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  • RockShox Pike Ultimate review
  • fervouredimage
    Free Member

    Not really a ‘ride’ photo as such but it was my most enjoyable time on a bike this year. FOD mini Downhill. Just had a really good day and put together some good runs.

    Free Member

    As far as I know a awful lot of people have tried to dissect and find fault with Memento (in terms of trying to find an error with its narrative) but it’s yet to have been done. Nolan, in an interview, was quite proud of that fact.

    I never found it particularly confusing to be honest but it is a film that only comes together at the end but its a great revelatory moment. I don’t know how some have come to the conclusion it doesn’t make sense?

    Free Member

    I just use him to swear at. Can’t really ever get a rise out of him though. Eventually I expect it to say “F*** you, I’m deleting your photos!”

    Free Member

    Back to the OP. are banks obliged to try and sell the property at the market rate if they repossess your home or is there no legal obligation for them to do so? In other words, sell the property for a price that is going to ensure they get their money back only?

    Free Member

    I graduated in 2002. I started earning above the threshold ( was it 16k back then) almost immediately. I called to advise them as I was a frightened 21 year old who’d never had debt before. Since that time I have changed jobs 4 times with considerable salary increases each time. They took their very first repayment from me in August 2011.

    I have now packed in work and sent them a letter advising as much. No more payments to be made until I am back in employment (won’t be for a while) so since 2001 I have paid approximately 1500 quid off my original 13k loan. They can bury me with the debt as far as I am concerned. Sod ’em.

    Free Member

    It looks like Michael Bay directed “Godzilla vs Team America”.

    Which is the problem. That man should not be allowed anywhere near a camera, editing suite, script writer… Just anything movie related basically.

    He destroyed children’s toys by turning them into a sexist, misogynistic, racist robot franchise and is about to no doubt do the same thing with four mutated turtles. I hate Michael Bay.

    Free Member

    Plane tickets for you and a mate to Whistler next summer.

    Free Member

    Makes sense; I hear Kurt has replaced McCartney in The Beatles.

    That me lol. Probably true as well.

    Free Member

    I agree with his point about the immense pressure on this poor woman and the enormous pedestal the royals are placed on but to be critical of a very serious illness is completely uncalled for and just serves to dilute his main point.

    Free Member

    That’s a shame. I was about to put £1500 there way but I’m a little dubious now. Hope they can pull through it.

    Free Member

    I listened to the show. It wasn’t anything particularly revelatory. This opening post of this thread was trolling of the lowest level surely? Trying to weed out members of this forum who god forbid don’t share the fully formed values of a guardian reader?

    It’s far too complex a subject and far too harrowing a subject to discuss amongst those who have an obvious agenda, in my opinion.

    Free Member

    FI – love how you say “sympathy” when the unbiased might way “understanding”.

    The unbiased? Interesting.

    Free Member

    I think the point is that abused people can be fundamentally “wired up wrong”, and may not want to abuse or become abusers – the root causes may have been outwith their control.

    Abused and “wired up wrong”. What are the chances.

    Free Member

    also mentioned why so many were abused themselves and why they go on to abuse

    Do I detect sympathy? Eye for an eye or is it the notion that someone who has been sexually abused is incapable therefore of ever understanding at any point the devastating effects of sexually abusing a child or could it be that someone who was sexually abused as a child will understand, more than anyone, just how utterly destroying being sexually abused actually is?

    Free Member

    I’m olive skinned. What colour am I going to turn?

    Free Member

    What a fantastic thread. I feel utterly inspired.

    My fingers are twitching.

    Free Member

    I did edit it, but just before or at near enough the exact same time you posted. Honest guvnor!

    Free Member



    Pleasure’s all mine. 😉

    Free Member

    Imagine all those people unable to report what innate activity they are currently doing. They’ll be rioting before midnight.

    Free Member

    Damn. Missed most of it. How long after broadcast do programmes like this turn up on iPlayer?

    Free Member

    Piemonster +1.

    Light encouragement and positivity. Point out what he could do, what he’s capable of rather than negativity and ultimatums.

    Free Member

    Yes you are. Apple don’t give a monkeys about your ham fisted attempts at buying music grandad.

    That made me Lol.

    This is Sherod with iTunes Store Support and it will be my pleasure to aid you today concerning your issue. I see that you made an accidental purchase on your account. I can coincide with your feelings regarding this issue entirely. I will be determined in resolving this circumstance to your desired result.

    After reviewing the circumstances of your case, we determined that issuing you a refund for your unintentional purchase of “Tubular Bells 2003” is an appropriate exception to the iTunes Store Terms and Conditions, which state that all sales are final. In five to seven business days, a credit of 8.92 GBP should be posted to the credit card that appears on the receipt for that purchase.’

    That’s such a bizarre sounding email. You did definitely email Apple didn’t you and not some Nigerian scam artist who ‘needs your bank account details’ to make the refund?

    Free Member

    Cheers folks. I’ll give the shampoo/conditioner a whirl. I’m about 5 weeks in with this attempt and have resisted any trimming of any sort.

