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  • Canyon Neuron First Look: A Very Rejigged Trail Bike
  • fbk
    Free Member

    Advantage. Grippy enough for anything without too much drag penalty

    Free Member

    I've done it on my Whyte (5" travel) – its all rideable but you get pretty shaken up – you'd be at quite a disavantage speed wise compared to those on DH bikes (rigs?) and I'm not sure I'd trust a featherwieght setup.
    I certainly wouldn't want to do the Coffin jump or step down on anything other than a full DH bike

    Free Member

    Getting there. Should be sorted by my half day Friday anyway 🙂

    Free Member

    Not the best way to win a popularity contest Rich 😉

    You still up for it this year then?

    Free Member

    I use to have one (EC70) on my Whyte but replaced it with a thompson pretty quickly.
    No problems with it but it did scratch sooo easily when adjusting height.

    Free Member

    As posted elsewhere, I used to swear by them but, since changing to Elixirs, I've really noticed a drop in performance compared to the original pads.

    Anyone used the organic or kevlar ones??

    Free Member

    I used to be a fan of Superstar sintered – worked well on my old hopes and lasted for ages.

    Since changing to Elixirs though, I've really noticed a drop in performance compared to the original Avid pads. Just a lack of initial "bite" and a need to 2 finger brake in places (haven't done that for years!).

    Free Member

    Got a 16GB one and love it. I haven't got that much music (about 6GB) but the more you use it, the more you start sticking videos, apps, games, podcasts etc etc on.
    I ran out of room a while ago (never came close with my old iPod classic).

    Free Member

    We tried that one last year. Partner threatened to shove my bike up my bum if I ever tried to take her anywhere that tough again

    🙂 I've had similar threats, although not on that route – I can kind of understand where she's coming from. Great track though 🙂

    Free Member

    Bonkers! Fantastic spectator event but carnage for the competitors!

    Free Member

    Nant yr Arian's normally pretty much rideable all year except in really heavy snow – there's often a few patches of sheet ice along the top and on some of the fire roads at this time of year but if you take it steady it just keeps you on your toes !

    See you tomorrow Rich 🙂

    Free Member

    Those links have just confirmed my opinion – Very talented, Very bonkers!

    Love the fact she was "born …in Yonkers, New York" – how appropriate.

    oh, and no virus on either link!

    Free Member

    “maintenance” consists of throwing your bike at the LBS spanner man and saying “Make it all worky again!”

    God no – can't think of anything worse. I hate handing my bike over to someone else to try and fix. That does concern me a little with the ringdrive – specific tools etc etc.


    Free Member

    Is it just me being stupid, or do Pauls components only have front or SS rear hubs on their website?

    Free Member

    I've always found amazon pretty good for that sort of thing (either direct or through their "marketplace").

    Edit – sorry, that doesn't really help you now does it 😳

    Free Member

    Blimey – just checked a vid of the Tune hubs – they sounds almost as loud as the Pro IIs!!

    Maverickboy – I agree that the build quality of the old Bulb/XC hubs was significantly better than the current Pro IIs. And a more subtle freewheel noise

    Scant – I've had problems with Pro IIs skipping in the snow. Not sure if the CK makes them any more prone to it??

    Free Member

    Excellent – thanks for the suggestions. The Tune hubs sounds/looks promising but I still need some convincing not to buy CK (must check if the red tunes are the same shade as CKs!)

    I met Chris King in Oregon last year, he's an all round good guy that keeps chickens. For that reason alone I'd say CK.

    Fantastic quote 😆

    Free Member

    nickc –

    in reality this argument comes down to exclusivity and bragging rights in the car park

    I think that's been the case for years really – I remember the old XC races and being soo jealous of guys riding past with that metallic Hope XC freewheel click 🙂

    I do think the more expensive hubs tend to need less servicing/bearing changes though and take seroius abuse better (imho)

    cookeaa – I entirely agree. That's why weight isn't really that much of a factor in my choice – it's longevity, reliability, sourcing of spares if necessary (and looks) that are the most important. Not sure Hope are top in that respect though – bearing replacement are an all too regular necessity with mine

    Free Member

    Hmm ok – some fair comments. I know Hope are hard to beat in the value for money stakes – I've got 4 Pro II/bulb hubs on various bikes and they're great for the price.

    The sealing isn't the best though and the free hub pick up is quite loose compaired to others (plus the noise does get a bit annoying sometimes 🙂 ). It does get a bit pricey replacing bearings, springs & pawls too.

    I just fancy something a bit different and am looking for opinions on what's about. I also like my CK front hub – it's a bit more "well made" with better bearings (replaceable in both I know) and a proper through axle that just unscrews rather than halves bodged together.

    dasnut – I thought Hadley hubs were dead easy to take apart?

    Free Member

    Good luck if you order one. Ordered one beginning of January, dispatched on the 14th according to their website. Still no sign of it here and they've so far ignored all my enquiries 🙁

    Not impressed and about to claim a refund on my credit card!

    Free Member

    Not sure about the bearing number but I know a review of a ceramic bearing BB (can't remember which one) in either MBR or WhatMTB last year, stated that the manufacturer had recommeneded nothing more that blasting water through the bearings to wash them out a couple of times a year. The bearings obviously don't rust and are hard enough that they can cope with a bit of grit in. Apparently!!

    Free Member

    I've done a few of the Welsh rounds in the past – always had a good ride, good atmosphere and entertaining whatever the weather 🙂

    Free Member

    Shame they don't do Advantages 🙁

    Free Member

    Yep here too. Also noticed they don't "bite" the same as the originals in my Elixirs (SSC tried)

    Free Member

    Cool – glad to hear it z1ppy 🙂

    Free Member

    Been a few posts on this recently Rich – you should search for them 😉

    Personally, I don't like it – no chronological order any more 🙁

    Free Member

    Ah, "the eternal reek of damp wool". A classic MS quote if ever there was one 😉

    Free Member

    Blimey. Step away from the Credit Card! Must resist! 😯

    Free Member

    neilnevill – yeah, you're probably right. I just gave up at the weekend after so much faffing!

    I'll have a look later – good luck with yours 🙂

    Free Member

    Just had some fun with my 8 year old one. No matter how much I twatted it with a hammer, the bearings wouldn't come out. 2 days soaking in GT85 did the trick though 🙂

    Unfortunately I've now lost the 11mm spacer for the freehub so after all that it's still knackered 🙁

    Free Member

    Was that the same news article that suggested that your average carnivorous pet had a "Carbon footprint" similar to a family car. FFS. who pays these people!!!

    Free Member

    Hmm. I ordered a light from DealExtreme on the 3rd Jan. Dispatched on the 14th with Hongkong post. Still waiting…… 🙁

    Free Member

    Mmmmmm Minion DHF 😉

    Free Member

    I'm loving the new Mango flavour

    mmmm – had one of those on the ride yesterday 🙂

    And thanks for the thanks for thanking you! 😉

    Free Member

    Yep – really impressed. The personal touch (email and hand written note in with the order) made a pleasant change for mail order too.

    Free Member

    10m roll of SP41 outer here too (from Wiggle). Just cut what you want and no waste.

    Free Member are as good as most I find.

    Free Member

    Some classic replies on the this post. Esp love the "dole-quaffing chav" 😉

    FWIW, Mrs fbk loves her Dubarrys – she wears them in all sorts of weather and they alway stay dry inside and come up shiny new with a quick clean! Apparently.

    Free Member

    Yup. Group of us going for the first time with a week in Les Deux Alpes afterward too.:)

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