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  • Move Over Chris Akrigg, Hello Leo Smith
  • fifeandy
    Free Member

    I never had an argument, I merely pointed out which way the rudder was pointing. And much as I think JC is useless, its actually quite nice to have a list of strong policies from him.

    Unicorns aren’t in the manifesto yet, he’s holding back unicorns and money trees to make a late surge in the last week before voting.

    adequately funding the NHS

    I’m not sure there is such a thing.
    It’s a black hole, you can just keep on pouring in the money and it’ll never fill up.
    No clue what the answer is though so don’t bother asking

    Free Member

    Utopia is a bad thing now?

    Nono, it’ll surely be awesome, i’m looking forward to ditching the car and riding my standard government issue unicorn to work.

    Free Member

    He may have seemed rudderless for a while, but given what we can see in his manifesto, he now definitely has one, and its pointed sharp left to a tax and spend utopia.

    Free Member

    1kg = ~1min per 1000m climb
    Since we don’t know the answer, lets just assume that extra efforts for acceleration are balanced by maintaining momentum better over rough stuff.

    Free Member

    @TvG, can’t see why anyone has any expectations of him other than failure. He’ll make a good climbing domestique though – tall enough to provide good shelter and a big engine.

    @G, bit gutted, he doesn’t need any help falling off, seems to have that mastered already. Would have liked to see how he could have done with no mishaps, but tbh i never expected him on the podium.

    @dumoulin, nice ride, will be interesting to see how much time he takes back on TT.

    Sky may as well just withdraw G and Landa, get them rested up and prep for the TdF

    Definitely beginning to get a bit p’d off with moto incidents over the last couple of years

    Free Member

    Also, hope you have a dry GT7, the TB will be ‘interesting’ in the wet 😆

    Free Member

    WTF are those pedals doing on an XC bike.
    Can’t unsee that, gonna have nightmares for a week!

    Free Member

    5th hand Wattbike

    Free Member

    Bit late to the party, but just saw my first F1 for the season. Pink car! 😯

    Free Member

    @aracer, opposite experience for me. Never found a single application where compatibility mode helped. We’ve still got a couple of xp machines kicking around our place running specific bits of software, but they aren’t allowed a network connection.

    Free Member

    @deviant, seems to me there’s many more men that are a push over and controlled by access to lady parts than not.

    Boggles my mind that so many put up with being told what they are allowed to do and when. And then they have kids and that’s it, life over, never allowed to do anything for themselves or spend any money on themselves ever again.

    Free Member

    You’ll be fine – if you can do 70mi then a few more gels and some determination will get you to 100 no bother.

    Don’t be tempted to race it, been there done that, and all you end up with is a memory of suffering, take your time, take in the views and have a nice chat with people going a similar speed.

    Free Member

    Well, that was horrific.
    Gabba/Nanoflex combo were totally overmatched.
    Getting long showers were expected, but the forecast promised me 10-13 degrees. Instead the first 3 hours saw 7 degrees, and riding with slower riders so not making any body heat. Arrived at the mid ride cafe stop a shivering wreck.

    You know its wet when your wallet is in a ziplock bag, inside a plastic bag, inside your saddle bag, and you still hand over a soggy tenner to pay for your cake 🙁

    Now i’m going to consume a weeks worth of pasta in 1 sitting and pass out in front of the TV!

    Free Member

    The plan was a 90mile ride (most of which) with my NC500 group today and 30 tomorrow.

    The weather forecast is making 60 both days look more appealing

    Free Member

    @FS260-ProII mentioned by a couple of people above.
    They are indeed excellent, but are discontinued.
    The latest version has been upgraded with improved leg grippers and cold black material, but are a little more expensive.

    Free Member

    Castelli velocissimo are excellent and can usually be found on your budget.

    Free Member

    Don’t just leap on the bike and start pedalling, spend 5 mins with the map plotting a rough route and highlight the high value controls.

    Use elastic bands to strap the map and control location list round your forearms.

    Free Member

    lol @kimbers.
    Democracy is great isn’t it 😀

    Free Member

    It’s a trail centre. You ride round and round and round and round and …

    Nah, you ride 2 mins, you rest 2 mins, you ride 2 mins, you rest 2 mins, you ride 2 mins, you keel over into the bushes exhausted. All the while extolling the virtues of your 170mm full sus anchor shod with quad ply bubble gum compound tractor tyres.

    Free Member

    Don’t worry folks, if you don’t like the new Boost only product line then BoostPlus will be along in 2019 to give you more choice

    Free Member

    Crosshair, just look at our stats from the NRC 50 mile training loop we did on Sunday. Me avg 216 watts, you avg 256 watts. And I think I spent quite a bit more time on the front than you did

    If I was you I’d just nudge my position to be a little longer and lower, nothing dramatic, just a few millimeters every few weeks. Over time it will make a big difference.

    Bending his elbows would be a good start.
    Every single photo from races they are fully locked out to make the biggest air brake possible 😛

    Free Member

    It would be even better if the media completely stayed out of politics. Reporting is one thing, putting forward biased/one-sided opinion as fact is another….


    Free Member

    The same old bussed-in Tory sycophants waving their little placards

    That’s not really a Tory thing though is it, pretty sure most political parties the world over are doing that.

    Free Member

    Thats a good question, next time I see Mrs Strong and Stable I’ll ask her about her working teachers and nurses.

