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  • Hoffman and Hart win at Fort William National DH Series
  • fervouredimage
    Free Member

    Looking at all these makes my list seem so inadequate.

    Mine was simply

    1) Push my riding skills up a few notches.
    2) Buy a couple of Kayaks and start kayaking.
    3) Embrace my cynicism and accept that it’s who I am.

    Not really revolutionary but it’ll do.

    Free Member

    It’s hard when you love someone to just think about number one. I think it’s incredibly noble and selfless that you are more or less on standby for her. But at what point do you start getting your life on track?

    She clearly has some difficult emotional and mental issues which is tough for her and you but you could spend an indefinite amount of time on standby, jumping when she needs you, sitting back when she doesn’t and potentially being left behind to pick up the pieces when she decides exactly what she wants to do.

    I don’t know how much you have talked to her about all of his or how you feel but I think you need to strongly tell her the effect this is having on you and how unfair the whole situation is on you and then, harsh as it may be, provide an ultimatum and stick by it.

    At the minute she is living in her own bubble as a result of her emotional instability and clearly cannot see or cope with the idea that others are suffering as well because of her actions. So you need to bring her back down to earth and remind her just how miserable her selfishness and thoughtlessness is making you.

    It’s ultimatum time in my opinion and she needs to know it.

    Free Member

    That sounds legendary fervoured.

    The simple things in life are always the best. 😉

    Free Member

    I don’t give a rats arse about New Year personally. Forced Celebration and a big anti-climax seems to sum it up for me.

    So, tomorrow morning I’m off to the Forest of Dean to try out the new Blue run with my better half. Then we’ll have a few beers and a Takeaway tomorrow night and spend most of Sunday giving the bikes a much needed strip down and clean/grease.

    Good weekend for me.

    Free Member

    tell me more about the bolt. I’m very tempted to buy one or a absolute sx but love my trance so I’m unsure if I should swap

    I should provide a little background info so you know where I am coming from. Bike choice is such a personal thing.

    For Downhill duties I had a Commy Supreme DH V2. It was a great bike but as I rarely race it just became a largely pointless machine. It was too much for most courses in the UK – I always used to describe it as feeling ‘swampy’. Anyway, I wanted something that had a bit more life in it that could take the harder hits and the rough stuff. Something with a spring in its step so on a whim I got myself a Bolt frame and swapped a lot of components from my Supreme. My first ride on it at Aston Hill I was sold. It was exactly what I was looking for. It was springy and lively but solid and grippy. It just inspired more confidence in my riding. It didn’t lose anything on the Supreme but it just allowed me to force the bike to do what I wanted it to do.

    It is on the heavy side but I don’t mind that for DH stuff. For me short travel is the way to go for UK downhill. You just don’t need 200mm or 180mm for that matter, it just inspires lazy riding. If I could get away with 120mm on World Cup courses without breaking it, I would.

    Free Member

    You’re being lied too. 😉

    If you are a human being with a modicum of basic human decency, you would hate them too.

    Free Member

    I loathe my in-laws. In fact I loathe my wifes entire family, every single one of them.

    I wouldn’t know where to begin with my vitriol plus it would probably upset people. I really do hate them.

    Free Member

    Yeah, It’s about 4k for the paramotor itself then there is the rest of the kit and training. So, like you say, just the initial cost really.

    No licence needed which is a bonus. I’ll be in touch.

    Free Member

    By your own standards – do YOU consider yourself to be successful?

    Ahhhh yes, but almost by default we are compelled to measure success based on others standards. They are never your own standards because we don’t truly have our own.

    …. I have been drinking today.

    Free Member

    No hardtail in your collection? Hows about a 4X style ti hardtail of some description?

    I know, It’s shameful isn’t it. To be honest it’s either a 4″ Travel play bike or a hardtail like the Ragley Piglet.

    Free Member

    Surely Alien is a far superior film to Aliens? Not that Aliens isn’t a great film.

    Free Member

    Well he wins: I have neither the funds nor the time to join him, so just get to live it vicariously through YouTube and Facebook

    It is an expensive hobby, no doubt. But you’ve officially introduced this into my life so if it all goes tits up, I’ve given my other half your contact details. 😉

    Free Member

    By whose standards are we measuring success? If it’s your own then only you can judge what is or isn’t successful.

    And what is success? Money? Property? Career? Family?

    The question is too open ended. It’s too much for my head at this time of year, I’m just thinking about the next drink.

    Free Member

    Or do as a mate of mine has done (“suthy” on here) and use it to buy paramotor and learn to fly it.

    You win. How could you not want to buy one of those?

    Free Member

    No idea what the YT Play is like, but I’m really happy with my Wicked 150 from them. I had loads of questions before I bought and the guys at YT were really great to deal with.

    Any quality issues with it, frame wise I mean?

    Free Member

    The bolt does look the dogs but I’ve heard mixed reviews about the ride.

    Why is buying a new bike such a pain? It should be a pleasurable thing to do but I’m yet to buy any bike without any sense of regret.

