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  • FeeFoo
    Free Member

    Have to say I found myself laughing one minute and choking back the tears the next.
    Guts, determination and perseverance. Impressive.

    Free Member

    @Graham S

    Ready DD?


    “Will it have…” :wink:

    Free Member

    I’m just trying to explain why, as an actual user, the lack of Flash doesn’t personally bother me. Obviously others may differ. That’s fair enough. They should probably buy something else.

    Fair enough. Not out to score points in a pointless argument.
    Lack of Flash bothers me enough for it to be irritating at times.

    I envy you. I’m obviously more easily irritated and will therefore be (even more) unbearable as I get older!

    I don’t wanna buy anything else cos I love my iPad.
    I just wish it had….etc.

    Free Member

    …and from non-mobile devices? without looking it up I seem to remember it’s about 90 odd percent in the UK.

    And globally about 99% non-mobile access. – all using Flash capable systems to view websites.

    Free Member

    Ok, but what problems do you have with Flash now?

    I just don’t see any issues.

    Free Member

    ? I’m saying “I already have the feature on my i-device in the form of Skyfire and I find that meets my needs adequately. YMMV.”

    ….so if the iPhone5 had it embedded in the software then… it’d be a good thing, surely?

    Free Member

    See, I’ve yet to have a bad experience with Flash.
    My system doesn’t crash, the videos run smoothly, I don’t suffer from over-memory usage problems.

    What issues am I supposed to be having with Flash?

    Free Member

    The only thing I currently miss it for is video, and that is dealt with by Skyfire.

    …so you are saying it would be good to have the feature on your i-device then.
    Or am I missing something?

    Free Member

    the only thing people might actually want to have Flash for is video

    Explain to me why you won’t say “Sometimes it would be good to have Flash so I can view the websites that use it”

    I bet no-one can force that simple and obvious statement from your lips.

    Why is that?

    Free Member

    Are you on PS3?

    Free Member

    Skyfire may help you out for some videos.

    Cheers Jamie, I was aware of that.
    Kinda makes my point that it can be useful to be able to view Flash.

    Strange that some people get so defensive when you suggest this.

    Free Member

    I know I don’t neeeeed Flash but it would still be nice to have so I don’t get irritated by seeing a blank space in a website or can’t view videos on certain websites.

    Seems people are so keen on there being no downsides in their i-device that they will defend its shortcomings against common sense.

    I’d be happier if it was more adaptable, that’s all.

    Free Member

    Thanks, that’s very useful.

    I love F1 but now you say you don’t I’ll stop enjoying it.

    Free Member

    This is Spinal Tap
    Groundhog Day
    This is Spinal Tap

    Free Member

    You must know some funny Northerners. It sounds like “can’t” in Southern to me.

    That’s only if it’s said by a Northerner doing a bad Dick Van Dyke cockerney accent!

    Free Member

    Northerners swearing and especially using the c-word sound too soft.
    The accents take away the harshness that is needed for swearing to be effective.

    To my ears they make the c-word become like the f-word alternative as used in Father Ted and it loses its power.

    Free Member

    …well, I have to admit that although I hate seeing anyone on their mobile whilst driving, I have sometimes texted.

    I’m an idiot and a hypocrite. I aint doing it again.

    Shouldn’t need a video to tell me what to do at my age.
    ***feels ashamed***

    Free Member

    Been having the same problem over the last week but it’s ok today…

    Free Member

    It all depends on your ability.

    I went out a few times on a provisional licence with my brother teaching me and then did a 2 week intensive course and passed first time.

    I am now the bestest driver on the road.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Fawlty Towers had canned laughter.

    Free Member

    Love Henry Winkler. He was great as the family lawyer in Arrested Development too.
    …and he even comes across as a genuinely nice guy on Twitter.

    and it’s “ayyyyyy” not “heyyyyy”

    Get it right!

    Free Member

    The problem with getting your cholesterol measured is that usually it doesn’t get measured until you’re in the “at risk” age range for heart disease and strokes.

    There is nothing to compare it to. It is possible that your cholesterol has always been at the same level. i.e. it’s the natural level for your body.

    I’m nowhere near qualified to judge these things but I’m a little sceptical about the recent statin pushing that is going on.

    Free Member

    Whilst trolling can be annoying, I find it helps me to think about things from a different viewpoint.
    It also, obviously, leads to more lively and often funny debate.

    Much more interesting than a group of sheep all saying
    ***sheep voice***
    “Baaa +1 to that comment”

    Free Member

    Thanks for helping me see sense

    No problem! I knew you’d get there.

    Free Member

    yes sorry cars dont pollute and oil is infinite.
    The undeniably powerful argument you used to defeat my flimsy attempts at reason leave me shamed

    Cars do pollute and oil is finite. And…

    The conclusion you draw from that is incorrect and flimsy. Feel the power of my lack of concern.

    Free Member

    but hey you drive short distances in your car whilst you still can

    Will do!

    Self righteous and sarcastic. Lovely.

    Free Member

    FeeFoo – do you really not understand why?

    I can guess why you think it is wrong… and I disagree, so we have to end the discussion to avoid the inevitable spiral into a pointless argument.

    Free Member

    Why is travelling less than 5 miles by car wrong?

    Free Member

    Actually motoring is too cheap.

    Is it?

    ***prays you’re not talking from an environmental standpoint***

    Free Member

    I love PG Tips

    Proper tea is theft.

    Free Member

    The ardent footy fans at my work have started to watch and talk about F1, so it is obviously getting more exciting and better coverage.

    Ironically, they are the ones with Sky Sports who will continue to enjoy it next year, whereas I won’t.

    Free Member

    I had my best day’s fishing ever and then got home to what I thought at first was a movie on the telly…

    Free Member

    They seem to only employ people who are polite and happy to help.
    Excellent interviewers/ HR dept. I presume.

    Free Member

    The overuse of the word “cock” on this forum – Do you really aspire to be James May?

    Yeah, add that one: ANYONE who likes Top Gear for anything other than the cars.

    Free Member

    I rarely, if ever, see anyone jumping red lights.

    Free Member

    Say that they ‘speak as they find’ and somehow expect a prize for it.

    I absolutely hate this attitude.

    It’s the same as saying “I’m going to be rude and upset someone, but I don’t care, aren’t I great?”

    Free Member

    I’d go back to the initial drafting of the Bible and add a page at the beginning,

    “All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.”

    I’d take this post back to the beginning of time and show it to God.
    Then you’d be in trouble… :wink:

    Free Member

    Thats all well and good but it still seems to me that anyone who thinks man didn’t land on the moon is a bit of a flyd.

    Are you six years old?

    Offensive and infantile. Nice one.

    Free Member

    BT were absolutely appalling for us when we moved house. Phone and Broadband problems.

    The one key problem is their Indian call centres. If you have a slightly convoluted problem it is impossible to make yourself understood.
    They have a script and if your problem isn’t on there you’ve had it.

    We eventually got handed on to the “Special Care” Customer Service Team in Rugby or somewhere. They were great.

    However, you’re only allowed to call them for 30 days after the problem has been resolved. Then you’re back to the appalling service of the overseas call centres.

    I would make the move in an instant to ANY company that guarantees UK call centres for all their services.

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