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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • FeeFoo
    Free Member

    Playing Timbuk2 bingo, I got mine in 1992. Still going strong!

    Free Member

    It’s probably me but it seems a bit boring now.

    It lacks something. Not sure what.

    I still come here, but don’t hang about long these days.

    *most boring half-flounce post ever*


    Free Member

    Horizon: Zero Dawn was fab. It’s one of the few games I’ve started again as soon as I finished it.

    And I enjoyed revelling in my geekdom when people asked what it’s about by telling them that “I’m a 50 year old man playing as a cave girl in the future shooting robot dinosaurs with a bow and arrow”

    Free Member

    Here it is:

    Friend of mine got a nice windfall from it – £11k!

    Free Member

    There is a link to a free PPI claim form on Which. No need to supply any documentation. The onus is on the Bank/Building Society etc to research it.
    I’ll dig it out.

    Free Member


    As this has now (already!) descended in to being exactly the same thread all over again, can a mod please kill it off?”

    Why? Very odd remark.

    Free Member

    “@feefoo when we saw them it was a sky full of bright green (sort of) flashes, fast moving with yellow and purplish moments. Surprisingly dynamic – sounds like you didn’t get the full experience.”

    Cheers! Good to hear! Was quite disappointed and thought the stuff we’d seen on TV was the camera images or something.

    Free Member

    We saw them whilst on holiday in Iceland.
    I’m far from jaded and I but was seriously underwhelmed. They looked great when played back on the camera as it “sees” more colours than the human eye.
    Maybe we caught a bad showing though. Saw them on 3 different nights and they just looked like grey, quickly moving, wispy clouds.

    Anyone else have this experience?

    Free Member

    “Except Al’s version was funny, without the obvious appealing to your own intelligence that Lee does constantly.”

    You forgot to add “FACT!”

    Free Member

    Stewart Lee has remained funny and has changed his act over the years.

    On immigration and UKIP here:

    Free Member

    Lots from Billy Liar and Alan Partridge.

    “Textbook” is my most overused one from AP.

    Free Member

    No!! I’ve maintained for years that things have gone the wrong way with sprouts.

    You boil them till they’re soft cos that’s when the sugars start to come out that make them sweet and yummy.
    The reason lots of people don’t like em is because they’re too hard and therefore not sweet.

    Trust me, try them soft and then al dente. Massive taste difference.
    I get that some people won’t like them either way, but plain soft sprouts properly cooked don’t need any embellishments.

    Free Member

    [french accent]Only ze ones from space….[/french accent]

    Zis ees absolutement parfait! Eet has had me in, ow you say, the steetches.
    Tres funny!


    Free Member

    Not a hater, but I love the Shooting Stars Peter Kay on Masterchef sketch. (iPad youtube link not working)
    “Remember old fashioned trousers?”

    Free Member

    binners – Member
    Morriseys journey from sensitive, articulate, witty, Mancunian lefty whinge-bag to LA dwelling, flag-waving, UKIP-supporting Farage-with-a-quiff has been pretty spectacular

    It’s made my playlist for the car a chore having to skip all the Smiths and Morrissey tracks.
    Feel betrayed.

    Free Member

    Giving to a homeless charity and homeless people on the street makes me feel better about myself.
    It’s not the primary driver but it’s a good benefit.

    Whether I’m being scammed or not, I’ll never know but I still get to feel good. Win win.

    Free Member

    All southern accents are great
    All northern accents are awful

    As plain as the nose on your face
    Or as they would say, ars plairn uz tha nerrs on yer fairse

    I mean, wtaf?!

    Free Member

    When the bedwetters start piddling their pants with indignation about irrelevant, harmless nonsense like this, it actually just detracts from genuine racism and bigotry, of which unfortunately theres still plenty. Proper racism is nasty and malicious. This is neither of those things.

    I think a lot of this particular storm in a teacup boils down to some people just having it drawn to their attention that people say things on football terraces that might cause someone to choke on their sauvignon blanc if repeated at a dinner party

    I get this totally, but this kind of background noise low level stereotyping keeps racists happy and gives them the confirmation bias they crave.
    I know this seems like a storm in a teacup but I’d rather have that if it continues to stamp out bigotry than not.

