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  • Buyers Guide to the Best Mountain Bike Shock Pumps
  • fervouredimage
    Free Member


    I had a nasty cold about 3 years ago which left me with this tickly cough for weeks after. It became so infuriating I went to my doctor (I was convinced I would have the cough for the rest of my days!!). He told me to buy some over the counter anti-allergy tablets which would calm my lungs sensitivity.

    Got some, took one a day for 4 days. Cough gone.

    PS. You’ll have to check regarding children taking antihistamines though. I’m sure there is a child friendly version.

    Free Member

    You’re welcome.

    Free Member

    The Town

    Excellent suggestions sir. I concur.

    Free Member

    Works ok for me.

    Free Member

    So what you’re saying is, I shouldn’t have kidnapped your daughter?

    He will find you and he will kill you.

    Free Member

    Embracing the ordinary . Michael Foley. Not Life changing but certainly inspiring.

    Free Member

    I like it. Some decent DH stuff. It’s about a 2 hour drive for me and find it’s worth the journey.

    Free Member

    Friend of mine has had 3 wives, doesn’t make him an expert.

    Makes him an absolute amateur surely?

    Free Member

    The only thing I would say I am truly accomplished at, enough that I train and teach others to do, is motocross. Not exactly much to be particularly proud of I know but I’ve done it since I was 4 years old, won some championships and now occasionally run riding schools for kids.

    Other than that, not a lot.

    (Does having a masters in Philosophy count for anything? Never did a thing with it)

    Free Member

    …. Well what can I say. I’m just an ordinary guy doing what anyone would do if they were bored enough… 😉

    Free Member

    Just repost them UFG. It will surely be easier to defend your POV than defend the fact you removed it.

    Free Member

    or any kind of hero, for that matter?

    Yet to be established but it seems that risking your life for a cause (no matter what it is) gives you automatic hero status.

    I bungee jumped back in 2004 for the ‘fun’ cause. No need to thank me.

    Free Member

    Either one is surely more socially acceptable than pulling out a copy of the Daily Mail.

    I hide a copy of the mail inside Razzle.

    Free Member

    I find that simplifying life is a better approach and enjoying doing something rather than buying something to add to the endless piles of stuff already owned (not talking about your stuff specifically).

    Go somewhere amazing with the family and be reminded how beautiful things are and how great life can be. When I’m down (not quite the same as a midlife crisis I realise) I just grab my Kayak and go and paddle in the sea and take it all in. Simple things.

    Free Member

    Sorry, should mention it contains swearing but you do need the volume up to enjoy it.

    Free Member

    I saw a woman reading Fifty Shades of Grey whilst waiting for the Tube a few weeks back. No-one batted an eyelid. I suspect that there would have been a different reaction if I’d pulled out a copy of Razzle. Is the double standard here that men are frowned upon for having an interest in sex whereas women aren’t, or at least not in the same way.

    I see your point but not sure that’s a fair comparison. Would anyone have batted an eyelid had you pulled out a copy of FSOG? Would anyone have batted an eyelid had the woman pulled out a copy of Razzle?

    Free Member

    This should cheer you up. It made me laugh this morning and it made me realise that no matter what bike you ride, where you ride or how you ride if your having as much fun as these blokes then you’re doing it right.

    Stick with it, it is worth it I assure you:

    Free Member

    It’s a nonsense. As IHN said, insurance premiums are based on perceived risk. Like it or not gender (for motor insurance) plays a part in how great a risk you pose.

    If Insurance companies are not allowed to take into account risk factors then everyone everywhere regardless of age, gender, previous incidents, speeding tickets, engine capacity, location etc should all just pay the same flat rate otherwise it’s ‘discriminatory’

    Free Member

    Cheers folks. That’s sort of what I was thinking. I guess re-bending something that has been bent once already will only worsen the problem.

    Free Member

    This is the second related thread recently which you have started and then removed your opening comments. Again with the freedom of speech excuse.
    If you don’t have the conviction to stand by your own words then don’t post them. If you can’t debate or discuss a subject, leave it to people who can. Your actions lose you the trust of the people you wish to debate with.
    I won’t be contributing any further to your threads and I’d be surprised if others continue to trust you.

    Have to agree. It seems a bit cowardly to post something to start up a debate then remove it once debate has started, so you don’t have to defend or discuss your own POV.

    Free Member

    My solution involves not working, or at least not working all the time.

    I’m with you on that.

    Free Member

    Is it me or did this thread disappear for a time?

    Free Member

    I’ve become addicted to them of late. My particular favourite has been ‘I, Partridge. We need to talk about Alan’ narrated by none other than the great man himself.

    Free Member

    Sadly another STW religion-bashing thread.

    Just bashing the bishop(s) I think.

    Free Member

    God must really hate women.

