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  • FeeFoo
    Free Member

    I am the son and the heir of a shyness that is criminally vulgar.
    I am the son and heir of nothing in particular.

    Free Member

    Stop at a red light even when there is no danger.

    … and also unclip and put foot on floor. No trackstanding!

    Free Member

    Yeah, me too. Perhaps you need to move to a nice quiet parish, where they’re allowed to open on Sundays but choose not to. (-:

    Does such a place exist? Sounds like…. heaven. :wink:

    Free Member

    What it does mean is stores can’t choose to, say, open on Sunday and close on Tuesday. It means that when I’m making a spag bol and find I’m out of (veggie) mince at 6pm on a Sunday, I’m knackered.

    OT but, I do miss the quietness of Sundays of my youth when only the paper shop was open in the morning.
    Boring I suppose, but they had a quietness that I’d appreciate now – if not then.

    Free Member

    I’m not out to win an argument here, I just (naively) think it’d be a nicer place to live if people didn’t feel the need to condescend.

    It’s like laughing at trainspotters or model railway enthusiasts or mtbers.
    What purpose does it serve other than to fleetingly make you feel better about yourself.

    It’s an empty life philosophy in my opinion.

    Free Member

    You believe that a fairy wizard lives in the clouds.

    I don’t actually.

    No you get me all wrong, there’s no hate here. Amusement, bafflement and pity? Lots

    It’s a stance based on condescension. I find that quite nasty behaviour to your fellow man.

    Free Member

    nasty snipey comment from one of the defenders of religion.

    Whoa! Tenuous argument alert!

    Free Member

    Again, look back through this thread and I think you’ll find it’s the non-believers who (not all of them I admit) generally come across as believing themselves to be superior and displaying it in an unpleasant way. Show me an example from this thread of someone Christian saying anything unpleasant or nasty please.

    True dat.

    Free Member


    You do your smileys upside down compared to everyone else. Sinner! ;-)

    Free Member

    Making fun of stupidity? Yes. Tedious? Probably. Hateful? No. God doesn’t exist. You *do* believe a wizard lives in the sky. You believe another wizard (this one is a baddy) lives under the ground. Ergo you will be mocked mercilessly and without sympathy.

    Why is it deemed a good thing to mock mercilessly and without sympathy.
    Amazingly hate-filled idea.

    So, because you believe God doesn’t exist anyone who does deserves to be, metaphorically speaking, spat upon?


    Free Member

    “wizard in the sky” ha ha, it’s funny cos it’s making fun of someone’s stupidity, ha ha.

    Hateful and tedious.

    Free Member

    TJ, forgetting your cutting-and-pasting-from-the-Bible skills, would you agree that kennyp’s hypothetical welcome is likely to happen?

    Free Member

    As an experiment, why doesn’t someone on here who is gay go into one of the mainstream Christian churches, say that they are gay and see what sort of welcome they get.

    It’s my bet that they’ll be welcomed with open arms by the vast majority of the folk in the church who couldn’t give two hoots about their sexuality.

    100% spot-on.

    Free Member

    Would you honestly be able to say you weren’t being negative in your listing?

    And, are you are telling me that if I asked 100 people what they would describe as Christian values, the majority would say they hadn’t a clue; that it was too complex a question?

    Free Member

    as you asked me not to be negative. It’s interesting reading though, and might explain why us “hate-filled” atheists get a bit vexed sometimes.

    Nope. Couldn’t do it without (hilarious) cynicism.

    there’s no such thing as common usage

    Deliberately being obtuse. Tedious.

    I’ll make it clearer. What would people say if you asked them to verbally state what Christian values were?

    Free Member

    Someone sum up the term “Christian values” as it is commonly used.

    Don’t try to be clever, just sum up what most people would describe as Christian values.

    Go on, do it with no negativity, I dare ya!

    Free Member

    I am not for one moment defending homophobia, misogyny or any other discrimination.
    I am merely stating that FOR THE MOST PART the philosophy of Christianity is based on kindness.

    Grind your axes elsewhere.