    Free Member

    In all my years as a fisherman (angler) I’ve never seen a black person fishing.
    I can only conclude that I’m better suited to it physiologically. Obviously.

    Free Member

    What exactly do you think Max should have done differently (preferably without requiring ESP)?

    He could have backed out of the move, braked earlier etc. I’m definitely not pinning the blame on him but they all have two pedals.

    Free Member

    What edlong said ^^

    I give money.
    I used to be annoyed/guilty that it made me feel good about myself, as it made it feel like that was the primary driver.
    Now I realise that it doesn’t matter, they’re happier, you’re happier, win win.

    Free Member

    Pity. I’d rather see Vettel, who comes across as quite likeable, than Hamilton, who doesn’t, win it.


    Free Member

    Anyone but the pointy fingered German to win please.

    Nah, deffo need Vettel to win to spice up the Championship.
    – am I the only Brit who likes Seb? It seems like it.

    Free Member

    Generally speaking, making communication as simple as possible means it becomes more inclusive.
    In other words, if the language is simplified more people can communicate effectively.

    Whislt I’m not suggesting there are no examples of sentences where correct grammar and punctuation are essential, I generally see examples where poor grammar is picked up for no other reason than to point out errors.

    Comprehension in these cases is usually very easy.

    Free Member

    Is it really that hard

    Its obviously hard enough and thats why a lot of people dont use it properly. I question whether its really needed.
    If your good at English or your not, you can still make yourself understood.

    You can all read these sentences and make sense of them so do we really need apostophes any more?

    Free Member


    Oh putaing (accent locale)

    Provence by any chance? My father in law has that accent – demeng instead of demain for example.

    Free Member

    I like being outside.
    I like being inside too.

    Is that wrong?

    Free Member

    Racists, racist apologists and the plain ignorant use these words.
    If you don’t want to belong to one of these categories, don’t use the words.

    Why would you possibly argue the point? Why are you so desperate to hang onto these outdated terminologies?

    Free Member

    A single malt or similar held in the mouth around the tooth for long enough gives a small anaesthetic effect.
    Whether you swallow it or spit it out afterwards is your choice ;-)

    Free Member

    Eg, a lot of people have trouble with definite / definate

    This is ubiquitous. I vote we change the spelling to how we all say it.
    Definut / definutly.

    Free Member

    perchypanther – Member
    You always care.

    Just about different stuff as you realise what’s actually important.

    Unless you are a sociopath.

    It’d be nice not to care in some ways as it sets us free.
    But the majority of us are just not wired up that way.

    Free Member

    Just seen it.
    Cried twice.

    Free Member

    Sweet cream sherry is delicious.
    Yes, yes there are more complex flavours and we’re all supposed to enjoy the dry stuff, but using an ice cream analogy, nothing quite beats a 99 with a flake.

    Remove the snobbery and indulge!

    Free Member

    Reading this at the moment.

    Then gonna re-read this, which I haven’t read for ages but is great:

    Free Member

    Chateaubriand stolen from my wife’s plate

    Free Member

    I have never been dazzled by anyone’s front or rear fog lights ever. I’m sure I don’t have special vision.

    I may be wrong but are some people more concerned with other people’s driving errors than the “dazzle”?

    Free Member

    1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

    This presupposes we all know who we are. Which none of us do. So it’s an empty platitude.

    Free Member

    The important point is that calories in/calories out model for humans is entirely correct over a long period of time.

    The body compensates by making it harder to lose weight but it cannot compensate against willpower.
    If you stopped eating, in time you would die. Why? Because the body can’t compensate to that level.

    Extrapolate that to cutting your calories to a level less than your body needs to maintain weight and you will lose weight.
    It may take time, but it will work.

    Free Member

    We saw them in Iceland and without wanting to appear too jaded, they were a bit of a disappointment.

    Our friends recorded them on thier camera and they looked much better on playback than to the naked eye. Much more colourful.

    Free Member

    No offence taken. The snickers is just an illustration.

    The question I’m asking is if you lived on 1000 cals of any description over a prolonged period (3 months in this example) would you still lose weight?

    People say calories aren’t just calories and I’m trying to get my head round that.
    In the short term i can see sugars can restrict weight loss by slowing fat burning, but in the long term it seems unlikely you’d remain the same weight if you had 1000 cals a day in ANY form.

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