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  • fervouredimage
    Free Member

    She’s got a selection for this evening. Be still my beating heart

    Well go steady or it may very will be.

    Free Member

    Yeah the stollen bites always tend to be a bit nicer. Got some from Sainsbury’s yesterday. Didn’t last 5 minutes.

    Free Member

    Its British Sausage Week folks.

    I’ve just listened to Prime Minister’s Questions and this wasn’t mentioned once. It’s political correctness gone mad.

    Free Member

    How can you hate someone so much based on an Internet persona?

    Free Member

    You are absolutely right Wallop. My dad will be going obviously but I’ll be making the trip up north mid week to be with them for the next consultation.

    Thanks again to all. Some much needed perspective and supportive words. Very much what I needed.

    Free Member

    Thanks all for the supportive and sensible replies. It genuinely helps to hear about others thoughts, experiences. It’s a range of emotions I’ve never really experienced. Having a small family has meant I haven’t really experienced facing anything like this before, which I realise I should be very grateful for. But I have such conflicting emotions and thoughts. I have moments where I think this is ok, this isnt a death sentence, it’s just going to be a difficult period of treatment and that’s it, just a nasty bout of illness. Then I feel completely doom and gloom and that it’s just the road to the end and everything else that comes with it. I’ve started to worry about my wife and in a moment of irrational fear I started emptying anything that I deemed to be unhealthy or processed food out of our kitchen cupboards. It’s this overwhelming fear that I’m going to start to lose the few people I love that has hit me. It’s all ridiculous I know and selfish that I’m going through this crazy range of emotions when I should be putting all my energy into being supportive for my mum and dad.

    Thanks again all

    Free Member

    Well it’s not lifestyle or productive but I’ve just downloaded the game Papa Sangre 2 for my iPad and it is bloody brilliant. A truly innovative way to use an iPad/iPhone. You do need a good set of earphones though, it’s a sound based game.

    Free Member

    How much and where did you get that set trail-rat? Just what I need.

    Free Member

    My watch. Thankfully not a super expensive watch but it was a bad idea all the same, particularly as it was on my wrist on the time and I, in the most feable way you can imagine was trying to hammer in a picture hook with the back of my wrist smack on the glass face of my watch. It didn’t work and nor did my watch after.

    Free Member

    No, you’ll still have to pay the listing fee, which you’ll have seen just before you clicked the list now option. But there will be no other charge. When you end an item early you get a drop down menu of options, one of which is ‘the item is no longer available’. Click that, jobs done.

    I’ve sold well over a hundred items on eBay but only have feedback for 35 sales as I nearly always end items early.

    Free Member

    Besides, Guy is not all he appears to be in the meed-ee-a. My lips are sealed.

    There’s an element of performance of course, but yeah what you see is pretty much what he is.

    Free Member

    My folks have 2 springer/collies. Intelligent dogs that require a lot of stimulation and attention and exercise. They are really not dogs to leave alone for any sizeable amount of time. They will become frustrated, anxious and depressed and your house will pay the price for it, as will your own stress levels.

    Personally I don’t think it’s at all fair to have a dog of any sort when you know you are going to be leaving it at home alone all week. My wife and I wanted a dog for years but we both worked full time so we didn’t get one – life’s unfair. I work from home now so we have a Westie. Dogs like to be around people, they like company and dogs like springer/collies really need attention and stimulation. I’d give it some more thought if I were you.

    Free Member

    Saw this and thought of STW.

    Daily Mash

    Brilliant, but more so because no one here will read it and recognise themselves in it.

    Free Member

    Hardtail no problem at Aston. Tyre choice when it’s wet ( it is very wet currently) is more of an issue.

    Free Member

    I’m intrigued. What is a high end motocross? I’ve only ever bought motocross bikes available in dealership show rooms which are the same everywhere. There are no low end or top end mx bikes available to the public. If you want an mx bike comparable to that of a pro rider then you buy a standard mx bike and spend another 30k on suspension, bolt ons and engine work.

