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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • feisty
    Free Member

    I sent a 9kg 29er unicycle in a box as big as a washing machine (had as deep) for £14 with added insurance with parcel force 48hr, what the hell are you lot using???

    Free Member

    some git almost had me off on a bike path today with his 2 meter wide bars more than enough room even with his wide bars but he seemed to think they were about 5 meters wide so couldn’t go near anything on his side.

    Surely the wider the bars the bigger the bend to maintain correct wrist angles so at some point you can’t go any wider as you will have 90 degree bends and have shopping bike bars?

    Free Member

    Take him to the vets and see what they say, but it is about his quality of life at the end of the day as much as you don’t want to lose him.


    Free Member

    As a father that genuinely made me well up

    Beautiful video, respect to you and your boy 8)

    Free Member

    Narrow butt here and after decades of painful bums I have found peace on a Charge Knife saddle.

    Try one!

    Free Member

    The Niner EBB is known for creaking issues, my Air 9 Carbon has a slight click to it when I slog up really steep hills, I have just cleaned and sprayed it with carbogrip which seems to be what everyone is recommending these days and then cranking the blighter up nice and tight.

    Going for my first test ride tonight (only did it last night)

    If that doesn’t work I will just by Bushnell EBB and shim as a permanent soloution

    Free Member

    The obsession with wide bars does my head in, personally I think it should be about fit for your shoulder width, as the wider you go the more you need the bend to be to not stress your wrists

    I ride with 600mm ones and consider them to be wide

    To me it is a bit of a fad, wider bars have benefits to a point

    Free Member

    You haven’t sad what type of riding you are doing I have used all but the RaRa

    Hans is a fantastic tyre but unless you need the volume and beef it is a bit much for trail / XC IMHO especially as you have said you want something fast rolling

    I have been running NN tlr snake skins (lots of tyre shreading flint here) and they have been great, going to try some RoRo tlr snakeskins next.

    The NN grips really well as do the RoRo although the later I only rode in non snake skin and it got so many punctures and tares it was aweful, hence movig to SS this time round (and I also run tubless so punctures are not an issiue.

    RaRa on my mates bike just looked to bald for my liking fine on hardpack but with a random shower turning the top bit of soil to slush you need something that can dig down a bit

    I say NN snakeskins f+r for a safe bet (and a pound of weight saving over 2x dampfs)

    Free Member

    Hopefully out again later to get almost 100 miles in total for this first partial week in June and cement my claim to 1st place :lol:

    Wind is crap down here on the Sussex coast 20-30 mph winds are killing me, was knackard after my 50 miler today when previously I have phone 60 miles on the the same trail and come back not tired at all (only came back due to having to go out with kids other wise would have done 80 miles).

    Free Member

    Tuna pasta the night before and porridge in the morning

    Then anything over 30 miles then a pack of jelly babies taken a few at a time over the ride with a 10 min stop for a flap jack bar and banana if doing a 50-60 miler.

    And a nice cup of tea when I get home :)

    Free Member

    Were the two top dudes not STW members then? Does that make me first for May :lol:

    Free Member

    Lack of Bank holidays this month may make breaking 500 miles a bit tougher but I have set myself and ongoing 100 mile a week minimum target for the foreseeable future which should get me there.

    It is an added challenge with 2 young kids as I work 6am – 2pm and the Mrs works 2:30pm – 8 pm so I can only sneak the odd late ride on one in a while during the week and have to pull 2 back to back 50+50 or 40_60 mile rides at the weekend earl doors

    Free Member

    Steve Feist

    Try for 2nd this month no way I can crack 1000 miles lol ;)

    Saying that one it registers me I should be 1st very briefly :)

    Free Member

    Sepp you are an animal, do you work/have kids lol

    Wow after I hard fight for 2nd place I destroyed myself so had to back off this week as my knees were not happy so I was down about 100 miles but as I normally only ride 100-150 miles a month I am well chuffed with 3rd.

    I am also hoping I am “1st” out of the Singlespeed riders and think I did realy well on my average and hill climbing over all you geared folk :wink:

    This challenge has really helped me improve my fitness and love doing multiple rides a day learning to ride when physically tired. I also got in my longest ride of 60 miles with my best average of 14.3 mph (again with one gear!). I have decided I will be doing 100 miles a week minimum as standard now.

