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  • FeeFoo
    Free Member

    Anyone who sleeps on the opposite side to me is WRONG and should not be allowed in a bed.
    I’ve done an advanced sleeping course so I think I know a little more than most on here.

    Right side. Obvs.

    Free Member

    If you want to be nihilistic, be my guest, but I’ll be dancing on the event horizon.

    Interesting perspective there and great image in my head now! :D

    Free Member

    Yes, but after that and after that?
    Does anyone honestly care about life on earth after they and the people they know and care about are dead?

    It seems to go against the current secular, nihilistic way most of us see our place in the universe.

    Free Member

    Here’s a question: why does it matter to us that we make the world nicer for future generations?

    I’m not saying we don’t care about our nearest and dearest, but what about the distant future generations that you have no emotional attachment to?

    Not trolling, just wondering why there is such worry placed on the future by a species that, for the most part, lives for themselves in the present or the immediate future.

    Free Member

    A corruption of the french, n’est-ce pas?

    Free Member

    I reckon the “haters” just want it to be better


    Simple really.

    I just want a fun car programme that doesn’t make me cringe whenever the presenters are on screen.

    Free Member

    I guess it comes down to whether you’d want to spend time in the company of these sort of blokes.
    Personally, if I heard someone talking the way they do in the pub, at work, wherever, I’d avoid them like the plague.

    Three Colin Hunts.

    Or something that rhymes with that at least.

    Free Member

    Was thinking how utterly depressing it must be to be flooded out and wake up to yet more rain.
    Hope it all dries up soon.

    Oh and

    Good luck CB I was in a house that god flooded

    Hope Woppit’s not reading this thread :wink:

    Free Member

    I struggle to say scone the way posh people say it.

    Out of interest, which is the posh way – to rhyme with “gone” or “cone”?

    Free Member



    My missus is French and loves it when I try to get it right.

    Free Member

    “War, war is stupid and people are stupid” – Boy George

    Free Member

    “Does the body rule the mind or does the mind rule the body? I dunno.”
    – Descartes and Mozza.

    Free Member

    Is mum in heaven?
    Why can’t I see her?
    When will I see her again?

    It’s a thorny one, I admit.

    In this case, I’d imagine that no matter what is said, the emotional damage is pretty big.

    Free Member

    will they continue to believe

    Probably not. Telling a child this lie isn’t likely to set them up for a life of religious belief.

    Obviously not all lies are bad. Anyone who thinks they are is a sociopath. (Not aimed at you Crikey! :-) )

    Free Member

    …and when your kids get older, will they continue to believe some religious explanation, or will they work out that you told them lies?

    I think using emotive terms like “told them lies” is stretching things a bit far.
    Most people wouldn’t grow up and think “what a **** liar my dad was!” They’d more likely think, “he did that to make things easier for me”

    Free Member

    I find I can be quite hypocritical at times where neologisms and phrases are concerned.

    On the one hand, I like the changing language we use and enjoy new words, especially from da kidz, but on the other hand I can be quite sniffy about business phrases like “going forward” etc.

    Free Member

    Another Sam Broncos fan here too!

    Free Member

    Three old and flacid pricks dribbling urine onto stained y-fronts.

    Hopefully the cars will be good though.

    Free Member

    Southerners are unable to swear effectively. “Can’t” is not a swear word.

    Do me a favour, “coont” is definitely not a swearword.

    Northerner swearing, to me, sounds like some twee words your grandmother might use.

    Free Member

    In my experience, the French are generally less precious about their cars than we are.
    Are French cars cheaper to buy over there? Not sure.

    We’ve had a Peugeot and two Citroens. They’ve all been pretty reliable, like most modern cars.

    Free Member

    Sorry, to be clear, I’m generally as happy as the next person.
    I’m just greedy for more! :-)

    Free Member

    Oh yeah, forgot about the coats. Good point.
    I just want a long coat and cool glasses… But I’d rather stay out of Zion – too crowded!

    Free Member

    If I could have genuine peace of mind that I’m told can come with religious belief, I’d love it.
    Even if it meant I was believing something made up, as long as I was happy, fulfilled and was looking forward to everlasting bliss, it wouldn’t matter.

    A bit like Cypher asking to be plugged back into the Matrix.
    A bit trite, but you get the idea.

    I’m not saying you can’t be happy without religion but it seems to offer a deeper peace.
    The tricky bit is tricking myself into believing….

    Free Member

    Completely agree, Cougar (conciliatory me!). :wink:

    It just seems that our brains are wired for the cause and effect thing. It’s hard to stop asking “why?” and to just accept “because it is”.

    It is for me anyway.

    Free Member

    Feefoo: similarly I don’t see the point of existence based on the god(s) argument. What is it please?

    I suppose the point within the doctrine is that you’ll get everlasting salvation in the kingdom of heaven; whatever that’s meant to mean.

    Free Member

    Feefoo: similarly I don’t see the point of existence based on the god(s) argument. What is it please?

    Dunno, don’t believe in him/them.

    Really? Modern medicine might be one example….

    I understand man has and will make advances in all fields, that doesn’t give it any point though.
    No point to anything in this seemingly chance universe imho.

    Free Member

    The striving for knowledge and understanding

    Yes, but to what end? Can’t see the point really.

    Free Member

    It would be interesting to know how society will change in an ever-more secular world.
    I imagine the general pointlessness of existence may become a tricky one.

    Anyway, back to the sixth form studies room :wink:

    Free Member

    Fillet by preference these days. Have very fond memories of rump at Berni Inns back in the day though.

    Free Member

    But wait, what if people take a long hard look at themselves and realise that maybe, just maybe they aren’t a good driver?

    Whilst this makes a good point, I wonder if the process of believing you’re above average could be the best way to drive on today’s roads.
    People who lack confidence in their driving can sometimes cause a reduction in the flow of traffic, which in turn leads to frustration and aggressive driving.

    Free Member

    The only people who deal in absolutes are those with a belief in a deity.

    *cough* lots of atheists too *cough*

    Free Member

    I am, apparently.

    Yes, Cougar, I said that as I found you unnecessarily condescending and patronising in your responses to my post.
    Ironically proving my point about the superiority problem some have on this topic.

    It’s not surprising to get that kind of thing from the jaded big hitters but odd from a moderator.

    Free Member

    Nah, I’m gonna leave it there.
    I believe it’s time for bed.

    Free Member

    Whoa, a bit harsh. Not telling anyone what they think.

    Jeez, what an uppity bunch tonight.

    Free Member

    But that misses the point.

    It’s illogical to argue a word has only one definition when obviously that isn’t the case with “belief”.

    Embrace your belief in atheism as you embrace your belief in the existence of a teacup.

    Free Member

    Ah, so it’s not that you don’t agree, it’s that you don’t understand. Fair enough.

    Are you 6 years old? Wow.

    Free Member

    I’m happy to disagree with you.
    Your argument makes no sense.

    I do think it’s important to extract the misplaced superiority that peeks through on these threads.
    Call it a kind of political correctness against social division.

    Fwiw i ain’t no theist.

    Free Member

    I believe in semantics.

    Seemingly, some atheists are so insecure in their beliefs that they cannot countenance accepting a dictionary definition of “belief” for fear of being compared to some of those “stupid” theists.

    I believe this is true.

    Free Member

    He’s a prick in the same way Jim Davidson was a prick in the 70s and 80s.

    Boring reactionary old man.

    Free Member

    Yes, you are. It is about the most creative computer game I’ve ever seen.
    Have a butcher’s on youtube for minecraft computer etc.

    Making a computer (from blocks) that works as a computer within a computer game is pretty special imho.

    Love it.

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