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  • Cotic Jeht Gen 2: First Looks (No Feels)
  • fbk
    Free Member

    actually cause by a blockage in the hair follicle when and eyelash falls out

    Frequently caused by demodex mites blocking the hair follicle (I guess they could cause the hair to fall out too)…actually 😉

    Free Member

    If it makes you feel better, these are often caused by little mites in the base of you eyelash – perfectly normal but a bit gross 🙂

    Free Member

    I just got the info though for the marathons and transwales…….. Blimey 😯

    Free Member

    Ah ok. I guess maybe we should leave it at that then 🙂 .

    I sort of re-discovered Eastridge recently, having mucked about on it a bit around 10 years ago. A few of the guys I ride with have done a lot of work up there (Nick S, etc) and it seems to be a fun, under-rated place to ride. V nice if it’s your back yard 🙂

    Free Member

    Speshpaul – are you local then? Have you done any of the trail building days? I keep trying to make them but work silly hours and haven’t managed it yet.

    Free Member

    Never met anyone with anything good to say about E&L I’m afraid.

    Free Member

    I would agree with the comments re the GD post – several of the guys I ride with use them & I nearly bought one last year. Simple, effective, easy to service (They do seem to need regular cleaning though) and fantastic customer service.

    Having said that, I’m glad I held out for a Reverb!

    Free Member

    “spunking my wedge” – Nice! 😯

    FWIW, I’ve had a Reverb for a few weeks now and love it. Tiny amount of play in the saddle at full extension but I certainly haven’t noticed it when riding and it disappears if you compress it a bit.

    Free Member

    Not relevant to your question but that’s a lovely bike. I changed to an E-120 after a warranty replacement but I still love the look of the old E5.

    Free Member

    There’s a lot of trail building gone on there over the past few years with some great new downhills and, more recently, some nice bits of singletrack joining them up. A lot of it is work in progress but the “Eastridge Trail Partnership” have regular dig days. The old tracks are still there, except for where felling has trashed them. I think the waymarked brown route follows a lot of the old Nationals course.

    I love the place but don’t ride there as often as I could/should. Heading there tonight actually – it’s great in the dark too 🙂

    As speshpaul says, it’s a tough place to ride, never mind race. Especially given the relatively small height gain. You’re always cllimbing or descending with very little let up.

    Free Member

    I went with the A3 as, like you point out, the 2nd hand prices are so similar it seemed rude not too. I’m really happy with it and, with the seats down, you can easily get 2 plus 2 bikes in. Nice interior, nice little extras and a key fob with 4 rings on 😉

    Free Member

    Cruciate surgery has a pretty high success rate assuming it’s done properly. And by properly, I don’t necessarily mean the most expensive option – most types of surgery (from basic support to breaking and repositioning bones) carry a similar success rate. What’s important is you use a Vet who’s ability you’re confident in.

    CG – hip scores have little to do with cruciate damage – it’s just one of those unfortunate unpredictable problems with bouncy dogs (especially if they’re over weight..)

    HTH – all the best with the repairs.

    Free Member

    It’s a great track that. Yes it’s tricky but more fun because of it.
    Last time was with LGB (great pics there Jo) and I still reckon this bit is the hardest – BigPete – which bit did you find worse?

    Free Member

    Funniliy enough I was going to ask the same question – my brother’s interested in taking his son (10) to Les Gets and was wondering what was there. I’ve only ever been there with groups so never really noticed what family stuff was available.

    Free Member

    Had a text from Ms fbk this morning saying it felt like someone had just grabbed the bed she was lying in and shaken it really hard. A bit shaken up as she’s visiting family over there (Wellington) and wasn’t used to it.

    I had a look on a few websites after that – you guys do get quite a few don’t you! 😯

    Free Member

    wwaswas – isn’t that a bit outdated? Many manufacturers USED to claim fork mounted carriers would void warranties but I think they stopped that quite a while ago?

