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  • FeeFoo
    Free Member

    fuel in > fuel burnt = weight gain
    fuel burnt > fuel in = weight loss

    Still ?.
    That never was the case

    Well, it is the case over a prolonged period of time.
    If you burn more calories than you put in say over a 6 month period then you will lose weight. Impossible to be otherwise.

    Free Member

    How big is the pond? We did ours with buckets.
    Took a while but cheap and easy!

    Free Member

    What you eat matters, even the folk on here must realise it

    Yes, but “matters” to what degree and for how long.

    Eating only Snickers bars for 6 months would be a silly.

    Claiming the body will not burn fat if starved of glycogen is also silly.

    Free Member

    If you’re eating carbs, there’s glycogen available.

    Not when calories in are less than calories out over a prolonged period. Obviously.

    Free Member

    But over a prolonged period (like 6 months) your body will have to give up some of its fat as there’s no glycogen available.

    It may not be comfortable but the result is weight loss.

    Free Member

    If you’re eating 2000 calories that are sourced entirely from sugar

    I’m guessing that the statement I quoted:

    it’s not how many calories you eat that’s the issue, it’s where they come from

    wasn’t saying “don’t eat a diet that is pure sugar”

    Free Member

    it’s not how many calories you eat that’s the issue, it’s where they come from

    *cough* bollox *cough*


    Calories in < calories out = weight loss

    If I eat 2000 calories per day and I use 2400 calories per day for say 6 months what will happen to my weight?

    Free Member

    I can’t stand iTunes, it has to be one of the worst pieces of software ever.

    And I’ve never, ever, been able to understand what people mean by this.

    I find it clunky, slow to react, slow at syncing and generally “needy” by constantly demanding updates.

    Free Member

    Fantastic crater pic.
    …but you FELL ASLEEP on a plane???
    That’s when it’s most likely to crash!!

    Not that I’m scared of flying or anything.

    Free Member

    I definately find people using your alot more now than I would of a few years back. FTW

    Would have.

    There is no such word as alot.

    Presuming you got the deliberate joke sentence, but shame on you for not spotting the most often used spelling mistake: “definately”

    Free Member

    I definately find people using your alot more now than I would of a few years back.


    Free Member

    “I speak as I find”

    Or in other words,
    “I’m rude and happy to hurt someone’s feelings. Aren’t I great?”

    Free Member

    On a the subject of drink, the use of “Full-Fat Coke” in place of, well, Coke.

    It almost made me smirk back in 1982, but after the five millionth time it’s not all that funny.

    Stop it!

    Free Member

    Generally just the need to overstate things.

    When people describe something as being ‘Hilarious’ when it really is nothing more than mildly amusing. The use of the word literally to describe something that didn’t actually happen? “It was so hilarious I literally wet my pants”.

    Or as is frequently used on here: “I just spat coffee all over my keyboard”
    No, no you didn’t.

    Free Member

    Chillaxing, WTF, how are you meant to relax when some twunt goes and says that.

    See, I hate the use of “twunt” but don’t mind “Chillax”.
    I like new words generally but don’t like twee mixes of swear-words.

    Takes all sorts! :-)

    Free Member

    “Get a life”

    “Does that make sense?”

    Free Member

    My Samsung is luvverly. Looks fantastic with HD and Blu-rays.

    Free Member

    Usual tedious cynicism and above-it-all nonsense on here.

    It the OLYMPICS! In LONDON! In the UK!
    Have some pride.

    Can’t wait!

    Free Member

    If a cyclist is coming towards you & the car behind them has headlights on at dusk it is a lot harder to see the cyclist than if the car just has sidelights on, as the headlights swamp out the view.

    I have never noticed that effect, ever. I presume the cyclist has lights on?
    Maybe I have decent eyesight?

    Free Member

    Sidelight users mentality: “I only just want to be seen”

    Explain how having headlights on makes cyclists difficult to see.

    Free Member


    Fair enough.

    I salute your super-human stoicism.

    No, really I do. Honest. Oh yes. Indeed.

