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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • FFJA
    Free Member

    That’s what I thought! Which baffles me why they won’t leave stuff where they leave the letters?!

    Free Member

    Frustrated with them certainly!
    I live down a 500m track. Perfectly drivable etc, but with a post box at the top to save them having to do it.
    Except when ever something needs a signature (and they don’t even take one now!) they leave the card rather than coming down.
    I then have to take time off work and drive an hour round trip to the collection place! Properly grinds my gears but I have no idea what the solution is!?

    Free Member

    If you do end up with bottles a bottle warmer is useful.

    Microwave steriliser was what we used, dead simple

    Dummy? Controversial with the NTC nazi party members but when you are desperate to sleep it’s a great silencer..

    An ability to be pragmatic? Mini FFJA and mum both found breastfeeding impossible. Pressure from health visitors didn’t help. Don’t be afraid to swap to formula if it doesn’t work for you guys. I wish we had much sooner, it was a huge stressor.

    Good luck! They’re quite hard to break, you’ll be fine! It’s a brilliant feeling.

    Free Member

    Another vote for Pennine in Bentham. They’ve been very helpful to friends buying fabric to make bits of caving kit.

    Free Member

    Tier 2 for me in N.Yorks, Tier 3 for daughter in Darlington.
    I have no concerns about crossing between them to collect her and to do food shopping.
    Just a shame for her 7th birthday tomorrow we can’t make our only eating out trip I’d have considered. Drive through Happy Meal and chocolate milkshake it is. Not sure what she will choose….

    Free Member

    @timthetinyhorse mine is about £22 a month for the full breakdown package and the garage stuff. 5 claims a year I think with a £35 excess so injectors worth out £50-£60 quid.
    It mentions in the policy about them checking service history but asking on VAG forums I’ve yet to meet anyone where they have actually asked!
    I almost want it to break down now 😂

    Free Member

    You want to try being in the fire service system of leave groups!
    I once had a guvnor who mysteriously had every Christmas off……

    Free Member

    2nd / Booster injection on the Novavax trial for me yesterday. No side effects etc.
    Speaking to the consultant no body he has seen on either the active dose or placebo has mentioned any side effects..

    Back in 2 weeks for a general check up.
    The Pfizer vaccine was mentioned, basically that in the rare chance I’m offered a dose, to call them and the will “unblind” me so I can decide.
    They are hoping to know the efficacy of the Novavax one by the 2nd week in January.
    Let’s hope it’s another weapon hey!

    My only dissapointment is that so far I haven’t been given a lollipop or a sticker saying I was a brave boy. It’s a bloody big needle! 😂

    Free Member

    Exactly the reason I bought AA parts and workshop cover or whatever it’s called.
    Not had an injector go yet! 120,000 12 plate Vw caddy.

    Free Member

    Planning to watch the underground session 2 of my mates are speakers

    Free Member

    @tpbiker Yes they do/did

    Free Member

    @esselgruntfuttock, the faster you go, the thinner it gets 😉

    Free Member

    @esselgruntfuttock @joshvegas you want to try driving a fire engine around it!

    Free Member

    Thanks pleased it was useful

    Free Member

    I found the 24 hr patches had erm “unexpected all night long” benefits 😳 Mrs FFJA at the time highly recommended patches… But you might want to take it off at night!
    Patches lozenges and vape for me. Stopped for 18 months until I lost my marbles and started again. Need to do it again but it’s a bit much at moment.

    Free Member

    I had my first visit for the Novavax trial today. Passed all the screening no problem so have had an injection of “something” and a covid test. Seemed very thorough and well organised! Back on the 3rd for round 2 of injections.
    An interesting experience to be part of and hopefully one that might do others some good.

    Free Member

    Monday morning is D day for, just been reading through all the guidance notes. I must confess I’m slightly apprehensive now!

    Free Member

    My first name is James. But family have always called me Jamie. I detest it. At work and to girlfriends im always James which causes confusion when they meet the parents.
    I had a boss who we would wind up with his surname as it drove him insane. His surname was Pitt and at work we send something called a stop message. Combining “From watch manager Pitt stop” fast enough would irritate him enough to cause much merriment. Simple things.

    Free Member

    I wish I’d been stronger. But if she’s really gone then I can’t do this anymore. Be kind to yourselves.

    Free Member

    @P-Jay I think with mine they said they’d reimburse travel costs but I don’t recall a £50. Im just in it for free tea and biscuits tbh.

    Free Member

    @TiRed do you know anything about it?

    Free Member

    The govt should be ashamed. Not only have they condemned thousands to a COVID related death, they’ve condemned others like me who now know for sure there is no chance they will see their loved one ever again. I’m out.

    Free Member

    Thanks @BruceWee I’ll take a look

    Free Member

    Thanks all. This forum has indeed been an absolutely massive support in the past and it’s a hugely appreciated resource.
    Mumsnet has been great actually as well to talk to women who have the same MH issues as my loved one.
    There’s a lot of good out there still. I hope.

