. Essentially saying deforestation on the other side of the world is someone else’s problem.

    Pretty standard whataboutery, unfortunately. I get it every day. It usually backfires when people find out that most of the world’s soya is grown to feed cows, not vegans. Also, most vegans avoid palm oil and some meat eaters do, too.

    I’m also not a great fan of soya products, but do use them from time to time. But obviously, all vegans are the same, so soya use is all my fault.

    Free Member

    Yup, it’s a Hope Pro2

    Yeah, don’t like to diss hope, but their alu freehubs are a bit like french cheese, I’ve made a right pigs ear of mine using it for ss.

    Free Member

    Edukator, I wish more men had your attitude.

    Free Member

    It’s difficult for white heterosexual men to understand because their main experience of the move towards equality is largely about losing things they used to have.

    If we really want to live in a society based on gender equality (which many people need to admit they don’t) we need to raise up women, perhaps artificially at times. This means that society must be reformed from one that celebrates the sort of attributes intrinsic to podium girls (narrowly defined body image, subservience to men, sexual availability) to one that more widely celebrates the achievements of women across the board.
    But of course, every step towards such a goal will be met with the usual clamour of white heterosexual men dumbfounded as to why such things are such a big deal.
    It’s not about labelling everything as sexist or racist or whatever (and I accept that all the Social Justice Warriors are very guilty of this), it’s about moving towards greater equality, which means moving away from things like podium girls.

    If society was truly equal podium girls would not matter. So no, in isolation, there’s no problem with podium girls, the problem is equality, or the lack thereof.

    Free Member

    The 1 psi per 10kg thing probably works as a good guide for riding dry, hardpacked trails, everything else goes much lower. For example, I weigh about 110kg and my average psi is probably around 5 front, 6 rear. I would only put 11 in to ride on towpaths or very, very smooth trails.
    Obviously this is also very dependent on tyres, as I ride on 4.8s, so have a fair bit more volume to play with than 3.8s, so can go lower. If it snows, I will probably go down as low as 2 or 3 psi.

    See what I mean? It becomes an obsession. 🙂

    Free Member

    When we moved into our house, the drains were proper blocked. Called the drain guy out, who removed a shitload ( 😆 ) of them moist “flushable” wipes from the drain. He loves them, says he’s inundated with blocked drain jobs since they came on the market.

    Free Member

    Wobbliscott, did you read my post, or did you stop at me being a vegan, because we’re saying the same thing. Yes, palm oil is bad and I avoid it. About 85% of soya is grown to feed cattle, so we can eat them and drink their milk, hence I don’t eat them or drink their milk.

    Free Member

    My only hope is that all this fuss leads people to think a little more about what things are made of and make better informed ethical choices.
    Unfortunately, it appears to be following the usual media fuelled public outrage trajectory of “this thing is bad so we hate it”, regardless of how many things around us are as bad or even worse.
    As has been pointed out already on this thread, so many products use tallow that we are surrounded by but are oblivious to.

    My main ethical reason for pursuing a vegan lifestyle is that, in the current system, eating meat and using animal-based products is responsible for so much harm, not just to the animals involved but to the wider environment. There are situations in my life where I have to make choices between using an animal product or another, non-animal based product whose environmental impact may be greater, but this is very much my choice.

    As usual, thousands are up in arms over the use of 1.5 cows to make millions of bank notes, but, compared to the daily horrors of the meat industry, ever increasing climate change and deforestation, a £5 note is irrelevant. Imagine if the media spent as much time talking about those issues as they’ve spent talking about fivers.

    I’m not in the business of telling others how to go about their business but I hope that my choices may inspire others to reduce or remove animal products in their lives. I’m not sure anyone’s being inspired by a bunch of people crying into their lentils* about trace elements of tallow in £5 notes.

    * I like lentils, I eat them all the time.

    Free Member

    Grow a beard.
    Wear shorts all year round.
    Take your bike to the nearest beach ASAP.
    Get a frame bag.
    Did anyone mention mudguards?[/url]
    Get used to everyone looking at you and everyone on here suggesting that’s why you ride a fat bike.
    Accept that non-fatists will never believe how well a fatty climbs.
    Embrace the bimble
    Remember, you can never focus too much on tyre pressure.
    Move to Scotland.

    Free Member

    Over reaction, yes, but typical of what?

    Free Member

    It’s the taking part that counts. 😉

    Free Member

    Everything Rik Mayall ever said or did.
    Funniest human being who ever lived.

    Free Member

    What about the conviction that stupid convictions are stupid?

    Free Member

    Panic over, I can go back to eating fivers now.


    Free Member

    “trace amounts” is a pretty broad term though, and has been used to describe all sorts of things.

    Free Member

    ScottChegg, you highlight the main problem. Animal products are concealed in so many things that it’s impossible to be totally vegan. I do my best with the knowledge I have and every day I learn something new to avoid.

    Free Member

    I think the surly cross check has 132.5mm dropouts designed to take 130mm or 135mm.


    Free Member

    Come on…

    You need to try harder than that.

    Maybe try an actual response to what’s been said.

    Free Member

    Why are some of you non-vegans getting so upset?
    As far as I can tell, no-one’s had a go at your way of life on this thread.

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