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  • Hope WMN Enduro Photo Gallery
  • fervouredimage
    Free Member

    If done properly

    Marks & Spencer has charged for its plastic carrier bags since May 2008, donating the profits to environmental charities and education projects, but still gives out smaller bags.

    A spokesman said: “The 5p charge has helped us reduce carrier bag use by 75% in our food halls. That’s over two billion fewer bags since its introduction in 2008 and over £6m has gone to good causes as a result.”

    Free Member

    I think you mean “The smugness of feeling that you are doing something is better than the realisation that you are doing nothing significant”

    No, no that’s not what I meant. If I’d meant that I would have written that.

    Free Member

    are you doing your bit for the enviroment if you put 3 re-usable bags in the back of your car and drive a 20mile round trip to the out-of-town superstore?

    You’re doing something and something is better than absolutely nothing.

    Free Member

    Frankly I don’t care where the 5p goes, the government can have it.

    But that’s the point, it goes to the retailer – therefore just another area for them to profit from.

    But I still don’t care. If it persuades people to re-use bags then everyone’s a winner. The environment is helped out (albeit in a very small way), and the supermarkets don’t get the 5 pence anyway. Just re-use bags or buy some of those ‘lifetime bags’. It’s not a big ask, it’s not a big expense.

    I don’t see what is bad about it or why you are so determined to find fault with it.

    Free Member

    Illuminating that posturers (actors) are regarded as cool rather than people who actually do things.

    Is it really that illuminating? Cool is usually just a perception. Few are better than offering that than actors/performers.

    Free Member

    That is genuinely terrifying. I would not want to come across that late at night in the street.

    Free Member

    Does this change your view now, or are you happy that Tesco’s and the like will sell you a bag for 5p that cost them a fraction of a penny?

    No. Besides I don’t use carrier bags, I have reusable bags for shopping. I didn’t need a 5p charge to remind me I shouldn’t endlessly use plastic bags every time I go shopping. Frankly I don’t care where the 5p goes, the government can have it. If it makes people have a re-think and more consideration about using or re-using bags.

    Won’t somebody think of the turtles.

    Free Member

    I agree its not exactly a big announcement but really should have be brought in years ago. Mental that England is the only country in the UK where this is not in place. Seems to work pertly well everywhere else.

    This really should just be part of a larger announcement regarding waste or why can’t local councils just manage a rule like this.

    Yeah, it has worked elsewhere (Ireland, Wales). And the money from it goes to various charities rather than the chancellors back pocket. Personally I think it’s about time. It’s a drop in the ocean of course but regardless if it motivates people to stop using or re-use plastic carrier bags then no reason not to implement it

    Free Member

    All plastic bags?

    Shopping bags, frezer bags, bin bags, body bags?

    I always re-use body bags so won’t impact on me.

    Free Member

    It is a bit of a feeble policy but I don’t see how it’s unenforceable. Must be about the easiest thing to enforce.

    Free Member

    If you doubt McQueen because he’s an actor then stop right there.

    McQueen was an avid motorcycle and car racer off screen. He also flew regularly.
    During the great escape they struggled to find MX riders with enough skill to get what they wanted so they filmed McQueen chasing himself at one point.

    Yeah, I always saw McQueen as a motorcyclist, race driver who got into acting. As a kid it was McQueen in On Any Sunday that motivated me to take up motocross.

    Free Member

    Ranulf Fiennes? Really? Got a few quid, mad as a hatter, lost a few fingers and toes due to frostbite

    Yeah, surely Fiennes comes under the admirable and interesting banner, but cool? I can’t see that one.

    Free Member

    what about the coolest woman?

    What about her?

    Free Member

    If you can only ride a section on a full suss but not a hardtail, you’re not riding it, the bike is Solution- get better at bikes.

    Super rad to the power of 10.

    Free Member

    Both akrigg and Danny are supremely talented athletes and Danny absolutely deserves the fame and fortune he now has. On talent alone Akrigg deserves the same but sadly luck and timing and hitting the right note at the right point have more to do with it.

    I wouldn’t want to take anything away from Danny because Akrigg, financially speaking, hasn’t achieved the same.

    Free Member

    I hear some Danny Macaskill bloke has a video out of him doing stunts on a bike too?

    Good luck to him but can’t imagine it will be of much interest to anyone other than hardcore trials fanatics.

    Free Member

    They I’ll allow use of the chicken runs on S2A which are very easy to tackle. The black isn’t too bad in the wet, it’s root canal you should be worried about, that is a run that is very very slidey in the wet. Approach it with caution, better to get down steadily than end up sliding down on your arse….

    I’d opt for full face too.

    Free Member

    Welcome to 2013

    Free Member

    Still Steve McQueen for me. Just everything about him.

