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  • Bike Check: Benji’s Cotic RocketMAX Mullet
  • fervouredimage
    Free Member

    I was dabbling with the idea of the Long Mynd but I’m not keen on getting absolutely drenched. Bloody weather.

    Free Member

    My wife also found reading this helpful:

    particularly the anecdotes about the excuses people come up with to avoid doing things.

    Just ordered that, sounds good. Thanks.

    Free Member

    Great advice from all. Thank you.

    We both have active lifestyles – Kayaking, cycling obviously, mountain climbing etc and on those ‘black’ days I push us both to go out and do something, which tends to help. I even got us a little West Highland Terrier back in Feb who we both adore and seems to be having a positive effect. When I brought him home I did say that if anything could chase away the ‘black dog’ it would be a white dog.

    I think I may just have to go see our GP on my own and talk to him about it. I do feel like I am betraying her by doing that which is why I have been reluctant but when she is ok, it is impossible to convince her there is a problem of any kind.

    I just don’t want it to overtake her which I am incredibly fearful it will do.

    Thanks again.

    Free Member

    Upward inflections drive me crazy. Say anything with an upward inflection and I’ve made my mind up about you.

    Free Member

    The most difficult aspect is that when she has a really bad day she agrees that she needs to see someone because she just wants a way out of the feelings she is experiencing at that moment. At that point I feel I am starting to make some progress. The problem is the following day she is absolutely fine, like nothing has happened and she finds the idea of seeking help ridiculous. ‘Help for what?’ is the usual response.

    She is unable to vividly recall how unbelievably low and grief stricken she was the previous day so completely denies there is a problem when she is ok.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a couple of water butts that I’ll be using for cleaning duties but sadly I am aware that the moment my Hosepipe comes out to use them my neighbour will be on the phone (we don’t get on) and I’ll have to do some explaining to some official types.

    I could do without that hassle.

    Free Member

    Good to see that the legislation isn’t open to interpretation.

    Free Member

    Three and a bit.

    Free Member

    I’ve been out of work since last September after being made redundant. I was working in the service industry which was soul destroying anyway. It’s been tough watching my savings slowly disappear and having to consider mortgage breaks etc.

    It’s taken a while but I was offered a job this week for a small, local company as a trainee designer/production operative. I have no educational background in design but the company director saw potential I guess and has given me a great opportunity.

    I’m on a high at the moment, especially after having an awful and depressing 6 months of worry and stress.

    This post isn’t really relevant specifically to the thread but opportunities are out there if you are willing to think out of the box, try something new. In real terms it is difficult but just keep plugging away.

    Free Member

    From the makers of ‘Transformers 1,2 and 3’. Michael bay isn’t directing so it does have that saving grace but still, I think I’ll give it a miss.

    Free Member

    Is there a better alternative then for ‘off piste’ riding? Something that’s going to be better for navigating?

    Free Member

    Great feedback folks. Thanks very much!

    I think I’m going to get one. I’m sure it will open up my riding somewhat and at the very least it will mean me and my wife won’t have to worry about delving too deep into places and getting lost (unless the battery goes of course!).

    I assume the battery is built in (iPod style) so carrying a spare isn’t possible?

    Free Member

    It was the trail package I was going to opt for. I assume that will have all I need, for now at least?

    Any good places where you can download others trails that they have been kind enough to share?

    Free Member

    That’s what I thought. A few people have told me they are great to navigate when you’re off into the wilderness so to speak. But most have told me that they are mainly useful for recording where you have been rather than where you are going.

    Free Member

    I am an idiot for having a different view to you?

    The TJ standard response rears its head again.

    You’re not an idiot for having a different view. Just an idiot.

    Free Member

    Just waiting for LoveFilm to send it out. Looking forward to it.

    I watched Drive last night. Definitely an unexpected treat and little gem. Fantastic movie.

    Free Member

    Jedi – How does the sizing come up on the BR. I’m on the cusp of Large at 6’3″ tall.

    Transition recommend a large for 6’2 upwards and a medium up to 6’2. How do you find the sizing on them?

    Free Member

    Sod the holier than thou mentality, just get what you want, you’re a long time dead

    I say something similar to myself everytime I want to buy something. I always end up being beaten by my sensible boring side though.

    I wish I could stand by my convictions.

    Free Member

    Stand and wait for the bone idle cow to open the door for you.

    Free Member

    Good video. Look forward to seeing the rest. I’ve had so many ‘pro’ vids rammed down my throat trying to market a certain image/product that I’ve forgotten what the real world is actually like. Be good to get some real world reviews and info on kit etc.

    Free Member

    On your knees everyone for our self proclaimed intellects.

    Free Member

    On one of Clarkson’s programmes there was a model maker who had made a model of a Ferrari Le Mans stlye racer (can’t rmember the meodel) with a fully functioning copy of the engine. Not sure what fuel it ran on though.

    I remember that. It was fully functioning. I remember the maker saying that if you could shrink someone to fit inside it it would run like the real thing. A working clutch, a working accelerator pedal, brakes, steering wheel etc.

    Free Member

    RudeDog from Rudedog and the Dweebs.


    Michaelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello and Raphael.

    Free Member

    Find something you are good at and really love and put all of your energies into that no matter what anybody tells you, no matter what the cost, no matter what the sacrifice. You won’t regret it.

    Free Member

    Myself, I took up motorbike trials a couple of years ago. Relatively cheap, top laugh and a lot of mountain bike skills cross over.

    That doesn’t sound a bad idea. I used to do motocross when I was a kid, maybe a more gentle technical motorsport like trials could be a good option. I’ll add that to my list.

    Free Member

    It looks bad when I say I want to do something other than cycling I admit. But Mountain biking has more or less engulfed my life since I was 15 years old and it would be nice to mix it up a little bit. Familiarity breeds contempt as they say.

    Free Member

    He’s been charged. 😆

    Free Member

    Nobody told the writers that it’s not the 70’s anymore. It’s bloody awful.

    Free Member

    Matthew Wright. His smug mangled face drives me insane. Everything he says also has the same effect.

    Free Member

    As a self confessed film obsessive I have seen all of the above mentioned so:

    Warhorse – Not bad but not great. It’s classic Spielberg, a popcorn movie which knowingly attempts to tug at your heartstrings. It was a bit much for me though. You’ll either enjoy it for what it is or vomit and accuse it of being too manipulative.

    Sherlock 2: Same as the first one. Decent flick, nothing amazing but no worse or no better than number one. Just good fun.

    The Grey: Looks beautiful, sounds beautiful and has some ‘moments’. A visual feast but no great depth.

    The Artist: Perhaps not quite as overwhelming as some reviews have made it out to be but it is a great movie. It’s different without being challenging. I defy anyone not to enjoy it regardless of your standpoint on film.

    The Descendants: Wonderful film. Clooney is superb. Heartwarming and well crafted.

    My pick would be The Descendants as I’m sure both you and your mum would enjoy it.

    Free Member

    I’ve managed to twist a main pivot bearing inside my frame today when trying to remove it.

    It’s well and truly lodged in there now. Annoyed.

    Free Member

    Oh well that’s good to know. For some reason I always thought that PFD’s aided buoyancy but not to the extent that they would keep you afloat without treading water.

    That will put her mind at rest a little more.

    Free Member

    Maybe a SOT might be a better option for her then. Less chance of being trapped inside if you turn over.

    Also, am I correct in thinking PFD’s simply aid floatation whilst you swim? So if your not swimming you will sink?

    Free Member

    But imagine Judge Judy in 3D. Terrifying.

    Free Member

    don’t be so quick to put it down to age… I know a lot of people my age (30) who wouldn’t be able to grasp the concept of recording and playing back in 3D… I also know some very switched on ex-engineers in their 70s/80s who would get it in a flash if you explained it without relying on buzzword laden gadget

    I was just sharing a story that made me laugh. No comment on age relating to technical knowledge intended. 🙄

    Free Member

    Futility of life linked to life itself Scientists warn.

    “we should all consider suicide to prevent this futility” said a leading expert.

    Daily Mail

    Free Member

    Now as why someone want to remove the paint from one of the sexiest colour on a bike, this is a different matter.

    Nitromors and elbow grease it is then.

    It’s not so much the colour I dislike it’s the fact the paint jobs on Commies are generally quite poor and the chips and flaking is already really bad – looks very tatty after only a dozen or so rides. I only have to look at my Supreme and it starts to flake. I’m hoping that technique may help when stripping it but you know that as soon as I start the paint won’t budge.

    Free Member

    A big DH rig is too big for there, too big for most places in the UK unless you’re serious about racing. Plus your meta does have good, nippy geometry on it to throw about, it’ll aid in the bike control learning process, the meta is generally quite good.

    A DH bike or TR250 will be a lot of bike to handle if you’re just getting into this riding, you’ll become a passenger rather than learning to control your bike. The worlds finest Dhers use their trail bikes for training purposes to get better skills.

    My vote would be a bottlerocket or scott voltage in shorter travel guises. They will be stronger and tougher than your meta and better suited. But not so much bike you become a passenger and don’t actually learn to control the bike properly.

    Your Meta will not hold you back there, the only thing will be yourself. You won’t be able to “buy” skills on that terrain as it were, you pay for the skill, not with money, but with time and practise.

    Sound advice. Learn your trade on a smaller, shorter travel and lighter bike and when you eventually jump on a full on DH Rig (if you ever really need one in the UK) you will be able to push harder and faster than you would have if you’d been mastering your craft on the DH bike in the first place.

    I personally have found myself going the other way – turning my back on beastly DH bikes and thrashing around on my new Bottlerocket. It’s reminded me why I started mountain biking in the first place.

    Free Member

    My Westie is fine off the lead and will do as he’s told but it has taken me 2 years and a lot of perseverance to get him to this stage.

    As already said, it’s just a case of having the time to invest which I thankfully did when we got him.

    Free Member

    How much cash do the fairies pay for those?

    Well I was left a Canon 400D in exchange for my Wisdom Tooth….

    I may have just purchased it because I was feeling sorry for myself. I was taking a lot of pain killers at the time so my memory is fuzzy.

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