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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • FeeFoo
    Free Member

    And forum thread commentators. Hate ’em.

    Free Member

    People who hate/secretly fear the poor or the working class and refer to them as chavs.
    People who are full of hate for fat people and are proud of it. Well done.

    Free Member

    I likes ’em.
    It’s hard to get upset with patriotic bunting.

    Free Member

    Where’s the question/poll?

    This ^^

    Is this not showing cos I’m on the ipad?

    Free Member

    3 – 1 to Engerland. Easy.

    Free Member

    I haven’t found anthing here to beat this, that I had in New York:

    Free Member

    Yes, my wife is from Provence and often had the mickey taken out of her accent when she was at university in Paris.
    She sounded the equilvalent to someone from Cornwall.

    It’s quite noticeable in the older generation.
    “Domain” is pronounced more like Domeng in Provence, for example.

    Free Member

    It was poorly judged but not that close in my opinion. When he’s pulling back in the truck is, relatively speaking, still some way off. (Pause video at 13 secs)
    He made an error of judgement, but we’ve all done that.

    Free Member

    The reality apparently being that everyone should just have to put up with potentially being bitten, because… well… he’s part of my family, and we need to hopelessly indulge him to make our lives complete,so if he bites you, it was your fault. He was just doing what comes naturally. You should have known that

    I’m feeling really neurotic and insecure, so I’m going to go out and buy a tiger to make me and my family feel complete. I’m going to take him out for walks in the park. So you lot better get learning how to behave around tigers, as he will of course be blameless for any subsequent severed limbs, or missing babies

    Made me chuckle. Absolutely spot on though!

    Free Member

    Me like.

    Free Member

    Responsible parents would teach their kids to ask the owner first if it’s ok to go up to a dog and make a fuss of it in exactly the same way you’d ask a farmer if it was safe / ok to “pet” a farm animal. Dogs aren’t there for the entertainment of other people’s children and shouldn’t be seen as such.

    Responsible dog owners, who seemingly know there is a chance their dog could bite someone, should keep them muzzled and on a lead at all times.

    Works both ways.

    Free Member

    Sounds a bit like the girl has had a bit of a harsh lesson in manners…

    Really? By being bitten by a dog. Nice line of justice there. Wow.

    Free Member

    At the Dalwhinnie distillery they recommended Maltesers with theirs.
    They were right!

    Free Member

    Cheers all.
    Will be ordering it this week. Installation is in late July. I’ll test it then and report back on how efficient it is :wink:

    Free Member

    What size wheels?

    Free Member

    We had this a few years back but with them attacking two bedroom windows. What worked for us was sitting lots of my son’s stuffed toys on the window sills.

    Big bad crows scared of teddy bears!

    Stick a few on the dashboard.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Worst creature on the planet. Earth would be a lot nicer without humans on it.

    Can I be the first to say: Bluuuuuurrrrghhh!

    Feel better now. :wink:

    Free Member

    I see again more posts here trivialising UKIP support. It’s is a mistake to underestimate them and to attack the party and it’s supporters as “racists or loonies”.


    Let’s not shame ourselves as a country by showing the world we’re idiotic enough to vote for these ****.

    Free Member

    Wow! Great video. Made me wince watching that.
    Nice ending. *ahem*

    Free Member

    Nice with a slice of cucumber too.

    Free Member

    Twunt, cockwomble and, very recently, Jafaican :wink:

    Free Member

    there was a DeLorean parked inthe work carpark this morning
    Yeah, it was there next week too.

    Doffs cap. Made me laff!

    Free Member

    Jacobs cream crackers
    Croft Original sherry
    1.FM 80s Channel internet radio

    Free Member

    On that occasion maybe but someone who is all out a Racist and despises blacks or those of an ethnic origin. No I don’t think he is.

    That’s probably true, but from experience it’s these “jokes” that keeps a certain level of racism alive within groups of like-minded bigots.

    Free Member

    No I don’t think he is. A idiot at times with his bull in a china comments but I don’t think he is a racist.

    But the “slope” comment was racist. He used a racist word against the person it related to.
    Surely that makes him a racist, no?

    Free Member

    Seen that episode and missed what was may have been meant with that one, never knew term in that context but yes if indeed it’s what he meant then yes that was unacceptable.

    Just to be clear, are you claiming JC is not a racist?

    Free Member

    Yeah, but occasionally he’s a hilarious dick. Sometimes, unintentionally. Which makes it even funnier…


    Is Stuart Lee supposed to be funny?


    Free Member

    I remember it too. Me and my brother were dead chuffed when my dad managed to get Donald Gee’s autograph in a pub somewhere.

    Free Member

    Fave line from LGF – Harold Shand (to himself): “I’ll ‘ave ‘is carcass dripping blood by midnight”

    Free Member

    We had some white ass bumbles in our compost. They stayed for the summer then moved on/died.

    Free Member

    Shap’oh capn, shap’oh.

    Free Member

    Tomato Sauce but pronounced “Tomarta sores”

    Free Member

    Nice vid sbd.
    Wanna do another track day now. Just got to save for the replacement tyres and brakes.

    Free Member

    How do you know that a boardroom member of staff has not been a superior performer and should be renumerated according to market conditions.
    If someone sells £100m of sales but only gets paid £100k a year, why are they not entitled to a £200k bonus? That’s only 0.2% of there total sales?

    Why is it that a boardroom member is entitled to this bonus scheme but the shop floor worker isn’t?
    If both put in the same amount of “effort” to achieve the extra sales/output why isn’t the bonus the same?
    You already know the answer.

    Free Member

    I often get redirected to the apps section on my ipad.

    Free Member

    “I’d like to drop my trousers to the queen. Every sensible child knows what this means.
    The poor and the needy are selfish and greedy on her terms.”

    Love, Mr Morrissey, the poor multi-millionaire moaner ;-)

    Free Member

    Such a contrast to the last one. That was pretty dull.

    Free Member

    outdated anachronistic system that enshrines privileged and class.
    Its largely a side show distraction

    ^^ This.

    Free Member

    Suns out, time for some tennis….

    You mean time for fox hunting, deer hunting, grouse shooting and a spot of croquet with the corgis, surely? :-)

Viewing 40 posts - 241 through 280 (of 1,157 total)