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  • What MTB Marketing Works On You?
  • fbk
    Free Member

    Having had 2 eVent jackets and Goretex XCR trousers, I'm not convinced there is such a thing as a completely waterproof breathable jacket. Or certainly not one that lasts for very long.

    IME, after a few months use the ability to cope with torrential rain reduces and, whilst water resistant to a point, they will always reach a stage where they just soak through. And yes I realise sweat makes a difference and obviously breathability is impossible when the jacket's covered in water anyway.

    The wash in reproofers certainly help with the beading, especially if tumble dried (or steam ironed on low setting) but it still doesn't help in a downpour.

    Also, As regards eVent, the instructions make a BIG point of washing the jacket regularly (as in every time it gets dirty) as any dirt in the pores of the jacket will allow water to wick through.

    Free Member

    2 fingers? Middle finger? Freaks! 😉

    I used to have to use 2 fingers with my old Mono Minis but since changing to Elixirs, bring the levers inboard on the bars about an inch, and having the bite point close the the bar it's 1 (index) finger all the way 🙂

    Free Member

    Agreed – that is pretty appalling! And we should stop talking about it and drawing attention to it right now….


    Free Member

    Hmm – maybe they did start a bit cheaper then and have been bumped up/the cheaper ones have sold out.

    Even so, £1-200 for the priviledge of having a decent view of the stage seems excessive.

    And as for the elaborate production costs, surely they're no where near your average high profile music concert. And unless PK has changed his act a lot I think his will consist of a seat, a few props and some lighting.

    Ho hum – don't think I'll bother anyway – DVD it is.

    Free Member

    All good advice given so far. Main thing is go for "lifelong" cover rather than a 12 months policy which pays out on a condition for that year then excludes it at renewel.

    As for direct claims, a lot of practices will do it and just charge you the excess. It depends on the individual practice, whether they know you and which insurance company you use.

    And whatever you do don't use E&L!!!! Any vet will tell you the same!

    Free Member

    Please don't let them "resurface" false teeth – it's the only remaining bit of singletrack that feels vaguely natural and you actually have a chance of falling off/washing out at speed on it 😥 .
    Whilst the trail fairies have done a commendable job with the recent work it's nice to have a bit of contrast and the MBR route provided that…

    And northwind – I agree there's no getting away from closing sections for maintenance but surely diversions, even if on fire roads, are better than closing the entire trail?

    Free Member

    Well there was a paper sign tacked to the trail maps at the visitors centre stating that both trails were closed for 8 weeks; the trail sections mentioned above were taped up to avoid any doubts. I did see a few "diversion" signs around but they certainly weren't properly in place when I rode on Sunday.

    It does seem a bit drastic to close the whole trail, especially considering how much MTBing brings into the area – surely diversions and traffic management can't be that difficult to arrange?!!

    Free Member

    Mmm – all the talk of the Keilder Avalanche is getting me excited again. Can't wait for next year. Grumm – are those confirmed dates for next year then?

    Hopefully doing the Mega next year too…Bring it on 🙂

    And to the OP – the "Dyfi Enduro" is always a good technical endurance-timed-personal-challenge-definitely-not-a-race ride 😉

    Free Member

    I did a bit of "natural" riding round there to circumvent the closed bits – good fun in even more wetness than the week before!

    Free Member

    Here we go again 🙄

    For the record, I've got some 2001 floats that are fine having been serviced once, some 2007 Rebas that I serviced myself after 9 months light use – some mild wear to stanchion by the upper seals, some 2009 Revelations that I'm servicing regularly… hopefully lesson learned!

    Oh, and no you can't buy the stanchions separately 😉

    Free Member

    Bit of an acquired taste but worth drinking just for the woodwork you get with the glass and the thrill of drinking from a mini-yard 🙂

    Free Member

    They do tend to be generous for that very reason.

    Always trying on though as they do vary from brand-brand

    Free Member

    Coed y Brenin again today – I love that place in the wet:) The water falls were amazing today.

    Bit miffed about the trail closures though

    Free Member

    I thought mine were a bargain at £21 in the leisurelakes sale!

    Definitly detatchable liner. Nice short for the cash.

    34" waist and large here. Quite snug if you've got a big @rse like me though 🙂

    Free Member

    Hmm. Defiantely not with an iPod touch-fantastic piece of kit but one splash of water and it's stuffed 🙁

    Free Member

    Ch 4 +1 – Yeay. This is insane!!!!

    Thanks for getting me out of bed 🙂

    Free Member

    Just as an update to anyone interested…

    My mate had a reply off Madison yesterday to say they were sending him out a replacement bar mount foc.