    Free Member

    To be honest I don’t really understand what the OP is referencing. Different high pitched accents? What is a different high pitched accent and why is it exclusive to students?

    Free Member

    That’s the OP, on the far left.

    Have the two in the middle been cryogenically frozen?

    Free Member

    An espresso machine.

    Tries to appear complex but ultimately spews the same old crap out time after time.

    Free Member

    Anyone with an upward inflection in their voice so everything sounds like a question does my nut in, student or otherwise.

    Free Member

    I rarely lose my temper but when I do I really do. The last time was at a cinema about 3 weeks ago. A group of 3 teenagers had snook into a screening of Argo. I knew they’d jus wondered in from another film as Argo was 40 minutes in.

    For 15 minutes they were chatting, texting, calling their mates on their phones, play fighting with one another, swapping seats, throwing food at one another, basically just ruining the film for everyone else. I was getting more and more agitated until I snapped so I marched down to where they were sitting, walked down the row behind them and I quietly said “if you don’t go I’ll throw you out”. One of them just laughed and said “f### you dickhead, what you gonna do?” Red mist followed by me grabbing one of them by his collar and dragging him along the row towards the door whilst his mates protested and tried to grab me. Got him to the door and pushed him out whilst his mates continued to scream and shout. I just stood by the door blocking their path when a couple of attendants walked over and asked what was going on. I explained, they protested and when they were found to have no tickets they were kicked out. On the way out one of the cinema staff apologised to me and offered me 2 free cinema tickets and then explained the 3 youths had been arrested after they were kicked out as they had assaulted a woman in the foyer and then hid in the screening.

    I wasn’t exactly proud of my actions, I should have just had a word with one of the staff but I was just so angry. Thankfully I’ve avoided actual fights with people but I think that in part comes down to being 6’4 tall with a reasonable build. I’m far from being a hard man but most people who I’ve had an argument with haven’t wanted to risk taking it up a notch so it often subsides before it really gets out of hand.

    Free Member

    Well. Ime bike thieves want to run in and out within a few seconds. It’d take a good few minutes of sitting in someone’s garage with a possibly police monitored alarm going off sawing away to get one bike out.

    Bolt croppers on a normal bike lock might be quick enough for a typical smash and grab burglary, but much longer than that and I would hope the scum would go looking for an easier target.

    Yeah, I think you’re right. At least this is what police officers advised me when I had my garage broken into. They said throw as many chains and locks around your bike as possible, even a bunch of cheapy ones to go with your expensive security chains. Anything that will potentially slow them down will ultimately put them off. The want to be in and out as quick as possible.

    It takes me the past part of 20 minutes to chain up my bikes but it offers me a little piece of mind.

    Free Member

    Shampoo and condition it. This was advice from my dad who has always had a rather large beard, back when I grew on to keep out the cold last winter.

    Might try that. Doesn’t sound a bad idea.

    Free Member

    In a completely non-twatty way, you just have to MTFU. It’ll soon pass. All that moisturising nonsense isn’t really in keeping with beards, IMO. Not proper beards anyway. Really, it won’t last long.

    That’s what I thought to be honest, but it’s been driving me crazy the past couple of days. I don’t want to shave it off though as this is the furthest I’ve got with it in 3 attempts.

    Binners – not far wrong, although I do have some hair left on my head. I’m hoping the beard will at least provide some insulation over the winter months.

    Free Member

    Ive had a simlar incident as the OP. I foolishly decided to jet wash my motocross bike on my driveway and it soon caught the attention of some teenager. He walked over and started asking me pointless questions ‘how much did it cost you, how fast does it go, how many gears has it got?’. I noticed he started looking at my garage and then he just walked off.

    low and behold 2 days later he returned, broke into my garage to find it empty bar a camera recording him and a rape alarm screaming that id rigged to the door. From the CCTV footage he was identified and arrested. Never had any issues since. I’d view it as a positive that you are aware of the possibility. I guess forewarned is forearmed.

    Free Member

    Yes I imagine this was exactly what the Aussie DJ’s expected and had hoped for from this. Stupid, thoughtless and pointless but I think ‘personally responsible for someone killing themselves’ is an utterly ridiculous statement to make.

    Free Member

    12:12pm on the 12/12/12 is going to be cool.

    ‘Cool’ how?

    Free Member

    It’s a bit like an AA meet. First you have to admit you are a chocolatier before you can do something about it.

    Free Member

    I thought it was quite sweet, in a sickly sort of way. I’m fairly sentimental though. Despite that I did propose to my wife whilst she was doing the washing up.

    Free Member

    My wife is also a chocolatier. She adores working with it but like you somafunk isn’t all that partial to eating it herself. She is angered however by my love of peanut M&M’s.

    Free Member

    Just politely ask him not to continue doing it. Violence or aggression in any given situation is not permitted in singletrack world.

    Free Member

    Not too bad really. I’m relieved in all honesty.

    Free Member

    Foul things. Everything that’s wrong with English chocolate.

    Yeah but three of them….

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