    Free Member

    Mumsnet! The answer to everything is there I should have thought! Good idea

    Free Member

    I used the travel kit from boots when I had extreme pain from a lost filling but couldn’t see dentist. Seemed to work better than the dentak one I’d tried before but I can’t remember the brand sorry. You have my sympathy!

    Free Member

    Hmm not sure it’s a simple as that @oikeith. I get that that’s the standard break up advice but this isn’t really a “standard breakup” I don’t think. More that at the moment she’s rather lost in her own little world of depression. Or maybe you’re right and I’ll never see her again. Who knows.

    Free Member

    @timber spot on, as an example

    Gives horse in next stable a carrot (she has a HND in horse stuff and is fab with them.

    Spends rest of night panicking the horse is allergic to carrots, it’s probably dead, I’m going to get chucked off the yard, should I call the vet? Etc

    Free Member

    Don’t worry @core I’ve been through loads of other ones 😉
    But this one is for whatever reason difffent and very much worth the heartache wherever we end up. May well be nowhere but I think I owe it to myself and her to keep trying

    Free Member

    @timber yes I think that’s it! I’d happily take on some of the stress for her if she’d let me,but I think the anxiety that she can’t let anyone in properly holds her back from that.
    Like you say, it’s trying to hold on to the idea that she isn’t likely to be enjoying this anymore than I am, but feels almost powerless to help it I think.
    Good job she’s bloody lovely despite thinking I’m the double of Wallace from W&G
    Interesting about the dreams. When we first went very wobbly she described barely sleeping at night, napping during day where she could, and strange dreams where she was sleeping walking and searching all over the house for something she couldn’t find… Although at that point I think she wasn’t remembering to take her medications and often forgets or thinks it’s pointless, eg “does everyone have a chemical imbalance? I can’t, I’m just a horrible cruel person and that’s why I should always be alone and you deserve so much better than me”

    Free Member

    The more I read about BiPolar and particularly the self sabotage element people can display its almost like reading exactly about us. Which sort of helps in a strange way.

    Free Member

    @argee I think you are spot on tbh. Her support network is almost non existent.
    I’ve suggested we park the relationship and spent time as friends if that’s what she needs right now. Even just a chat and walk the dog.
    Fingers crossed. She’s been quite chatty today which is a bit of an improvement

    Free Member

    Thanks @survivor it’s interesting to hear it from “the other side”

    Early on she said that once she was back to work and under stress her anxiety would become much much worse. She certainly wasn’t wrong..

    I’ve tried to chat to her about why she suddenly feels the way she does but understandably she’s very defensive and it’s very hard for it not to become an arguement. The closest we’ve got is that she wants to be loved and cared for, to have someone tell her everything will be ok, and that she’s safe, but that she’s also terrified of having it and losing it or getting it wrong so will sabotage it almost to “get in first”? A lot is linked to guilt that her relationship with her sons dad broke down and she feels she let them down and doesn’t really deserve to be happy.

    She did the up and down thing with her ex for 4

    I’ve tried to back off but have also been very clear that she’s cared about, I haven’t gone away and that she isn’t a horrible person. She’s upped her antidepressant meds which is hopefully a good sign. I think a lot of her dating is a way to try to feel some self esteem and that she’s wanted by someone.

    I just hope that somewhere inside the old her is still there and will see through the clouds that she is special and loved.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies.
    There’s no easy fix, and in her mind when she’s in this stage I think she genuinely believes she will never be happy.
    6 months ago she wanted a happy settled relationship and to be loved.
    If I ask her now and if she manages to bother replying she says she just wants to survive it and can’t hope for anymore than that
    It’s hard to know what to do or say. And I’m so scared I will just lose her for good.

    Free Member

    Hmm I know it sounds a nightmare, and it is in some ways. But “Well Becky” is just the best person I’ve ever met, and daft as it sounds I knew this might be the case when we started and promised I wouldn’t let her down.
    She knows she’s impossible, I think she’s rejecting everything now as she thinks she’s being kind almost! But then she will message saying sorry I’m a looney, please don’t hate me, you must hate me, are you going to take revenge on me”
    I’d just like her back :-/

    Free Member

    Sue Johnston. Can’t bear the woman.

    Free Member

    Into my heart an air that kills
    From yon far country blows:
    What are those blue remembered hills,
    What spires, what farms are those?

    That is the land of lost content,
    I see it shining plain,
    The happy highways where I went
    And cannot come again.

    Free Member

    Thanks @grum

    Free Member

    How am I doing? Awful and I wake up crying every morning and wonder if today will be the day it pluck up courage to finish it. Honest answer.

    Free Member

    The rating for Swaledale has changed to “HIGH” on the NHS App but then Gov website still says Medium? So no idea if I can visit people legally or not!
    Not that I have any friends or family too visit even if I could.
    This thing is combined with a relationship breakdown really is trashing my mental health in a big way now….

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