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  • fifeandy
    Free Member

    Looking like LD and UKIP are going to be losing a whole lot of deposits.

    Free Member

    Makes perfect sense in NE Fife, expected to be close between LD/SNP, very unlikely there’ll be any other outcome.

    Of course Queen Nicola will try and get indyref2? anyway, but any seat she doesn’t get gives her slightly less leverage, which with an array of crappy (imo) options to choose from it’s about as much as i can hope for.

    Free Member

    Status quo +/- 10 seats.
    Total waste of time

    Free Member

    I agree that you can’t blame Labour for a global economic crash, but if they hadn’t been running an unnecessary deficit in the years running up to the crash the mess the coalition inherited wouldnt have been nearly so bad.

    Free Member

    Well, after much umming and ahhing over the last week or so, and seriously considering not voting, i went and voted LD and hopefully did my little bit to reduce the odds of indyref2.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    It’s just worth debunking the myth that Labour are fiscally incompetent. Or they are at least less fiscally incompetent than the Conservatives.

    An alternative way to look at the figures is that people only get desperate enough to vote conservative once labour have screwed up the the finances enough. (Purely playing devils advocate)

    Regardless which side of the red/blue divide you are on, things are going to have to change fairly quickly as we can’t afford to continue running a deficit much longer.
    And that’s what scares me about both sides. JC has a ‘costed’ part of his manifesto, i’ll leave others to argue over that and take it on face value that it’ll work, but he also has ~£300bn of borrowing for nationalisation and infrastructure. I’m even happy to concede that in the long term that may pay off as increased growth, but in the short term leaves us with an extra ~£10-15bn in debt repayments each year, which is money that cant be spent on services, and only digs us a deeper hole.
    On the other side of the coin, the conservatives didn’t even bother to cost their manifesto, so not sure how anyone has any confidence in what they are going to do.

    Long story short, we’ve all created ourselves a mighty fine mess with 20+yrs of fairly steady borrowing, and at some point in the next 10-20yrs its going to bite us in the ass. The longer we leave it, the harder the bite is going to be.

    Free Member

    It’s some sort of small community centre or other, I don’t actually know what it’s day job is.

    This (which is a bit sad given I drive past it twice a day)

    Free Member

    Sounds like you’re one of those folks that will actually be ticking the Tory box but doesn’t want to admit it – you know, the ones that through the polling off.

    Meh, a vote for them is a vote to tell them its OK not to have any costings in their manifesto, and that’s definitely not OK with me – may as well be signing a blank sheet of paper on blind faith.

    Free Member

    Miles give smiles?

    Free Member

    And start drinking wine?

    Surely this is why Duvet days were invented 🙂

    Free Member

    Better off going to bed early and getting up at 3-4am when the results start to roll in.

    Free Member

    Complete bullshit again.. your hypocrisy is staggering.

    Actually he’s right according to YouGov

    Free Member

    Klunk – Member

    Even the dogs don’t look too impressed with the candidates on offer!

    Free Member

    For the Tories it’s a high bar to start with, a win isn’t enough, I reckon that a majority of less than about forty will be seen as a huge failure for Theresa and her leadership of the party.

    Technically, holding the same majority and restarting the 5 year timer will be a win, however I think you are right, anything less than a 40-50 majority will be seen as a failure.

    For Labour, what demonstrates failure for Corbynite/Leftist rather than Centrist/Blairite policies? What happens if, for example, they win less seats but a bigger vote share, will people cling on to that as an endorsement of radical leftist policies?

    In the example of less seats but bigger vote share it’ll probably just kick off yet another round of his party trying to get rid of him, and the membership voting him right back in again.

    Free Member

    Cos it’s all about you, innit.

    When it comes to my vote then yes, i’ll vote or not for what I think is best, not at the whims of an internet troll like you

    Free Member

    I don’t really feel any party is offering what I want.
    If I do vote it’ll probably be LD as an anti SNP vote.
    But the downside of that is it makes LD think people approve of their policies, but despite voting remain, I disagree with remoaning.

    Free Member

    Bit surprising they haven’t included a subcompact chainset

    Free Member

    Hill interval session
    In biggest gear
    Pass the bucket

    Free Member

    Good result for Valverde too

    Obviously, he’s not had an off day for 3 years.
    Not sure what brand of energy drink he uses, but I need some!

    Free Member

    So you’re in favour of social segregation?


    You’re either Hitler, or you haven’t really thought that through.

    I’m in favour of at least having the option available so that if people want to remove their kids from an environment full of other kids who only want to cause trouble and have no interest in learning then they can.

