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  • Cane Creek Kitsuma Coil shock review
  • fervouredimage
    Free Member

    Fantastic skills but that bloody clicking Go Pro is more than a little annoying.

    Free Member

    I think the point is, that despite all right thinking people feeling compassion and even empathy with the dog, most people are surprised at the level of vehemence and defence over animals, when humans die in terrible circumstances every day.

    Where is this level of bile towards the perpetrators of cancer – the tobacco companies?

    Or the politicians who choose to spend money building edifices to themselves when children are dying of starvation in africa?

    It’s a symptom of misplaced morals, or what I like to call “pick and mix” morals. Which is people choosing easy moral platforms to stand on because they haven’t got the inner strength or moral courage to stand up for something really important..

    {awaits flames}

    You’ll get no flaming from me. I fundamentally agree with you. But I wonder if it’s just simply to do with the cruelty to our perceived most vulnerable (children/elderly/disabled etc) of which our Dogs and Cats etc are part of, which we find so immediately abhorrent.

    Clearly some just prefer animals over people which I find a little unsettling.

    Free Member

    You’re welcome Mr Gribble.

    Free Member

    Make your mind up!

    Too late to edit it so just for you:


    Free Member

    Quality. To celebrate I’m going to set fire to my dog when I get home.

    Mine is roaring away as I type this.

    Free Member

    Sheesh, tough crowd……

    You sound surprised.

    Free Member


    The first two words suggest the Fraud is to do with CRC.

    Asking if they have been hacked suggests he’s not sure wether CRC themselves are responsible, or someone else, who has hacked in.

    Indeed, as I’d recently ordered something from CRC I did momentarily think ‘oh sh*t’ so the thread title certainly had the effect of suggesting that some fraud had or was taking place with CRC.

    Free Member

    I feel both threatened and belittled by his luxuriant, full head of hair, and culinary skill. When’s Nigella back on telly?

    Take solace in the fact that with the sheer volume of cane sugar and butter he puts away, he will almost certainly be dead before you.

    Free Member

    As I flicked over I wasn’t greeted with the title.

    Free Member

    You were sent death threats? Seriously?!

    Free Member

    I saw the film and then was inspired to read the book.

    The film was excellent IMO and I simply wanted to eek some more out of the story hence I read the book two days later. Ultimately the film did the book justice I thought.

    Free Member

    Same here. I’m pretty sure I can still recite the entire script of BTTF from memory, I watched it so many times as a kid.

    😆 yeah, you know the scene in BTTF2 where Doc is explaining to Marty why they are in an alternate 1985 on the chalk board in Docs storm damaged workshop. I used to recite the dialogue to that scene to my poor Mum and Dad when I was a nipper. Bored them rigid I did. I still remember the script to that bit now. 🙄

    Free Member

    I’m mildly pissed off that you would use the term ‘pissed’ in an American fashion.

    I’m mildly pissed that your mildly pissed that someone has used pissed in an American fashion.

    Free Member

    back to the future
    back to the future 2
    back to the future 3

    Once I catch one I then have to watch the others so have seen them all more times then I dare guess.

    Free Member

    I guess you weren’t at my uncle’s funeral

    No, I missed it sorry.

    Free Member

    Good people die, bad people don’t. Fact.

    Free Member

    Seems a bit of a disservice to the Scalp to market it as a budget DH frame/complete build.

    It’s a very very good frame.

    Free Member

    I can’t advise specifically on the red power XL’s but I have some Red Heats for DH duties and I have been less than impressed with them in terms of build quality. Hub bearings crumpled in less than 2 months and rear rim has cracked at the join.

    On the plus side they are still running true.

    Free Member

    Make a reference to a Nazi regime and move on.

    Free Member

    my comment wasn’t intended in a negative/derogotary way, just that I’ve seen many friends from years gone by who have dedicated themselves almost exclusively to their partners, which results in the breakdown of how close they were to other friends around them.

    Meaning the “my partner is also my best friend” is sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Quite, and I agree with you. It’s happened that way for me I’d say, but I’m ok with it after 12 years.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure what the merits of discussing this tragic event are but on a slightly similar note I spent a day in Stratford last week and a family were out in one of those rental canoes. Dad thought it would be hilarious to start rocking the canoe violently whilst his young daughter (5-8 yrs old) screamed with absolute terror. He thought it was hilarious and then once he stopped rocking the canoe had the audacity to shout at his daughter to ‘stop it and calm down’. She was terrified.

    I hate people sometimes (often).

    Free Member

    She’s my ‘best’and only friend. I can live with that.

    Free Member

    Just go for a drive in the car with the windows down.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I get the same problem with Blu-rays from LF. But I’m still too impressed with the bargain service they offer to be bothered by it.

    Free Member

    I had a similar mindset to you, and without wanting to sound critical, if you yourself read back your own posts in this thread you do sound very much like you are waiting for someone to say ‘this is the solution, this is how you do it and it will work immediately’.

