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  • Danny MacAskill and Chris Ball among 2024 Hall of Fame nominations
  • fervouredimage
    Free Member

    The joy in his face is a bit overwhelming. Makes you really appreciate bikes and just how much pleasure they bring.

    Wonderful video. Welcome back Martyn!

    Free Member

    Life is too short to have arseholes in it.

    Evicting from my life people who added nothing and took everything is not a decision I’ve ever regretted. You’ve done the right thing I reckon.

    Totally agree with that sentiment. I just wish i’d realised it much earlier in life.

    I have no intention of interfering with my wife’s relationship with her parents, nor have any impact on their relationship with their grandson, but i’m not going to allow them to cause further anguish to my wife and especially my little boy.

    At the very least, I hope they have now understood that I won’t tolerate it, even if it means them thinking i’m a bit of a short tempered nut job.

    Free Member

    Also, I should point out that they aren’t some ancient frail old couple in case any one thinks i’ve laid into a couple of poor old dears. They are only 60 and 62 and fully aware of just how cruel they have been.

    Free Member

    I do feel better for it but I just regret it came to this. In hind sight I should have just retaliated to the comments and things they has said at the time they said them but I’ve always just bit my lip. Plus i’m not very good at the snidey passive aggressive approach.

    Free Member

    Well, it’s been more about the treatment of my wife than anything. She is the youngest of three and they show no interest in he at all – didn’t even come to our wedding because mum ‘had a cold!’

    They have this really spiteful passive aggressive approach with us. Constantly pecking away and trying to casually point out our failings and out short falls. Combine that with the fact they are a pair of upper middle class snobs with a disdain for the poor, other nationalities – People who are not white British in fact, single mums and immigrants, they are a pretty poisonous couple of people.

    When our son was born they quickly pointed out to me that though he’s lovely ‘ first grandchildren are are always the most special’ in relation to the fact my wife’s sister had two boys just 3 years previously.

    I hate them.

    Free Member

    Some ‘issues’ to resolve with their previous UK distributor (One Ind.) which are holding supply up with their new distributor. Whatever shops have left in stock is all they will have for a little while longer unfortunately.

    Free Member

    Well, I consider myself a Downhiller predominantly. It’s only really downhill that interests me as I race at least twice a month so most of my riding is at bike and downhill parks.

    I’ll walk or kayak for views and map reading. Bikes are about speed, jumps, racing and adrenaline for me. Road riding holds no interest for me but I have got a CX bike for the local woods.

    My soul is good, so no pity please.

    Free Member

    Yep…. Great news! Can’t wait.

    FLYUP 417 Project Gets The Green Light

    Free Member

    So, after numerous phone calls to Germany and the couriers I got my bike in the end. Took a 90 mile round trip to collect it. Very very poor service from YT.

    When I got it home and out the box it had a broken mech hanger and cracked mech. So another phone call to YT, to be told to email pics of the broken parts. So another week before I get a response to that. The bike is lovely but I am absolutely fuming at YT. There customer service is appalling. They have made error after error and when I asked why it took them 6 days to respond to emails, they just said ‘because we have too many’. Brilliant.

    Free Member

    Where did you get it from?

    Free Member

    Question, do mazz feel abit groughy when brand new and need breaking in? I can remember if my 55CRs did.

    I crazily ordered a 350R from crc for £220 and on the floor/hand test they feel grouchy

    All of my Mazzy forks have needed a good chunk of riding before they started really working well, but once they do, they are the best forks you can buy IMO. I wouldn’t choose any other fork/shock combo now.

    Free Member

    Have a read what the guys at Liteville say on the subject of 26/27,5 mixed format. Makes sense to me.

    That was really interesting. It does actually make sense. I’m tempted to experiment and try it.

    Hora – I can’t add much more to this debate other than i’ve recently just gone to 27.5. I hated it initially. It’s taken me half a dozen decent rides to get used to it, but now I have I love it. I wouldn’t go back to 26. So, just stick with it, it will definitely click eventually.

    Free Member

    Sorry. He loves it otherwise! But between the frame issues, getting parts from BOS and a failed Reverb, he’s been talking of selling it once he gets it back.

    First crack was at the hanger, I believe the design was changed to address this. Second one seems like the BB shell insert has slipped causing a hairline running around the edge of the shell .

    Was discussing this the other day – I just wouldn’t buy a carbon frame, not because the material isn’t up to the job, but because I’m not convinced the QC is there in the bike biz. Hope yours serves you well.

    Ahh yeah, i remember that issue with hanger on the early Capra’s. I’ve actually opted for the Aluminium version of the Tuesday DH, as I’m just not convinced on it for Downhill applications. I can cope with the little extra weight.

    Free Member

    Guy I ride with has a Capra, it’s only cracked the twice.

    Jeez, don’t say that. You’re taking the shine off my new bike excitement.

    Free Member

    In wales we have this box. You enter in numbers in an specific order (unique to each person/company) and their box makes a noise/vibrate. You can then use actual speech to actually talk to someone who might be able to help. If you use google you can get the numbers you need to press. Don’t worry though, I’ve done it for you.

    Always read to the end before you go all smart arse iolo

    …So I tried to call them yesterday a few times but it just rings out.

    Free Member

    It’s all been a big conspiracy – YT Industries doesn’t actually exist. The bike is computer generated and somewhere on a tropical island a criminal mastermind is laundering your money as we speak.

    Not quite the point I was making, more that if I can’t actually get hold of anyone via phone or email and they ship a bike to the wrong address it’s going to be bloody headache trying to sort it out.

    I had great service from them, a guy called wolfgang generally replied on the same day.