    Everyone's happy and fair play to Madison for some decent after sales service 🙂

    Free Member

    I'd be interested to hear how you get on 🙂

    Free Member

    The legend/Edge can do "turn by turn" sat nav style routing but you need to buy additional software (Topo GB or one of the road specific ones). You don't get the voice but you can put an address in and it'll tell you how to get there and give you graphical representations of junctions etc.

    The one problem I have with the eTrex (I've got a vista HCx) is it's quite bulky on your bars, and the garmin mount gets quite rattly after a while (Mine actually fell off a few months back).

    Other than than it's fab and does everything you're likely to need, except OS mapping – the TOPO maps are ok but not enough detail to plan a route with.

    Oh, and I'd say don't bother with the compass – the digital ones (as on the Vista) need to be 100% level to work and any deviation will give a reading way out!

    Free Member

    Not at home at the mo' but mine is a V funky photoshopped bull with the horns done up in a MTB bars stylee.

    Got it from here last year when a similar thread was started 🙂

    Free Member

    I was looking at these last week (Bikeradar review?). They seem like a sensible idea and are pretty subtle.

    No experience but I might buy one 🙂

    Free Member

    Zippy – excellent. Thanks.

    jcromton – I'm pretty certain the stuff most sell is 1.2mm

    Free Member

    Something light like Talisker or Dalwhinnie normally goes down well.

    Agree with the comments above though – there is a huge range of flavour and some idea of your mates preferences would help (any chance of a sneaky peak in his drinks cabinet, or maybe ask his partner?)

    Free Member

    Where do you get this elusive 1.1mm cable. Most shops I go in just have "Gear cable" and look at me really oddly when I ask for something so specific!!

    Free Member

    Interesting comments from the horse's mouth on this thread (and great to see them taking an interest).

    I've always shied away from tumble drying them, instead popping them on the radiator to dry….DOH!

    Love them as a product though – yes they let water in down your leg if wearing shorts but I still have toasty feet 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Oh go, not another one

    Mustn't…..turn….radio…..on….. 😯

    Free Member

    I people are missing the point 🙄

    I'd be quite surprised if it was a scam all things considered; you don't have to sign up to any sort of contract/commitment; yes you have to give CC details – I'm guessing to prevent multiple applications and to make it easier if you did decide to continue; it's a way of getting something FREE from the Murdock empire.

    No problems though – only trying to help by pointing people to a free (legal) download 🙂

    DezB – I'll have a look, ta 🙂

    Free Member

    Oh, ok.

    Can't you borrow someone's credit card – it doesn't get charged (well actually it gets charged £0.00) 😉

    Free Member

    Sorry – yes it all seems good – had an under-water ride at Coed y Brenin last weekend and it survived quite nicely.

    Free Member

    I asked this very question the other day. Then went and bought a Hope BB 🙂

    It took a bit of a whack with a mallet to get the cranks in but I thing that's just because it's a metal on metal interface rather than any compatability issues…..

    Free Member

    geez if your that bothered that you wanted to ask for help on here before doing it, you may indeed want a set of dura aces..

    Someone's obviously had a long day 😉

    Free Member

    I use Time MTB pedals on my road bike. The only problems I've had is clipping the ground on sharp corners as the clearance isn't as good. Otherwise they work fine. I'm sure the added rigidity of road pedals/shoes would make a bit of a difference but I'm not sure how great it would be in the real world.

    You will get frowned at by other roadies but the helmet peak, and occasional baggies & camelbak have that effect too 🙂

    Free Member

    Cool – thanks guys. I'll look into those.

    Walla24 – thanks very much for the offer but there's a few of us, and Aber's still a bit of a trek from Brechfa. Good for Nant-yr-Arian though 🙂

    Any more??

    Free Member

    Hmm. Ok. Sound like a design flaw then – not just his.

    Thanks for the suggestion guys – I'll pass them on 🙂

    Free Member

    Hmm – "700 lumens"ish

    Allegedly… 😉

    Free Member

    You on commission now then Rich? 😉

    Free Member

    Ambling Armadillo??? How Rude 😯

    Free Member

    Bent mech hanger? That's caused similar problems for me in the past

    Your description does sound a bit more like freewheel issues though 🙂

    Free Member

    I think I agree with Thekingisdead, as in I think he's talking about the route I do up there. It's featured in a few mags, including MBR from a few years back (killer loop).

    Nant yr Arian is my favourite trail centre for the reasons already mentioned and that trail has all the best examples. The Syfydrin route is good but you're right, there is a lot of fire road and tarmac involved – the other route follows the best bits of that, then peels off into the forest rather than dropping down the valley on the road only to climb back up the other side.
    Definitely best done on a nice day though – better views and it's pretty exposed in places.

    If you fancy it, you'll need a map/GPS but drop me an email and I'll send you the details.

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