    There is no magic solution, you get out what you put in at the end of the day. But I, like you, wallowed for ages and hated the notion I was living to work for little reward. I’d got myself in a position whereby my outgoings were crippling and any money I had left over I just spent on stuff with some vague notion that it would make me happy. It was my reward for having what seemed like a miserable life.

    I ended up with more tat that need financing to maintain and even less money. It took a few years before I decided that in order to change things and have what I believed could be a better life. I sold all the crap I’d accumulated, cancelled things I didn’t need and stopped buying stuff for the sake of it. Within a few months of not spending I’d put away a decent amount of cash and so looked at what I wanted to do that would mean less time sitting in an office, more time at home an more time doing what I wanted to do.

    I’d managed to bring down my outgoings drastically to a point where I didn’t need the sort of income I was generating so was safe in the knowledge that I could quit my job and do something part time or something with a lower income but more enjoyable.

    So, I used some of the money I saved up to buy some bikes/kit/training and started an after school bike skills class for kids. It was a long process to get all the qualifications and training so I was in a position to train and provide a safe teaching environment etc but after a year at it it’s starting to do quite well. I have a hardcore of schools who invite me weekly to offer fun cycling activities for their kids and I love what I do. I don’t make a fortune and have to to do 3 days a week working in a Library (which I also enjoy).

    Ultimately now I have an easy life. Very low stress, lots of time at home/out with wife/doing what I want to do. All very simple things. We don’t have costly holidays/cars/toys/gadgets and gizmos but we have never been happier.

    I enjoy the very simple things in life, don’t need to spend a fortune on crap. I have a modest home with modest possessions but both I and my wife are happy because we both have time which we have realised is the most precious thing you really have.

    In fact we now plan to downsize our home for something a little more quant, reducing our mortgage further.

    Free Member

    Apologies for not noting the swearing on the vid I posted above. Hope no one accidentally played it loudly in earshot of others.

    It is funnier with the sound though!

    Free Member

    About this fast:


    {Mucho swearing inside, so don’t play loud at work. Well worth a watch though – Mod}

    Having ridden up this hill more times than I care to remember, I can only imagine that fear kept any of his fingers from lifting themselves off the grips and onto a brake lever.

    Free Member

    LoveFilm. One of the last true bargains left. 10 quid a month, On average 4 DVD’s/Blu-Ray’s a week plus all the streaming on my PS3. I haven’t bought a DVD for months, saved me a fortune!

    Free Member

    Clerks (then go on a Kevin Smith athon)

    Clerks 2 after you’ve watched Clerks (surprisingly good for a sequel).

    Free Member

    Hmmmm, loads of little gems covered so far in this, so for the sheer fun of it:

    King of Kong.

    A great little indie documentary with a very funny story that the Director admittedly just stumbled on. It’s a little gem of a film.

    Free Member

    If you saw/heard the title would you know if it was one you’re thinking of?

    If so, maybe this will help??

    Free Member

    Bloody weather.

    Free Member

    The ending reminds me of that scene in The Dark Knight when the Joker makes that video of himself torturing that ‘wannabe vigilante’ whilst threatening to kill someone each day. I’m assuming that is where this series of vids is going?

    Free Member

    As a Guardian reader I find him frighteningly close to the truth. 😳

    Free Member

    You done something really really bad that you are suppressing from your concious memory?

    I couldn’t possibly comment.

    It was happening to some girl, along with dinner party urination, her head spinning round and round, and a tendency to vomit on priests then tell them that their mothers “cook socks in hell” or some such…

    I saw that documentary as well.

    Free Member

    I fall to sleep on my back but rarely wake in that position.

    Free Member

    I think he has form for trolling so assume it’s trolling.

    Free Member

    A job you hate affects everything else around you, so tackle that; start seriously job hunting, the absolute best time to get a new job is when you already have one. No pressure in interviews (you don’t *have* to get the job, you can bomb a dozen interviews and still be no worse off), you can be more choosy, and a bit cheekier in salary negotiations.

    Get that sorted, the rest will follow, I reckon.

    This 100%. Job hunting when you have a job, even if you despise your current one, is a great position to be in. You will interview better than you thought you could because of the lack of pressure and applying for jobs will remind you there are other options out there, getting interviews will remind you have the potential and then getting one of the jobs will remind you just how good you can be.

    As Cougar said, as much as we probably hate to admit it, life generally pivots around your work. Get that right and the rest will start to fall into place. I wish I’d realised that when I was in my early 20’s.

    Free Member

    Ah, that’s not exhaustion you are seeing at downhill events, it’s people gasping for a fag. Nicotine withdrawal can be serious.

    😆 Good effort.

    Free Member

    I suspect he’s ridden down way more hills than you, and almost certainly at a much faster overall speed!

    I doubt it very much.

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