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  • DH World Cup Rd 7 – Mont Sainte-Anne – Preview & how to watch
  • fbk
    Free Member

    Anyone on here do the Kielder round last year?

    Free Member

    grumm – I see you’re entering Mega-avanlanche too. Are you going for the series ;o)

    V jealous though – must make an effort to do that next year!

    Free Member

    tenacious_doug – ah, ok. Guess I haven’t been looking in the right places then (Nothing on here/BM anyway – guess it’s a bit more DH orientated).

    Still sounds like a good weekend, and a good excuse to visit a new riding area…. and probably a good oportunity to get blitzed by serious riders! Oh well, in for a penny.

    Free Member

    Quick bump for this as I’m wondering about doing the Avalanche Enduro too.

    Entries seem to have opened very quietly for Kielder but not for Ae yet. I know a lot of good reports came out of the Kielder round last year. Anyone got any more info?

    And what’s that about a doctors note needed for anyone without a license?!!

    Free Member

    Blimey – all good advice on STW!!!

    As above really – great dogs but hyper. They need constant stimulation – not necessarily physical excercise but at least company and something to concentrate on. DEFINATELY not a dog to be left at home while everyone goes to work/school.

    Sheldona – I love those photos. Makes me sad my dog’s so camera shy :)

    Free Member

    Really happy with my Park PCS-10 (£99 from CRC). Solid, sturdy and really easy to adjust

    Just wish I could get the legs to slide up and down properly…. but I think that’s just me with a bit of a duff!!!

    As with anything, you get what you pay for – the pricier ones have better clamping mechanisms and tend to bit more stable (and are more portable in some cases).

    Free Member

    Any clues – Make, model etc ?

    Free Member

    Wow! Loch Fyne – now there’s a shop!!!

    How long ’till Christmas ? ;o)

    Free Member

    It’s ok – found it

    I can only find Ae and Kielder for the enduro though?

    Free Member

    Anyone got a link?

    Didn’t know they were doing this again this year!!

    Free Member

    You’re all right, especially about the Custard Creams & Bourbons.

    The true leader you’re all searching for has to be Jammy Dodgers though mmmmmmmmmmmmmm…

    Free Member

    My fox one works ok. Agreed, it’s fiddly to screw onto the valve but, given the position of the shock, I thick that’d be the case whatever (E5 too)

    Free Member

    Noooo! How did this not make the TV news this morning!

    Who’s going to stick up for morph now?!!! :cry:


    Free Member

    Stop it – drooling at work just isn’t polite!!!

    A nice rare steak with Stilton sauce (just stilton and Creme Fraiche heated in a pan with some garlic, ideally with a few mushrooms thrown in too) is perfection on a plate…..

    Stilton freezes quite well too if it helps.

    Free Member

    I used to have a Memory Map covering the Portes du Soleil region – not the best detail (compared to OS) but reasonably accurate.

    The MM ones cover the same regions as the paper maps so do cover bits over the border into Switzerland/Italy but the topo info stops dead on the border (the maps are completely flat from the border)

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice. I think I may have to go down the CAB route – went into the shop again yesterday to be told that I can only have a replacement phone when one come into the repairs dept (reconditioned I guess). No idea of time scale or anything.

    Free Member

    For some reason, Apple have changed the way ipods charge – they used to be able to charge via a Firewire link and usb; now they can only charge via the latter. Unfortunately most older plug in/in car chargers use the Firewire connection so won’t charge the latest models.

    Free Member

    TJ – I thought there had been some fairly conclusive large scale double blind studies done on Glucosamine, suggesting that it did indeed have mild anti inflammatory properties and some clinical response? Some of the other claims (encouraging healthy synovial fluid production etc) are obviously more difficult to prove

    Regardless, it’s really popular and we get really good responses in animals to a prolonged course (>4-6 weeks).

    I’d definately recommend it, possibly with Chondroitin Sulphate. You seem to need to take it daily for a while before seeing any improvements though.

    Free Member

    Hmm. The CPW excuse is that, because the handset was so new, they couldn’t get the parts so had to send it back to SE – bad in itself I know!

    It’s not just the delay though it’s the constant "yes, we guarantee to fix it in 28 days but this is different" and, "we’ve sent it to our escalation team – they’ll contact you in x days" and, "oh, well look on the computer – they are dealing with it. I’m not sure why they haven’t phoned you" and, they tried to phone you on xxxxxxx number….oh, that’s not your number?".


    Free Member

    Well I hope that, as a new paper subscriber tempted by the current offer (moving from the digital subs which I never really got on with), I won’t miss out on said existing subscribers offers – I’ve been a loyal………….. :wink:

    Free Member

    In the centre? If you like sea food there’s a great Loch Fyne restaurant just up form Maplins at the bottom of the pedestrian area :o).

    Free Member

    I thought the same re panaracers – haven’t actually tried them though.

    But Trailrakers – rolling well??? Are you sure?

    Free Member

    Blimey – inpatient and abusive. This could get good :)

    Free Member

    Yep – can’t agree more. I got an 2G touch for my Birthday and it’s ace – wifi is excellent, as are the games…and it plays music quite well too.

    I can also relate to the Hifi mothballing – my lovely floor-standing speakers have been relegated to the loft in favour of a sounddock – not bought yet… still trying to decide which one to get!!!

    I can recommend the Parrot “made for iPod” handsfree kits too – makes my commute much more enjoyable….and more legal :o)

    Free Member

    As others have said, it’s quality not quantity of life that’s important. For many of the symptoms you’ve described, there are potential treatments available (arthritis, senile changes with the barking etc etc) but by the sounds of it you’ve discussed them with your own vet already.

    My advice would be, as an obviously caring and concerned owner, you know your animal better than anyone else (vet, friends, STW members!!). You know how he usually behaves and you’re the best judge of whether he’s still enjoying life. Whilst that judgement is often clouded by emotion and guilt, deep down YOU are the best person to make that decision….and from what you’ve said in your OP, I think you’ve already decided.

    As for “Letting them pass away over night”. I’d much rather they passed away in a controlled environment, with the owner present than watch an animal get worse and worse, then die alone over night…. but every case is different.

    All the best whatever you decide.

    Free Member

    Wow – that’s proper service that is:)

    All seems good so far, once you get through the initial “this browser is not compatible with google maps” on the top page. Something about api keys being registered to a different site! That’s on firefox if it helps

    Free Member

    Oh god – I’m actually finding myself agreeing with TJ. Is this an illness? Is there a link to a website I can check please?

    Flu = rare – GPs are as bad as anyone for telling you you’ve got “flu” when you’ve got a bad cold. Makes people feel better about how crap they feel
    Vit C = waste of time assuming you have a relatively healthy diet (doesn’t stop me eating more oranges when I feel a cold coming on though)

    As for manflu – this completely different and VERY serious ;o)

    Free Member

    Amalgam will last longer than the old “white” ones. I’m pretty sure there are some much more advanced materials used now though – I’ve got a nice white one that seems to be last well. Bit more expensive but worth it in the long run I guess.

    Free Member

    berni – Member

    head and neck surgeon

    Ooh, right, well, I’ve got this problem with a stiff neck :wink:

    Free Member

    Veterinary surgeon. Farming’s doing ok at the mo (weak pound helps) and I guess people will always want to get their pets healthy but there’s certainly less money around. Expecting this year to be a hard one…

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