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  • Moorland fire equalled carbon footprint of a small town
  • fervouredimage
    Free Member

    White Middle Classes pretending they ‘get’ Hip-Hop thread.

    Free Member

    One positive though,something by chain reaction that arrived exactly on time.

    It would seem we’ll be sending it back for a refund.

    Free Member

    If stability is the main consideration, why not a sit on top?

    We looked at them but we thought for canals which we have an abundance of around here that a traditional kayak would be more comfortable and have better chance of keeping us dry.

    Free Member

    No, not a ‘sit-on-top’. I probably didn’t need to refer to it as a ‘sit-in’ kayak as I guess all Kayaks are ‘sit-in’ other than actual ‘sit-on-tops’.

    I’m based near Warwick so Brookbanks is on my doorstep. I guess stability is our main goal as we both want a calm day out on the water, just enjoying the views and peacefulness of it. So we’re not looking for speed or anything super fancy.

    I’ve seen quite a few within my budget but am I not being realistic in getting something decent for that sort of money (other than 2nd hand). I have no frame of reference so wouldn’t honestly know if I was buying something of good quality or a junk so I’m using price as guide for quality really i.e not cheapest I can find, nor the most expensive.

    Free Member

    Tim Burton took Frank Millers ‘The Dark Knight Returns’ graphic novel and used it as the foundation for his interpretation of Batman(Dark and gothic)and removed it from the campy, 60’s version.

    Joel Schumacher returned it to it’s campy roots with Batman Forever and the horrible Batman and Robin. Thankfully Nolan looked again at ‘The Dark Knight Returns’ for his inspiration but also wanted to put Batman in the ‘real’ world.

    I think this trilogy has really captured the essence of Batman and I thought this third one was a perfect finale to the series.

    Free Member

    I’m a bit picky with my movies . Watched inglorious basterds again 2 days ago, now that’s a 9-10 film. I loved the Tim Burton depiction of batman

    Not picky enough by the looks of it. 😉

    Films are completely subjective anyway, arguing with someone over whether they liked a film or not is largely pointless.

    Free Member

    So says someone on a website for ageing middle class men who dress up in baggy shorts and ride bikes around in the mud all weekend


    Free Member

    Well, I’ve not long been back after seeing it this afternoon. For what it’s worth, I was absolutely blown away by it. A perfect finale to the trilogy.

    A far more complete and enthralling film than the Dark Knight IMO. An epic if ever there was one.

    Free Member

    Seeing it in a few hours at my local cinema. Can’t wait.

    Not sure where the idea that critics have panned it have come from. I’ve only read one sniffy review and that was from the Daily Mail (who gave Katy Perry’s movie 4 stars out of five).

    Free Member

    Never been embarrassed about my bike.
    Always embarrassed about my riding.
    Hence I make up for it by buying expensive bikes.

    Free Member

    Had a go at that Blokarting a few years ago in Devon. Great fun. Once the wind gets behind the sail it really does go.

    Free Member

    Perhaps you should go ride you bike or something

    Maybe we all should.

    Free Member

    are you arguing with yourself?

    I didn’t realise that responses could only be posted if they were to disagree with someone else.

    (now I’m arguing)

    Free Member

    get over it, people buy the bikes they like, not the bikes that somehow fit into your definition of appropriate for their ability.

    This. If folk want to spend a small fortune on their chosen sport/hobby then good for them. It’s good for the economy anyway.

    Free Member

    £30 for the days lift ticket +-£100 to repair your bike afterwards. generally speaking a weekend at Ft Bill will wreck your forks/shock, possibly kill a mech/rear wheel and probably ding your rims.

    Depends what you’re riding but I’d agree that wheel dings are almost guaranteed no matter what you ride.

    Free Member

    It’s also a propaganda tool.

    I commented in a discussion there many moons ago about some guy that had been shot on a UK range with a 5.56mm weapon in fully auto mode (I forget the weapon, it’s not important). The accident occurred at very close range, and I commented how that would be particularly nasty as the NATO 5.56mm bullet is designed to yaw and break up over a certain velocity.

    I was quickly intercepted by a serving member of the forces telling how that was nonsense, illegal, against the Geneva Convention etc. etc.

    The thread went on with me provided links and evidence, but still this one guy would insist it was all lies.

    No one joined to defend the unequivocal evidence.

    I’ve not been on since.

    😆 Classic.

    Oh, you’re serious.

    Free Member

    please say your username is the same over there?

    😆 Inspired.

    Free Member

    maybe there’s a STW buyout looming, but the potential buyers want the toilet flushing and the skid-marks scrubbing off before they park their posteriors.

    There are some very deep stains that will need bleach and a wire brush.

    Free Member

    i just love coming past pepole on 3k or 4k bikes and knowing i have less than ten times the amount of money in mine!

    I’m far from being a Pro so I get great satisfaction in knowing that my 5k DH rig will be able to take everything I can throw at it and much more.

    For me it’s worth it and I enjoy it.

    Free Member

    You live and learn.

    People need to be content in life and accept that there will only be moments of happiness, some long, some short. Being content is far more important. Taken me about 12 years to learn this.

