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  • Buyers Guide to the Best Mountain Bike Chain Lubes
  • fbk
    Free Member

    Oh, and incidentally, a lot of antibiotics are the same and Can be used in dogs 😉

    Free Member

    Reduced doses yes. I wouldnt give a dog anti-biotics or gastric tablets etc however simple over the counter remedies? Yes. Why not.

    Erm, because drugs like paracetomol and ibuprofen have been shown to be toxic to dogs in MUCH lower doses than in humans – different physiology means they break drugs down in different ways and at different speeds. Just because it's been tested on animals doesn't mean it's safe!

    Free Member

    Yep, as above ignore everything Hora just said – you can't use human products safely in dogs necessarily, you shouldn't use savlon (it can irritate dog's skin), Wasp don't leave a "stinger" behind.

    You can use piriton but it doesn't seem to work quite as well as in humans.

    Unless there's a swelling or your dog's still lame in a few hrs, he should be fine. Greyhounds aren't exactly brave are they 😉

    Free Member


    I get quite frustrated operating on seriously ill dogs with perforated intestines from eating "meaty bones"..ARGH!!!!!

    As for only eating when he's starving – I think your doing what a lot of owners do and mistaking "starving" for just being hungry. If you tempt him with all sorts of treats yes he'll eat them, in the same way children who aren't really hungry will eat rubbish food….and end up fat & unhappy.

    Eukanuba, Royal Canin, Hills – any quality complete diet is by far the best for your dog – you do tend to get what you pay for though.

    Sorry – I get quite wound up about this.

    I'll climb down now!

    Free Member

    Hmm – I'm having the same dilemma at the mo. Those carbon Sportives do look nice but 3-4 week lead time, even on the special edition ltd choice models!!!!

    Free Member

    Candy woods have been ridden for years, as you say. A group of us started building there well over 10 years ago – went back recently (first time in a few years) to find all sorts of stuff there now. Some great little DH runs 🙂

    Not sure what effect changing a path to a bridleway would make – it could encourage people to stop the cheeky riding in the woods?

    Free Member

    Yeah – do it. I've been really impressed with my CRs – more powerful than my (2 year old) mono minis and a better "feel" than the formulas on my HT.

    Free Member

    They tend to come with adapters to fit both post and IS mount as standard (180 front, 160 rear I think).

    And yes, as brakes, they rock 🙂

    Free Member

    Yep – def agree with cp re the screen protector. The one that came with my iClear comes packaged so it's easy to get on without any bubbles and I honestly haven't noticed the difference as regards functionality of the screen.

    I don't care if I don't need one – the fact that I've paid £200 for something that relies on a functioning screen makes me keen to protect it 🙂

    Free Member

    Hmm. Just shows you the power of the www and how there's 2 sides to every story eh?

    Free Member

    I've had some CRs for a few months now and love them. Much more power than the old Mono Minis and great modulation – never needed more than 1 finger braking since.

    No bleeding required here yet and the pads seem to last well too.

    Free Member

    She's trying to protect you from that scary rug!!! 😯

    Free Member

    Good tools, great customer service.

    I'm sure there are better quality tools available but you pay for them – park are more expensive than some but not silly money and the after sales service has convinced me to stick with them.

    amen 😉

    Free Member

    I moved from standard to "HC" vista – the latter is much better at getting signals indoors/under tree cover etc and seems to produce a more accurate track log. It doesn't use the same chipset as the Edge units (garmins own high sensitivity one vs Sirfstar III) but seems to be pretty comparable performance wise.

    Geek? Me? How rude 😉

    Free Member

    Hmm – glad this thread settled down a bit into some sensible comments as this is something I've been wondering about too (buying my first road bike for about 15 years!).

    Sounds like a triple makes more sense at the mo. I'm sure I can live with the roadie shame!

    Foxyrider – didn't realise you'd changed yours to a triple…… Gay! 😉

    Free Member

    I haven't watched a single episode this year – quite proud really 🙂

    Free Member

    lol – been there, nearly always regretted it but usually feel much better after the first DH.

    I'm getting P'd tonight too, but then it's just a gentle ride tomorrow with my bro so all good.

    Def 2nd the isotonic drinks and lots of water before bed – you'll be grand.

    Free Member

    It may be just me but I'm just not sold by the whole flat screen LCD/Plasma thing. As iamtheresurrection pointed out, I struggle to find one that gives as good a picture as my 32" Sony CRT. Ok so the colours are great but the obvious picture pixellation & compression banding just irritates me.