    … But regardless, johnellison is right. It’s just supply and demand. There are also only 5 big players in mx bike manufacturing so the sales are very focused.

    Free Member

    This thread needs more pics and more anger.

    Free Member

    Therefore to suggest it is all down to the driver is disingenous

    Where had anyone suggested that? It would be nonsensical. F1 isn’t nor does it pretend that it’s all down to the driver. No Motorsport is, not one.

    Free Member

    *wind whistles through the void of Tazzies Skull, disturbing tumbleweeds the distance the sound of s lone brain cell weeping*

    I must find time to wear other things than T shirts as apparently a mans visual appearance is ok to comment upon and make judgements about mental capacity etc..yet to look a the female frontaqe with a tongue firmly in cheek is gross exploitation…

    double flippin standards folks!

    either never make a comment about anyone appearance, ladies you can’t find men attractive or say so or ever have a dignified ladylike letc;

    and men, no more looking at ladies ever, or commenting upon how lovely you partner looks etc..

    and no boy on boy or girl on girl appreciation either.

    I believe in equality not misandry or puritanical hysteria dressed up as feminism.

    The species is dependant upon finding each other bits really quite interesting, it’s biological and even in matriarchal societies folks still look at each others bits so its not purely a cynical construct of a misogynistic system intent on reinforcing gender stereotypes ..maybe get over it a bit and embrace your inner animal (within a socially acceptable and gender neutral boundaries of course)

    …so perhaps a little guilty though whilst supping on half caf skinny moccaflippychino and trying to be all PC may not end up with you burning in the fiery pits of a potentially not existent hell (although science would suggest the afterlife may not exist and the likelihood of deities of any denomination is slim, it would be remiss of me to make any comment which may be deemed as derogatory or degrading to any other human, well hominid as there may be some big foot or something which sort of count as well?)

    do boy big foot look at lady big foots fury bouncy bits and have a similar crisis I wonder?


    my arse x

    Edit: bloomin heck nicotine withdrawal makes me random

    Blimey, who knew that smoking and then quitting smoking could be a route to such eloquent and entertaining thought? Post of the week, I’d wager it won’t be bettered.

    Free Member

    No idea on the Voltage but the Noton is hardwork uphill but great pointed down. Saying that if you’re not in a rush to pedal back up then the Noton will do it. The geometry isn’t the problem it’s the weight but if you’re not worried about that then the Noton is a very good value bike.

    Free Member

    This one. It’s taken some hefty hits but still is in one piece. I’ve had it for about 7 months, very happy with it.

    Free Member

    A pair of petulant children who will hopefully strike one another at exactly the same moment, each with enough momentum to put them both out of everyone’s misery forever.

    Free Member

    Reading this thread I am reminded of my wife’s comment regarding why she enjoys mountain biking so much. Some time ago she said that she found it empowering, when she puts on her riding gear and helmet and completes a downhill run, she was just a mountain biker and enjoyed the fact that for that time she was defined by what she does rather than what she is.

    That video makes me a bit sad.

    Free Member

    hence why I became such a popular figure in the mountainbike industry.

    Shhhhh, quiet everyone. Gather round, listen to this man.

    Free Member

    Yes, sorry all. Maybe my initial post was misleading reading it back. I don’t want to go all out and invest big money in large, powerful (dangerous) models. Certainly that may come eventually but initially I just wanted something simple, light, easy to fly that wasn’t going to cost a fortune if the worst should (probably will) happen.

    If I get the bug then yes, absolutely I’ll be joining a club and I certainly wouldn’t attempt to fly anything ‘serious’ anywhere without tuition, supervision or insurance but the models I’ve been looking at really are not much more than toys in respect of the danger of speed. I can’t really see that buying a 50 quid electric RTF foam model and taking it out to a field in the middle of nowhere is the hard way.