    Is it ideal, no.
    Is it better than spending years being bullied for actually being interested in learning, imo yes.

    Free Member

    Ok but what’s the solution? Have all the nerdy kids go to selective schools, or make comps better?

    Not sure you can make comps better, there are always going to be the ‘don’t give a crap’ kids of parents that should have been neutered. And whatever way you choose to tackle that problem, its probably going to infringe someones human rights.

    Free Member

    I’d start by spending a fiver on a can of penetrating oil and spraying that into the seatube 3/4 times a day, generously. Have teh bike upside down and spray through either the bottom bracket or better still through the bottle cage mounts if available. A week or so of that should make a fair bit of difference.


    Free Member

    If you like a jersey, get it and wear it.

    Free Member

    I’ve actually seen very little campaigning from the SNP which has been disappointing

    That’s because their entire force of activists have been leaflet/letter bombing NE Fife.

    Free Member

    Look for Endura FS260 or Castelli Velocissimo on sale.

    Free Member

    Quick update:
    Got a call from landlord this morning, he’s spoken to a roofer who is going to come round and take a look tomorrow.
    As Weeksy says, should be no call out fee if no problem. And makes sense as a place to start as its the least intrusive (in terms of bashing in plasterboard) for either my flat or upstairs.

    Kinda inclined to agree with Bear though – think the ‘pattern’ suggests its when something is used – its been raining all night and no further leaks.

    Free Member

    Not got one, but would really like one, however I can’t get over feeling that the price is a bit steep considering the weight.
    And putting aside the fact the Definition is much prettier, I can’t help feeling the Bokeh makes it redundant – more versatile with virtually no drawbacks.

    As with @beagle, funds are available, but yet not quite convinced myself to spend them yet.

    Free Member

    This current phase is all about weight off and maintain my leg mass though.

    There’s been some conflicting opinions on here as to whether this is a sensible option, but it’s the one I’m comfortable with and going with.

    Doing it the other way round would probably be the ‘normal’ way to go, although with less obvious short term gains. Think Wiggins, Thomas, Dumoulin, all had the power to begin with and then cut to get the W/Kg.

    Free Member

    I think you’ve got to change your riding up and try new events/challenges to keep these things interesting. But its also quite natural for interests/motivation to change.

    Reckon i’ve got about another year or 2 of really pushing myself for endurance racing or challenges, then probably a period of just maintaining decent fitness and riding more socially. Maybe join a local club etc.

    Free Member

    I think we are going to have some outstanding scenes of wailing and gnashing come Friday morning

    I suspect that will be the outcome regardless, the only difference will be who is wailing

    Free Member

    Anyone got any suggestions to keep a winter exercise regime interesting and varied?

    Buy some good quality clothing and lights and go ride outside

    Free Member

    Need to be pretty dumb to base your vote on the output of that website

    Agreed, i’ve done 4, and as far as I can determine I should be smoking cannabis on a newly nationalised train on my way to bash some immigrants with a ukip flag before ripping off some old forgetful folks.

    Or maybe i’ll stick with the original plan of making my own mind up.

    Free Member

    No, its not sustainable.
    I’ve said it elsewhere, but we are conditioned that our standard of living can only possibly get better. Its expected we have the best of everything, best NHS, best Education, best Police and if any of those don’t get the best funding, there is outrage.
    But we don’t like taxes to pay for it, because we also like to have the best flat screen TV’s, best SUV’s and best mountain bikes.

    Since the reality is that there is a limited money supply, that means the standard of living we are used to is built on a massive pile of both national and consumer debt.

    The way I see it (which may or may not be right), is that we can take some minor short term reduction in living standards and start living within our means now. Or we can carry on as we have been and wait for the whole system to collapse in ~10-20yrs and relegate us to 3rd world living standards.

    Free Member

    20 mph is about my limit on road, 25-30 off road.

    Free Member

    +1 for Pro4 Endurance.
    Not as fast or plush as a proper race tyre, but miles better than cheap entry level tyres, and also seriously puncture resistant.

    Free Member

    If you find yourself at your 1min threshhold on that route then something’s gone wrong!

    Or you’re on hardknott and not walking, so somethings gone right 🙂

    Free Member

    Pedros levers – virtually unbreakable, and if you do they replace for free.
    Not tried it myself, but Orange Seal always seems to get the best results in sealant tests.

    Free Member

    Tried out voteforpolicies.
    That’s now 4 of that type of quiz i’ve done, and 4 different parties (con/lib/lab/ukip) i’ve been told I should vote for. 😕
    Maybe I should try and find a couple more and see if I can collect greens and snp 😆

    Free Member

    Not a chance.

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