    I’ve used one for years – much more stable than the old (intact bike) type and never had any problems……

    …touch wood!

    edit: Oh, and I don’t deliberately lock/unlock the shocks before mounting either – I can’t see it mattering much really.

    Free Member

    51 miles each way at the mo. Haven’t braved on the bike yet though….

    Free Member

    Good film – well worth watching

    Free Member

    Yeah. I’ve enjoyed most if his recent stuff and agree it was a great film. Just a bit more….. intense than I expecting from a “boxing movie”. It’s good to be surprised sometimes though 🙂

    Free Member

    TalkTalk/Carphonewarehouse are, by far, the worst company I’ve ever had the misfortune to deal with. I find it really hard not to be rude to the poor folk trying to sell their contracts on the street/in supermarkets

    Free Member

    I know it’s not quite what you were looking for but I can recomemend This – I got one last month and it’s great. The earphones that come with it aren’t the best quality but it’s got a jack plug so you can use whichever ones you prefer. A bit more flexible than normal bluetooth headphones and surprisingly good sound quality.

    Free Member

    Dibbs – fair point, although we get pretty good mobile reception at home and most calls are done on that anyway.

    Free Member

    Ignore all that boring practical stuff and get a Jacob Jensen one.

    Just googled that – blimey 😯 you could buy a bike for that! 😉

    Free Member

    meehaja – thanks for the tip 🙂 . I’m guessing that’s not wireless or DECT though 😉

    Looks like I’ll be heading for the Panasonic phone dept then. Thanks for the advice.

    Free Member

    Ok, cheers for that – I might go and have a look.

    I was more interested in peoples recommendations though, especially on voice quality.

    Free Member

    Ooh suprise suprise, Wiggle have processed my order and managed to send me the £5 item I added but the Chainset is on back order. The good news is they don’t see any problems with this (discontinued!) item and will inform me as soon as it’s dispatched……..

    …I wonder if I’ll get it 🙄

    Free Member


    Free Member

    my upgraditis might have been finally put to bed with this final piece of the puzzle

    Don’t kid yourself I’ve been using that excuse for years 🙂 .
    These were going on my HT by the way, not in the cupboard 😉

    Free Member

    wwaswas – quality 🙂

    Free Member

    Wow – just ordered a Deus XC chainset for £50!!! They suddenly disappeared off the website though so I’m not holding much hope out I’ll get it!

    Free Member

    Just managed to get 5 minutes free from work to phone the help-line…. Predictably it’s closed until Monday.

    I’m off to strop and mutter quietly to myself… 😡

    Free Member

    You’re right I suppose – it’s much more subtle, yet more effective than sticking two finger up at me, which is basically what they’ve done!

    Free Member

    I read that as they’re still planning to sell them off. They’re just stalling while they find some better excuses? Hopefully the whole thing will just be shelved though….

    Free Member

    One of those rare programs that entertains, informs and amazes – Another cracking episode last night.

    I actually thought the sky burial was quite a positive idea – empty vessel benefiting others etc. Not much worse than being incinerated really 😕

    Free Member

    Blimey – 10 years!

    I did some work on that outbreak – not something I want to repeat again tbh.

    I do remember standing on top of the Lond Mynd, on a lovely sunny day, with not a single sole within eyesight or earshot – one definite highlight!

    Free Member

    Ooh – might have to pop in and check those out on Sunday. Ta for the warning 🙂

    Free Member

    Thanks Rewski – I’ll have a word with the LBS then. Probably not worth worrying about but still nice to have 🙂

    Free Member

    Wait until nearer the time – there are usually a few places on the Dyfi posted up on here from people who can’t make it.

    Otherwise, have a look at the Gravity Enduro rounds – that’s my focus for this year.

    Free Member

    Argh! Will people stop posting these bargain PSAs up.

    I….must…..resist….must..stop…….spending!!! 😯 😯

    Free Member

    Hmm – I think you’re right. Mine do have quite a colour tinge to them 🙂

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