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  • Singletrack Kitchen: Stufato Di Ciclista Affamato Recipe
  • fervouredimage
    Free Member

    I take unfair slights on my reputation extremely seriously – particularly when made behind the safety of a keyboard and a few hundred miles.

    Is eBay trading your living?

    Free Member

    Not seen that type of event before. IMO sack off DH racing and put that in its place.


    Free Member

    Mental note: never do wrong by cynic-al. Ever. No matter how small or menial. 😯

    Free Member

    This planet does have finite resources.

    Free Member

    I guess to someone young, unhappy and troubled online comments could very easily push you into taking your own life but regardless the website owners aren’t responsible.

    Free Member

    More than anything it’s the first thing they say that really grinds my gears ” we’re going to a ****** funeral!” Again, it’s the constant **** look at me everybody! We are priority, clear a space, move out of our way, we have children/ a dog/ had cancer in 2003/ have a slight limp/ am tall/ am short/ am wearing heels/ lost my mum 9 years ago/ suffer with depression/ had a heart attack when I was 31 and on and on it goes. We are special, everyone bloody bow to us immediately. We are entitled to special treatment.

    Quite honestly, the moment she started bleeting on about her grandad being dead I would have just said good. Idiots.

    Free Member

    Nope. I’d hate to think I’d be missed on any website, it would paint a picture of me that I wouldn’t be particularly pleased with i.e someone who spends too much time on the net who has created a level of online forum notoriety. Bit sad really.

    But then if anything were to happen to me in real life there would only be a very small handful of people who would miss me. 4 in fact.

    Free Member

    6’3″ with an 11 incher, 13 stone of pure muscle, fists like stone and the ability to kill a man with just one punch.

    Free Member

    Well, surprisingly almost lived up to expectation. Stayed very honest to the character and the long back story of Partridge. Surprising really as I can’t see it appealing to anyone other than partridge fans.

    Free Member

    I ordered some saint cranks from them. Not in stock but available within 10 days. Ordered because it was the best price and I was in no rush. 3 days later they arrived.

    Free Member

    is lynne and the geordie guy in it

    Yep and not just cameos AFAIK.

    Free Member

    I’m seeing it in Dundee.

    I’ll be driving there in my bare feet.


    Free Member

    “We plan to talk to the makers of Marmite about how we can work together on animal welfare.”

    Interesting relationship.

    Free Member

    I’m just struggling with the fact that Alan looks younger than he did 15 yrs ago. Really hope it will be good, but fear it won’t…

    Yeah, he is basically Steve Coogan with a side parting in the film. I guess they wanted him to appeal more to the US market in terms of visual appearance.

    Free Member

    Well, I haven’t got anything else planned for this Wednesday evening from 8.30 onwards so other than standing outside appreciating the fact it’s the summer I thought I’d go and see a film.

    Free Member

    That was the black in the vid. Not done the red so can’t comment but the black is about hard as it gets in the UK. Harder than Fort William WC in my opinion.

    Free Member

    Won’t somebody blame the children?!

    Free Member

    They are good but they are very tough. They will beat you and your bike up. I personally wouldn’t fancy it on a HT but it’s not beyond the capabilities of a burly HT as long as it’s not beyond your capabilities.

    Free Member

    Lunch time near enough.

    Free Member

    Had some good deals on stuff recently so have used them a fair bit. Faultless so far.

    Free Member

    😆 So, three years is the prediction then. SVR here I come.

    Free Member

    More around the 21 second mark on that vid, although those berms are much wider/ faster now.

    Free Member

    i was ecstatic, i was even jumping through hoops when i saw the advert on line!

    Then that says it all doesn’t it. Onwards and upwards.

    Free Member

    Well, base- rate isn’t going to budge until unemployment falls below 7% apparently. Is it something like 7.9% at the minute?

    Free Member

    Don’t forget the feeling you had when you made the decision to look for and apply for another job and don’t forget how you felt when you were offered the new job that you wanted.

    It’s easy to forget the motivation for the move in the first place but making that decision then applying/attending An interview etc isn’t something that just happens in passing. You have to be very determined that you want a new career/to leave your current employment.

    Free Member

    In my head I pronounce the word so for me it doesn’t read correctly but as its the abreviation that is written and not the word, it’s my problem therefore the ‘an’ would be correct.

