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  • Specialized Power Pro Mirror Saddle Review
  • FeeFoo
    Free Member

    I get approx. 365 miles on full tank of 98 Ron and approx. 330 miles on full tank of 95 Ron.

    (I used 95 Ron for about 6 months and now I’ve been using 98 Ron for roughly 10 months.)

    Haven’t bothered working out the cost difference.

    Free Member

    Slight hijack, but I’ve tried on several occasions to talk about the limitations of my iPad on here. It always gets the same over-protective reaction:

    “I love it and have no issues when browsing online. I don’t need Flash etc.”

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Having pasta and meatballs with parmesan cheese tonight. All washed down with cheap Chilean red.
    Pudding is two packs of Chewits in front of a box set of the Sopranos.

    Anyone says that’s not allowed gets “whacked”.

    Free Member

    all sport am gud

    Free Member

    What did people think about the commentary?

    It seemed pretty good to me, although Brundle missed a few incidents due to having to concentrate on talking in a more general way.

    The race also seemed a little hard to follow with all the pitstops.
    I’m not sure if that was due to the commentary, the coverage or the factor of all the extra variables.

    Hope Malaysia is better.

    Free Member

    I’ve often wondered if you could market uncooked cake mix…

    ***applies to Dragon’s Den***

    Free Member

    Cambridge all the way!

    I’ve heard they’ve got KERS fitted to their boat :wink:

    Free Member

    I’m all for open-mindedness, but not so open that your brains fall out…

    I’m not sure you can be too open-minded. It is just the state of being open to new ideas, not the state of believing everything and anything.

    I am open to the idea that even though evidence hasn’t been presented yet, it may well be presented in the future.

    Go on, let a bit of uncertainty into your life.

    Free Member

    This is open minded:

    Now, personally I don’t think I could ever hope to figure out what our purpose is in life, because there simply isn’t anything like enough data. So I will come up with ideas and do my own thinking about that, WHILST studying the mechanics and perhaps origins of the physical universe.

    This isn’t:

    Thus illustrating the futility of “why” – the reality of any attempted definition cannot be evidenced and tested – Magic Unicorns, for instance.

    You’ve already decided that the “why” is futile. Why?
    Do you know it will always be unanswerable?

    Free Member

    Don’t tell me I’m not allowed to consider Why, just cos you can’t get yer head round it, or refuse to believe in such a concept.

    I hear people with this attitude all the time. They just stop questioning the Why.
    I find that astoundingly closed-minded. For me it is the most fascinating part of all.

    I also like to keep in mind that everything we measure and observe about our universe is only, and can only be, from our own human perpective.
    It is possibly a completely different universe than that “seen” by other life in the universe.

    Free Member

    If you want to feel small, go outside and look at the stars. Or, if it’s cloudy, your most recent mortgage statement.

    This works very well but I find it hard to carry the feeling/ experience with me for long.
    It’s like you get to step out of the game for a bit and are then quickly sucked back in.

    billysugger sums it up nicely:

    A near death experience every now and then. The feeling is excellent, not a care or a worry in the world. You hear the birds sing and everything. Then over a period of time and scowling neighbours faces you end up letting things wind you up and doing crazy things like paying too much attention to adverts for sofas on the tellybox.

    Free Member

    I’m not allowed to antagonise people Fred and TJ anymore and cynical-al has had his toys taken away for a few days, so I think dull was the term you were looking for

    or, maybe, the bores at the dinner party have left and some of the other guests are able to express themselves.

    Now that’s unnecessarily antagonistic.

    Free Member

    … and I follow ukuncut on Twitter.
    Doubly sorted!

    Free Member

    I’m gonna tweet this idea straight away.


    Free Member

    From Ian Dury:

    Our Father,
    Who art in Hendon
    Harrow Road be Thy name
    Thy Kingston come
    Thy Wimbledon
    In Erith as it is in Hendon.
    Give us this day our Berkhampstead
    And forgive us our Westminsters
    As we forgive those who Westminster against us.
    Lead us not into Temple Station
    And deliver us from Ealing,
    For thine is the Kingston
    The Purley and the Crawley,
    For Iver and Iver
    Crouch End

    Free Member

    were I to relate it to life, the universe and everything I’d probably drop it and go out and lounge in the sun

    That’s very true.

    Is it possible to function and contribute to our society if you were to think this way? Can you have it both ways with some sort of watered down thought process?

    And, yes by the way, in case you were wondering, I HAVE had a shitty day at work and started drinking too much to compensate :wink:

    Free Member

    Melted Reese’s Cups and sliced banana…Mmmmm.

    Wow! That sounds fantastic!

    ***saliva runs down chin***

    Free Member

    Like Tess I was also a courier back in the 80s and 90s.

    I know for a fact that it takes more energy to do (something maybe more important for a courier than a commuter) and gives you, approximately, a 0.002 second advantage getting away from the lights over someone having to clip back in.

    The simple fact that people say they’ve been congratulated on it, means they know that they’ve been showing off. I find that cringing as an adult.