    I guess things will improve with more HD services and I love the idea of a bigger screen. Plus CRTs are big brutes to have in your living room but I dread the day ours packs up!

    Maybe I'm just getting old 🙁

    Free Member

    Wow – that Turbospoke gadget looks cool – just the thing for warning ramblers/dogs you're coming up behind them 🙂

    I'm guessing it didn't sell very well though given the site's still "closed for restocking with the 2009 version"!

    Free Member

    I like the Griffin iClear case – comes with a screen protector and it's a clear plastic case so doesn't really alter the appearance of the thing (that's on an iPod Touch though).

    Free Member

    My god Rich, you really have been bored today haven't you!!

    Personally the Kellogs box (several on one chainstay) did it for me. A friend did have the grip one though – V jealous!

    Free Member

    I get on really well with Sony Vegas (the cheap one, not Pro). It's fast, powerful and really easy to use once you get the hang of it.

    I Used to use Pinnacle but it always seemed buggy; tried a demo of the Adobe Elements one which didn't seem quite as powerful as Vegas.

    To be honest though, any HD editing will be a real drain on resources and will be slow on anything but the top end PCs.

    Free Member

    ****** off you **** ****** **********


    Free Member

    And again…. trip to the Vets?

    Free Member

    Yeah, he was on Radio 1 earlier this week – basically saying it was his way of sticking 2 fingers up at David Walliams as he "only swam the channel once"! 🙂

    It sounds crazy but fair play to him if he manages it.

    Free Member

    As with anything like this, it's 20% technique, 80% confidence. You're worrying way too much about the landing – you'd have to seriously over do it to endo on landing, especially if you land rear wheel first. The main things are weight, balance, relax and keep your speed.

    Yes – you're right in sticking with the small drops until you get the "feel" for it though. Then gradually work your way up.

    Free Member

    I've alway stuck with Fox but, after various reported problems with longevity, and scary pricing, I went with the recommendation of the guys I ride with and bought some Revelations….

    Never looked back – they're fantastic. Super plush, fantastic tracking (Maxle) and good adjustability.

    Having said that, I'm sure you won't be disappointed with whichever you choose. Just keep an eye on those seals & wipers 😉

    Free Member

    Hmm. Don't really see many "bad reactions" to Frontline to be honest. I think most of the descriptions above are due to the irritation/itching from putting something oily on their skin (try washing a cat with anything and I reckon you'd get a bad reaction 🙂 )

    The thing to do is maybe try with an alternative (from your vet, NOT the supermarket – Frontline is the ONLY effective flea treatment you can get from outside a vets) and see if they respond better to that.

    Clubber – flea combs are like weeing on a forest fire – you'll kill the odd adult (the frontline should do that anyway) but do nothing for the underlying cause. Assuming you've used frontline (or similar) monthly and something like acclaim or Staykill in the house, I reckon a trip to the vet may be in order – you sure it's fleas?

    Free Member

    How rude!

    I'm sure I probably could do it on a HT – be lighter to carry up anyway 🙂 . Having walked the route though, I've no doubt it'll be a lot more fun with dual boing!

    Free Member

    Well, If I don't get my full sus fixed, I might be spending the day with her at the CAT – sounds like fun actually 🙂

    Free Member

    I'm sure there's a few places we can drop her off for a bit 🙂

    Free Member

    Cheers Andy

    The lady who owned the place we stayed (Cornerhouse) said she would pop in to the bank Monday – I haven't heard anything so I assume nothing had been handed in. I'll drop you an email when I get home this evening though with my details just in case.

    Thanks again

    Free Member

    Pah – I was ill at the time so had an excuse.

    Bad end to a great week – what with the cracked frame too 🙁

    Free Member

    Fantastic – I'll have a look on the web.

    Thanks for the help.

    Free Member

    We stayed there last weekend – very friendly and helpful (especially when I lost my wallet!). It's B&B but the breakfast is well worth it 🙂

    Free Member

    Does anyone know if this will involve trail closures at Inners this weekend? We're heading that way on a road trip and were hoping to do a lap round the XC route.

    Ta 🙂

    Free Member

    No wind every time 🙂

    Free Member

    Now now – not very "PC" mocking your old company is it? 😉

    Free Member

    To be honest, when I went back to a HT last year it was great. Rides "felt" faster again & all of a sudden line choice became that bit more important.

    Having had my Supernormal for a year now though, one of the best things about riding it is the fact it make me appreciate the suspension when I get back on the E-120 🙂

    Free Member

    Fair play to you – definately a "glass half full" kind of chap 🙂

    Good luck with the new build – and finding the scum who nicked the old one!

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