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  • Orbea Rallon gets more travel, more dropper, more storage
  • fbk
    Free Member

    monkeychild – I may be being dense here but, how the hell could you tell they were just black iridium, and not the vr28 ones?

    Free Member

    Ordered Saturday night, just arrived. And very nice too.

    Thanks again to the OP.

    Free Member

    Feels quite weird not being in the melee this year but, having done it the last 3 years, I’m taking a break. At least that’ll guarantee good weather etc for everyone else 😉

    Free Member

    For info they have updated the site now and removed all the factory seconds glasses so i guess thats all folks for them.

    Thank god for that. We’ve got a couple of pairs on the way and I don’t won’t to be tempted any more 😯

    Free Member

    YGM – all the best.

    Free Member

    Looks like the “Last Chance” code works again – 25% off total. The Factory Seconds does seem to be finishing tonight though, although as mustard says, there are some pretty good bargains elsewhere on the site too.

    Free Member

    Gary_M – you naive fool 😉

    If only it were that simple. Being well endowed in both the head size and bridge-of-nose department, finding a pair of glasses that don’t look ridiculous is frustratingly difficult!

    Free Member

    Damn you. Been staring at this post for 24 hrs and finally took the plunge. I bet they won’t fit, but at least my other half got some v nice lady shades for £30. Nice PSA, especially with the extra code. 🙂

    Free Member

    Crikey! Thank god you were on your own!!!

    Free Member

    Yep as Bagstard suggested. Boil, cut into small chunks, coat in garlic and bake until quite crispy. We used to use these for training our dog and she loved them.

    It does stink your house out a bit when you cook them though 😯

    Free Member

    More quality reporting 😕

    Free Member

    Hmmm, I was looking at those £32 square wire too. Isn’t it a bit weird they’ve got more than one identical copy of a “factory second”?

    On a less cynical note, does anyone know how big they come up – I’ve got some Big Square Wires at the mo which are the only Oakleys I’ve ever got to fit me (Big Head Syndrome! 🙁 )

    Free Member

    If you get an Innovations one, whatever you do DON’T over tighten the gas cartridge on the head. I nearly injured a couple of lads I was riding with when a 24g cartridge shot out of my hands like a rocket after I got a bit carried away!

    I’ve since bought a lezyne one – all metal and very nice 🙂

    Free Member

    Neck/FORL lesions are “one of those things” to some degree. Has it been extracted or has it just fallen out? If the latter, it would be worth her having a dental to check/clean the remaining teeth (I’m assuming that’s already been done though?).

    Good dental hygiene will help to some degree – reducing plaque/tartar build up will help to prevent their formation in the first place. Daily or even twice weekly brushing is ideal but not always feasible. Dry food rather than tinned helps, as do some of the supplements you can get to prevent tartar sticking to the teeth (we use Plaque-off).

    Other than that, just keep a careful eye on them.


    Free Member

    HughStew – absolutely. The older you get, the more you realise that the majority of journalists/reporters won’t let silly things like facts get in the way of a good story. No matter what the long term consequences are!

    Free Member

    Thanksfully I was a pill popping raver and midnight toker

    did you ever check exactly what was in those pills? 😉

    Free Member

    trailertrash – that’s my point. Plus the UK incidence of vCJD seems to have stayed very similar to global trends… and obviously no other countries had BSE did they?…

    Free Member

    I’m fascinated by the faith people have in the “scientific community” sometimes. I’ve yet to find a convincing piece of evidence that proves BSE can be passed on to humans via eating “contaminated” meat etc. Obviously nvCJD is related to BSE and I can understand how it can be passed on via injection of bovine based products intravenously etc but eating meat?

    All the press scaremongering and instigation of controls at abattoirs, export bans etc seemed to be based on experiments involving the injection of infected brain material into the brains of mice and similar bizarre things. Any research that suggested there was no link was either ignored or hidden in page xx of the newspapers.

    The same scientists were predicting a massive surge in the incidence of nvCJD as early as the late 80s-early 90s. Their argument for why it hasn’t happened yet….. the incubation period might be longer.