    Free Member

    Coming from the world of motocross I find the recent surge of Unit Tee’s offensive. It makes me embarrassed to be part of the scene when I see middle aged beer bellied blokes wondering around the pits wearing things like this (one of the tamer ones IMO)-

    [/url] image[/url] by blogs15[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Free Member

    In which case you’re exactly where I was when I got a plane. I’d suggest that if anything flying a plane is easier (though different) provided you’re comfortable nose in (and that your heli wasn’t one of the self-stabilising ones which flies hands off – though even if it was, the Champ will fly hands off so it’s not more difficult).

    The single blade heli I had wasn’t self-stabilising. I found that out the hard way. A different animal but I’m hoping that nose in piloting should come fairly easily from 10 years of racing RC cars. I think my brain is now naturally in tune with switching left and right etc.

    Free Member

    I have a couple of indoor helis. I started out with one a few years ago that wasn’t much more than a kiddies toy but I still enjoyed it so purchased a 4ch single blade heli. That took some learning but after a few crashes got the hang of it. It still works fine now but my wife was getting upset at the amount of ornaments being taken out.

    I was always under the impression that planes were more difficult to master and control hence never took the plunge?

    Free Member

    Wonder if he was an organ doner?

    Free Member

    The plane you suggested aracer actually looks about right. Exactly what I was looking for. Watching a view flight vids on Youtube it seems ideal. Seems to have very slow stable movement which is ideal plus at £55 isn’t going to break the bank.

    Free Member

    My suggestion is all but. I’ve hit myself with it at full chat – it can’t actually manage the “right speed” to do any major harm, and is so light that it just doesn’t have that much energy. You’ll do more harm with a football. I get that you shouldn’t be complacent, hence my advice to find somewhere away from other people (I wince when I think about where I flew even that when I first had it).

    I do agree that what the OP is looking at is almost certainly too much for a beginner (even with the auto-pilot), but that doesn’t mean you can’t fly without joining a club.

    Which is my intent. Very keen to join a club if I get into it but I’m lucky that I have vast areas to fly whereby the nearest building or property is miles away and there will certainly be nobody around to collide into, other than myself. But yes, I can see that the model I suggested is probably too responsive for a complete novice.

    Free Member

    That’s far from harmless in the right place at the right speed. You seem to have read the great advice and decided to ignore it or adopt it partially.

    Yes, because unlike you, I know where I live and what I have available to me in terms of places to fly.

    Free Member

    Cheers all for advice. Seems a club route is the best approach. Luckily being surrounded by airfields we have about 4 clubs nearby.

    Just as an aside though and for something just to ‘play’ with what about one of these. All reviews seems to indicate very easy to fly with its ‘auto pilot’ system – given its small stature it seems fairly harmless too.

    Free Member

    Sunshine on Leith

    For once theres actually a choice for us non-Hollywood types

    “Une certaine tendance du cinéma Hollywood”

    Free Member

    We switch every time our fixed Tariff comes to an end. We’ve just signed up with M&S fixed for 2 years as they were the cheapest. It’s very easy and painless and any credit due will be sorted and returned. I wouldn’t hesitate, providers never look after their existing customers.

    Free Member

    [/url] image[/url] by blogs15[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    [/url] image[/url] by blogs15[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Free Member

    Well from my past experience of remonstrating drivers and cyclists, most of em are a lot less brave when they’re not behind a keyboard or windscreen.

    Aye, and mores the pity as far as he’s concerned.

    Free Member

    I can cope with the cold, the rain, the snow, the ice but watching the sun set at half past 3 in the afternoon depresses me greatly.

    Free Member

    I think some of the uploaders other vids should be taken a look at. He basically uploads every cycling or driving misdemeanour he captures on his helmet cam and on all of them passes the usual whiny voiced ‘slow down mate’ ‘very careless riding mate’ ‘patience mate’ ‘stupid manoeuvre mate’. I’m surprised he hasn’t got multiple scars from people smacking him one.

    Free Member

    Great info, cheers Alex. I will probably drop you an email.

    Free Member

    Just added to my favourites.


    Danny B

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