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  • Cost of living crisis and Singletrack – An appeal
  • fervouredimage
    Free Member

    Won’t somebody think of the children.

    Free Member

    It will be rideable but the Geometry is all there for a longer travel fork. If you’ve got 100mm forks and are happy for it to be ‘not quite right’ for the time being then they’ll do… for now.

    Free Member

    Thoroughly recommend “Bike Snob”- very funny!

    +1 for ‘Bike Snob’.

    Free Member

    I’m more dismayed that IHN had to explain 3 times that he wasn’t calling Female Olympic Swimmers fat. Far too quick to feign offence you fat ********

    Free Member

    If you’re seriously considering buying a £6k bike, then changes are you have a £50k Audi sitting in the drive.

    Maybe. But I have plenty of riding buddies who will spend thousands on their bikes quite happily but haven’t spent more than 50 quid on their house in 5 years or paid more than 500 quid for a car.

    If spending vast sums of money on a push bikes is what you want to do then so be it. I couldn’t care less whether you’re a seasoned pro or a full on ‘all the gear, no idea’ sort. Who am I to point fingers?

    Free Member

    Yeah it would £6450 is list price.

    Though works bikes are full of trick bits (they like an upgrade even more than MTB’rs), your bog stock bike will run with them quite happily in the right hands.

    6.5k will buy an off the shelf the machine but it wouldn’t even scratch the surface when it comes to GP machines. 6.5k will pay for fork upgrades at a push and no GP rider would do much on a stock machine I assure you. They don’t compare.

    Free Member

    It’s been made special to hide his ‘normous man boobs and sweat patches.

    F1 coverage isn’t what it used to be.

    Free Member

    That money gets you an all singing all dancing MX bike that would happily sit on the start gate at a GP and have a chance of winning.

    It really wouldn’t.

    Free Member

    Okay, I’m a mod on there, but also spend lots of time just seeing what other people find…

    That is a gem of a website.

    Love it.

    Free Member

    I’m assuming everyone knows but, just for context,

    The message that got everyone’s backs up was:

    @TomDaley1994 you let your dad down i hope you know that
    Daley’s father died last year, aged 40. There was a piece about it on the telly yesterday, saying how devastated he was.

    You get my back up. Can I have you arrested?

    Free Member

    It’ll kick up another gear once the athletics starts.

    It’s been surprisingly good so far. I wasn’t optimistic initially.

    Free Member

    Open water swimmer Keri-Anne Payne also posted: “Ignore the idiots! Not worth it.”

    Lock her up.

    Free Member

    Daley responded by calling him an idiot. I hope he’s going to be arrested as well.

    Free Member

    We’ll have no speculating on here.

    Free Member

    When I graduated and started earning above the threshold I waited for about 3 months expecting payments to start coming out. Nothing, so I did the stupid thing and called them because I was young and needlessly worried that I could get in trouble.

    I explained the situation and the pleb on the phone said ” It’s due to start coming out shortly, we have all you details, there might just be a backlog”. Waited a further 12 months with still nothing coming out of my earnings for SL. So, contacted them again and got told exactly the same thing.

    I was getting three-monthy statements and watching the interest accumulate on my loan with not a penny being paid off it and quickly decided to just forget about it. They know where I am, they know that I am earning above the threshold (because I told them).

    10 years later still not a penny has been taken off me. So sod it. They can bury me with my last statement for all I care.

    Free Member

    Well she should not of been up so late cavorting around, I blame the parents.

    I have no idea how old she is to be honest, but I agree she was very pretty.

    Free Member

    And I also caught a German doing a rather suspicious wave that looked a bit like a certain salute….

    This one 😆

    Free Member

    Who was the girl who lost her phone in the music bit? Be still my fluttering heart chuffing gorgeous.

    Just turned 14 I believe.

    Free Member

    Because in my personal opinion it’s a massive commercial scam taking money that we can ill afford and spending it on something that will remove the focus from the world of sh1t we’re in for two weeks and two weeks only. The fact that people are being charged for tickets yet expected to fun this shambles via taxation is disgusting. Hide behind your flags with the Olympic rings printed on one side and Lloyds TSB logo on the other and sip from the corporate super-sized Coca-cola cup of greed being fed to you by those who don’t actually give a shit about sport. Whilst you’re enjoying the spectacle provided by Danny Boyle tonight, ignore the fact that the country is pretty much screwed and look at the little fluffy clouds, the green grass and the smiling faces of the image that Boyle is pushing at you. Seriously, you couldn’t make it up….