    So here is to June’s challenge :lol:

    So lets see your stats and ride

    522 miles
    34,730 feet climbed on a tough 18:32 geared 29er SS
    45hr:13min:35sec riding
    26,935 kcal burnt (endomondo underestimated as on a SS)

    Free Member

    I have a 18.5 lb On One Scandal 26″ with carbon lefty (was 16.5 lb with rigid fork) which I am looking to sell

    I am now riding a Niner Air 9 Carbon which is 22 lbs dead but I have some new wheels and parts which should get me to 20.5 lbs


    Free Member

    I have a saloon and get a bike and 36″ uni in at the same time, proper boot on the old Mondey :)

    Free Member

    I bought some of these a week ago, great forks at £279.99 which is a STONKINGLY good price

    Reba RLT

    Free Member

    I had this after my heavy winter duvet was pulling my feet forward/down in bed, was very painful (as mentioned riding was the only thing that didn’t aggravate it.

    I did lots of stretching on the bottom stair and at work got a foot rest so I was spending all day in a gentle stretched position.

    All sorted now :)

    Free Member

    Saddles have to be a good fit for yout sit bones, I hav stuggled for decades to find a seat that didn’t do me in after a while until I gave the Charge range ago and they are PERFECT for me and get rave reviews from most people so they must be pretty supportive for a wide range of bum sizes :lol:

    They look good and are cheap, you can even get custom colour combos from Charge direct (for a price), I have two of the Knife model which is a little thinner on padding but most people use the spoon as it is a bit more generous with it.

    Oh and good padded shorts will help even more

    Free Member

    Swappable dropouts? I have this issue on my Scandal even after sorting the poor stock bolts out.

    Free Member

    lmao you funny guys :lol:

    Not keen on the aesthetics of the Pivot LES and it has swappable drop-outs which I am not a fan of at present and being in the UK sourcing a frame maybe tough but thanks for the sugestion

    Free Member

    How red is the superstar faceplate as some of the superstar stuff is a bit pink?

    I ask as I have a silver on-one stem and may get a black one with a red face plate from superstar if the red is any good?


    Free Member

    I have had a of the top Endura jackets and I screwed them up after a while with normal washing, now I rinse the mud off for a few rides then do a was with This stuff

    They also do a re-proofing wash or spray on as well

    Why spend £170 on a jacket and ruin it by cheaping out on looking after it?

    Free Member

    It would be worth my time to wait and catch the blighter so I could have a “chat”

    Free Member

    schwalbe tyres are now thought to be a bit dodgy tubeless.

    Because Stan says so? Not being funny but where is the proof of this, I have a few hundred miles on mine and they are great on my 355s, sealed up with no sealant first go with a track pump due to a lovely fit, haven’t seen any posts on here other than people praising the fit of the Tubless Ready Schwalbes unless I missed them all?

    Unless you go full UST you are always going to be a bit hit or miss going tubeless with some tyres and rim combos?

    Free Member

    very good tyres but don’t like the flint on the South Downs, the sidewalls looked very thin looking a the cut.

    I never used them on the bike only my old 26″ mountain Uni, where it performed fantastically even at 18 psi with all my weight on one wheel and lots of torsional force in turns etc, they are heavy for what they are though, my 29″ NN snakeskins are much lighter and far tougher and grippier so maybe try them in 26″?

    If you don’t ride on flint then I am sure you won’t be disappointed (have to be black chilli version though)

    Free Member

    Paypal are like a bank but not governed in the same way so denying them payment will see them pursue you very nastily through the courts to get their money, at very least they will screw your credit rating.

    I had an issue selling a set of CK hubed wheels, they had a little run out but hardly anything but were only 6 months old with light use, the guy was not happy so as you did I refunded the cost of a wheel re-truing and he was very happy with that.

    Your guy seems like a joker who toasted his rim with the wrong pads, as has been said stick with the facts, you could not mount a tyre to that and not notice it

    Good luck

    Free Member

    You could park in union street/high street then there is a forestry road that goes into the heart of bedgebury opposite the “Forest Edge” Motel,0.446084&spn=0.008214,0.01929&hq=bedgebury+forest&t=h&z=16

    I looked at doing this on google maps but as I don’t go too often I view the £8.50 as a fair price for trail maintenance and a good days fun :)

    Free Member

    I can understand for road / commuting but off road getting wet and muddy is half the fun!

    Free Member

    BMW 3 series estates have have such a small boot they are like an inverted tardis, I am not sure where is all went?

    I have a Mondeo Saloon and I can get 2 mikes and a unicycle in with the seats up so I can only imagine how big the estate is, also of all the cars I have had (and it is many) they are the only FWD car that I have enjoyed the handling of, they are cheap as chips safe and I would really miss the heated front screen.