    I was emailing and getting replies from if that’s any help

    Thanks Scaled, I’ll try those email addresses and see if I can get a response.

    Free Member

    I just went and bought a copy from WHsmiths. If mine actually turns up, someone here can have it.

    Free Member

    What did you expect for thirty quid?

    Aldi are full of surprises.

    Free Member

    Chakaping- we’re in Northants area, looking at villages in and around currently.

    Free Member

    Well on our first viewing we really love it . It needs updating throughout but given its location, large plot my initial impression is that it was under valued. We’re also led to believe its a property that has been inherited from a deceased relative so we’re thinking vendor wants a quick sale.

    Free Member

    Fantastic, sounds like the car to go for then. The one i’ve looked at has 11 months MOT with no advisories. It was imported into the UK in 2002 So has spent half its life in Japan. Its very clean and the current owner has certainly spent a lot of time getting it back to its aesthetic best.

    I’ll make a point to take a look underneath for rust – the sills were cut out and done as they were previously badly rusted.

    Free Member

    Thinks my 7 week old baby boy (with dummy in mouth) is a 14 year old girl.

    Free Member

    It reminds me of ‘The Great Escape’ in its tone. A couple of the songs could slot right into TGE in fact.

    Free Member

    This is all very confusing.

    Free Member

    I’m not even all that proud of being human.

    Yep, I’m with you on that one. Definitely not proud to be English/British. I had nothing to do with, just chance. I tend to keep my head down when I go abroad such is my shame at being English.

    Free Member

    I wonder if it’s something to do with peoples’ perception of respect – some think it’s beneath them? Seems to me there’s a pretty strong correlation between how well off you are and how likely you are to deal with your litter – for some reason the worse off are more likely to think it’s beneath them, the better off not.

    I’m failing to see the link. If you’re loaded you tend not to drop litter?

    Free Member

    I haven’t been up to cannock for years but fancied popping over and giving my CX bike an airing. Is there any trail area of cannock chase that would be particularly fun on a CX bike?

    Free Member

    You can’t compare Joey Essex with Pilkington. Pilkington isn’t thick, he has a view of the world that is different to most and has bizarre theories due to a lack of education. But unlike Joey Essex Pilkington is incredibly witty.

    Free Member

    Given that mach 3 cartridges are the best part of 12 quid for 4, can anyone recommend some decent disposables that aren’t going to cost a fortune.

    As i’m shaving my head pretty much every morning a mach 3 cartridge is only lasting a few days before it starts to lose its edge.

    Free Member

    I’d normalised my depression. I’d suffered for so long that I believed It was who I was – antisocial, anxious, lacking in energy, poor sleeping patterns, poor social skills, irritibility, short temper, angry, up and down diet of healthy to unbelievably unhealthy and related weight gain/loss, and emotional numbness.

    I’d just become convinced I wasn’t a nice person who didn’t like people or social occasions so lived like that for years. It was only when I hit rock bottom last year and sorted out my finances, tied up loose ends for my family to be ‘ok’ and then carefully planned my suicide that I realised I was not well.

    Antidepressents and councilling are slowly bringing me back to my old self. I’d forgotten what it was like to enjoy life. It’s been revelatory this past 12 months.

    Free Member

    800 on my 26 DH bike, but then i’m a lanky sod. I couldn’t run anything shorter than 800mm on any size wheel.

    Free Member

    3 weeks left until our first is due. We agonised over girls names as we were convinced it was going to be a girl. We had a shortlist of 3 – Sophie, Sophia or Autumn. It was all academic, it’s a boy which was always going to be George after both of our grandfathers.

    Still undecided on a middle name though.

    Free Member

    Villopoto will come good. He just needs some time. When he does that battle we’ve been promised between Cairolli and RV will come to fruition.

    Free Member

    I guess just getting it valued and stating that we want to sell quickly rather than maximise any potential profit on the place is probably the way to go. As I said, I don’t mind taking a hit but i certainly would struggle with offering it at 80% of its market value.

    I could look at a sealed bids option or auction style too I suppose.

    Free Member

    Renting isn’t really an option for us. It’s an old property and frankly we just want to cut our losses. We’re not particularly happy with where we have bought and have started to regret it. The job opportunity has been a bit of a saving grace, so we just want to get it sold and move on.

    We are prepared to take a bit of a hit if thats what it takes.

    Free Member

    Good on you for being good at your job though. I know someone commented earlier that if you pay peanuts etc, but I honestly don’t think it has to be like that. You can take a better approach.

    Was that intentionally condescending?

    Free Member

    Liked him in everything i’ve seen him in – Mighty Boosh, IT Crowd, even that Vic and Bob sitcom. I’m embarrassed to say I hadn’t even heard of Toast of London. It’s on my list.

    Free Member

    It’s pretty horrendous and sickening to right minded folk but what clues are you supposed to be looking for in identifying someone who has a sexual interest in children? Are they supposed to look a certain way, have certain mannerisms? I’m not sure what nuance you were hoping to pick up on that would have given the game away.

    Free Member

    I’ve had two. The first was healthy her entire life until she was very old – 16, and she started to suffer heart problems. Soft as a brush, completely passive and gentle with everybody. Loved people and not yappy.

    Our second was equally as soft, adored people, not yappy but was a ball of pure relentless energy for the three years he lived until he developed a neorological issue which sadly killed him. We were foolish enough to get him from a welsh farm (we did ‘t realise it was actually a puppy farm as they covered it so well) but I don’t regret it as he was a great dog and had a happy three years.

    I’d have another without question.

    Free Member

    Hi Fakiee,

    Always happy to chat about my old BRCA days – good memories.

    I’ll keep an eye on this thread or if you want to email me i’ll give you my contact address.

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