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  • Mental Mondays #13 – The get on out there edition
  • FeeFoo
    Free Member

    Saw a stage one year that went up Galibier in the alps.
    We waited all day and couldn’t believe the speed they went past us. It was all over in a couple of minutes.

    Still, we got to see Greg Lemond on the day he cracked.

    Free Member

    Oh well that last of this series of “Last of the summer wine”, oops sorry top Gear

    Shame, I’ll miss seeing Cleggy driving an old tin bath down the hill gurning at the camera and saying something homophobic, misogynist or racist.

    Can’t wait for the Summer series!

    Free Member

    We’re too simple a creature not to conform in this way. Our emotions get in the way of a constantly logical thought process.

    Free Member

    I don’t care what strangers think about me and if by some bizare twist of fate you end up as a friend, then you already know what I’m like so have accepted all my little oddities and therefore I don’t have to worry about that either :-)

    …and yet you posted that on here to show people what YOU are like.

    Oddly elliptical.

    As hoomans we need to care what others think of us. Otherwise society wouldn’t work.
    If people think they genuinely don’t care about other’s opinions then they are either completely self-deluded or they are actual sociopaths.
    In the case of the latter, they wouldn’t be posting anything on here.

    Free Member

    Montrez-moi le singe! Montrez-moi le singe! – Jerry MacGuire

    Free Member

    Their loss, not mine

    Nope, whilst Flash is still around the ipad can be frustrating. I don’t want to have to find “alternatives” to the website I’ve chosen.

    Love the ipad but it isn’t without flaws, and for me this is one of them.

    Free Member

    I don’t have a really bad internet experience, just a less than satisfactory one.

    Shame, cos otherwise it’s perfect!

    Free Member

    It’s “tough” if you want to view any page with flash content.

    I like this TwopTwip (from Twitter):

    “Pretend you have an iPad by disabling Flash in your browser and having a less than satisfactory internet experience.”

    Free Member

    Wear a suit. At worst you’ll be slightly over-dressed. But you’ll still look smart.

    No top hat though.

    Free Member

    I’m sure it’s been said before but I’d thoroughly recommend Bad Science by Ben Goldacre.
    It shows (amongst other things) the astonishing facts about the placebo/nocebo effects.

    The findings are almost as unbelievable as the Gaviscon milk bottle idea.

    We’re pretty weirdly-wired creatures, us hoomans.

    Free Member

    My brother is a gaviscon user, he claims the generic version does not give the same results and he’s not prone to being taken in by marketing. I wonder if there’s differences in the available amounts of active ingredient?

    Placebo effect works even if you “know” it’s just marketing.
    It’s not just the weak-minded who are affected by this, it’s everyone.

    Strange but true.

    Free Member

    There is, however, a noticeable placebo effect in taking Nurofen over the same non-branded dose of ibuprofen.

    And the point is that even if you are aware that you are essentially taking the same thing, the placebo effect still gives better pain relief.

    Weird, but apparently true.

    (See Ben Goldacre’s Bad Science)

    Free Member

    But it amuses that every week people come on here telling us all how rubbish it is – why don’t they all do as ‘Why Don’t You’ once told us ‘Switch off your television set and go do something more interesting instead’

    See that would be fine if I wasn’t interested in the cars. But I am.

    I also love F1 and the BBC have made it better than ever… except I hated Legard as the main commentator.

    So, as long as the BBC send those three tedious gimps on TG the same way as Legard, I’ll watch it every week.

    Free Member

    It serves a purpose.

    It gives dimwitted simpletons something to talk about to other dullards on a Monday morning.

    Free Member

    local councilor being photographed pointing at a pothole in some back road that nobody uses saying how it’s a disgrace.

    That was exactly the picture in our local paper this week.

    Free Member

    See, I love watching the brum brums too. That’s why I watch the programme. It’s just that every time those three appear and have a hilariously spontaneous chat in the studio, I die inside.

    They are beyond tedious.

    My problem is that it is another example of dumbed down tv – it is no better than the X-factor or BGT.

    Those shows are also tremendously popular, does it make them “brilliant” too?

    Free Member

    It was about as funny as nailing my cock to a plank of wood

    That is such perfect Top Gear writing, you should send it in to them.

