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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • FeeFoo
    Free Member

    Just starting The Man with the Twisted Lip – thanks all!

    Free Member

    Ok, but if you both HAD to pick one…..?

    Free Member

    Cheers vondally!

    Free Member


    Can you give me a couple of Sherlock book recommendations to get me started?
    Keen to give them a go.

    Free Member

    Hang on, you mean the reactionary idiot that Clarkson plays on TV might not be an act?

    Free Member

    My implants were fitted in 1985 – it was quite a new procedure back then.
    They’re still rock solid today. Just wish the rest of my gnashers were in as good nick :wink:

    Free Member

    Sneering from either side isn’t an attractive thing, but I more often see it more from the “adventurous” , fitness, outdoorsy side than the other way round.

    Being happy is all that counts, not how you achieve it or how you perceive it “should” be obtained.

    Free Member

    Let me sum it up:

    First and second series : Great!
    This series : Poor


    Free Member

    I’d prefer he’d stick to talking about the Smiths to be honest

    ^^^ this.

    I’ll come out as a Smiths and Morrissey fan – I just wish he’d keep his mouth shut when he’s not singing!

    Free Member

    The point being there often isn’t any “problem” to solve.
    If there is a concrete problem then obviously it needs resolving. I’m not sure the OP mentioned anything concrete?

    Free Member

    Xcracer1 puts it exactly right. It could have been me writing that! – right down to the bit about Dr Claire Weekes.

    It’s the constant “getting things straight” in your head wrt a particular problem or anxious thought that gives anxiety its cyclic nature.

    You really have to do nothing and accept it all. This is incredibly difficult at first but when it clicks it all becomes obvious.
    Doesn’t mean you’ll be “cured” just that you’ll cope with your personality much more easily.

    This website is quite good : Anxiety tricks

    Free Member

    There is quite a degree of difference between talking on the phone and drinking a beverage in a car.

    Talking on the phone requires a level of concentration that leads to distraction; drinking requires next to no thought.

    Free Member

    +1 Kryton57’s sentiments.

    Free Member

    I thought it was one of those jobbies that enables Southerners to open jam jars?

    Nah, it’s to give Northerners somewhere to cool their steaming pots of bitterness and envy :wink:

    Free Member

    did he or did he not crash into damon hill after he slid off the track.damon hill just needed to finish so schu just rammed into him o both did not finish and schu won the championship.i may remember it wrong though

    Was more 50/50 than that imo.
    Hill should have waited and not gone for a gap that was bound to close. Check out how far Hill’s car is alongside at the point of contact.

    Anyway, hope he recovers soon – Come on Schumi!

    Free Member

    I am just waiting for them to put a foot wrong. Can’t wait.


    Best comment of thread – made me laugh!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The problem isn’t really because they’re old, it’s because PCs and laptops are generally not robust enough and don’t work the same way every time you turn them on.

    As above, tablets, esp. ipads work so easily in comparison – open the lid and it’s on; touch the internet icon and you’re on the internet; touch the email icon and you see your email. Close the lid and it’s off; open and it’s on.

    Free Member

    theotherjonv is spot on. Beautifully put.

    Free Member

    Large G&T with slice of cucumber. Will move onto the vino with the raclette later.

    Ooh la la!

    Free Member

    Interesting. I just found Falcon 4.0 whilst searching for the reinstall disk for my ageing laptop.
    At the time I found it a bit daunting. Especially when compared to the F22 game I had played.

    Might give it another go.

    Free Member

    I don’t get why IT people get so uppity about answering some fairly basic questions.

    If part of the plant goes down on the shop floor, the fitter doesn’t huff and puff and sigh when asked how long the plant will likely be down. He gives a rough estimate.

    It’s not really that hard to be polite and helpful.

    (This is not aimed at anyone on here, just an observation)

    Free Member

    Going back to the DRS thing, whilst I agree that at times it is too artificial, what it does do is to allow the faster cars get past the mid-range and slower cars and get on with racing their real rivals.

    Before DRS, the aero packages meant cars got to 1-2 seconds behind the car in front and then couldn’t overtake due to lack of sufficient downforce to bridge that gap.

    DRS allows the cars to bridge that gap and therefore stand better chances of overtaking even in the non-DRS zones.

