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  • I ❤️ Love My… Bike Reviewing Kit
  • fbk
    Free Member

    Love em. Can't go wrong on the front – fantastic predictable grip. Poss a bit draggy on the back for all but the muddiest conditions – I'd go with an Advantage/High roller on the rear personally.

    Free Member

    PP – I was hoping you'd be about as the STW resident expert 🙂

    I guess I'll try the seal change as that's what it feels like – a lot of stiction to get the rod moving but fine once it's going. Just a bit odd as the fork's only 12 months old and the seals "look" fine. I'm assuming I need a RS official kit or can I just use any O ring kit?


    Free Member

    Same boat here. Felt like pooh and coughing/sneezing some very unpleasant looking green lumpy stuff for the past week and haven't had a voice for 3 days (it's not even deep and husky now….it's just not there 🙁 ).

    Science would have you believe there's nothing that can be done to fight it but I reckon OJ (vit C) helps and a good nights sleep (not easy) will get the bugger in the end…

    Free Member

    Blimey – I was fascinated to know what "Veggie friendly shoes" are but it's all getting a bit hostile here so I think I'll back away now 😯

    Free Member

    Not seen that one before. It sounds fun :).

    Free Member

    Yep. HD2 runs windows mobile. You need an Android phone for the android market place.:)

    Free Member

    It can get a bit slippy in places but with some decent tyres on it makes it more fun 🙂 . It'll certainly improve your wet-root riding skills if it keeps raining 😉

    Free Member

    Great place – quite a few tracks there (plus more being built) and a real variety of terrain. I haven't been since they did all the felling though.

    As mentioned, there's nothing too extreme there. Steep but nothing unrideable.

    Free Member

    Sportstracker seems quite good (and free) – gives you a fair bit of info (distance, max speed, height gain/loss, etc) and intgrates with google maps.

    Free Member

    If they run under the bottom bracket, stick a bit of oil/grease in the channel the cable runs through. Worked for me 🙂

    Free Member

    I posted a similar thread last week and got some good advice here, along with the usual "turbo trainer will bore you to death" remarks 🙂

    That decathlon link seems a good price…

    Free Member

    Superstar have just brought out a cheap chain device – just add a bash ring. Not sure I'd trust it though – had some bad experiences with cheap devices on my DH bike…

    Free Member

    Has to be comfortably numb live on the Pulse album. That guitar solo… mmmmmmmmm

    Free Member

    Ti29er – did email you re the one you're selling. Not sure if you got it though ?

    Free Member

    I was just going to post a similar thread then saw this one.

    I was looking at the sidi dominator or specialized. Are the custom fit shoes really worth the extra hassle ?

    Free Member

    560th – Finally I have scientifically proven something. Trraining DOES make a difference and 2 months off a bike slows you down on the day!

    Funny thing is, thie year was one of the most enjoyable for me 😆

    Free Member

    I've seen the latest from my Dealextreme order – a Credit Card dispute for items not received after 4 months 🙁

    Free Member

    Great. Thanks for the info. The digitally enhanced ones do sound good but a little out of my price league at the mo, especially for something I may not use much.

    Free Member

    The MTP (metatarsophalangeal) joint is the toe joint.

    Oops! 😳 You're quite right!

    Long weekend, very tired and I had both Xrayed at the same time (MCP and MTP joint!) hance my other post…

    Maybe I'll just start again 🙂

    Free Member

    iainc – thanks for the info, much appreciated.

    Mine's not having too much impact on life at the moment but will only get worse so it's great to hear positive results from surgery. I'm hoping I can stave off the scalpel for a while yet though…

    Free Member

    Hmm. Ok, so I get the bit about them being boring and noisy – I'm not sure how long I'll keep using it but it seems a necessary evil it the moment.

    I've got a pretty full iPod that need some listening too anyway! 🙂

    Rollers do look more "fun" but I need to keep pressure of my hand so not really practical.

    Joxster – what ya got? P&P from Scotland may be prohibitive though.

    Free Member

    Another fantastic course and a great day. Friendly, helpful marshalls, the usual band/cheer-leaders, great food at the feed station and spot on weather, if a little damp under tyre 🙂

    By far the hardest year for me but more due to personal reasons than the course. Being close to the back had it's advantages though with a relatively clear run at most of the descents and some (on the whole) great banter 🙂

    Bring on 2011

    Free Member

    cestos….onlime multiplayer marble game,

    wtf?? 😯 😆

    Free Member

    I'm using

    3gwatchdog to monster data usage
    Handcent – better sms/mms client
    Navigator – Satnav part of Google maps and its great
    The various bar code scanners are a fun gimmick
    Google sky

    As for app killers, Google "why I don't need task killer in Android" – apparently its much more economical to leave things in the background rather than force them to close.

    Also there seems to be a bug in the calendar app on some handsets that stops the device going to sleep – hence severely affecting battery life. Easily fixed by force stopping it in the application manager (settings, manage apps, calender). Again, Google it for more info.

    Enjoy – I love mine 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Why Thank you 🙂

    Free Member

    Blimey – is it that time already!

    Great that it doesn't clash with the Dyfi this year. It is a great course with some suprisingly epic DHs – not your average sponsored ride by any means 🙂

    Free Member

    Isn't there a data log on the phone?

    I think there probably is. 3GWatchdog just makes the whole monitoring thing painless and gives you info on the home screen.

    Free Member

    fbk: does 3gwatchdog do a running data check aswell- so i could go out and use google maps for a journey and then i would be able to figure out how much data it uses?

    It sits on the top of the screen with a little icon saying what percentage of your monthly allowance you've used. You can also run the program at any time and it gives you a full run down on what you've used – today, this week and this month.

    Free Member


    Hard to get sunburnt through an inch of fur coat 🙂 . Might get a bit hot though – I know ours does!

    Free Member

    Full boing and 27 of your finest for me 🙂

    Free Member

    defaultslipper – not sure what the data use is like but have a search on the app store for 3gWatchdog. If you install it, it runs in the background and monitors how much data you're using each month. You can set limits after which it stops further downloads too if you like.

    Free Member

    brut hack

    there's an app to make you irresistible to women ?!


    Free Member

    I'm looking forward to this one. Been off my bike for a while with an injury so I'm not planning on breaking any records – just enjoy the views and killer DHs 🙂

    I'm only an hour away but it's tempting to camp – especially with the line up of films they've apparently got for the Sat evening 🙂 . Have to see what the weather's doing….

    Free Member

    The street view isn't available on the official one yet

    Really? Bugger – just uninstalled the brut hack too 🙄

    Ah well, the rest seems to work better anyway – you get road sign details & road names, plus you get some warning before a junctions – "in … hundred yards turn….." rather then having to wait until you hit the road 🙂

    Free Member

    I heard the proper version wasn't going to be released in the UK …

    That's what I thought but everything suddenly started working today!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Thick Volcanic dust cloud looking like morning Fog

    😆 😆 😆

    Free Member

    Agree with ART – the road climb is stupid steep and just a slog; the fire road short cut is a fraction bit longer but it's easily ridable and you get good views whilst doing it 🙂 .

    We actually did the full route over the winter – it made the long slog more exciting and cruising down through 4" snow was fantastic. It also reminded me how good the views are from up there on a good day.

    Free Member

    Very much depends on where you live. Orange is generally the best round here (mid Wales) but T-mobile seems to be catching up and may improve with the Orange/T-mobile merger.
    They've got a facility on their website for you to put a load of post codes in and it will give you an idea of what you can expect. They also say that if you use this feature, then buy a phone and the coverage isn't as good is they say, you can get a refund…

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