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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
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    Free Member

    I wasn’t saying that it wasn’t worth trying by the way, more that i don’t think we’ll get the general public on side in time for the wholesale changes that are needed.
    There’s a lot that can be done to adapt to and mitigate for the changes that are already baked in – but as the report says, this is much less easy to do for poorer regions

    Free Member

    Been thinking about England’s removal of isolation period – is this coming at the worst possible time? Most people were boosted in a rush around Christmas, it the suggestion was the booster would last around 2 months (I.e till about now); so Boris is cutting isolation and testing just as protection wanes?

    Hope we don’t end up with another big wave that requires more restrictions (though I guess without testing we won’t know). Even here in Wales where restrictions are higher there seems a lot around

    Free Member

    That’s how my wife’s been, heavy cold, tickly cough and fatigued. She is starting to feel better now, after three days of feeling pretty rank.

    Daughter had 18hrs of being poorly and now running around wanting to see her friends

    Free Member

    Was thinking the vaccine was doing its job, negative this morning but started feeling a bit washed out so did another just now and the faintest of lines came up. Not really surprising with both others in my household positive.

    Free Member

    Agree, always find cables a faff, and to be honest without that I’ll probably remember to do it once a week

    Free Member

    I have two small patches (biggest size 5 by 6m) both relatively flat. Can’t say I’m that good at regular cutting though

    Free Member

    Ok cool, will do that… might have to wait till I recover from lugging boxes though 😂

    Free Member

    Still no closer to deciding.. but just moved in and looking at the front garden there is a 1ft dia. tree stump cut off at ground level exactly where I’d thought to plant, with holes drilled in but not started to rot yet. How far away would I have to plant from this as I guess a pretty substantial root system underneath?

    Free Member

    Bit of a hectic few days here. Wife and daughter tested positive Tuesday when we were completing on a house and moving on Thursday. Removal company said won’t move you (fair enough), purchaser said you have to be out. Luckily we were only moving a mile and I’ve been negative (lft and pcrs) with so symptoms – so managed to get it sorted in the end and we’re in the new house but not the stress free move I was hoping for. Who new a Skoda Fabia made such a good removal van!

    I find it so surprising I haven’t got it (yet) but have heard similar. Still avoiding people, shops etc. as much as possible as very conscious I could become positive any minute

    Hope you are doing ok Poopscoop, and all others positive.

    Free Member

    Is anyone else finding their win streak isn’t updating? Seems to have not increased the last few days

    Free Member

    Thanks all, s. Wales based. We’ve actually got some kind of shrubby Acer in the front at the moment and I do like it so guess a more treey version would work (we’re only moving a mile away to a similarly orientated house).

    It’s a good point about going native and getting something with blossom/
    Berry for the wildlife. I love hawthorn flowers but the spikes make me think having one in the garden would get painful!

    Free Member

    Thanks all, lots of options, I’ll have to get googling them!

    Free Member

    Probably privacy is the wrong word, more to break up the view of other houses for us. There is a bedroom looking out the front on 1st floor so if that gets a bit of privacy in due course that’s great.

    Thanks for suggestions so far

    Free Member

    Mumbles head gusting 75mph, doesnt feel anything special in suburban swansea though.

    Feel a bit foolish tidying up the garden yesterday now!

    Free Member

    Looks like things are a bit windy over in Germany

    Though this i guess is Dudley related as Eunice is only just developing now

    Free Member

    Nothing particularly bad here but I’m worried about doing the school run friday morning. Looks like we are getting the brunt of it around then with 60knot average wind speed, really don’t know if walking would be safe… edit, or rather, don’t think it would be safe, but no real option to drive as end up parking a faitr distance from school anyway

    Free Member

    I’m kind of surprised how many people on here and elsewhere on social media think todays word is obscure, I think its pretty common. Got it in three today, by luck had all but the first letter right on my second guess.

    Free Member

    Found it hard today, normally can do it fairly quickly in 3 or 4 goes, today i got it on the last go after using the 5th go to get rid of a bunch of letters. Had to leave it and come back to it too!

    Free Member

    I’ve been happy with the accu-gauge; I much prefer it to the digital ones I’ve used in the past (topeak and SKS, both broke). I’m careful not to chuck it around the place though

    Free Member

    When we did our kitchen there was a lot of microwaving going on!

    It was worse when we re-did the bathroom and had to piss in a bucket for a few days and save shitting for work hours!

    Free Member

    The questionaires and them needing to be back in 7 days make me hope that they are going to act on this swiftly rather than drag it out for a year.

    Free Member

    and somewhere there’s a parallel universe where people voted for chaos with Ed Miliband…

    Free Member

    Another letter in…

    Free Member

    Kind of irrelevant without the picture though.

    Pippa Crerar has done Stirling work with this te past few weeks though

    Free Member

    Gower brewery is my good local brewery – gower gold is the classic but I recommend their sunrise ale.

    Free Member

    Sunak may think he’s a dead cert, but its the members that choose so I’m not sure

    While I’m enjoying the carnage, I’d rather Boris than Sunak to be honest – I’ve read quite a bit that sugests he’s ruthless and doesn’t give two hoots for average people. While I know Boris doesn’t either, its pretty obvious that’s more because Boris doesnt give two hoots about anyone not born Alexander de Peffel Johnson rather than any ideaology

    Free Member

    @Harry_the_Spider – At least two have given scathing resignation letters. I’m not sure it matters if they were pushed or jumped; the distrust is such that the opticas are bad and might push more tory MPs to submit letters

    Free Member

    There were no other mainstream parties standing as it was to replace the MP that got killed. Turnout was (I think) the lowest ever and 1/3 of normal or something.

    Free Member

    I love the way the Tory WhatsApp group is always screen shotted

    Free Member

    I’m checking twitter every so often expecting to see someone else quit!

    Daily mail (sorry) political ed. just tweeted more news coming from no. 10 this evening..

    edit. I feel compelled to point out I don’t follow him, but it was retweeted by my local MP

    Free Member

    IIRC once the threshold has been reached Graham Brady then has to go round and check that everyone who submitted still stands by their decision.

    Free Member

    I think it must have an impact; I think we’ll get to the required number of letters in the next week if bad new stories keep coming. I wonder if any outlets are holding something back to sell the weekend papers? Originally I thoguht even if a VONC was held he’d never lose but I’m not so sure now. If one is called and they know its the only oppurtunity to get rid of him for a year will they really want to risk him coming good?

    Free Member

    The audit report that highlights that DHSC misspending has also been qualified because of possible fraud.

    Free Member

    I always assumed, like dc1988, that it was to do with accounting and year ends etc.

    Free Member

    What’s the reason for “inconclusive” test result?

    We had this a few months and phoned up and the operator suggested it was quite often just the case that the test had been lost or muddled with another so they didnt know which was which

    Seems like its rife in my childs school, email round saying the most cases in staff and students that there has been during the entire pandemic.

    Free Member

    I see Liz Truss has tested positive for covid after spending all afternoon in the HoC without a mask on

    Free Member

    Blackford smashed it

    Free Member

    A crucial issue with her terms of reference is that she isnt investigating the party in Boris Johnson’s flat on his birthday, just the one in the cabinet room… seems like that would have been the obvious one that would have caused the PM real issues.

    Agree that the lack of detail is annoying but not surprising

    Free Member

    The latter.

    I’m pretty **** demoralised by the whole thing.

    The corroboration in recent days that he lied about intervening for those dogs seems to have been ignored too.

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