    What it boils down to is that the gazillion billion it cost to put on this shambles could have been far better spent elsewhere. Public transport, the financial sector, the public sector (including health and schooling) are crying out for decent funding. Instead we get this shit.

    I’m trying to find a way to argue with that, but I can’t so…


    Whilst I could just ignore all the politics, corporate nonsense and commercialism rammed down our throats and just enjoy the sport and magnitude of the event, sadly the whole thing just doesn’t sit well with me so I can’t bring myself to watch it. I’d just prefer to pretend it wasn’t happening, so I will be doing just that.

    Free Member

    Could have jet washed the slabs.

    Free Member

    The Durex one is fake.

    Free Member

    the Tories “you” all so despise only get in because “your lot” vote for them

    That’s fighting talk for ‘my lot’.

    Free Member

    Post is owned.

    Free Member

    has danny boyle chappy directed it? are we expecting a slumdog/trainspotting cross-over?

    More like 127 Hours I expect.

    Free Member

    My wife (Swedish) has just grasped what I’ve been trying to explain to her for years. Thanks for this.

    Free Member

    No molgrips my life style was made possible by Nicolai Tesla and he was most assuredly not a capitalist.

    Capitalists always try and make out that they have driven our society forwards rather than held it back. The current situation is a perfect example of why capitalism doesn’t work.

    Tesla could have advanced our race technologically by thousands of years with sufficient support, instead that **** up Edison and all the other retarded capitalists of the day simply opposed him, to the extent of burning down one of his labs.

    You genius’s stay here and argue over the details of why the biggest bunch of **** ups the world has ever known have ended up in a **** ed up situation, I have an escape from the DOOMED capitalists plan to work on and intend to help as many decent people as I can along the way, so long suckers!

    I quite enjoyed the sentiment of this but I’m struggling with the Nikola Tesla thing. I’m genuinely fascinated as to why your particular lifestyle was made possible by him?

    Free Member

    I was going to avoid it in some lame attempt to prove I was above all the ridiculous hype but no one cares so I’ll be watching it passively.

    Free Member

    The sort of people who absolutely understand the social make-up of the UK. They’ve experienced it all.

    Free Member

    To get this photo took hours. 4 month old Westie. 3 year old cat on her sofa. You can see the displeasure in the cats eyes and the utter obliviousness to the potential fall out in the face of the dog.

    Free Member

    Oh well, if we are showing off photos 😀

    Free Member

    Try reading past the cheap tabloid-style headlines and look for the factual content in news articles before forming an opinion.

    As soon as you climb down off your horse.

    Free Member

    Really sorry to hear that.

    Nothing more than a terrible terrible accident.

    Free Member

    Anyone going to Hawkstone for the Brit Champs this weekend?

    Free Member

    At the end of the day you can’t beat screaming the nuts of a little 2 stroke. They make you feel alive. I’ve been known to doze off on a four stroke.

    Free Member

    I don’t think competition 4-strokes sit well with amateurs because of the high servicing costs and frequency.

    Yeah, sadly it took many a long time to realise what a scam 4 strokes are.

    Free Member

    MSP, although I didn’t deem your photo as racially offensive (in light of the topic), others may not be so level headed.

    No no no no no no no.

    Free Member

    Not so sure about the bigger 4 strokes but had the chance to ride a YZ250F and it was just so easy to ride

    450’s are still relatively easy to ride but if you want to to ride them at a respectable pace you really need to be able to muscle them around. They quickly become hard work.

    Free Member

    Modern 4 strokes, whilst still the most competitive, are having a hard time amongst the amateur ranks. Fields that were once full of four bangers are now awash with 2 smokers. And have you seen re-sale values of 2nd and four strokes now? Can’t give them away.

    Personally I hate the things. I love my SX 250.

    Free Member

    So we are now discussing research and reading accurate accounts of the story.

    The thread title was ‘greek athlete sent home after racist twitter remark’. The headlines on a variety of websites have essentially stated ‘greek athlete sent home after racist twitter remark’ and up to page 2 we were discussing the rights and wrongs of being sent home because of a ”racist’ Twitter remark’.

    Forgive me for making an assumption that a Greek athlete was sent home for making a racist twitter remark and commenting on that point in an online forum. I said that with the full story and facts it does indeed put her Twitter comment in a different context but on its own, without that information, simply makes her remark ill judged and silly but on its own far from being worthy of a flight home.

    Indeed why, with her history, was she considered for the Olympics in the first place?

    Free Member

    I don’t do Twinshock but I do race modern MX. Likewise I have an MXtrax account but
    a) It’s activity meter currently reads 1.
    b) It’s hard to draw out some conversation of any substance.

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