    Fully qualified nurses start on salaries of £21,692 rising to £28,180 on Band 5 of the NHS Agenda for Change Pay Rates. Salaries in London attract a high-cost area supplement.
    With experience, in positions such as nurse team leader on Band 6, salaries progress to £26,041 to £34,876.
    At more senior levels such as nurse advanced, modern matron and nurse consultant (Bands 7 to 8c) salaries range from £31,072 to £67,805.

    Assuming the linked data is correct it seems like nurses do just fine.

    Free Member

    You will leave the country or reduce hours but majority won’t

    I really wouldn’t bet on that.
    Reducing hours to avoid higher rate taxes seems a very sensible choice for anyone. Better work/life balance without being penalised excessively for doing well for yourself.
    Put it this way – would you work overtime for half your normal hourly rate?

    What a lot of people seem to forget is that the better off are already paying vastly more. Even with a flat rate 25% income tax, someone earning 100K would be contributing 4x more than someone earning 25K.

    Most people that earn big money work really hard for it, as if they didn’t theres a queue of people behind them ready to take their jobs. Why shouldn’t hard work be rewarded?

    Free Member

    Epic screw up by Cannondale yesterday, Woods actually won the sprint for the minor places, he’s got to be raging, and for good reason.

    Free Member

    Depends on the bike. Don’t think you could put enough pressure in the shock on my spectral to cope with that weight without it bottoming out fairly consistently

    Free Member

    Totally dependent on what your activity levels are. I’m maintaining my 85kg on <2000kcal a day.

    Exactly my point.

    fifeandy… how long / how much energy do you think it would take the layman to do a TdF stage?

    Very much depends on the stage obviously, but around 10hrs for a flat stage, with a lower calorie burn (75Wx4x10hrs = 3000kcal) vs (250x4x4.5 = 4500).
    Mountains would obviously even things up a bit.

    Free Member

    fifeandy, you adapt to exercise, the body likes to stay the same as much as it can. As you start to exercise you will initially burn a shit-ton* of energy, if you do it more and more, you will learn to use less energy to do the same amount of work.

    This is pretty well established.

    * the SI unit of cycling /cake ratio

    Could you explain why as a small 60kg bloke I need 2500-3000kcal/day to maintain weight then?
    And maybe while you are at it you can explain to TdF cyclists that they dont really need 6000kcal/day, 2000 will be plenty right?

    Free Member

    Is it not the fat around organs and in arteries that actually is a bigger concern?

    In your particular example, then yes.
    But not so much as a concern as the folks with 40+” waist measurements.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    For that sort of distance regularly, and to average 20mph solo over 120mi you really want to be looking at what the pros are doing.

    Plenty of volume, but at low intensity, regular training 5-6 days a week, and taking rest seriously with post ride naps etc.

    Fuelling wise, make sure you never bonk on a ride, and make sure you fuel well immediately afterwards.

    Free Member

    I’m always very dubious about those leader boards on the challenges. Some of the interstellar milages that that are apparently ridden must be being done by bots or computer nerds sat in their bedrooms.

    Nope, they are done round and round and round the same park in Florida

    Free Member

    fifeandy, I have to say your post is ill-informed. You probs don’t burn all that much extra calories by cycling (humans are pretty good at adaption to exercise)

    Or maybe its you that’s ill informed?
    Testing has shown that even trained cyclists burn calories at a rate of approximately kcal = Power(W) x 4 x Time(hours)

    So i’m not that big, so we’ll have a conservative estimate that my average power is 125W. And I did 371hrs last year. = 185500kcal
    A coke can has ~140kcal
    So by my reckoning that’s 1325 cans of sweet sugary goodness i’ve burned.

    Free Member

    A proper tax / minimum pricing on high sugar foods would be a good start. If a can of full fat coke cost £5, that would probably make a difference.

    Are you going to pay the difference to those of us that can consume full fat coke in a responsible way?

    Some of us burn a lot of calories exercising each week and simple sugars are perfect for fuelling that.
    Some of us also have health issues that make consuming energy dense foods more healthy for us than what is traditionally perceived as a healthy diet – maybe you’ll start providing coke on prescription?

    Got to say this particular issue winds me up no end as I’d end up significantly worse off because the rolly polly club have no self control.

    Free Member

    Yep, should have listened to my legs and stayed in bed.

    Wishing i’d stayed in bed.
    Only thing keeping me awake is the pain in my legs.
    Riding in the morning is so wrong

    Free Member

    Don’t usually commute in as I prefer to spend my efforts on the bike training, but for a one off I took the SS as its quite a climb up through town.

    Was still pretty cold – was glad for the wind blocking properties of my Gabba.

    Didn’t see any other bikes though, so guess bike to work day didn’t really catch on with the pie eating citizens of Dundee….

    Free Member

    Can’t think why

    Sometimes it just happens.
    Mind says go, legs say no.
    Was only a few days ago you said you were feeling strong on the club ride so I wouldn’t worry too hard about it.

    Final week of a training block by any chance? I find that’s the time when legs are least likely to co-operate.

    Free Member

    He tweaked my bit fit

    Not entirely sure thats the type of service Nath was after 😯

    Free Member

    ulysse – Member
    So there were never morning and afternoon post deliveries where you live, or for that matter, post offices? Or sorting /collecting offices for missed mail in multiple handy local locations?

    Nope, we only ever had one delivery, and still get 1 delivery.
    The ‘Post Office’ was and still is a 3ft perspex cubicle in the village shop
    And the shop store room was and still is the collecting office.

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