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  • Fresh Goods Friday 716: The Icelandic Edition
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    Free Member

    Round here most people seem to be getting results back within 24hrs generally but I guess Xmas day would be longer. Must vary regionally dependant on capacity I guess

    Free Member

    My wife reacted awfully to Modena, 3 days of flu-like shivers and head aches but no temperature (definitely not covid as PCR negative). Have heard similar from others.

    Maybe get a PCR tomorrow and postpone to Boxing Day? The results seem to be coming back quickly

    Free Member

    To be fair, if you read the articles, most of them say the lesser severity is balanced by the huge numbers and we’ll be no better off. However, the headline messaging definitely doesn’t help a cautious approach

    Edit. So @kelvin is faster at typing than me!

    Free Member

    @duggan – I definitely recommend joining in club training sessions, my club hold them and when I used to attend It made me a lot faster. Plus it’s great fun in itself.

    However, I find the difference between training loads in the past to doing very little now is 2-3 places (admittedly gone from senior to v40 during no racing covid year) and zero difference to fun. The worst difference is that @shedbrewed is now definitely faster than me 😂😂

    Free Member

    What are the timescales with boosting and anti-body production? I read somewhere it is faster than the original jabs?

    Is it a case that as soon as the mRNA gets into the right cells, you start producing anti-bodies but it takes a week for them to be in sufficient numbers to be useful?

    Wife was boosted on weekend but found out today came into contact with a covid positive person on day before boost. Wondering if the boost will help her fight anything off or if timescales too tight?

    Free Member

    So if things are escalating fast, why wait another week to close nightclubs?

    I’m still half-expecting an announcment middle of next week that they have to do more and officially restricting visiting over Christmas. Whether anyone listens is another matter

    Free Member

    Its great news, but a low turn out (46%) so while it will undoubtedly cause alarm, I reckon it will be spun as only because of the low turn-out / our loyal supporters being worried about covid not wanting to go to the polls ec.

    Free Member

    they choose a really rubbish colormap! I cant see the difference between 400 and 1000!

    Free Member

    This is the constituency next door to north shrops so hopefully will sew a bit more discontent doesn’t seem to be a huge story in the scheme of things otherwise

    Free Member

    Another press conference at 5pm from BloJo – as he’s only jsut got plan b agreed I’m guessing its not more restrictions; just scaring everyone ready for plan C (hristmas cancelled) next week? Not that I’m saying the scare isnt warrented

    Free Member

    Rest of the media haven’t picked up the mirror’s latest in the same way it did before. Can’t help wonder if they’d have been better to wait a day till the ‘tory revolt’ news has died down.

    Free Member

    so wandered over to ask if I could have one there but as my address is in Wales they couldn’t deal with me

    I’d wondered if that was an option, but makes sense it isn’t.

    You ain’t having any of my antibodies sucker antibodies sucker….Are vampires Covid free because of their diet?

    haha – more to the point are all the bloody mozzies and horse flies in clyne immune now?

    Free Member

    I have a feeling he’s in Wales so can’t. Got a text with my appointment this afternoon, but not till early January.

    Free Member

    I thought they were a couple of good races. More entertaining than watching Essen on the Saturday anyway! Visually spectacular too. Agree it’s a trying a bit hard to shoehorn cross into a criteria.

    Free Member

    Does anyone know what’s going on with boosters in Wales? Seems like there is currently no change to the previous timeline from what i can see.

    Free Member

    I’ve heard more rumours from a couple of people about a Wales lockdown on the 17th now – including (2nd hand) about someone who was at an emergency local authority meeting about it.

    I really hope it doesnt happen, but if needs be. Just wish we knew..

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Reckon the camera is shortening the distance in that one! Looking at the lap times we were neck and neck till the end of lap 3 and then you put about 20s a lap into me for the last three to finish a minute ahead… next year!

    Free Member

    Seems to me that timing for a welsh lockdown is unlikely to happen, I know Drakeford is pretty good at just following science rather than popular opinion, but I think it would be political suicide to cancel Christmas in Wales if it wasn’t a UK wide thing.

    Free Member

    Yeah, likewise I was going all the way up which was a bit frustrating when people directly behind weren’t.

    It probably needed a double stake at the top for security.

    The tape had moved by the later laps so some of the tarmac was on the cambered side of the tape.. not that it made much difference by then as running had changed to trudging and riding was definitely out of the question

    Free Member

    You’ve had a good season mate, well done. All those crazy audaxes paying off!

    Realised I beat the guy who was one place ahead of me the last two rounds so that’s a minor win. I’d have liked to beat my team mate but he was 30s in front of me. Would have been a lot closer if I didnt keep crashing on that one tiny offcamber out of the woods and onto the road!

