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  • The ‘Mericans – Classic USA Brand Bike Test
  • FeeFoo
    Free Member

    …not desperate enough to start a thread depicting how cool I am, obviously.

    Free Member

    Defensive or no, doesn’t change the fact the tank’s been empty for two days.

    Why so desperate to appear “cool”?

    Surely there is nothing shameful about being cautious, even if it is mis-placed?

    Free Member

    Love the general trend of people starting their post on the defensive:

    “Well, I was going to fill up anyway, but you should have seen all the idiots filling up etc.”

    Massive denial of being as selfish and panicky as everyone else.

    Free Member

    Love the fact the Olympics is being hosted in London.
    Why would anyone not be proud?

    Northeners can enjoy having great black pudding (see other thread) and us Southeners can enjoy a world-wide spectacle of the greatest show on earth.

    Free Member

    I once landed both wheels at the same time off a kerb…

    Free Member

    You might feel surrounded by people who seem to be managing, who seem to be cool with stuff, who seem to be doing just fine, but they are as scared and as frightened and as messed up as you, but they just hide it a bit better.

    Absolutely spot-on.

    Free Member

    Learn to accept your worrying as part of your own life-spark.

    Try to see the anxiety as a positive affirmation that you are ALIVE.

    Free Member

    Best decade of my life (so far)!

    Free Member

    Fair point! :lol:

    Free Member

    Slight hijack:
    I’m trying to find a supply of unsplit logs. Any ideas? I’ve waded through loads of websites offering split wood.

    I want unsplit partly to (hopefully) reduce cost but mostly cos I love splitting logs with my maul –
    ***grrrr! testosterone grrrr!***

    I’m currently working my way through the 22 pine trees we had cut down last year. But soon there’ll be none left :cry:

    Free Member

    Loved it. Very impressed that a 43 yr old Schumacher can still compete at the highest level.

    Fantastic if the Grosjean placing means an extra team in the mix.
    Kimi must be kicking himself!

    Although he is clearly a talented driver, some Finnish friends claim that he is seen as a bit of a thicko embarrassment in Finland.

    Free Member

    I’m note sure it’s a new thing.

    It’d be strange if you were to just say “califragilisticexpialidocious”
    Makes no sense.

    Free Member

    Love the Mozza but he needs to stick to singing.

    Free Member

    Fair enough, not the first time I’ve been surprised by what women like – Russell Brand anyone?

    But if they tickle your fancy, go and enjoy!

    Free Member

    Just checked Google images…. really? Them?

    Free Member

    It still amazes me that people can be so uptight and mother-hen clucking when it comes to other people’s driving “errors”.

    Fog lights can be dazzling but hardly in the same category as full beam headlights.

    I sense a definite “I’m right, it’s in the highway code, behold my righteous stance.”


    Free Member

    Some of us actually see the holiday destination and family time as a learning experience in it’s own right.

    This is true but going somewhere cheaper and possibly closer to home, in school holidays not term time, achieves the same end.

    Free Member

    Having kids means having to accept that your life will change and you’ll have to be less selfish in what you want to do.

    I’m happy to let the schools educate my children and say when they want them to attend. It is especially important that children not miss school these days with the youth unemployment problem.

    If you want to take your kids out of school to save money so you can go somewhere nice, then you have to accept the consequences.

    Holiday destinations are less important to kids than adults, so you can go somewhere cheaper and still have a great family holiday.

    Free Member

    That 80s comedy programmes can invent terms that virtually everyone uses instead of the original term:

    A group of baboons is called a flange.

    Free Member

    Loving the album. Love the dreary tones.
    Perfect for this time of year.

    Free Member

    Had true comedy phone call from Talk Talk when I moved to our new house and BT were giving us problems.

    “David” from India passed me onto “Steve” and then the line started breaking up whilst he was telling me of their excellent service.

    Him: “Hello? Can you hear me?”
    Me: “Yes, just about”
    Line cuts off. He phones back.
    Him: “Hello? Mr FeeFoo?”
    Me: “Yes, hello, we got cut off”
    Him: “Hello? Can you hear me?”
    Cuts off again.

    Great telecommunications from someone trying to sell me telecommunications.

    Free Member

    “Clarkson is a legend/dick” *Delete as appropriate.

    Free Member

    Although there’s nothing inherently funny about bi-polar disorder, you have to admit it’s become something of a celebrity ailment.

    With Stephen Fry saying (after an hour-long whine about his bi-polarity whilst meeting his celeb mates), “would I want to change my life and not have the disorder? Never!”

    Made me chuckle.

    Free Member

    Making the tea for the family when I was about 8.

    After pouring the boiling water into the teapot…. I decided to find out what would happen if I sucked on its spout.

    Rest of the day spent sucking an ice cube.

    Free Member

    As one of the “haters” I really enjoyed that.

    Obviously had to fast forward through the news and the star/car bit but otherwise very enjoyable.

    The Imola bit was great.

    Free Member

    Loving the talk of watching something “you can switch your brain off to” or “brainless entertainment”.

    What are you guys doing on a Sunday that exhausts your brain? Astrophysics?

    Free Member

    I’ll watch it cos I love cars.

    Then I’ll come here and say why I hated it and someone will tell me I don’t have to watch it.

    Can’t wait!

    Free Member

    Try a Dalwhinnie. You won’t be disappointed.

    Free Member

    FeeFoo – Member
    Beautiful South’s “36D, so what?”

    Cringing “new-man understanding women’s issues” nauseating awfulness….


    Surely it’s about the exact opposite?!?

    I.E. Being tired of women who are all looks and no content…

    Which men are you thinking of that (honestly) prefer women with great personality to those with great looks?

    Both would be perfect, obviously.

    The song is cringingly sycophantic towards women.

    Free Member

    Wow, that Vaughan Williams one is beautiful.

    Free Member

    “Share some greased tea with me”

    Free Member

    Also from Cool for Cats:

    In and out of Wandsworth
    With their number on their name
    Funny how the missus
    Always looks the bleedin’ same

    Free Member

    Beautiful South’s “36D, so what?”

    Cringing “new-man understanding women’s issues” nauseating awfulness….


    Free Member

    People who get uppity because someone has made a driving error and who suddenly become driving experts who never make mistakes.

    Self-righteous fools.

    Free Member

    My nan
    A mate at my work
    My bestest friend

    Free Member

    Absolutely love ’em!
    I haven’t seen these before. They look good too – anyone tried one?

    Edit: Oh, I thought they were a mint variant – looks like it’s just a colour change – :(

    Free Member

    As well as regularly washing the filters I also buy a new “lifetime” filter every 8 months to a year. Makes it like new.

    They are about £15-20 depending on model.

    Free Member

    They are typically fat brain dead chav families.
    They need a larger car to fit their guts in, football shirts, white trainers and 3/4 shorts are de rigueur

    Poor, fat people who like football. They’re the problem with this world.

    Not the hateful, small-minded arseholes that despise everything and anyone that doesn’t match their social class.

    Free Member

    …cock end complaining

    Perfect TG response!

    May/Hammond/Clarkson: “Cock!”
    Slow-witted audience: “Hurr hurr hurrrr”

    Repeat ad nauseum
    Roll credits.

    Free Member

    I actually enjoy some puerile nonsense now and again

    I do too.

    What I don’t enjoy is someone being deliberately offensive, xenophobic and racist under the guise of “just having a laugh”.

    Shameful that this nonsense is broadcast in the 21st century.

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