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  • Whistler opens camping and RV hookup park for MTBers
  • fbk
    Free Member

    I’ve had 2 Endura eVent Jackets (the 2nd one was a warranty replacement for the same reasons as the OP).

    I’ve never been that impressed with it tbh. It’s great for most weather and “breaths” better than most but, even when new, it’s never been able to cope with serious rain. The arms/shoulders soon soak through and leave you sopping wet. And no, it’s not from sweating although I realise that is a factor.

    I can only assume there is no such thing as a truly waterproof, yet breathable, fabric no matter how much you spend.

    Free Member

    Yep – haven’t been able to get on the site for ages. Never mind – shouldn’t be spending any money anyway 🙂

    Free Member

    What a fantastic thread – brightened up my morning after a nightmare commute into work 🙂

    I was genuinely considering cancelling my subscription next month but I think I might stay on now. For the record, my copy arrived Christmas Eve – earlier than several Birthday cards posted the beginning of December!

    And I agree – the staff have handled this extraordinary rant amazingly well 🙂

    Free Member

    I was listening again on the way to work this morning and genuinely had a smile on my face with some of the music he was playing. And I’m really not a morning person 🙂

    Still, back to Radio 2/4 next week I suppose 🙁

    Free Member

    I’d give them a while given the recent holidays/weather etc etc.

    Free Member

    It was great to hear Zane on the way to work instead of the usual annoying drivel.

    Only problem is, he won’t be on the radio for the journey home this evening…..

    Free Member

    Blimey – almost unanimous AND I agree! Definitely spend more on the Shifters, unless you value looks over function (as a lot of OEM equipment seems to do – headline posh rear mech coz it’s the most visible item)

    Free Member

    Fair play to the OP – slightly misjudged the first post but he’s taken the inevitable roasting pretty well (IMHO 😉 ). Keep it up lad.

    Free Member

    Yeah, one of our group had a rider nearly crash into the back of him on a Sharp corner. No apology there mind but there you go.

    Free Member

    I think one problem the higher end full sus bikes have got in the UK is, for not much more money, you can have a full carbon “uk built…ish” quad link bike that rides rides just as well, if not better.

    Free Member

    We went today. Enjoyed the riding, esp the DH runs but it does seem to be populated by fairly ignorant people these days – starting to rival llandegla for that imho. I guess that’s the joy if being so close to large populations.

    Ne’mind – good day on the bike all the same.

    Free Member

    darkmattah – I’d heard Cannock was a serious slog at the mo. I reckon Cwmcarn should be better than that anyway – pretty solid base so it tends not to get so cut up by ice/snow. We rode there last year in several inches of snow and it was a great laugh. We’re off there tomorrow so fingers crossed it’ll be fine – anyone know anything different?….

    See you tomorrow Rich.

    Free Member

    Couldn’t get it wright…

    Lol 8)

    Free Member

    Cool. Best go charge the Touch 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    As advised above, I’d go Newtown and across the A44 and keep away from the North – they’ve had it bad up there. Having said that, it could be raining by the time you’re going!

    As for Nant yr Arian, it tends to have sheet ice on some of the decents at this time of year. Quite good fun if you can see it but, with the snow as well, I wouldn’t be too confident about staying upright for long!

    Free Member

    Jeepers – the thread gets resurrected after a week and immediately disappears up it’s own backside again.

    Yes some people Choose to drive when they don’t have to. I chose to drive to a decent ride rather than cycle out of the door. Equally, most of my driving is to do with my job (a vet) – I challenge anyone to find me a way to do my job without a car.
    Taking a different view, I don’t have kids – that’s got to reduce my carbon footprint by a huge amount AND I subsidise families everywhere via my taxes. Unfair?

    Ok, so that’s maybe a little off topic but so’s all this ranting about non-drivers subsidising drivers.
    The OP is still a valid point – rightly or wrongly fuel prices are rising at an alarming rate, and will continue to, more via taxes than true costs as it’s a politically easy resource to milk.

    Free Member

    I’ve got some a size bigger than my other shimano shoes (48, normally a 46-47) and there’s plenty of room – they seem spot on.

    Free Member

    Nowt in wintery Welshpool, although everything seems to be taking an age to get here at the moment.

    Free Member

    Could you just repeat the website name please – I didn’t catch it the first time.

    Thanks 🙂

    Free Member

    As above, a full service would almost certainly prove expensive and involve stanchion changes etc. A quick oil change at least, should make a big difference – you most likely haven’t noticed the drop off in performance as it happens so insidiously.