    Free Member

    Now, me & MsD have made our own traditions. A nice meal on Xmas Eve followed by a walk up to the pub and a few drinks whilst listening to the brass band playing carols etc.
    Xmas morning is smoked salmon and cream cheese blini’s whilst drinking bucks fizz and opening pressies, a nice walk then off to the local Indian restaraunt for a slap-up curry.
    We only have Xmas Day together so that’s it, just us.

    That’s actually quite sweet… Still hate Christmas.

    Free Member

    Or maybe it portrays them as a company of real, actual Northern men making stuff by hand in a factory in England where they have calendars of girls with their cans out, rather than some clinical, faceless far Eastern conglomerate staffed by 12 year olds? Just a thought……..

    Is that the choice?

    Free Member

    I’m not dreading it. I hate it so I ignore it completely and everyone who knows me knows I feel that way and allows me to ignore it. Bless ’em.

    Free Member

    I think it’s more to do with the locus of control though, rather htan the content itself. In a traditionally male environment, women may well feel uncomfortable with male behaviour that they see as degrading women amnd objectifying femininity. Of course, a man working in a ‘female’ environment may feel equally uncomfortable, although this is less common if we are to llok at statistics of cases relating to sexual descrimination and harassment in the workplace.

    I agree there are some double standards. But surely the key is that all workers feel safe, equal and comfortable in their working environment?


    It’s all about context but in the 21st century I can’t think of a work place whereby semi-nude pictures of women is acceptable.

    Free Member

    Crackers with mayo and grated cheese followed by a soya yogurt.

    I didn’t want to eat the soya yogurt but I saw it advertised on the television, so I had no choice.

    Free Member

    This thread is one big pile of troll dung right?

    Free Member

    The truth is the truth and it’s not your fault.

    Free Member

    I guess the definition of BIG is always relative but it was the biggest there and the biggest I have ever done! Was remarkably smooth and easy to do and I was going much faster and further after half a dozen runs.

    There’s a bigger one at Chicksands I’ve has my eye on – people always seem to land much heavier on that though so maybe its a flatter transition.

    Once you’ve done one fairly big drop the sky becomes the limit. You realise how easy they are to do. Doesn’t make it any less satisfying or fun to show off to your mates who “wouldn’t dare do a drop”.

    Free Member

    I was staying at White Laggan bothy in Galloway

    Spookily similar story in the same location.

    My then GF and I stayed at that bothy back in 2001. 20 mins after we arrived a couple of elderly chaps (mid 50’s) rolled up. They were very pleasant, friendly and we had a good laugh and in all honesty we were both grateful to have some company for the night as it was out first time staying in a bothy (Besides, as I was a fit 20 year old I foolishly felt confident that if these two 50 somethings wanted trouble I could take em on!).

    When we woke the next morning they had already gone and we discovered our rucksack had been ‘raided’. Nothing of any value had been taken at all. The only thing missing were two pairs of my GFs pants and the box of her ‘absorbent ladies things’!!!

    It was, to say the least, a little disconcerting.

    Free Member

    Sorry, may have gone a little far with the master race analogy, but I’m genuinely interested to find out what we think it is that stops other people from being able to keep off the junk like us (assuming you do think that you can generally keep pretty healthy).

    Genetic predisposition. 😉

    Personally I have a soft spot for rubbish food but I am riddled with guilt once I have eaten it. I’m not overweight but I dread to think what my cholesterol is like! It’s a choice though, not a good one but I’m adult enough to make it without needing to blame the big corporations for daring to tell me that they have it for sale and how delicious it all is.

    I had practically zero education on food/healthy eating etc when I was at school but again, I don’t blame my education for my sweet tooth. Likewise my parents occasionally took me to McDonalds when I was a nipper. Again I don’t blame them for my constant temptation to raid the biscuit barrel.

    As a grown up I am informed enough about the ills of eating junk food not least because when I eat it, I literally feel like junk so I don’t eat it as regularly as I easily could. I make that choice because I don’t want to die when I’m 40, I don’t want to be out of breath going up the stairs, I don’t want to be so lacking in energy I can’t ride my bike. Likewise when I eat junk food I have to deal with the consequences of that. It is pointless me blaming McDonalds, Tescos etc for supplying it, because I can still choose to either eat a packet of crisps and chocolate bar because it’s convenient or I can chop up some veg and throw together a healthy stew. I still have that choice as far as I am aware, like everybody else.

    Free Member

    Every single one of us at some point in our lives believed in Father Christmas (don’t know who this Santa fellow is) and it’s fair to say that we are all finely rounded, balanced individuals so it’s done no harm…… 😯

    Free Member

    Obviously if you’re just innately or genetically better than other people then we’ll never solve the obesity problem unless they all die out or we sterilise all the fatties, so we can create a perfect master race who only shop organic

    Sounds familiar.

    Free Member

    I don’t expect a reply from the OP on this thread. He should be packing, booking flight tickets etc etc….

    Free Member

    Dig a pit and let them fight it out

    The only solution that is completely fair and just.

    Free Member

    These two statements are completely contradictory:

    I was trying to appease you. Keep you calm.

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