    Free Member

    I would imagine people allow their friendly dogs to run up to you as they presume a dog owner isnt scared of dogs or maybe even likes dogs seems they are wrong. I pity your poor dog thats never let off a lead.

    Presumptions you say? Responsible and considerate dog owner you say? Oh…

    Free Member

    The new head of BoE is supposed to be making some big announcement tomorrow according to news, but I thought he’d already hinted there would be no change to current rates for some time?

    Certainly lots of numbers have been mentioned recently, but mainly that the base rate won’t rise to 0.75% before 2016.

    Free Member

    Impending mortgage interest rate rises? Have I missed something today or are we talking 2025 impending?

    Free Member

    Mr CX was 100% in the wrong. This being a DH track, I presume there are also large drops which are blind on the approach and gap jumps – these features have a minimum speed to flow or even survive, a speed which would not allow you to stop if a fool on any kind of bike was pottering along the landing in the wrong direction. I worry that a number of people here have said otherwise…

    Yes, absolutely. Drops and gaps that require complete commitment to clear safely.

    Free Member

    see this was what I though first and then I thought but what if someone crashes and they or their bike are on the trail? There’s no marshals to wave you down.

    Yeah I understand that and indeed that has happened to me at Aston too. Lad went down in almost the same spot as the incident yesterday. I slammed on the brakes and made the decision to ride off the side of the track to avoid hitting him. I feel confident that I could avoid hitting someone who had stopped or crashed on the trails (i know all of the runs at aston very well) but if they were travelling towards me……

    Free Member

    Post on the Aston Hill Facebook page about Mr CX bike and see what happens. Maybe someone else has seen the berk.

    Yeah. I emailed the guys at the club to see if they wanted to mention it on their website/FB page.

    Free Member

    if you want to push enter a race,

    So what is an acceptable amount of push for me to ride at? If it’s at a level that means I can stop in time to avoid a CX rider coming up a trail just before the exit to a sweeping berm then I may as well walk down.

    Free Member

    *i am a paid up, insured member incidentally. Was too shocked/annoyed/bruised to think to ask whether he was unfortunately.

    Free Member

    Since becoming a dog owner ( west highland terrier) I have to say I find walking him an incredibly anxiety fuelled occurrence. I’ve never, as far as I can remember had an issue with dogs but since owning one myself I endlessly come across owners with much much bigger dogs who will happily let their dogs run up to you, without a lead, and start play fighting with my dog, jumping up me. I would never allow my dog off his lead or to jump up someone, not because he is aggressive or likely to run away ( although he probably would do a runner) but because I’m aware that many people are just nervous of dogs and dogs by their very nature can be temperamental so would never want to put myself in that sort of position or make any assumptions.

    Why people think its perfectly acceptable to allow their dogs to run up to people and jump up people is beyond me. For me it just seems like an element of the entitlement culture again. I have a dog I am therefore entitled to allow him off his lead and I am entitled to allow him to jump up you….

    Anyway, yeah. If you can’t control your dog and your dog does go as far to kill someone then your likely to be the sort of person who’s better off out of the way of other human beings.

    Free Member

    JY- he stopped because he was riding at a slow pace uphill on a CX bike. I couldn’t stop as was going downhill as fast as I could. In all my years riding a Aston I have never seen nor expected anyone to ride up very clearly marked downhill trails. The trails all start from one point on then split off at points into different downhill runs but they all run one way – down.

    He was travelling the wrong way basically.

    Free Member

    Comes with the job surely? Hitting or accidentally cutting into things that you didn’t mean to must be part and parcel of his job and therefore it would be reasonable to expect someone in that field to check for and then minimise the risk of that happening. As someone who doesn’t have a business cutting hedges common sense alone would tell me to check the hedge for anything that I didn’t want to cut into. So an arborist who doesn’t understand the risks of his chosen profession or have base level common sense can pay for his own mistakes AFAIAC.

    Free Member

    I open my wife’s mail all the time. Smear test next Tuesday, might mention it.

    Free Member

    So – who thinks TV would be better without TG on it?

    FTFY 😉

    Free Member

    On a similar note, I’m considering taking the self employed option as a result of redundancy. Wife is in full time employment. We are coming to the end of our 5 year fixed rate on our mortgage (sadly we paid well over the odds interest wise as we had a small deposit) and are expecting our interest rate to drop at that point reducing our monthly payments fairly significantly.. Just wondered what, if any, impact my quite drastic change of circumstances would potentially have on our existing mortgage?

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