    Good luck!

    edit – I had some 2001 floats that had a TFTuned service & PUSH upgrade in 2003 then were pretty much untouched for ages. I thought I was doing well until they suddenly started leaking a bit of oil – surprise surprise, the stanchions were mullered!

    Free Member

    I agree. To some extent I prefer this time of year – fast solid ground, no over-heating, clear crisp air and quieter trails.

    Only problem is it hurts when you do come off, and that can happen instantly with no warning at all if you hit a nice patch of black ice.

    Free Member

    I’ve got an 8 sitting in my dining room, disconnected, along with a CD player and AE floorstanding speakers. Our house isn’t big enough for the speakers (it sounded better when standing in a different room!)

    I’ve been toying with the idea of selling but they’re just too nice 🙁


    Free Member

    I’d agree with the 222/3/4 comments if you already ride a Five and like it.

    Free Member

    For the reasons stated above, I actually prefer a slightly higher BB on my XC bike – means I can keep pedaling through stuff & round corners without fear of clunking the pedal.

    On my DH bike however, the low BB does inspire a bit more confidence (lower CoG etc).

    Free Member

    Truly sad news. Another example of an amazing and unique aircraft retiring with no real replacement. Just what are Navy pilots going to fly for the next 10 years??

    Free Member

    To be fair, yes diesel is cheap when you consider the processes involved etc. What isn’t cheap is the end result after the wodge of tax stuck on it.

    Free Member

    LHS – All depends on you outlook I suppose. Yes, I do think it’s expensive, especially when not that long ago it was around 20% less than that.
    You could say using the marvel of the internal combustion engine to burn a tiny amount of fuel over 200 miles is worth £30 if the expense isn’t that important/significant to you. Unfortunately, when you do around 30-35k a year, it gets significant.

    Free Member

    ‘Tiz getting stupid really. And unfortunately it seems to be a fair target for the “super green just so long as it wins us votes” Government too.

    And not really comparable to beer is it LHS. I pay a hell of a lot more per litre for inkjet ink but that won’t get me drunk or power my car!

    Free Member

    Hmm. It’s tempting but I’ve got my eye on the “Gravity Enduro” next year – there’s only so much racing I can do in a year 🙂

    Free Member

    Hmm. I did like the fact the Alien was in a case – stops it rusting quite so quickly! 🙂

    Free Member

    I doubt that very much 😉

    Free Member

    I rooted mine and did like the increased control you had over things, plus it was great to get rid of the branded Orange apps & restrictions (no tethering etc).

    I’ve actually gone back to the stock (not Orange branded) 2.1 Froyo though as I actually quite like the HTC Sense stuff.

    Free Member

    I haven’t used but my boss has and really rates them.
    Very helpful, good delivery service (apparently) and some great info/comparisons etc on their website too 🙂

    Free Member

    IamMunro – you joke but I had senior partner in a large GP practice bring his dog in for me to examine. When I pointed out a list of quite serious and concerning symptoms the dog was showing, he looked me in the eye and said he didn’t believe in an “NHS for pets”. He provided food and housing for the dog and that was all he was prepared to do. He never came back for a follow up.
    I came very close to reporting him to someone in authority!

    Free Member

    Kof9. If you don’t mind me asking, are your animals insured. Not a criticism but why do you not just get your medication from the vets then? It’s a serious question – I’m always fascinated by why owners are keen to save the insurance company money. I realise some policies are limited to a certain amount but, in most cases, this isn’t really an issue.

    Oh, and I do travel around a bit as a locum but, given that I have no idea where that post code is, I’m guessing I’ve never worked round there 🙂

    Free Member

    Jase – don’t worry. Dobermans are pretty hardy on the whole. Yes they have a few genetic issues & are prone to some problems but then so are most pedigree pets.

    As with any pet (or purchase for that matter) do your homework before buying one, get it checked regularly (by a competant vet 😉 ) and if your’s seems fine, it probably is.

    Free Member

    dragging some wino in off the street and then seriously injuring him might not qualify for a Darwin

    Ah ok – no sound at work so didn’t realise that! 😳

    Free Member

    Jesus – nearly a Darwin award nominee!

    Free Member

    You’re right, it can be a nightmare trying to interpret animal behaviour/signs. In the nicest possible way, it can also be difficult interpreting client behaviour/signs too 😉 . And you make a good point re stress at the surgery – it’s often the worst place to examine behaviour/blood pressure/heart rate – hence the importance of good communication with the client. I honestly wouldn’t worry though – it sounds like your dog is coping fine.

    And I wouldn’t worry about stealing time – as mentioned above, vets are one of very few Professions that don’t charge time for advice, be it discussions over the counter or telephone conversations. Again, this is something that may have to change but I hope it doesn’t.

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