    ***does Mutley laugh***

    Free Member

    Most of all, most of all, you show the world that violence, even of the most abhorrent, low, disgraceful kind, is not the answer.

    You demonstrate that you are better than that.

    Are you sure you put yourself in that position when you thought about the situation?

    If you did and were able to think of that moral decision having just had your child and others killed in front of you, you are a different make up to me and I imagine many others.

    Sounds more like you want to state the “proper” way to behave but not the actual way you would behave. Or am I wrong?

    Free Member

    Thought experiment:

    Forget about the Law and our justice system for a moment.

    Imagine that the mother or father of one of the children was on the island and they managed to corner him after he’d shot all the children, including theirs.
    They have a gun.
    Should they shoot him?
    Would you?

    This isn’t a comment about what is right and wrong, just answer honestly.

    Free Member

    Fantastic work, mcmoonter.

    Just got in from splitting some logs – very cathartic hobby after getting back from work.
    My modest store is growing nicely.

    Satisfying and simple.

    Free Member

    Same “3 occasions” system at my work.

    It didn’t take long for people to cotton on.

    Everyone just makes sure that they take between 2 and 3 days sick even if they only “need” one day.

    Stupid system in my opinion.

    Free Member

    I would rather reserve my ‘hatred’ for those who truly deserve it ie. those who have done nothing, achieved nothing, contributed nothing, yet have gained fame and fortune by virtue of being famous for being famous eg. any Big Brother contestant, footballers wives etc etc.

    Why on earth do these people truly deserve ‘hatred’?
    They’re full of themselves and believe they are special….. like ALL young people.

    I hate poorly thought out opinions! :wink:

    Free Member

    But then I like really dark….daark comedy and those comedians tend to be banned from TV. Chris Morris…..Frankie Boyle etc etc

    Frankie Boyle and Chris Morris?
    That’s like linking Jim Davidson with Stewart Lee.


    Free Member

    Yes the French are great at lane discipline but they tailgate like maniacs and parking that only results in a single dent is considered successful.

    Yes, on my frequent trips to France it always makes me chuckle at how many (nearly all?) cars have small dents in them.

    Kind of makes me think they’re less bothered about their cars than we are.
    Not saying that’s a good or bad thing, just different viewpoint.

    Free Member

    Throwback to the old days for the first half with very little overtaking, but really fantastic second half.


    Free Member

    I have a car with a bit of poke. I love getting the thrill of the oomph even though it doesn’t actually get me anywhere quicker.

    It’s fun, that’s why I prefer a car with more power than I need.

    Utilitarianism is ok but I like a bit of fun in my life.

    Free Member

    I don’t ‘approve’ of him cos I think he’s crap. It’s got naff all to do with my upbringing (the council estate one)


    He’s a prick.

    Free Member

    One minute in…

    Free Member

    Sky HD box and remote. Faultless.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    …yes and all the above sound exactly like a MILD form of what you describe.

    Free Member

    I quite often get told, “ooh, you make really good chips!” Yes, that’s largely because I make them out of potatoes.

    How do you avoid only eating chips everyday for lunch and dinner? That’s the only reason I haven’t bought a chip fryer – no self-control!

    Free Member

    At work, I always have to take the “racing line” and drift out to the far left when exiting the corner of a right-hander leaving the factory floor heading for the warehouse.

    This is on foot.

    I still do it even if someone is walking with me.

    Obviously have to adjust speed and line depending on weather and “tyre” conditions.

    Free Member

    Amazed to find out we’re not included in the ban because we live in Cambridge Water area that uses “historically reliable bore holes” as well as reservoirs to supply water. ***smug***

    Goes out to water veg

    Free Member

    Step back, take the emotion out of it, think about it as a business deal.

    Would you pay 35k over the value for anything?

    No, definitely wrong in my opinion.
    I love the house we bought and would have paid a lot more because I knew I would be very happy living there. (and it’s come true!)

    So, not a business deal but a deal about happiness.
    Pay over the odds if you have to and you can afford to do so.

    Free Member

    Hi Barbie!
    Hi Ken! Wanna go for a ride?

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