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  • The Grinder: Wolf Tooth pedals, DMR cranks, Ceramic Speed SLT bearings, USE bar, Madison bib-trouser, Leatt knee pads
  • FeeFoo
    Free Member

    What has this got to do with the class of the parents?

    If that has to be explained to you then you wouldn’t understand anyway.

    Go on then, explain.
    Looking forward to this.

    Free Member

    Everyone goes on about lovely French motorways – the biggest reason they are lovely is that all the cars are doing similar speeds. This makes them look particularly quiet, cos you don’t have to pass or be passed much.

    Or maybe they look quiet because it’s a country three times the size of the UK, but with the same population?

    Free Member

    I have had this since my late twenties – I’m now 46. All I can say is that for me it has slowly improved with age.
    These days I rarely get a flare up.

    I remember reading about it getting better as you get older and it gave me very little solace at the time.
    Luckily for me it proved to be correct.

    Free Member

    Young people make the language fresh and ever-changing.

    Some old people object.

    Free Member

    Big fan too but thought the documentary was a bit of a light and fluffy fanzine.
    Like reading about The Smiths in Smash Hits.

    Free Member

    Hate it when people come along and disprove the cliche that “yeah, he may be a clever bloke, but he’s got no practical skills”.

    Some people are sickening. 😉

    Free Member

    People driving people carriers, specifically Poxhall Zafira’s drive like utter weapons. Whether it’s because they’re just filled with anger because the Mrs made them buy it, or they’re out to prove something (God knows what), they should be banned.


    Makes me chuckle as they thrash them to try to reclaim some self-respect.

    Free Member

    Made me chuckle. mustn’t be a geek then…

    Me too – v funny!

    Free Member

    reading his books you could get the impression that perhaps he’s a good deal more intelligent than his stage persona might have you believe, and his satire perhaps more biting..

    That may well be the case but it doesn’t excuse him from being a spiteful, hateful little prick who likes to attack the weakest members of society – for a laff!

    Free Member

    I seem to remember last year’s tour being a rather cagey affair with people banking on gaining seconds at a few key points. Almost as if, I dunno.. maybe they knew they only had enough energy for a couple of big efforts…

    Exactly my feeling too – less exciting surges for victory on major climbs.
    Bring back the dope! 😉

    Free Member

    FFS, it’s like the bad good old days in here.


    Free Member

    It’s true they are truly great.

    They are often forgotten about until they are needed and then forgotten again.
    They should be paid double for the care they give.

    Few people have harder jobs imho.

    Free Member

    I was at school with a proper scary bunch of borderline psychopaths!! So punching somebody repeatedly in the face was considered to be ‘entry level’ self defence

    That’s nuffin, at my school we all went in tooled up with at least a machete and an uzi.
    And it was the hardest school, like, eva!

    What’s the equivalent of rose-tinted spectacles for this type of memory?

    Not having a go, just knew there’d be one post like this 😉

    Free Member

    I have a drink most evenings. It’s a little treat to look forward to as I drive home.
    It is just one though and don’t usually get a craving for more.

    If you can do that it won’t do you much harm.

    Very soothing imho.

    Free Member

    Zokes vs bwaarp.

    It reminds me of the internet in the 1990s:

    “Your shit.”
    “No, your shit.”(sic)

    Free Member

    Heathen that I am, I love my fillet steak cooked very rare but eaten with tomato sauce.
    Sounds wrong but it’s soooo soooo right.

    Yummy yummy in my tummy!

    Free Member

    The display isn’t quite as sharp so sure they’ll bring out a retina version in a few months…?
    Not enough to worry about though.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    An iphone and ipad1 owning mate just got a mini and said it’s the best size yet.

    My boy’s got the mini and says he now finds my ipad too big and heavy(!)

    Free Member

    I’ll just make a note of the contributors, then if we ever end up on a forum ride requiring cars, I’ll offer to drive.

    Won’t everyone else be halfway round the black route when you arrive? 😉

    Free Member

    An honest, if unenlightened friend once told me, “if a wife invites an attractive woman to live in their house then she has to accept the possible consequences”

    Not saying it’s right, but does make me smirk.

    Free Member

    Can I say that this evening at one point I drove like a bit of a bellend.
    Needed to confess to the group.

    Occasionally we all have to own up to our failings.
    Dawdling or dickheading we’re all fallible.

    Free Member

    Unbelievable that in 2013 there are still a couple of people on this thread that need to have racism explained to them.

    … to tolerate every possible insult, having their wives’ integrity questioned, their parentage, hair colour… But as soon as someone mentions skin colour, they burst into tears?? It’s ridiculous. This isn’t some sort of repression, it’s sticks and stones!

    Of course it’s **** repression!

    It’s because, for decades, open racism ( and therefore hatred ) was seen as acceptable that now we are quite right to stamp it out at the merest utterance.

    Free Member

    £145 pm combined gas and elec here with Britsh Gas. 4 bed house.
    We are heat monkeys though.

    Free Member

    Lol – gotta admit that was good.

    Sorry for being a sour-puss!

    Free Member

    Oh good, some of the big hitters are being zany.
    Always enjoy that.


    Free Member

    One thing others have said that I’d contest: overtaking has very little to do with vehicle performance. It’s about forward planning, observation, reading the road, gearing, and road positioning.

    I’d contest the first part of that. Vehicle performance greatly adds to the other parts you mention for safe, successful overtaking.
    Obvious physics innit.

    Free Member

    The problem generally I have on the road is that I wish I had huge neon signs that I coud light up in the rear window that said:

    “I’m not pushing in, I’m just enjoying myself. Don’t take it personally” or,
    “I know I won’t get there any quicker but I’m just enjoying driving. Don’t take it personally” or,
    “I’m not cutting in, I’m merging in turn. Don’t take it personally” or,
    “I know I overtook the three of you but your lack of apparent anticipation and body language led me to believe you’re going to stay where you are. DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY”

    Free Member

    Nice rack spacecadett. What joints did you use?

    Free Member

    It’s more like someone approaching the checkout but staying about 4 foot back, faffing about and looking up and down the row for other checkouts/batteries/magazines/whatever, and then getting the hump when someone else pops in to their “space”.

    Good analogy.

    Things happen quickly in these situations. If I read some people as dawdlers/cautious then I’ll overtake them and the lorry/bus etc.

    Another point is that I enjoy accelerating and overtaking. It’s not always to get ahead, often it’s just for fun.

    Free Member

    Weird set of nasty responses. Milk of human kindness gone sour on this sunny Sunday?

    Free Member

    Tasteless me loves the orange one. Puts a smile on my face.

    Free Member

    if I drink anymore than a pint or glass of wine I have a headache for 2 days and feel like I ve had 2 hours sleep.

    This is how it is for me as well these days. Shame cos I did enjoy it. 🙁

    Free Member

    No, honestly, I do love it! 😉

    Free Member

    Fuel is actually very cheap. We’re just used to being spoilt.

    True, but I do love driving – spoilt bastard that I am 😈

    Free Member

    Sorry, touch a raw nerve there. Terribly sorry. Gave myself an erection.


    Free Member



    This ^^


    That’s notThis is my opinion, that’snot a fact.


    Thanks for all the effort, Count.

    Free Member

    I got ya first time, DD.

    And Rusty:
    Perfectly put.

    Free Member

    Spot on, Ron and Donk.

    Tastes change as we get older. We also allow ourselves to enjoy the uncool.
    I can clearly see how my young self would cringe at me enjoying something as mainstream as Miranda.

    Free Member

    People in comedy are meant to be funny. Miranda Hart isn’t.

    She is funny.

    That’s not opinion, that’s fact.

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