    Free Member

    +1 the kingisdead

    This season was less thrilling than the previous three but still had a lot more overtaking than the Schumacher years.
    And I was a huge Schumi fan too!

    The previous three years have been so good and therefore this one seemed dull only by comparison to them.

    Free Member

    “Why don’t you see elephants hiding in trees?”

    “Because they’re really good at it.”

    Free Member

    Although I can see the motive, I hate it when I phone for an appointment for the same day and get asked “is it a medical emergency?”
    Obviously if it was an “emergency” I’d be in an ambulance on the way to hospital.
    I made the mistake of saying “no” once and then got told the next available appointment would be in a week’s time.

    Free Member

    Indie Game is great.

    Free Member

    If you view our universe as a snow globe (one of those shake ’em and watch the snow settle paperweight thingys),
    it seems entirely within our grasp to measure and discover all the workings therein.

    I’m interested to know what’s outside and whether we’ll ever comprehend that bit.

    If it isn’t finite and goes on forever, we’re left with the human questions of why, how and what for.
    If it was a chance event that something came from nothing it goes against our causal way of thinking.

    Wish I could be around when we crack that one, but fear I’ll go to my grave as bewildered as I am now :wink:

    Free Member

    I like to reply to “there’s no “I” in team” with, “yes, but there is in **** arsehole”

    Loses a bit with the swear filter, but you get the point!

    Free Member

    Except it doesn’t really answer it.

    My point being that we are trapped by our own subjectivity.
    We are essentially incapable of making an objective assessment.

    We can state how things appear to us but not how they necessarily are.

    Free Member

    Mr Woppit –
    I would say: I don’t believe in God, because I don’t feel the need to. However if you ask me if I think God exists, I’ll tell you that I don’t, because the universe looks like one without any god in it. The same as if you showed me an open empty box and asked if I believed there was a unicorn in it.

    This presupposes that your senses and your brain tissue that exists within the universe are giving you accurate information and that you are capable of processing it accurately.

    Why would that necessarily be the case?

    Free Member

    I got my Timbuk2 in 1990 and it’s still going strong today. Built to last.
    (That includes being used for its actual purpose for its first five years too!)

    Free Member

    It seems that people generally prefer an absolute.
    That’s why the religious are pretty unshakeable and the same goes for the atheists.

    It’s not an intelligent state to be in, no matter which end of the spectrum you place yourself.

    The cliche that having an open mind means you’ll believe anything is absurd. It just means you have sufficient confidence to have no need of an absolute position to feel secure.

    Free Member

    Yay! Welcome back!

    God, I’ve missed this.
    Nice to get a bit of spark back in the ol’ forum!

    Free Member

    We never had Halloween in the 70s round our way in London.
    Maybe more of a northern thing at the time….?

    Meh from me. Don’t mind it too much.

    Free Member

    The highway code seems a little unspecific as to which lane. It suggests to use the “appropriate” lane:

    When taking any intermediate exit, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise
    select the appropriate lane on approach to and on the roundabout
    you should not normally need to signal on approach
    stay in this lane until you need to alter course to exit the roundabout
    signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you want.

    Free Member

    I was taught you can use either lane when going straight on at a roundabout.
    I understand that the left lane has priority in this situation.

    If I could devise a neon sign that lit up with “I’m merging on exit, not cutting you up or pushing in and I’m happy for us all to do the same” then I would.
    I’d need a bigger rear window though.

    Free Member

    In my experience when taking the right hand lane to go straight on, people treat you as a queue jumper and make every effort not to let you merge on the exit.

    Although it is correct to use either lane, these days I tend to stay left just to avoid the argy-bargy and extra stress it gives the drive into work.

    Free Member

    Apart from the closer racing these days, of which admittedly there has been less this year, I love the whole world of F1.
    That includes the technology, the people, the spectacle, the “politics”, the pushing of boundaries and rules.

    I’ve loved it all the way through from Hunt and Lauda, Senna and Prost, Schumacher and Hakkinen to the present day.
    The TV coverage in recent years, first with BBC and now with Sky HD just makes it come alive.

    The tyres, the aero, DRS, Kers are variables that all add to the picture. Love it!

    Free Member

    Why? Its not been worth watching for years and yet a lot of people still tune in for every race!

    Hang on, you’re right! All this time I thought I’d been thoroughly enjoying the races, in fact I hadn’t.

    ….or maybe some people like things you don’t….?

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