    Free Member

    Irate Atheists are the biggest hypocrites in my opinion. Intolerance personified.

    Why get so worked up and full of hate over other people’s perceived stupidity?
    Always comes across as a superiority trip to me.

    Free Member

    I’ve yet to meet a Christian who describes themselves as “perfect”.

    Not religious myself but can’t knock a philosophy that, broadly speaking, embraces kindness.

    Free Member

    Christian values, for the most part, are perfect for a society that wishes to extol kindness.

    Whether it’s a hypocritical statement from a Tory PM is another matter.

    Free Member

    Indeed. I know it’s high competition sport but a just a little bit of humility goes a long way.

    After winning easily for two years you’d think they’d allow themselves to accept that it won’t always be that easy and take a few blows on the chin.

    As you said, Ferrari’s approach is refreshingly honest.

    Free Member

    Je ne peux pas attendre pour la version americaine! :wink:

    Free Member

    Hardly ever had a problem with using them in Tesco or Sainsbury’s.

    They are incredibly simple and just need to be used by their own rules i.e. do things in the order they want, be careful not to jiggle the bag about, etc.


    Free Member

    It’s true they’re job-stealing and remove more social interaction…

    But being an impatient bastard, I love ’em!

    Only ones I’ve had problems with were at Morrison’s.

    Free Member

    I was also thinking of walking to the garage, but what do I do if there’s a queue? Join it and creep forward sandwiched between two cars.

    Has comic appeal. :-)

    Free Member

    Is just for my lawnmower ,honest

    I was thinking of carrying a sign saying this whilst filling up.

    Free Member

    you only have to walk into any bookmakers to see what chronic, obessive, compulsive gambling disorder does to people. gambling is a losers game, pub fruit machines, all of it. Greed eating people alive.

    Whilst this is certainly true of some (most?), the actual game playing can be fun. Like everything, moderation is the key.

    Free Member

    I need to get some petrol for my lawnmower.
    Really looking forward to the disdain of all the other people at the garage!

    Free Member

    I think he’s the biggest self-serving C there is, but he did win that one.

    Free Member


    Yeah, enjoy playing tourneys – small time stuff, but I love the cash game. At least I prefer the cash game online.

    Need to MTFU I suppose.

    Free Member

    Casinos are built by losers

    Not sure about this as “the house always wins”

    Presume you’re talking morally?

    Free Member


    Was it one of those experiences (being a croupier) that sounded cool but was in fact utterly depressing?

    Interested as I’d always fancied giving it a go.

    Free Member

    Love the idea of casinos. The last one I went to was very seedy indeed. Not what I’d expected at all.

    I’d love to have the balls to play cash games of Hold ‘Em in a casino.
    A friend told me of how he reached for the pot with shaking hands after he got lucky and won a decent amount in Vegas. The glaring hatred of the other players in the hand made him leave quite quickly!

    Free Member

    Training courses always seem to follow the same format:

    Introduction from host.

    Get everyone to introduce themselves.

    Go to flip chart and ask asinine questions and eventually force someone to say something like “Motivation?”.

    Get into groups to list seven different types of “Communication”.
    Present answers to everyone.

    Repeat format for several hours/days.

    Unutterably tedious waste of time IMO.

    Free Member

    You’re better looking than you come across, Ernie!

    Free Member

    Long hair is one thing, a ponytail on the other hand is just creepy.

    Free Member

    Genuine lol @Jamie (although better before the edit IMO)

    Free Member

    You were replying directly to my post. If the reply was intended for someone else, that wasn’t clear.

    I was replying in general on a forum thread and not necessarily talking directly to you.
    Clear enough?

    Free Member

    It is better on radio.

    However, seeing Nicholas Parsons on telly again reminded me of happy childhood Sundays watching Sale of the Century. Innocent times.

    Free Member

    Either your reply is misplaced or you’re mistaken as to who started the thread.

    Believe it or not, it aint all about you, Cougar.

Viewing 40 posts - 721 through 760 (of 1,157 total)