    Free Member

    Ah, you’re not wrong! I already look back on those halcyon days of late August 2013 with some sentimentality. The long, warm, almost liquid evenings, sliding smoothly into dusk, as the cover of darkness pours remorselessly across the vaulted sky. Bird song quietly falls, echos rippling out, unheard, into the still, desiccated air, as the high wispy clouds have their last hurrah, illuminated by a setting suns last, weak, vermelho fingers. Not long now i think, until those harsh, heavy and probing tendrils of the first Autumn frost march asunder across this peaceful land.

    Yes, August was quite warm, but it’s bloody chilly now innit.

    Free Member

    Witty, sharp and a gift for telling stories but still very MOR. Doesn’t do much for me to be honest. More of a Stewart Lee fan myself.

    Free Member

    Fascinating insight. Will be interesting when the project is complete and open to the public. Eerie photos!

    Free Member

    Yeah, it looks that way. Summer certainly has ended abruptly this year. Any talk of an Indian summer?

    Free Member

    Was it the guy being bitten who was screaming like a girlie?

    Free Member

    The thing is riding hardtails or rigid makes you feel like you a riding faster than when you are riding FS so riding a HT is probably a little more satisfying in that regard.

    For me riding FS is more fun because you have no excuses. The bikes push you to push your riding ability, to hit things faster than you dare.

    The one thing I hear more than anything else with HT or rigid riders is that ‘they can’t hit it that fast or do that jump or do that section because they are on a HT or rigid’ so it begs the question; why bother then? I want to be able to ride the most extreme of terrain, I don’t want to have to stop or slow to a crawl for a section so a FS bike will always be my choice.

    Free Member

    I love the last minute of silence on that video, as though you are being given a bit of time just to quietly contemplate what you have just seen. Incredible rider and I would say there is nobody better currently.

    Free Member

    Ooh very cool Ben. Any chance of a scan of the relevant contents? Or is that a bit cheeky?

    Free Member

    I can’t claim it’s my photograph but its a photograph of me that I’m very happy with.

    [/url] Si2013[/url] by sila81[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Free Member

    I guess how people choose to grieve has nothing to do with me or anyone else whatsoever. I probably wouldn’t grieve in that same way but I have no issue with it at all, why would I? It has no bearing or impact on me at all.

    Free Member

    I can’t comment on the specific model you mention but I personally like Old Town kayaks and canoes. I had an old town canoe a few years ago bought second hand and it took a hell of beating on some shallow, rocky rivers and 6 years later is still going strong with its current owner who likewise is putting its through its paces.

    Their canoes are certainly well made. Not much info for you I’m afraid but that’s all I’ve got. I’d certainly buy an old town kayak if I were in the market.

    Free Member

    My iPad has replaced my computer, TV, radio, DVD player. I use it more than I should really. I’ve slowly become one of these ‘constantly connected’ types, much to my wife’s dismay.

    I use it for all Internet usage and then use it to watch various players – iPlayer, LoveFilm etc. use it for books, listening to music va my iTunes account, diary and a bit of gaming, puzzles etc. I love my iPad. Best thing I bought.

    Free Member

    State sanctioned murder will never sit comfortably with me I’m afraid. They are loathsome things (human is not a word I would use to describe them) who are of no use to society whatsoever and this planet would undoubtably be better off with them not absorbing the oxygen on it, but regardless the notion of the state sanctioning something so violent as murder is not something I could ever support in any circumstance.

    Free Member

    The entourage is a very good bike for the money. Climbs surprisingly well but is a joy downhill. It doesn’t complete sanitise the rough stuff, it has a lively feel but corners beautifully. Well built and good spec. Don’t think you’d be unhappy with it.

    Free Member

    Thanks all, great info. Have to say I am surprised that you think I could get a holiday abroad for a similar price for a week in Scotland (not that I am coming from a place of previous experience) but I reckon I could sort a week for the wife and I (in Fort William), 5 days skiing, equipment rental, accommodation for a week, fuel up there and back and food, meals out money etc for a grand. Could I get something abroad for similar sort of money?

    Free Member

    they look awesome


    Free Member

    The ‘knifes’ thing is really upsetting my OCD. Can a mod fix it please?

    Free Member

    I tend to ride it up and down my street 3 times then claim it’s the best bike I’ve ever ridden and that I can tell already that it’s going to be the bike that ups my riding ability.

    Free Member

    Googles The Young Ones and white dot on the telly.

    Free Member

    I watched it last night and absolutely loved it. I’m not a star trek fan at all but thought it was a really really great sci fi flick. Worth a tenner absolutely.

    Free Member

    My English teacher when I was 16.

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