    James May: “Cock”
    Audience: “Hur hur hur”

    Repeat to fade.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Love Stewart Lee’s quote: “…they love it (these middle-aged men)… they love to see Jeremy Clarkson sneer at a Sikh on their behalf”

    Also, this : TopGear Racism Test[/url]

    Free Member

    Those cholesterol myth websites are very compelling and there does seem to be some intelligent counter-arguments to conventional wisdom.

    Particularly interesting is the relationship between saturated fats and effect on cholesterol levels and on health in general.

    Of course, for me it’s easier to want to believe these findings because it means I can eat more of the unhealthy things I love. :wink:

    Another good one: the healthy skeptic

    Free Member

    I work with Americans who are sarcastic, ironic, and often self-deprecating.

    So, either I know some odd Americans or some people are too quick repeat trite stereotypical views in order to make themselves look superior.

    “American’s don’t do sarcasm”, er like, hello?

    Free Member

    Very funny, but please no more pompous “they don’t get British humour”.

    In the same way that My Family, 2 Pints of Lager, etc. are so much funnier than Seinfeld, The Simpsons, Arrested Development etc.

    Free Member

    I’m a bit underwhelmed and quite disappointed with the game.
    It all seems quite muted and slow.
    I’m only at level 13 or 14 but it’s very laborious and, dare I say, a bit too easy.

    I wonder if I’m playing it right – maybe I’m modding the cars too early.

    Tell me it’s worth sticking with for the upper levels.

    Free Member

    True, but does that mean I can’t comment on it?

    Free Member

    “Pants, hur hur hur”
    “cock, hur hur hur”
    “<sarcasm and cynicism> hur hur hur”

    Insufferable dullards.

    Free Member

    Ardbeg and Dalwhinnie.

    Complete opposites, but both delicious.

    Free Member

    I absolutely love them.

    However, they taste their best when they are cooked until completely soft. It is only in this state that they release all their lovely sweetness.
    This sweetness is completely missing when they are cooked al dente.

    I know this is the opposite of what is often recommended, but trust me it’s the best way.


    Free Member

    As an alternative what about a Timbuk2? My bag is still going strong after 20 years. Faultless.

    Free Member

    The question is, how much of a sought after area are you looking in?
    The houses where we’re looking go very quickly so the usual negotiating tricks don’t necessarily apply.

    Free Member

    I’m a chemistry student anyway, its all numbers and symbols!

    What like the symbol for apostrophe in “it’s”?

    Free Member

    No replies?
    Is this some kind of Amish community?

    Free Member

    True, but mine are blellow.
    It's a nice compromise.

    Free Member

    decent coffee shouldn't need sugar

    I like sugar with my decent coffee. It tastes nice.
    I sometimes have tomato sauce with a lovely thick very rare fillet steak.
    It tastes nice.

    When I was at the Dalwhinnie distillery, the guide told us to drink the scotch the way we liked it and not listen to snobs that say you shouldn't add water or ice to it. In this case I prefer it neat.
    It tastes nice.

    Free Member

    Schumacher is such a crap driver. Obviously.
    Button too is so bad.
    World Champions are such awful drivers.

    They just get lucky.
    …sometimes they get lucky 7 times.

    Free Member

    This morning I unwittingly put some "half and half" in my morning cuppa.

    Not right.

    Free Member

    He was worried sic.

    Surely it should be "He was worreyed" sic

    Free Member

    Oak trees

    Free Member

    Teadrinker's shot is now my desktop background. It sums up the perfect end to any ride or walk.
    And remember you can't charge me for nicking it cos proper-tea is theft!
    Sorry :oops:


    Great pic as usual. Either you know that handsome devil or you waited 3 days for him to pass by? Which is it?

    Free Member

    language it is a beautiful evolving thang.

    That's you summed up.

    Missed the point completely.

    That's tmesis that is. Wonder-f*******-ful.

    Free Member

    I used to be a bit of an uptight fool about the use (and misuse)of our language.
    But I realised I was a constant hypocrite – using any new cool slang I happened to like the sound of.
    I LOVE the various trends of our language.
    Even business speak stuff is just an extension of the playground slang we all used to love.

    Enjoy your language it is a beautiful evolving thang.

    If you enjoy belittling people for using it "incorrectly", ask yourself why that is.

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