    I also had a range rover for a while and that was massive you could get two bikes in the back with the rear wheels on. taken apart I am sure you could get 5 in there with judicious placement

    Free Member

    I don’t get any real time to ride in the week due to looking after the kids so I am going to have to try to max out the weekends and Bank holidays in the morning so as not to annoy the already very forgiving Mrs :lol:

    Out the door at 6am ish put in 4 hours of riding before the kids are ready to do anything seems to be the ticket (I start work at 6am during the week so no biggy for me and I like the cool weather and wildlife in the mornings

    Third so far 8), hope to get another 50 miles in if I am lucky this Sunday + Monday

    Free Member

    Give the offroad one a bash

    Free Member

    Ask to see there insurance certificate to ensure they have third party (if you get tugged by the police you will get 6 points as well as them for allowing them to drive your car with no insurance).

    Also cash in hand to cover the bend it buy it rule.

    A genuine buyer will be happy with all of that

    Free Member

    I thought we all did? :lol:

    I view my 29er Bike and Uni as my little wheels

    The big wheel cruises over everything and has a massive tyre foorprint front to back so has great grip on the custom waltworks tyre, couples with the massive flywheel effect of the big wheel if you keep it straight it storms through foot deep mud

    I ride 40 mile off road rides on this and my leg armour rubs my skin raw so I have given up using it, however that has it’s drawbacks as well lol

    Free Member

    The Sales of Goods Act covers you for 6 years (5 in Scotland I think) that goods are fit for purpose and is with the Retailer you bought them from, manufacturer and extended warranties are all pointless.

    Know your rights!

    Free Member


    In my old office there were two chaps a body building chap who ate like the guy previously mentioned and the half greek dude who ate mega hot spicy food like it was going out of fashion. Both had rotten gas traps.

    Crop dusting was the initial joke with no concern of the collateral damage the rest of us received

    Then the cupping started, a water cooler cup was guffed into and a hand placed over the top then they would walk up behind the other stick the cup in their face and quickly squeeze it to puff it into the others face.

    Then it got worse

    Getting 500ml pop bottle compressing it to expel most the air sticking it on their rusty sheriffs badge and trumping whilst releasing the sides of the bottle to suck in maximum gas and pop the lid on, this way you could have multiple rounds of ammunition in a directional accurate weapon.

    Those were the days.

    One of them is now my manager and he goes outside and fakes a call to drop his guts :lol:

    Free Member

    As well as bikes I ride Mountain unicycles and have 24″, 29″ and 36″ wheeled ones and the 36″ is the best climber of all of them, the big wheel has a massive fly wheel effect so rolls everything and doesn’t want to stop, also one pedal revolution gets me further forward so my cadence is the same (just harder work) so I get up the hill faster.

    The “little” 29er is easier up the hill as the crank to wheel diameter ratio is bigger than on my 36er but due to the natural rythem I get into the cadence is the same so it is far slower, to match the speed of the climb I would have to be peadaling at a higher rpm so would be tired in a different way.

    Unicycling is fun :lol:

    On my 26″ and 29″ Scandals I find exactly the same thing, 26er is easier (same 32/18 ratio on both) as lower geared and the 29er is faster but harder

    on my regular 10 mile loop my 29er is almost 10 minutes faster (and so much nicer up the hills)

    Free Member

    No probs glad to help :-)

    I have an original SS fixed droppout 26″ scandal as well and that creaked from the rear axle moving if the QR was not tight enough as the chain tug moved on the dropout face.

    As soon as I got the V2 29er and slogged up the first hill I new where the noise was coming from although a quick check of my tight bolt on hub and the dirt between the swapout and the frame pointed me in the right direction.

    I was going to email On-One actually as it seems to be a common issue and the Scandal is such a good frame I would hate for it to get a bad rep and people miss out on getting one

    Free Member

    no probs, after a muddy ride you will take the dropouts off and see mud between the mating faces.

    I just held the captive nuts carefully in the rounded part of a set of pliers and used a bog standard file as they are not hard metal and I coun’t be bothered to go to the shed to do it “properly” :D

    Free Member

    I also had creaking issues when cranking hard standing up, I found the bolts were topping out on the t-nut as they are too long

    The captive nuts have almost 2mm at the end with no thread so I took a file to them and removed 1.5mm of their length so as not to mess with the threaded section. I also used normal steel chainring bolts as the ones provided are not thread all the way to the bolt head (this probably isn’t required if you file enough off the captive nut).

    Cleaned and put a bit of grease on the mating faces of the frame and swapout and then did them up, I could instantly feel the bolts tighten up loads better as they didn’t hit a hard stop just got hard to torque, also the captive nut didn’t spin as they got tighter as they were actually being pulled tight into the swapout seat.

    A 10 minute job to sort the issue once and for all

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