    Shame Rotor Stern, guess it will be increasingly common the way things are going. Makes me think I should do the last welsh race unless races accross the boarder are cancelled in the new year

    Free Member

    Welsh champs at Pembrey yesterday (no idea why it always seems to be a different date to the other regionals). It was an excellent course in a different area of Pembrey to past races, using the area by the national road racing circuit. Definitely the best couse I’ve ridden this year (I’ve only ridden 2 others) and one of the best courses I remember riding in a long time. They managed to fit in sloggy mud, offcamber mud, tarmac, standard Pembrey hairpins on fast flat dry grass, some wooded sections, a decent runup and a few steep but rideable ups and downs. Nothing crazy technical but requiring a lot of concentration.
    When I saw the mud sections, I was slightly regretting file tread on the rear but actually was a good choice.

    Had a good battle with @shedbrewed for a few laps till a combo of lack of fitness and back pain forced me to slow up. Trying to work out now if I’m going to race any more this season – this was going to be my last but just starting to feel in tune with cross again.

    Free Member

    Was that the northern champs? Saw a bit of vid in the snow on Instagram

    Free Member

    Good time at the Welsh league today. They had to redesign the course yesterday cos of tree falls in the strong wind but was a really fun course anyway.
    Managed to pull a spoke and nipple out of the rim on practice lap but thankfully the wheel held up ok.
    I was enjoying trying to hold onto @shedbrewed ‘s wheel for the first half lap till he punctured.
    Ended up inside the top 10 which I was happy with. Looking forward to Welsh champs next weekend now

    Free Member

    I got the impression it was immediate

    Free Member

    @nickc Just another thing to beat him with? Seems like his normally loyal press have decided its time to make him sweat.

    I also noticed in the Guardian there is a story about him refusing to comply with requests to wear a mask in the theatre – if the right-wing press pick this up too it will be a very bad week for him. Another case of one rule for us, another for Boris..

    Free Member

    I mentioned it on the sober october thread but I like Drop bear beers. Their 0.5% stout is particualrly nice I think.

    Keep seeing adverts for Days AF beer so will have a look at them too

    Free Member

    We just went from S. Wales to the far SW for a long weekend. Great time but I couldn’t help thinking 5hrs+ in the car was too much each way for a weekend. Whereabouts in SW are you?

    Somewhere in the South like New Forest or Winchester/South Downs? We stayed in Arlesford for a long weekend a few years back when I did a bike race nearby and it was very nice.

    Free Member

    Do you mean a surf ski? But more manoeuvrable than a kayak I think – some people rip on them.

    I don’t know anything – but a guy on gower makes them, might be worth contacting him

    Think they are quite niche these days, tried one years ago and it was fun

    Free Member

    Good to see you to @shedbrewed. You were going well by the looks of things.

    Really enjoyed racing again after 18 months. I thought the course was really fun though the climbs were brutal. I ended up exactly mid-field after zero training and minimal bike riding of any kind so I was really pleased with that. Felt like i remembered a tiny bit of the technical skills but by the time i started to get in tune with the bike, my body was failing :-)

    Can’t wait for the next round – got two week to build some fitness!

    Free Member

    @shedbrewed – I was feeling pretty under-the-weather last week but entered on the offchance I would be feeling better since there aren’t loads of races, but i was pretty lacking in energy on Sunday so decided racing a muddy cross in torrential rain would probably just make me feel ill again. Will probably race Builth – though all those hills and my current fitness will be a bad combination!

    Free Member

    Women races have been fantastic- just watching Oversidge now

    Hopefully will have my first cx race in 18 months tomorrow!

    Free Member

    My cadence indoors has risen from an unthinking spin of 75-80rpm when i started a few years ago to nearer 95rpm these days. Can happily hold 115+ for a minute or two.

    However, I dont think that has translated to faster cadence in the real world.

    Free Member

    Yes, I’m pretty sure diffuse and other agricultural pollution is also in the bill? A lot of it, things like buffer zones to reduce surface run-off, are also linked to flooding etc. I guess it’s comparatively easy to do compared to re-plumbing the sewer network too!

    Free Member

    There’s a program on itv at 7.30 this evening about this.

    Jon- I think the Tawe issue was a broken sewage pipe so not rainfall related, it was just spilling the whole time. I believe that’s been fixed though.

    The issue is in the UK it rains a lot so staying out of the water after rain means never going in!

    Free Member

    Punk. Yes, excellent analogy.

    Was it the Pistols?
    The Ramones?
    The Clash?
    Dead Kennedys?

    All of the above & others too?

    We all know the answer to that one so lets be honest about the origins of MTB too..

    If you asked my music teacher at school he’d have told you Mozart was the original punk.. but I have a feeling he may have just wanted us to pay a smidgeon of attention

    Free Member

    Sounds like the government have partially backtracked but the lords have re-inserted the whole amendment so will be interesting to see what happens. I think commons vote on Thursday.

    Free Member

    Re. The response from the tories- why would it be government spending to upgrade the assets of a private company?

    Free Member

    I’ve nver done a 20 minute test, when TR didnt have the ramp I did the 8min tests a few times, then been doing the ramp test more recently. I find I mentally loose it on the ramp test and stop before my legs absolutely have to.

    Free Member

    Are we not now in a state that we are likely to need a firebreak lockdown to make a meaningful difference. Not that I expect that to happen, but it seems like plan b is pretty half-arsed.

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