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  • Singletrack World Issue 150 Editorial
  • fervouredimage
    Free Member

    the books are 4 quid a pop.. its not like they want a couple of hundred for them so you get 4 quids worth. the film is free on the telly so again you get what you pay for.. it goes in easily, smooches around between your ears and leaves.. pain free.. could you ask for more.

    Is that the basis on which we judge film then? Whether its free on the telly?

    Free Member

    Incidentally, the first 10 minutes were actually very good. Very absorbing and tense, beautifully and creatively shot. I must have been given a false sense of security.

    Free Member

    Well, my reaction as the end credits started to roll was hysteria. I was genuinely and literally crying with laughter. My wife though something was wrong. It took my 3 minutes to compose myself to explain why I was laughing so much. I just couldn’t quite believe what I had watched, it was so awful, so cliched I just didn’t think that (even) Hollywood still churned out such awful awful movies anymore. It reminded me of one of those really terrible 80s/early to mid 90’s action flicks (last Boy Scout springs to mind) but without anything redeeming whatsoever.

    I don’t deny I was tuned into it completely and never once hated it, but it just made me laugh. A so bad it’s good type of affair but unlike, say ‘snakes on a plane’ there was no sense of irony in it at all. They all believed they were making a good movie. It is exactly the sort of movie I woud expect a bonkers Tom Cruise to make though.

    Free Member

    it was nothing like Columbo didn’t ever remember Peter Falk wielding an Assault rifle, engaging in unarmed combat, travelling on a bus or being a faceless vigilante. Did they both have a glass eye ?

    Other than that it was just like Columbo. You just need to look a little bit deeper.

    Free Member

    I imagine it was quite a hard sell for them given that their instant was “supposed” to be the “best” instant anyway.

    Is it? I have no idea. I bought on the recommendation of a friend who knows how much I struggle to enjoy instant coffee. I find this brand tolerable, which essentially makes it the best I have tried.

    Free Member

    The Carte noire instinct though is our regular instant now.

    Likewise. I was reluctant initially but it’s about as good an instant coffee I’ve ever tried.

    Free Member

    Cool. Look like fun. Never seen off road ones before. I did wonder whether you meant a motocross bike as amongst the cool hip trendy mx riders ‘dirt scooter’ is a terminology they use.

    Free Member

    Dirt Scooter?

    Free Member

    Sounds like he’d ingested his own genitals.

    Free Member

    If I dare to make a broad assumption here – many of ‘our’ generation find ourselves looking at our parents with bafflement at times. As a few others here have commented, they have parents who also read the DM. We don’t think our older relatives are bad people, but they seem to hold views that are very different to our own. Somehow we don’t think the way they do, yet they raised us. Often they put a lot of effort into ensuring we had education, literature and experiences that formed us into the fairly free-thinking people we are today.

    There isn’t really a point to this, but it is something that I mull over now and then. I suppose that they are products of a time and place we seek to distance ourselves from at times – as much as we are products of our times and places. They are not bad people, but they baffle the crap out of me with some of the utter guff they repeat having read it in the DM. Will my daughter look upon me in the same way?

    Great post sir.

    Free Member

    I got offered a free one with my purchases at WHS recently .

    Panini Swastika sticker book?

    Free Member

    Such is my knowledge of betting I’d probably struggle to find my way into a bookies let alone actually place a bet but I have to say i’m intrigued by this, but I get the impression this is a process only workable for those who know what they are doing? Sounds complex. Still interesting none the less.

    Free Member

    An enjoyable rant, makes me feel justified in my intense hatred for the Mail.

    Free Member

    That’s good to know, I guess I have the urban mindset- car will be stolen the moment you leave it unattended. Good point on the roads. We were actually planning to drive there overnight to arrive early morning. It’s a 10 hour drive so will be on a caffeine drip obviously.

    Free Member

    Am looking to improve core and general arm/upper body strength as a result

    Yeah, I’m no expert by any means but improving overall fitness/strength and stamina are all going to be beneficial. I actually invested in one of these:

    expensive but better than using the loft hatch, and has unquestionably improved my finger strength. Although the key is slowly slowly with building finger strength. All you are doing is strengthening the ligaments which takes time and you can easily get it wrong if you go over board.

    Free Member

    Thanks. I’ve already done the credit card thing this morning. New Nationwide card with 26 months 0% transfer rate

    26 months! Blimey, that’s good. I’ve never come across anything over 15 months interest free on balance transfers.

    Free Member

    I’ve recently started bouldering. Really enjoying it. Initially I started indoors at my local climbing centre which was great, the first time I Ventured outdoors was a shock though. Suddenly fear was something else to deal with when I realised the great outdoors could actually hurt me unlike the safe indoor environment.

    But it’s great fun. Building finger strength has been the biggest help for me as has investing in a couple of crash mats. Have fun.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the info (sorry for hijacking thread OP). In regards to Loch Maree what would you suggest is the safest place to park and leave the car for 5 days? Been trying to google map/ street view spots but a bit tricky to work out where is a good spot. I was hoping there would be a small hamlet somewhere but can’t seem to find one.

    Free Member

    We were behind a 4×4 who hit a cat. They just clipped the back legs of the cat, enough for it to look like it had crushed the poor things pelvis as it pulled itself to the side of the road. The 4×4 driver obviously knew they had hit it as they slowed, then stopped for a split second then hesitated away. We stopped and picked up the cat as carefully as we could and knocked on nearby doors. Second door we knocked were the owners who were upset obviously but absolutely stunned that we had gone to the trouble to help the cat. I remember at the time being a bit troubled by it all. That someone could just drive away and also that the owners were so surprised that someone cared. I’m not really a cat person but I was so horrified at seeing the poor thing get run over, there is no way I couldn’t try and do something. Likewise I’d like to think I’d do similar to you mrmo if I saw a dead cat.