    Free Member

    I was looking at that YT Play bike. I know they do the Direct Sales thing but that on paper looks a bloody bargain.

    The spec is impressive for the cash and looks very similar to the Double. Quite tempted by that, even if the paint job isn’t quite my taste.

    Free Member

    There’s nothing quite like simply pissing 2k away.

    I want to do something different with it this week.

    Free Member

    Awesome MTB holiday somewhere Morocco, India, it will leave you with some memorable experiences

    Like that idea. That should have been at the top of my list really.

    Free Member

    How about gifting it to the STW Junior Designer


    Free Member

    Excellent. Taxpayers’ money not wasted after all, then?

    If I only save one life…. Then it probably wasn’t worth it to be honest.

    Free Member

    That’s probbly beacuse you’ve bin shit-faced on drugs and booze all the time though.

    Absolutely. That’s what I meant.

    Free Member

    Horses for courses when it comes to education. For some perspective I spent 4 years as an undergrad in medical school, 3 years at Uni for Biomedical science degree, 4 years in Entry Medicine and MRCS and now at least 6 years before I can consult. I’m 30 and feel like I’ve just started out.

    I haven’t slept in 12 years.

    Free Member

    Now i have to go to all the trouble of kidnapping and executing a child puppy and cat , and i was just getting in to the festive spirit.

    I’ll save you the bother of kidnapping. I’ve got all 3 you can use.

    The cats got a bad eye, the dogs bone idle and the kid is a waste of space so no major loss. Fill your boots.

    Free Member

    Fervoured image. Partly out of interest to see, partly so folk can have some fun with it. Nothing more.

    Are you sure? 😉

    Free Member

    Why stop there, why not have no designers. No MTB’s, no cars, no clothes……

    No, we can just stop with Graphic Designers. It’s not an all or nothing choice.

    I didn’t realise we were voting on the abolishment of Graphic Designers. Where do I sign?

    I’m joking. I’m not saying that Graphic Designers don’t have worth in Society, of course they do, but so do Binmen and most people, given the choice of what society could lose would probably choose graphic designers to be given the chop over binmen.

    It’s a false opposition to compare a binman to a designer but I still think it’s reasonable that binmen should earn more than a Junior Designer.

    Free Member

    You muppets, what are you brain surgeons or something?

    Not a brain surgeon but I am a heart surgeon.

    What’s your point?

    Free Member

    So, no adverts, no magazines, no newspapers, no labels on products etc.

    Well now you put it like that, I don’t know what I would do.

    Free Member

    Following on from the Christian thread I thought this might be interesting. Who has any Christian symbols at their festivities?

    Half a point for an angel on the tree, points for cards with nativiuty scenes or jesus on them bonus points for a nativity scene or saying grace before your meal extra bonus points for going to church

    Remember trees. yule logs, santa, raindeer are not Christian

    In all seriousness, what is the point in this?

    Just so you can point out a so-called version of hypocrisy?

    Free Member

    No disrespect to Binmen, as they do do an important job, but it’s not exactly a hard skill to learn.

    But it’s an important job to the function of society, I’m not sure I could say the same thing about a graphic designer. Plus the fact it must be bloody hard work. On your feet all day, outside in all weathers essentially collecting everyone elses crap.

    Free Member

    My life size Jesus model has broken.

    I’ll get it fixed it up by Easter.

    Free Member

    I’m hurt!

    I wasn’t having a dig, honest. 😉

    I just don’t think it’s shocking that a Binman should earn more than Junior Designer. He absolutely should in fact.

    Free Member

    But £15.6k! I know nothing about Lancashire, but am guessing the bin men get paid more than that. For someone who has worked for 3 years at Uni unpaid, and come out with the skills on the list- well Im just surprised.

    I can live without another graphic designer in the world but if my bins don’t get collected….

    Free Member

    “Nothing more ironic than a mum with 3 kids driving a Hybrid car”.

    Doug Stanhope I believe.

    Free Member

    I live in Accrington, so the chances are pretty slim of stumbling across three wise men and a virgin

    I was recently in Accrington. Can’t believe that cow lied to me.

    Free Member

    “Work to live, not live to work” someone once said, and it’s true.

    Yeah, I agree with that sentiment. Although those that truly love their work will say otherwise. Fair enough I suppose.

    Free Member

    post of the year

    😆 And I only signed up today. I’m off to a good start. 😉

    Free Member

    Monsters was relatively low budget but it was more the fact that the film was edited and laden with special effects in the directors bedroom with a Mac. A work of passion.

    Free Member

    I’m glad I’m not the only one. I’ve been in the same job for 4 years now and I enjoy it but when it comes to working above and beyond I can always think of something else I’d rather be doing, even if that something else isn’t something I would ordinarily want to do.

    Anything but work tends to be my ethos now. I can live with it, not sure my employer can though.

    I wouldn’t over think it. I don’t

    Free Member

    I’d go with Clerks. Clerks 2 is surprisingly good as well, also very low budget relatively speaking.

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