    I’ve had jobs that have had no possibility for progression so when I couldn’t structure a career I tended to buy stuff every week to reward myself for going to work. Weekly cycle of boredom. Living for the weekend.

    Then had a near death experience, a fairly long stay in hospital. Cried when I came home and watched the finches we have preening each other. Amazing what I was blind to when rewarding myself with bike bits, car bits, gadgets and other shit that soon becomes obsolete.

    Now I’m content to be able to walk my dogs, shred some stoke and don’t pay too much attention to the things society used to make me feel like I should be doing. No point in worrying about what might happen.


    I like this a lot.

    Free Member

    You can’t talk about Debt and then say that we aren’t counting mortgages.

    It’s my thread and I can make whatever rules I like. 😉

    Free Member

    Tenants would argue you aren’t a home owner yet…

    Indeed they would.

    Free Member

    Are you suggesting that banks in the UK don’t repossess homes on default

    Of course they do, but your implication is that banks will repossess a home at the drop of a hat and that private landlords will have to jump through hoops of fire before they can oust their problematic tenants.

    The reality is that the mechanisms in place to assist home owners struggling with their repayments are far reaching and banks will do a great deal to keep mortgage payers in their properties paying (something).

    Landlords don’t want none payers or difficult payers and as you certainly know the Law more than recognises this fact. Whilst it’s not easy to evict tenants there are very straight forward mechanisms in place for landlords to remove none-payers and very useful and adaptable mechanisms for mortgage payers who are struggling to remain in their homes.

    I’d much rather be a home owner than a tenant.

    Free Member

    The point I was making is that you’ll be out on your backside if you fail to keep up rental or mortgage payments, and that tenants are afforded substantial protection from landlords being able to boot them out on a whim.

    Stop paying your mortgage and see what happens. It’s pretty similar to what happens if you stop paying rent.

    You went to Law School right?

    Free Member

    Odd that folk aren’t afforded the same protection from banks – since they are effectively letting “their” house to you too.


    Free Member

    Jesus sometimes posting on this site feels like arguing with children

    Does not compute, so will ignore that statement and argue on a point that is irrelevant. 😉

    Free Member

    Obviously it’s not going to happen if you are unattractive I’m afraid


    Free Member

    Ok, sod it. I’m going to give racing a go. Always wanted to do it and was too young during the early 80’s BMX boom so at 30 I’m going to do it.

    Where to start? I guess at 6’3 tall I should look at 24″??

    Free Member

    the other question to ask is how much of a ‘float’ do you have if you lose your income?
    i remember a news article that said most people didn’t have enough to last a month let alone 6.

    I think that’s probably true of most to be honest.

    Free Member

    I’ve never had a cheap bike really. Not because I have money coming out of my ears or anything, but bikes are my little extravagance and I believe that it’s a hobby worth spending on. It gives me a lot in return.

    Free Member

    On another note I seem to be getting films sent to me from LF that I haven’t added to my list. Currently got Werner Herzogs ‘Into the Abyss’.

    Given my growing boredom and the depressing ongoing rubbish weather I am very certain I didn’t add that to my list.

    Free Member

    Where abouts are you? (long shot)

    My father-in-law is a tree surgeon with 40 years of forestry commission experience but he tends to do things the old fashioned way (more muscle and graft rather than top notch equipment), hence is much much cheaper than most tree surgeons.

    Free Member

    Films make me feel old. I saw a clip for ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’ the other day. I vividly remember adoring it as a 7 year old and then It dawned on me just how long ago that film was released and subsequently how I’m getting old(er).

    Free Member

    I have one major regret when it comes to my career path. A few years ago I was offered a position as a Deputy Editor of a fairly big publication. I was thrilled at the time but the whole ‘working in London’ thing put me off plus the 3k bill for a year long pass for the train.

    I turned it down. I’ve regretted it ever since. It was an opportunity that won’t present itself ever again.

    I enjoy what I do now but it’s far from being a Deputy Editor of a magazine. My biggest regret in all of this is that in order to fill the void of having an exciting career, I seem to endlessly search for hobbies and sports to do, things to buy etc. Not great.

    Free Member

    I wondered how long it would take before this just descended into Partridge references.

    “Smell my cheese you mother!”

    Free Member

    within the realms of current WC DH racebikes

    …And one has it bang on, the other doesn’t. I get the ‘idea’ from the fact I’ve ridden both back to back and the scalp works very well (hence I now own one) and the Aurum doesn’t work as well.

    Free Member

    Is he? I’ve seen that posted a few times in threads but never actualy mentioned in an article.

    He just comes accross as quiet and ‘normal’, if he is autistic he’s definately at the ‘normal’ end of the spectrum. Just because he rides bikes doesn’t mean he comes from the Rob Warner school of public perception management.

    Apparently so. As you probably know there are many varying levels of Autism that manifests itself in all manner of ways.

    Regardless I like the fact he isn’t media savvy and just quietly goes along becoming a World Champion… Like you do.

    Free Member

    If there’s one thing Danny ain’t, it’s a Word champ!


    Free Member

    Buy a Nukeproof Scalp because it’s a bloody good bike for a very good price, regardless of 2013’s prototype (team only – general production end of 2013)

    Free Member

    Get there for Mid-day on Sunday and you’ll see all the action.

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