    Incidentally the cat was so badly injured it didn’t make it as far as the vets sadly.

    Free Member

    Of course you will argue, of course you will get upset about this and protest- so do my kids
    Good luck convincing someone you did not make it all up

    I’ll be honest, I’m not 100% clear on what you are saying, as is often the case most of what you write is incomprehensible. But I think, as you are the one who is making such a fuss over my ‘claim’, that you may in fact be one those individuals who posted on the thread claiming that being a paedophile was a terrible blight that required a greater deal of understanding before we all collectively demonise these very ill individuals, so how you can now claim that it is entirely reasonable for an adult to be wise and moral enough to fend of the sexual advances of a child is beyond me. Even the poorly adults who have been cursed with such a socially debilitating illness? It’s almost like you do not know what you think and prefer instead to just antagonise people to grow your sense of smug self satisfaction.

    Free Member

    but you remember the names of the contributors, maybe you can list them to help me with my memory

    So you can string them up?

    Free Member

    could you link to the thread where the “outraged” did as you claim?

    No, it was deleted after about 20 posts.

    Free Member

    Some of the outraged on this thread were not so long ago bleeting about what a curse life must be for a paedophile and how tough things are for them, how it’s not their fault and how their lives have been blighted by their illness. But now, no matter what a paedophile should always know better and make the right decision in a situation where they could get it very wrong. Funny that.

    Free Member

    I’ll be there in the modern support race, trying to put in lap times that are a least comparable to that of the vets.

    Free Member

    Both the original Thundercats series and the recent remake have been added to LoveFilm instant, as have the amazing 90s Warner bros Batman animated series.

    Free Member

    We’re thinking of doing the same inSeptember (Loch Maree possibly)but hopefully for 4 nights. Ths will be the first time we’ve done anything like this before and I’m struggling to put together a list of essentials. Anyone who has done this sort of thing before who could offer some advice. We are really looking for a complete escape from everything so comfort is bottom of the agenda, adventure and solitude are priorities really.

    Free Member

    Different strokes for different folks. Individuals have different priorities and make different choices. My oldest friend (a year younger than me) who’s married with 2 kids has a brand new Audi in his drive, a year old Mercedes 4×4′ a large immaculate 4 bed house and more designer suits and clothes than anyone could want. The picture of success.

    I spend my life in shorts and t-shirts, have a shitty old 3 bed house, a shit car that me and the wife share but I do own 15k worth of mountain bike, 2 MX Bikes a cafe racer (project), and generally more big boys toys than I have room for. I’m happy, he’s happy.

    Free Member

    On the magazine front. Personally I find them all a bit unpleasant but on balance these celeb/women’s mags are really hateful. Full of judgement and nasty, spiteful criticism of women who aren’t shock horror absolutely perfect. At least the lads mags are (over zealously) positive about the (perfect/idillic?) women they feature.

    It’s not justification for lads mags but I find it a bit surprising that women’s/celeb mags seems to be getting away with it.

    Free Member

    Fleeting but entertaining none the less.

    Don’t freeze it though, the wrong person will get the brunt of it.

    Free Member

    Never on an off the shelf bike but my DH Bike build is near enough 6k.

    Free Member

    Yeah, but I’d imagine you probably deserved it 😉

    Free Member

    Your not thinking about leaving these tradesmen negative feedback are you? I’d Imagine they take a slight on their reputations very seriously.You may well end up with a frozen poo in a plastic tub through your letterbox

    Free Member

    Tunnocks no question. They’re substantial and hardy.

    Free Member

    2 punches, 3 punches. 4 punches a 3 minutes sustained attack, whatever. He’s 72 and someone entered his home with a knife intent on carrying out a burglary.

    You makes your choice…..

    Free Member

    I actually have a steel frame with an ali post stuck in it – and access to a laboratory full of chemicals!

    Crystal meth manufacturing then surely?

    Free Member

    Given that was the result from two punches, that is one individual I would not want to get on the wrong side of. These burglars need to wise up and target the elderly…… Oh.

    Free Member

    I can, with just a mere look and just a few polite conversation making words, invite a myriad of a strangers opinions on subjects I don’t care about.

    FI ” Hi there”
    Person ” Hello”
    FI ” it’s quite humid today isn’t it?”
    Person ” yeah, that’s one thing these bloody gypsies don’t have to worry about with their bloody caravans, they can have as much fresh air as they want, something else they get they don’t deserve and pay absolutely bugger all for. Make me sick the lot of them. I’ll tell you if they come round my street I’ll knock there blocks off but then it’ll be me that ends up locked up. That’s the problem with society isn’t it, it’s all the wrong way round. The police side with the perpetrators now, forget the victims. That’s why we need more people like Murcdoch. He’s a decent chap who cares about normal people. He wants justice like the pedophile campaign he did in the Sun. Make me sick that lot, should all be locked up, just like the darkies…..”

    FI ” bye then”

    Free Member

    Listening to Oxford radio yesterday, he was hit bloody hard, hard enough to fling him over a hedge. I think it took the jury a day to come to the verdict of careless driving.

    Free Member

    Ah yes but he is a cheery middle aged fireman (from the picture) and clearly can do no wrong, plus he didnt twitter about it.

    He was the cyclist, not the driver.

    Free Member

    There was a lot of contradictory evidence. Some drivers stating that daylight conditions were good, sme saying bad. Police officer stating it was good when he arrived at the scene. Driver (obviously) stating it was bad.

    The jury had a hard time distinguishing between careless and dangerous driving by all accounts.

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