    Just my cynical 2p’s worth

    Free Member

    Nicely edited bit of video 🙂

    Scary thing is, I recognised the first few scenes, then realised where it was filmed. I was racing down that slope in the summer and it didn’t look much different 😯

    Free Member

    What you been buying Rich? My credit card may have slipped in LeisureLakes this afternoon if it makes you feel better 😉

    Oh, and my work colleagues think I’m mad doing what I do anyway, never mind spending the amount I spend doing it 🙂

    Free Member

    Never heard of them before – is their stuff really that good?

    Just wondering 🙂

    Free Member

    Good call – mine are just about to wear out – I was wondering what I’d replace them with.

    Not sure what a PAS is though 🙂

    Free Member

    Another vote for Thule for bars and Thule or Pendle for the bike carriers. I’ve bought cheaper ones in the past and regretted it – ended up paying twice ultimately.

    Free Member

    I was looking at these last week. Is it just me though, or do you have to buy one of each style to get the discounted rate – you don’t seem to be able to just choose 3 of the same?

    Free Member

    C: 60 plus some nights/weekends on duty rota

    Free Member

    It was quite a good piece in itself but it was unfortunately followed by the usual comments by the presenters 10 minutes later of “we’re not getting much sympathy for cyclists on the texts/emails – lots of calls for them to be taxed”, etc etc etc

    Free Member

    Been talked about a bit over the past week or so. Most recent ones are Here and here

    Free Member

    Had another (more focused) scan round on google and sent some inquiries off – thanks MrMW 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve had nothing but excellent service from ATB Sales in the past – both with a Mount Vision that snapped after about 8 years, and a Whyte that did something similar. In both cases I had a new frame with all the extras need to swap my stuff across (seat collar/post, shock & front mech in the case of the Marin). All sorted really quickly too.

    It would take a lot for me not to buy another bike from them in the future after service like that.

    Hope you have the same result

    Free Member

    Garmins are pretty easy to use and bombproof enough not to worry too much when you’re out and about.

    Up until recently I had an eTrex which does all you describe except the detailed mapping. I’ve upgraded to an Edge 800 now as it does training data (heart rate, cadence etc) and has OS mapping on screen along side the GPS stuff.

    With either you’ll be able to record routes, follow imported ones from websites etc and record basic data.

    Free Member

    🙂 Spooky

    Free Member

    push the pistons back in genitally with a small ring spanner

    Define “Genitally” 😯 😯 😯

    Free Member

    I’ve had the same as Bob_summers – the vast majority of the time my GPS (with barometric altimeter) will give a much lower height gain than the figure given when I copy the route across to MemoryMap. I figure that the actual reading is somewhere between the 2 as GPS will tend to over estimate for the reasons given above, where as barometric data will only record general height gain, not the little short sharp climbs & subtle undulations etc (IFAIK anyway)

    Free Member

    I can’t think of a grip-shift that doesn’t have indexing anyway

    Ah bless – the innocence of youth 😉

    Free Member

    Sounds reasonable, and great that there’s no boney involvement. Assuming you take things easy post op, there’s a good chance he’ll do well.

    Hope everything goes smoothly.

    Free Member

    Lookmanohands – If it’s an uncomplicated CCL rupture your dogs got then the most expensive course of treatment (ie, referral to a specialist) isn’t necessarily the one with the best outcome. Certainly not saying it won’t work as it probably will but there are alternatives, especially if money is tight.

    Email me if you want some advice on surgery. Not really anything I’d post on here but it might help your decision making process.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Belkin one that does the job. It’s got a scan function that looks for clear frequencies which is ok.

    The sound’s never going to be the same quality as plugging the thing in direct, especially in built up areas where clean frequencies are harder to find.

    Free Member

    This sounds like fun – I’ve always wanted to do more riding round there as it’s not too far from me and there’s huge potential looking at the map….. just need the mag to turn up now.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t say that people always think that their bike is the best in the world. It just happens that my bike IS the best in the world 🙂

    Whyte E-120 btw, although the 147 does look to be a contender 🙂

    Free Member

    Nope sorry – this one is tarmac only I’m afraid!

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