    The bottom line is, if you enjoy it, keep doing it.
    I’ll keep laughing when I see you do it and so we’ll both be happy.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t bother me in the slightest. It does makes me smirk though.
    If you like doing it, then do it.

    I just think it looks like showing off and find that behavior slightly embarrassing for an adult.

    And are you really suggesting you’ve never once thought about how it might look to others?

    Free Member

    Used to see this all the time back in the day as a courier in that London. So much wasted effort and energy just to look like an 8 year old.


    And yes, I can track stand and do no-hands and wheelies… just not as an adult at traffic lights.

    Free Member

    Maybe it was due to the cringing embarrassment of seeing someone trackstanding at traffic lights.

    It is, after all, the equivalent of an 8 year old doing no-hands to impress all the girls.

    Free Member

    …only wish he’d done some of his Top Gear stuff.

    Then I could have quoted it on here and thereby reinstated the usual Sunday “I love/loathe TG” thread.

    Free Member

    …ok but I specifically want to play on Pokerstars.

    Which I believe is not possible on an iPad.

    If they bring out a Pokerstars app, I’ll be the first in the queue!

    Free Member

    No Flash, me no buy.

    Need Flash for Pokerstars.

    Need Pokerstars.

    Shame cos I’d love Pokerstars on an ipad.

    Free Member

    No it mean I believe you personally have no challenge to the theory of evolution, when you initially said you were challenging it

    You appear to be trying to change the question now a technique often employed by people of faith ( I realise I cant extrapolate that you are a person of faith from the evidence of this thread ) In fact it was a technique that in the stories of the bible Jesus used to great effect

    You are absolutely spot on, I don’t have a challenge for the theory of evolution. And I did say I was challenging it. You got me there. :D
    What I meant to say was that I was challenging the view that it is a complete theory that will never be changed or challenged.

    As an aside, the problem for me is that it is “limited” to explaining how life has changed and diversified.
    So, personally, I view it as important as trainspotting.
    Fascinating in itself but saying nothing about the “why” of existence.

    I am, however, completely happy accepting the universe and life as a chance event.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    bazzer, surfer?

    Does that mean you believe it will never be challenged?

    Seriously, I’m not being facile. Do you believe that?


    Free Member

    But you can offer nothing to challenge it then ?

    Does that mean you believe it will never be challenged?

    Seriously, I’m not being facile. Do you believe that?

    Free Member

    They do go hand in glove. Would you care to enlighten us as to how we got here (not the why!)

    Without the why the question is redundant.

    Unless you can tell me how life got here, if not by chance.

    Free Member

    It’s one of the most tested theories in science, its continually tested and to date has not been shown to be wrong.

    Completely agree. It is, however, still a comparatively recent theory and so may indeed show itself to be incomplete in the future.

    I love the whole notion of evolution and find it makes me marvel at life in its many forms.
    But again, for me, it only answers a small part of the puzzle of life.

    Free Member

    No I cant. My answer will be as irrelevant as yours.

    Doesn’t mean we should stop asking the question, does it?

    Free Member

    You mean other theories may exist?

    As I originally said, it may well be a correct theory. It sounds entirely plausible and is most likely given all the research and data.

    That surely doesn’t mean it should NEVER AGAIN be tested and questioned.

    You seem intent on “exposing” me as a creationist. Sorry, can’t oblige there.

    It is the same narrow argument: either you believe in evolution or you’re a creationist.

    Far too simplistic.

    Free Member

    Whats “why” got to do with anything?

    Ok, so can you tell me why life exists? What is the reason for it?

    Simple questions.

    Free Member

    Can we explain why the universe came into being? No. Can we observe that the flying squirrel developed it’s “wings” in order to prevent it from having to leave the safety of the trees and run along the forest floor where all it’s predators dwelled? Yes.

    Agreed. But that is my problem with people’s over-excitement about evolution. It only explains what is going on in our small system.

    However, it says nothing about the real question of life and WHY it exists in the way it does in the first place.

    To suggest that we have solved the whole mystery of life by seeing how it has grown and changed into myriad forms over millions of years is incredibly arrogant and blinkered.

    Free Member

    Do you know what a “theory” is?

    Yes, and I’m challenging that theory. what is your problem with that?

    Free Member

    It is so far removed from “chance” as anything can be.

    Did life and/or the universe come into being due to chance or due to some other unknown influence?

    Please explain.

    Free Member

    Evolution is a theory based upon chance, thought up by beings created by chance, in a universe that exists by chance.

    Not saying it’s incorrect, but it is just a theory based on our own limited human understanding of things.

    Free Member

    WTF > I got wind of Stewart Lee’s ‘If You Prefer A Milder Comedian…’ from a previous thread on Top Gear. The finest piece of stand up I have ever seen.

    Going to see him on Sunday night. Can’t wait.

    If he comes up with any more Top Gear stuff, I’ll be sure to report it back. :wink:

    Free Member

    Love cars, hate reactionary old men.

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